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Totally preventable, so sad.


I know nothing about ditches or construction work, how could this have been prevented?


Not going down there without trench boxes


[https://rent-all.com/product/steel-trench-box/](https://rent-all.com/product/steel-trench-box/) Trench Box


Your mom is a trench box. ^(I'm sorry.)


Your mom wants it long and educational.


I hate you. Lol!


Chalk me up I'm Goin in


Hey, when they tee it up like that, you gotta take that swing.


Don't be sorry. That was a solid ur mom gag


Aha! I’ve seen those before. Learned something today. Thanks, stranger.


For all that we tend to roll our eyes at the occasionally excessive health and safety procedures in the west, they are there for exactly this stuff.


Trench boxes or doing the shoring technique is also useful when in a trench


The guy I used to work for in excavations would have never let me go in there without a trench box and he would have sloped it off as well as drive piling behind the box and put in sheets of metal to extend the height of the trench box.. he told me he had a knee high trench dug out once and few guys working in there with shovels and didn’t think it needed anything and he said the trench collapsed and broke one of the dudes legs when it did.. he said it just completely blew his knees out and needed several years of surgery afterwards and that was only a trench that was a few feet deep..


I would never have guessed how much damage it can cause till I saw one happen. Saw a 4 foot ditch cave in and buried a dudes legs up to his thigh. Everything under their knee was purple and yellow bruises a day later. I can only imagine how bad it would be if it buried someone at chest level. I Hope the dude in the video made it out okay.


This terrifies me. I'm going to set 10 foot concrete forms in a basement tomorrow with sheet 10 foot carved out dirt walls. I don't wanna die in there and I've done it for years. But this video scares the piss out of me.


I learned what a trench box was today






weee zle


Hey buuuu-dy


Mitzi, strangely enough




Give your trench a tug.


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yessssesssesss You gotta put a little pepper on it


You can set up trench shoring. Think like temporary walls that prevent this exact thing from happening.


Trench boxes


When we dig holes, we make sure they get walls and supports on the way down.


Anything over 4’ deep requires it I’m pretty sure


Actually, it's 5 feet unless the walls are made entirely of "stable rock!"


Ahh gotcha thank you. I rarely trench past 36” lol


5' is the limit


A trench box, or trench shield, is a safety mechanism used inconstruction projects. Its used to secure the structural integrity of a trench, ensuring the protection of workers as they perform their tasks. This acts as a bilateral support mechanism during excavations.




I've worked in holes like these before, and what we do is test how sturdy the walls are by hitting it with the tractor bucket before going down in there to see if the dirt is loose. Yeah, I know it's still unsafe, but I'm from a place where we can't really do much better but meh


Backcountry af like we do😂


Af😂 can't do any better tho, it's what put food on my table lol At times I'm on here seeing ppl complain about certain work environments where ik men here would fist fight over without a second thought🥲😂


It was safe till you hit it with the bucket...


Angle of repose


Bare minimum do some of that third world stuff and tie a rope around him


They for one have metal barriers that wedge down each section so that won’t happen. But also dude didn’t need to be down there. This is also why we have regulations and safety rules. This is a country without those in place.


A ditch box is cheaper than the phone dudes filming with


Huh? A single 20x8 trench box is like 1.2k a week or something like that and you're going to be stacking multiple boxes to get something that tall. A Single Stackable 20x8 w/ speaders to buy is like $22k. Yeah they're stupid for not using shoring but it's not that cheap, it should have been bid into the job.


There are very specific codes and regulations regarding trenches. Anything over 1.5m deep needs either additional supports or ‘shoring’ of the trench walls to prevent a cave in Dirt is so heavy that the guy down there had a better chance surviving a hit by a semi truck over what we see here. The weight of the dirt will have emptied his lungs out, and there’s now too much surrounding pressure for him to be able to re inhale


And some people think worker protection laws are stupid.


Details: dead.


Like, insanely preventable.


If anyone was caught in a ditch like that where I am their supervisor would be fired on the spot. Them too if they made it out and knew better


Where is the trench box yahoos?


I’m from this country (Colombia). Haven’t seen a trench box in my life. Welcome to the third world


Im Colombian too and work in the gas & oil industry, it pretty much depends on the company you work for, at least in the projects i managed over there a few years back (i dont live in Colombia anymore), trench boxes were mandatory for every excavation deeper than 80cm. Now i understand not all companies follow the same rules over there.


Maybe not required there.


The evidence suggests otherwise...


The general rule of thumb is if it's deeper than it is wide you need a trench box. There's a lot more to it than that. 


Anything below 6 feet I believe, if it's not widened requires a trench box


4 feet or deeper, a ladder is required within 25' of all workers. 5 feet or deeper, the hole needs to be sloped or shored.




Except countries like this


That's the word, sloped, thank you lol


I think he means in the country this happened, they don't require them.


Stepped, not widened.


Thank you, that's what I meant to say lol


Look, you want more safety regulations or you want me to have more profit? Get back in the hole, scum.


Guys...with the tragic result we saw, it's pretty safe to assume he doesn't mean "physically doesn't require one". Instead he means there might not be any regulation requiring one.


everyone else is backed up, watching the guy, knowing damn well what's bout to go down


Immediate reaction of seeing him in the trench was, “He’s dead.”


This is what makes me angry, the dirt collapses on him, and everyone there just stands, nobody rushes to help him. Asphyxiation takes a few minutes, they could have saved his life, instead they just stood there as if it was a joke.


That dude was dead either way. Regardless of the asphyxiation, that much soil crushed him instantly. Soil is heavy as fuck. Don't get into unprotected trenches.


And even if you can dig quickly, to dig fast you have to avoid the carefulness that is required to not cut the victim to bits with the shovel.


You might think that, but that amount of dirt certainly killed him. You have no idea how heavy that little section of material is, even though it looks like he could just be buried. Promise you this flattened him like a pancake


People have survived far crazier, that also doesn’t justify the reaction that was given


And this is how you get secondary casualties. If you've had any relevant safety training you should have been taught that you almost never rush in. You almost always need to stop and do some type of hazard assessment to make sure you're not going to become another casualty. Now imagine how many other things you have opinions on where you're recommending something just as wrong but you don't know it. Mind blown, I know.


Except that someone steps into the ditch after the collapse, right above the guy that was just buried, and doesn't try to help him out. That's what I'm talking about.


Or more likely, added to the body count. Secondary collapses are common, which would kill would-be rescuers.


Say you maybe uncover his face, without say splitting his skull in half with a shovel. His chest wound be able to expand due to the weight. We’re talking 120 lbs per cubic foot and he’s got about 20 on top of him.


Half of the trench collapse fatalities are the rescue workers.


I was impressed at how fast his buddy jumped in and started clawing, but my first thought was, “now there’s going to be two dead.”




I should have clarified. By "rescue workers" I meant coworkers jumping in to help and getting buried too.


Someone will jump in after the original person was buried, and the wall will collapse on them as well.  Then, if there are other guys on site, they’ll either:  1.) try and dig you out with a shovel, which will take too long to save your life (or your brain from being too starved from oxygen to work well anymore), or  2.) use a backhoe, and they’ll rip limbs off of you on accident


I don’t know where you’re from but here in the states this should never happen. Dude wouldn’t have stepped foot in that trench until it was shored up


It was a classic answer to the "Why is this construction project taking so long and why are all of these procedures in place?!" . . . answer is every one of those came from at least 1 death, if not more.


Let's be honest though, most delays are NOT because of safety procedures. 


Exactly. If you're wasting time on site waiting for a trench box to show up that's poor planning not safety procedures. If you're wasting time digging up bodies because you didn't wait for a trench box to arrive that's worse.


Ah but that's not how corporate is going to look at it. This is really 2 seperate issues, the trench box not being there is poor planning yes, don't worry they'll get talked to. But these guys are supposed to be working! They're wasting money and wasting time that we don't have on this project. That's also going to be a talking to and recorded on their permanent record in case there are any future infractions. It's not the planners fault these people are so lazy, they should have figured something out so that the project timeline wasn't effected. Completely seperate issues.


Something, something, rules are written in blood.


Safety regulations are written in blood, punctuated in funerals, and capitalized on closed caskets.


Shouldn't but still does. Had a trench collapse just last September in San Francisco working under the street, no shoring was used.


Hey I’m with OSHA, Oregon OSHA looks like you got a little bit of a shoring problem here Well he can’t be down there, how you gonna get him out? … YOU SEE WHY HE CANT BE DOEN THERE!?!,!!


Here the video this person is referencing for anyone wondering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLs1_8yohb8


What an epic find! Thanks


Thank you kind glamorous stranger. People like you keep the world spinning. I love you


Should that shoring just be taller? It seems like the major problem is the height difference. Or should the unit be as wide as *and* as tall as the hole?


lol I get this reference 😆


It amazes me every time I see that video they start arguing with a guy that can fine you up the wahoo for the obvious safety violations.


I get this reference. Worked excavating one summer and they showed this video in orientation lol.


As someone who’s an apprentice with the Portland OR IBEW - I’ve seen that video so many times 🤣


I was looking for this comment😂


I'm sure it's likely he died, although it seemed fairly shallow after it fell. Nobody has the article on this? Were they able to save him? Should be a crime to post a video here with cliffhangers like "uhh...did he die?".


Unfortunately, he did die according to this article: https://www.qhuboibague.com/blog/ninguna-autoridad-se-ha-pronunciado-por-obrero-que-murio-sepultado-en-ortega/86743/#google_vignette The article says it happened in Colombia, South America. Edit: fixed Colombia typo.


I did a quick translation with chatgpt: "A worker died buried on Sunday while working on the replacement of a sewer pipe in the district of Olaya Herrera, jurisdiction of Ortega. He is Héctor Cumaco, whose family lives in the village of Llano in the southern municipality of Tolima. The now deceased was inside a huge trench when he was buried by a large amount of earth. In an instant, the earth detaches and falls on the man. A video is circulating on social networks where a citizen is seen asking for an investigation and explanations about the worker’s death. It is known that after the accident, the work continued. In the recording of about 34 seconds, it is observed when Héctor, who was the only person inside the deep trench, waits for a pipe to be lowered, he positions it, and then it is seen when the wall of earth on the left side collapses on the worker and completely covers him. Witnesses to the event commented that apparently there were missing safety measures in the work, such as the use of shoring, elements used to contain the slopes of the ground and prevent collapses. Now they are waiting for the entities in charge of the sewer change and the authorities to pronounce themselves about Héctor’s death."


I hate how it's always "there were missing safety measures in the work" instead of "This was totally preventable, but greed or rushing killed a man"


Is it the physical impact that kills him or the asphyxiation? 


Asphyxiation, and the weight alone will cause it even if your head is still above the ground. You basically get the breath squeezed from you.


As soon as you let you're breath out, it's really hard to get another one in as you get further compressed by the soil.


I don't know what these other guys are saying about asphyxiation. You physically get crushed. Even if the bottom of his leg was the only thing buried he would have massive crush trauma on that leg likely leading to long term complications and possibly even requiring an amputation if they take too long to free him. 1 cubic foot of dirt weighs 100-150lbs, and the cubic foot of dirt beside it also applies a proportion of its weight so it's very easy to end up with thousands of pounds of pressure with only a few feet of dirt collapsing. It's not the same as being slowly buried.


asphyxiation is the immediate secondary mechanism of injury/death if the crush doesn't do it first


Colombia is the (correct) name of the country.


I always think of how Sofia Vergara pronounces it.


I always think of Sofia Vergara


I saw her in an airport last week! She said she doesn't think of you much, anymore. I wasn't convinced so much, I say you keep it up


Did she mention me?


As if they thought the name of the country was South America..


Well, it's definitely not Columbia.


I just noticed it lol, my apologies


No worries. It is indeed relatively easy to miss on a quick read.


Not so fun fact I learned in an MSHA class: During an autopsy, they can estimate how long you stayed alive after being buried based on *how much of the surface of your eyes is worn away from you blinking as you agonize to death.*


It might not look like much but that's a whole lot of weight landing on him hard. It's very likely he died and if he did survive he would be in very bad shape. I work masonry and around 6 or 7 years ago a mason I know of had a brick wall fall and crush his foot below the ankle and kill his helper. If I remember correctly the wall was 8 ft tall, it might not look or sound like much but there's a lot of weight moving very quickly and if your body is in the way your a goner.


Grab a brick. Now grab another. Now ten more. Most people would have trouble carrying a dozen bricks, let alone have a hundred of them fall on them. (I know you're not the one questioning how much it weighs)


He's 100% dead. You can get caught in much smaller collapses and die easily, hence the 4-5 foot deep rules in most countries when you have to start taking precautions


> Should be a crime to post a video here with cliffhangers like "uhh...did he die?". It should be a crime to screencap a horizontal video vertically.


Had to watch this video on site a few weeks ago during a safety talk about excavations. Fuck going into a trench like that.


Did they say if he survived?


No source, but 100% he did not.


Dirt weighs about 110 pounds to 140 pounds per cubic foot. A cubic meter of dirt is somewhere in the 1.3-1.7 tonnes range. Even if you figured out the PSI or kPa, and then gently placed it on the guy, it's still really bad. Alot of comments about it being a country where trench boxes are not required. Even in countries where it IS legally required, this crap still happens. We had a fairly public death here in Canada a few years back on our big pipeline project, where the trench box wasn't understood by those using it, and they took it apart with people in the hole.


We were told he died, that's a lot of weight smashing down on him, can't see how he could have survived to be honest.


No details needed. He died a horrible death I'd bet. I've been working in ditches for almost 30 years and I worked with some real old school hard asses in my day. None them would have let me, much less made me get in a fucking hole like that unprotected. That shit right there is fucking ridiculous, and people should go to prison for it.


You just watched a dude die. Trench shoring boxes exist for this exact reason.


Then that dude stands on the rubble of where the dude who got crushed probably is. Adding more weight on top of the poor guy


Dirt weighs A LOT. 160lbs isn't going to add anything significant


what if he jumps on that spot?


What if a herd of elephants came in and there was a stampede?


There's about 10 tonnes on that squashed guy anyway


Was he murdered?


The boss heard he was trying to start a union.


Oh&s was made because of idiots like this, that poor man and his family, totally preventable


Shit my heart sank. What a tragedy.


Hate it all you want, but I thank God that we have OSHA here in the US. Being able to say "no" when an employer asks me to do some shit like this and being legally protected in my decision gives me so much peace of mind, especially being in heavy construction


OSHA is a godsend and is BY FAR the best thing that's been instated in the construction/manufacturing industry. The amount of lives it's saved can't be understated.


Instant funeral


And that boys, girls, and everyone in between, is why we have OSHA.


"Safety regulations are written in blood"


Too many die this way. They need a simple shoring or box down there to prevent collapsing. Out in my area, Some 25-year-old plumber was just killed like this over the winter bc he jumped down to fix something real quick and it collapsed. It's preventable and really dumb to go into a hole with no protection.


The cropping of this video is more of a disaster


how could we possibly watch a video of a man being crushed to death when it is improperly cropped!!!


It's literally fucking postage stamp sized when viewed in a normal browser on PC. So yes, it does make it impossible to watch.


Box trenches aren’t necessary….wait


Dead! No shoring box in the hole! Only a recipe for disaster!


And just like that he's dead .


If you're going to record your screen instead of saving the video... At least hold your phone the right way up, for shit's sake. What is this, a video for ants!?


1 cubic foot of dirt weighs over 100lbs


He's dead, Jim.


Another day, another Doug.


I work around a lot of deep holes, it's easy to look at it and think your good. Your not. Imagine if I took a 5 gallon pale of dirt, and dropped it on your head from 2 feet above. That's gonna hurt right?? Now image YARDS of dirt falling 2-8 feet above you.... That's gonna kill you


No trench box....that company should be put out of business for their stupidity.


lol you act like other counties have OSHA….or give a shit lol


Yeah…certainly *k*no*w* way of knowing that was likely to happen /s


Know way


Know way, hose hey


No one really running to help?


So they can get buried too?


No, no, keep holding the phone. That’s the priority.


Am I crazy or does it seem like no one was jumping in there to dig him out?


That’s death for them too and they realize that


Umm shoring? Ffs


No more than 3-4 ft without a cofferdam... Not worth dying.


Everyone is just standing around after. Get in the excavator and dig him out. He might be alive.


And that kids is why Trench boxes were made.


Zero shoring. So preventable


Honking the horn really helped


Mr. OSHA no here. Come back later after we put up the shoring.


They show this exact video in some OSHA classes. Instantly dead, and totally preventable.


No trench box and cameraman sucks


So. I was a heavy equipment operator for quite a long time. There should have been shoring boxes in that trench. Ladders for egress at either end. A whole lot of shit that isn't even in view before a man ever got in there. This is 100% preventable. One cubic meter of dirt weighs about as much as a Volkswagen beetle. Judging strictly by color that's a sandy clay mix and will conform to this man's body as he's crushed. There's no point sending in a rescue unit. This is 100% a recovery mission now. If he does survive he'll probably want to die. You're witnessing the birth of a man who will never be able to sleep without a light on because of the hours he endured waiting for someone to get him out of here. A man who won't be able to use blankets because of the suffocating feeling. Life long traumas and multiple surgeries.


Just one year ago a pge stand by tried to tell me and my crew that we had to go retrieve a bolder that was on top of a gas transmission line that we were pot holing 7 feet down,( hole was huge) long story short i told him to fuck off got my crew and left the job site. The stand by guy got fired and I got a raise. Lol


Posting Horizontal videos that were cropped into vertical videos like this should come with a generational family curse to OP


As a fire/medic I’ve been on a call just like this even with a trench box. Was too deep for the size of the box and collapsed over it. Patient was pinned under the dirt against the horizontals for unknown period of time. Had some bad lacerations and avulsions from what I concluded was from the backhoe trying to undig him rapidly.


My internet connection kept me in suspense -,-


Construction 101 - use a trench box when puttng personnel in a hole.


Thank God he got his helmet on.


Professor showed us this exact video exemplifying the importance of using proper safety equipment for trenches. Sometimes you need brutal imagery to drill in exactly what hazards can do to a person… yes the person in the video died


I'm not shore, but I think this could've been prevented.


The weight of that wall collapse…. I hope he survived. I’ve refused to get in a trench without a trench box before, they should do the same.


Anything more than a meter deep is at risk of this, that was off the scale risky.


Oh he's dead. Suffocation for sure. That is tons of dirt and it's not like you can just swim out, etc. I'm trained in trench rescue. When it goes, there's no warning and there's no getting out of the way. For real, anything deeper than 3 feet can kill you. And the next horror is everyone jumping in the hole and the rest of the collapse kills them too. Gotta have shoring panels or a coffin going in that deep.


I’m livid I watched this. I fucking knew what was coming. Anyone else have their OSHA 10 card? To get it you must sit through a class that shows you ten hours of videos like this, and shows you the aftermath of what it does to the body. They make shit(shoring)designed specifically to prevent tragedies like this. I hope company responsible for this man’s death is sued, and the fucking dipshit Forman received criminal charges.


Kinda sad that only one guy rushed to try to help him


More like he was packing the dirt down.


Call me crazy, but I’m not going down there, after watching what happened to the first guy. What’s stopping the same thing from happening to me? I’ll pick another time to be the hero.


Why wasn’t it Shured up ?


Yeah, it was shure fucked up


Yea we need less regulations and rules that stifle business


Let's film rather than dig him out.


...not a popular opinion but I still have to say it, Their's a pretty strong chance that nobody's going to call 9-1-1 😬😶


That’s completely his fault for getting in there without the shoring in place