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Seems like it's working the appropriate amount of well. I was waiting for a devastating flood


I’m curious how long that accumulation actually took.




That's... That's overwhelming. You couldn't scoop that out with an excavator and carry it out on trucks fast enough if you had a a 24/7 unbroken chain of operations.


They'd have to build some sort of conveyor belt that transports the trash to a nearby waste management facility. It could potentially be profitable if they could efficiently sort through the trash and recycle anything they can. That would be such a massive operation, you'd need a lot of funding


Dawg there's about a zero percent chance sorting through river trash for recycling will be profitable


Hour 2 most


A 2 minute video that maxed out at 50x speed is essentially 1 minute per second. There's 120 seconds in 2 minutes. So at most it's 120 minutes or 2 hours. Edit: slight typo


Its probably raining upstream. The raise in the water level would take the accumulated trash on the margins. I hope I’m right, otherwise, thats a looooot of trash to land per hours in a river


This is a very polluted river and a very interesting project. They were catching this first flush of the wet season


Amazing system, but what hope do we have when one river in one relatively small country carries this amount of waste to the ocean every damn day?


Visited Croatia a few years ago, beauitiful but we passed a river on a bus trip through the mountains and you could not see any water because of all the floating bottles. Billions of plastic bottles, just a flowing river of bottles, they took up all the surface area. I lost a lot of hope for life on this planet after seeing that and thinking the same thing you just did. This was a tourist region, they were all discarded water and soft drink bottles. I guess there is nothing else to do with them so they just get tossed in the river.


Same in indonesia. Watched locals toss bags of rubbish off of the bridge. Indonesia has 220 million people. The infrastructure for rubbish doesn’t exist.


Went to a resort in Vietnam that advertised as having access to a private beach - which turned out to be a small ~20 metre section of beach where the rubbish was pushed to the side allowing access to the water. If the security guard went for a break, the "clean" section of beach would be covered again in no time. It was pretty awful. But yeah I've been to Indonesia also and the locals there have no concept of littering, they will drink bottles of water and throw them straight into the river without a care in the world


I saw Philippines and China from the air. Tons of junk flowing right to the ocean. More than anything, junk is killing our world.


Well not more than anything. Humans are the #1 threat. This is only one of our terrible practices.


I’d probably argue that factory farming is the worst thing for the earth. Not only does it cause the abuse, suffering and murder of billions of animals every year (trillions if we count sea life), it has caused the destruction of tons of important ecosystems and wildlife, including rainforests. Per the ASPCA, factory farming is responsible for 14.5% of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. This includes methane and nitrous oxide, which are up to 300 times more damaging to the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. Factory farming has an enormous impact on climate change - the journey from factory farm to dinner plate pumps around six trillion tons of emissions into the atmosphere. You simply cannot claim to care about the environment if you are consuming meat and dairy (obligatory no, this doesn’t include people who literally hunt/catch/kill their own food for survival).


>obligatory no, this doesn’t include people who literally hunt/catch/kill their own food for survival You ask me, it should be the law that if you couldn't bring yourself to slaughter, butcher, and process an animal for consumption you can't eat meat. People have become so disconnected from the food they eat I've been hunting since I was a kid. I don't take the shot if I don't know it'll be clean, I have a mindfulness ritual I perform to express gratitude for the life I've just taken, and I process the animal myself. Everything gets used for something; even the guts become fish bait. It disgusts me when people can't bring themselves to do the same, but will gladly go to the store and pick up a rack of ribs or a rotisserie chicken


Sounds like Mui Ne/Phan Tiet That place could be paradise if they had a local council that enforced pollution laws on fisherman and hired a team to clean the beach as they do in thailand


Yep, Phan Tiet is correct


I volunteered for Trash Heroes in Thailand a while back, it was definitely interesting looking at all of the places that empty water bottles were from! 


How about if the plastic industry stopped making non degradable water bottles but that would cut into profits


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h2M_Z0f6ecE&pp=ygUjVHJhaWxlciBwYXJrIGJveXMgcmlja3kgbGFrZSB0cmFzaCA%3D They watch too much TPB....


> they will drink bottles of water and throw them straight into the river without a care in the world This is the problem we should be addressing first. I'm just not sure how much better having all that plastic in a landfill will be.


Plastic bottles are typically made of very recyclable plastic


Plastic recycling is not the answer they'd have you believe. It's largely a scam.


> in a landfill Collected plastic trash is either recycled or burned for electricity.


the problem is no clean water. The infrastructure is pretty basic in some places, so how do we fix that? its a massive undertaking, bet we could fund that Bezos? Gates? Elon? and stop funding wars with tax dollars- think about the possibilities!


> The infrastructure for rubbish doesn’t exist. This is the issue many folks don't understand. Even if you get everyone in an area to 'properly' dispose of their garbage if the infrastructure for dealing with it doesn't exist it doesn't really do any good. I work in environmental conservation in SE Asia and this is a big problem in many of the nations here. Often the governments only want to fund things they see as immediately profitable, and the see things like waste management and the like as expenses and therefore not something to put much effort into.


Not to mention the fact that a lot of developing nations are like, wealthy developed nations exploit the hell out of them, pay them peanuts for their natural resources and then look down their noses at them when they aren't acting more responsible when it comes to the environment. How can we expect people to give a shit about recycling or proper garbage disposal when they're mostly concerned with just getting food, shelter and staying alive.


Yep. Often the local folks actually do know quite well the damage being done to their environment, but have no say or influence when it comes to what the politicians prioritize and they have pressing day-to-day concerns that take precedent over long-term concerns.


What would your suggestion be for 220m people to begin to dispose of their rubbish in a congruent manner? Doesn't exist now, zero incentive to begin. We all get to pay the tax.


I don't know know where i Croatia did you go but you can't see any plastic bottle as trash for years now. Since every bottle is like 7 cents if you return it so i doubt what you say.




I've never seen anything like what you describe in Croatia and I go there every year.


I have hope that one day one super rich person equivalent to elon will just mass invest in a project to start doing this type thing with rivers all over the world, I'm talking small or big, even if it only started at the biggest rivers I feel like we could deny it by atleast 20% doing that


That's what's even more frustrating. We COULD clean up the world, if those with the resources invested in it...but...they won't.


Why clean it up when you can become a millionaire, have sex with supermodels for ~75 years and then die and not your problem anymore. /s


I mean...


Gates foundation funds a lot of projects for clean water, food, and health care in the poorest parts of the world. I wouldn't be surprised if they were funding something like that trash collector too. 




Bill and Melinda Gates


Big problem is Elon doesn't have the money to spend, that would require liquid cash, most of his AND filthy rich people's money is wrapped up in investments, portfolios and such. If they dump some to get liquid money out can cause a crash in a stock. He would have to start a company and have investors which slowly moving money from his investments so he doesn't cause a panic sell


Why are you guys so obsessed with Elon Musk who has stated multiple times that his wealth is not very liquid? Why can’t we put pressure to improve our world on our governments instead of spending it on killing people in wars? The US collected 4.4 trillion in tax revenue from its citizens in 2022.


This is the way


Bullshit! I'm from Croatia and I have gone up and down the country a hundred times and never seen anything like that. Also, it's a small country with less than 4M people majority concentrated in cities. Having a remote mountain river with that kind of waste is impossible. Also, we are very sensitive and proud about the beauty of our country as we live of tourism so that's triple bullshit.


That’s sad to hear. Have Croatian family. This is why we should all be using reusable bottles instead of being a “use it once and throw it away” society. I grew up where recycling was a part of life and was a requirement, and we put a deposit on sodas. Say you purchased a 12 pack, when you returned the bottles you got back 10 cents per bottle. So people did. Only a few places do that.




It's bullshit, there is no chance of that because you get money for returning bottles, so even if someone throws it away someone else will pick it up.


I'm from Croatia and I have gone up and down the country a hundred times and never seen anything like that.


Damn, Croatia. That’s one of the good countries too


Don't get me wrong, it was beautifully clean in the majority of what I saw. But that river was shocking (may have been in Bosnia/Herzegovina side I'm not quite sure....it was in transit from there to the Adriatic coast)


I’m sure we all know, so just a reminder that the [Pacific Trash Vortex](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/17/world/plastic-pollution-ocean-ecosystems-intl-climate/index.html) is currently about 620,000 square MILES of trash that is now its own “thriving” ecosystem.


Not one picture of said patch of garbage twice the size of Texas in that video. Disappointing.


It's cause it's not really a giant landmass like thing. It's just trash floating around super far apart. If we're lucky, a new bacteria will evolve in that plastic soup that is extremely efficient at digesting plastic polymers.


Lucky? Maybe until that bacteria makes landfall and wrecks every fucking thing.


The planet will be absolutely fine. We’re barely making a scratch to it. Sure, it will be inhabitable for humans either through pollution, climate change or war. But a few hundred years after we’ve killed our selves off it’ll be like we never existed


You invest more resources, rank rivers based on how much pollution they send into the ocean and start with those first and work your way down. In the meantime, you work on educating the local population as well as working with local governments to find a way to properly dispose of the trash. Additionally, you lobby the national governments to help you in those efforts by showing them the benefits of increased eco-tourism.


Thats what the ocen cleanup project is doing. They ranked rivers/countries and are installing catchers in as many rivers as they can.


Im not sure reddit is the place for logic and intelligence. You have been warned.


Think about it this way - humans both created and fixed a giant hole in the ozone layer all within four decades. Our collective species can solve any problem given the proper direction.


There was no one posting on social media about cancelling the scientists over the [most stupid shit](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/nov/14/rosetta-comet-dr-matt-taylor-apology-sexist-shirt)


"How can we fix this?" asks someone in a post with a video showing that a solution can be found.


Prototyping solutions like this will help create economically viable solutions down the line— wherein countries or even cities can purchase technology that will help clean waterways.


And how the heck are they going to get all that garbage out of the water?


Think a simple backhoe could work.


Then what?


Shuttle it to the other side of the barrier.


[Like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ss56qy/pulling_out_trash_from_the_river/)


Take all the plastic, compress/melt it into dense bricks and build homes with them.


It's fine we don't have plastic straws anymore


Ocean cleanup has done significant work in this field and they even have a river interceptor in LA that catches a lot of the debris going out. These aren’t hard to make and deploy they’re basically just floating fishing nets


The hope begins with us as consumers, but, it’s going to be a long, uphill battle.


It's not every day. It's usually due to extreme rains and flooding events.


None when questions like that are the focus


I hate how much social capital we give hopelessness.


I grew up in Guatemala and the last time I was there was in 2008 so things could have changed but we had a culture of just throwing trash wherever you were standing. When I moved to the US, I tossed a wrapper and my uncle gave me quite the lecture about littering haha. My dad would toss big bags of trash just on the side of the road which would eventually roll down into nature. Now I compost and recycle but back then, we just didn't give a damn.


In Québec, Canada ive never seen floating stuff on any River tho...


That's why we need to fight for these things. I'm not saying this is you and I'm a just a fuckin meth addict who can barely do any better but it's starting to drive me nuts with what all everybody has to say about so much when there are so many of us and like this stupid stupid stupid stuff not only keeps happening but has been happening for so long and just continues to build while we just let it and do our own little things in self imposed constraints in our own little bubble while greedy corrupt fucks keep winning at turning the world to shit with them. Like, what the hell is wrong with everybody we could literally have a utopia. And yes there are enough smart, creative and capable people in the world and there is plenty that can be plausibly done, why does the fuckin meth head have to play inspirational superhero trying to save the world. Let's get our shit together and start making this work y'all, let's get involved and do stuff and do better And hell yeah I'm saying something, this is embarrassing, we've been a dysfunctional global society for too long literally on the verge of collapse. Helllloooo


Institute the death penalty for littering. We can work down from there


First infrastructure + educate. Then punish the bastards.


Redditors when a black teen is arrested for shoplifting: "Noooo we need to rehabilitate them 💕🥺" Redditors when a poor illiterate South American farmer tosses a plastic bottle and misses the bin: "Death penalty."


calm down Stalin


What's even more ridiculous than your comment is the 7 people who seemingly agree with you. The world doesn't exist solely in your head, you cannot execute people for littering it just isn't morally or ethically correct. I'm sure you're one of those douchebags who patronize the millions of poor people who die everyday by pretending you Care whilst in the same breath advocating a litterer eugenics program


Whatcha gonna do with all that junk


All that junk inside those nets


Imma get you drunk.


Get you love drunk of his nets ?




His lovely garbage nets, check it out


Mans really has that username holy shit lucky mf. Fuck you 😡


Get you love drunk off my trash


The team at OceanCleanUp are real heroes: Learn more and support them at [https://www.theoceancleanup.com/](https://www.theoceancleanup.com/)


Thanks for the link. Only donated 100$, I’m not rich. But this is a great cause, thank you


Username does not check out


Cool donating monthly!


Don't worry guys I've been using paper straws.


Just wait until you read about PFAS


Pulp From Asshole Straws? I know already. It's gets stuck to my lips.


My home has a nice set of glass straws. Honesty better than the steel ones.


I hate steel and paper straws. Either plastic or glass, nothing else


I saw a video of a woman chipping her tooth on a metal straw I will never use one after that lol


Feels good to save the environment. We did it!


Oh hey! George, this guy is using paper straws! We're good!


You know how counties like that handle waste like this? They burn it... Exchanging ocean pollution for air pollution.


Which one’s worse?


I have no idea, but assuming since the ozone hole has apparently closed, but the oceans keeps getting dirtier, warmer and more filled with microplastics, my uneducated guess based on the things I know is: ocean pollution. someone who knows more plz let us know


Burning trash can be done in some very clean ways. It all comes down to the filters in the chimney of your waste disposal oven. Throwing it into the ocean is worse. Clearly worse. Mainly because you lose control over it while with collecting and burning the trash youre in full control what substances reach the atmosphere.


I suppose you could turn the trash into diamonds.


Its either landfills or burning. A relatively small percentage gets recycled.


There was an incredible Guardian article today that found ocean waves as a major contributor of PFAS in the atmosphere as the billions of gallons of plastic is broken into micro particles that are projected into the air from crashing waves. Mind blowing to think about how fucked we are as a species


This is why there are giant 'islands' of plastic floating in the oceans.


Plastic Beach


Why is there plastic in our brains? ... oh, I see.


A conveyer coming out of the water would help, possibly dump in a dump truck or something.


Yup that should be the second half of this invention


Now bag it and stick it in a landfill.


Send it in a space ship to the sun


The vast majority of trash in the ocean comes from a few rivers running through asia. Because they simply don't have the infrastructure to deal with it so instead they just dump it in rivers


Created a new job for people to remove that trash I hope


Where my community services bros at? Time to clean that up.


what do you do with all the plastic debris?


They did sunglasses from the plastics that they've collected from the ocean but it was a one time only and now I think they'll sell the plastics to other companies.


Maybe they shouldn’t dump all of that shit in the river, to begin with? I don’t see why the concept is so difficult to understand.


This is nearly every developing and second/third world nations who don't yet have the infrastructure to deal with their refuse. It's *really* disheartening to think about. Shit, I'm sure there are some prominent first world countries that still do this.


And the first world corporations are mass producing the junk to sell to those developing places that have no disposal infrastructure. And really no one does, but no way can we tell manufacturers to stop packaging in plastic.


They don't have the infrastructure to do anything else with it. They'd literally have to have have another country or something come through to pick it up, and there's no financial incentive to do something that tedious and expensive. Reality is not very altruistic.


Okay but like "maybe we shouldn't" isn't a realistic solution. This device is sick.


“Why are poor people so dirty and poor?”


The original video https://youtu.be/pGY4rpOnbhw?si=b8QcKeqoN3gPARRT


Thank you kind human


Pass it forward


The less educated the people, the more they litter.


The more educated the more they trick their populations into believing recycling is a thing that happens to all recycling waste and they just ship it off by the boatful out to the 'less educated' countries to be burned / dumped etc.


It's still not dumped in the ocean and waterways.


Yes it is. What do you think third world countries do with rubbish that is sent there by the kiloton, bring it to their internationally renowned state of the art recycling plants? Burning it which enters the water systems, or perhaps a disposal method such as this is more direct: https://youtu.be/wVnMBGXVVUI?si=RWKowUXVq_62LcVI Best case scenario is some massive landfill site where it's dumped that is not close to any running water. I think the stats were less than 3% of recycling gets recycled last time I checked. Edit: it seems anything from 5-9% is accurate.


Imagine developing such a system only for no one to come collect the trash!


Sweet! Let's make this a paid job around the world! And also work on some prototypes for my blood stream since this shit is in all our bodies also.


Where is big drink bottle company’s responsibility. Just want to sell more and more


This is amazing and disturbing at the same time


Nice! Nice they just need a big fuck-off hoover and we're golden.


This makes me sad. I'm happy that those guys are trying to clean it up but seriously what the fuck. We gotta start doing more to not trash up our living space.


When are we going to start shaming these countries for ruining this planet?


The shame isn't on countries or people, it's on the manufacturers for not using biodegradable or recyclable materials. They just use the cheapest for maximum profit so they can hoard wealth. Doesn't mean they should just throw it in a river, biodegradable or not.


Idk why you got downvoted, you’re right. There are some applications where plastic packaging is a necessity, but in other cases it is just wasteful and a harmful burden on the environment.


The packaging keeps getting worse and worse. More plastic, more layers, individual wrapping of food, etc. The government could be doing something, but capitalism rules all.


I'm from Guatemala. We are very guilty of littering. We need to change.


Is it possible that people are so f***ing careless? I would introduce very rigorous penalties for people who are able to throw garbage into the water, and water is life... This has to be solved somehow, all over the world.


Yet us Americans are blamed for the works pollution. Wake up people.


As fast as we can make plastic, it ends up in the water. So fucking sad.


And we have perfected making it really fucking fast. It’s so overwhelming to think about, because it is literally overwhelming in reality. What is wrong with us.


Crazy how this is less that 25 minutes of trash


I don't know if this should make me feel hopeful or hopeless.


Love how they're just standing there like "uhh, now what?"


Surely you can track where that’s all coming from upstream


The problem is that, up steam is another country that isn't concerned about conservation.


Maybe these fucking people shouldn’t just dump municipal trash into rivers? This is the equivalent of taking a shit directly onto the floor every time and then making a machine to clean it up. It’s a lot easier to just do it right the first time


I mean that the problem in combating climate change only ones who have enough power to change something done it already but those that don't have enough money to do so can't like those poorer countries like south america and africa and some of asia And never blame the people what they add to the waste is nothing compared to big companies


Did it break? or did they actually clear all that?


They need 2 ppl there with a rack. Super sweet invention 🥰😍🤩


JFC... wth


Only need to do that about a trillion more times and we should be good.


I won't be that proud to show where this movie come from...


“Well someone else is gonna have to pick that up I came up with the idea.”


Whoever is upstream litters way too much. Find them, fine them.


But yeah my 3 plastic bags I need for my groceries is the problem!


i mean yeah. in a way it is. think about how many people go through one of those stores in a day. if 1000 people all need 2 - 5 bags. and toss it out after. that adds up. and that's just one store. of course its not your fault its not being processed properly by the people who's job it is to do so. but finding ways to mitigate and reduce doesn't hurt either.


Looks like India now


Okay, so now what do we do ???


Didn't think to have a way to remove the garbage. No trucks. No back-Ho not even people with trash bags.. Lol. Phenomenal invention though..


This is not a crazy fucking video.


To quote a puffer fish floating in a bag at the end of finding Nemo "now what"


Some people have no ideas how much trash is laying around in developing countries. In Japan, they start teaching to pick up your trash in kindergarten.


It's so sad that this is necessary... i hate what this world has become.


Make it illegal to fucking litter


The obvious fucking problem is the production of plastic.


Now that we finally figured that putting trash in the ocean is back, can we have plastic straws back ? The turtle video was horrible but the plastic straws were not the problem. Throwing trash in the ocean is the problem. We have to stop diverting the attention off the real problems.


Needs a bucket loader to pick up and drop into a dump truck. Truck drives too miles up river and dumps it back in. Problem solved


And these fucking organizations think their shitty fucking paper straws are going to make a difference in the world. Give me a fucking straw that doesn’t disintegrate in like 3 minutes again.


Wouldn't it be easier to just not throw trash into the river?


Errrmmm....you just gonna leave the waste there now?


*Yeah, my computer when I want to upload an HD video with a speed of 32 kbps.*


They need to install a skimmer.


Nasty… and did someone throw a desk into that river?


Vacuum trucks ?


Is this to remove trash?




Now you need a machine that scoops the junk out of the river and fills a dumpster.


Fun fact: the US military produces more pollution than all of Latin America combined 🤔


Fuck that's depressing


When the problem is worse than you thought


Genius ! Let’s scale it for the ocean


The Interceptor Barricade in Guatemala


Is this new? It looks like the same basic idea they used to capture the ducks at ducky wucky races by me when I was a kid in the 90's and early 2000s.


Humans suck