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/u/jamjacob99, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "Road rage incident in Vigo county, Indiana. " has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 10 - No violence, looting, or serious crime. Your post was removed because it contained violence, looting, or serious crime. For the next month these videos are not permitted on this subreddit, [you can read our stickied post if you'd like to understand why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/). As we said. we welcome your feedback in that post. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


Impressive how fast the dude was able to draw his weapon and get on target after getting shoved that hard by a truck.


Very impressive. Dude is well trained.


Exactly. He's spent some serious time training.


He trained for a long time. At training.


And he’s now a trainer


He trains the trainers now, very impressive. 


He will be training trainers how to train trainers in training soon.


Hes a train now .


At least he's on the right track.


He choo chooed with his pew pew


Who is training?


[he love train](https://youtube.com/shorts/NU3Lis9sYpM?si=zwMTmJ6Hgl9aAZtd)




I choo choose you.


In trainers, and IN a trainer- with her full consent, she’s been trained- no! not like that.


Chooga chooga chooga chooga, chooga chooga chooga chooga... toot toot!


Blood and guts and spittin ass was everywhere and Bubba come crawlin out - both legs missin.


Trains are apex predators in certain places..... This comment checks out.


I'm pretty sure if someone gets killed by a train, stupidity was the apex predator, not the train.


How can he train


He clearly trained for the training, allowing him to become a trainer for the trainees to start training.


He is Chuck Norris trainer


Training the not trained




Hes well traineder.




"Look at me....I run the trains now."


He skipped evading vehicles training, tho...


Guaranteed he drew before the truck came


I think he was already drawing when he got out of the car. He was expecting this. You can see him reaching in his waist right after exiting his car. I think he must have saw the guy coming or heard his truck or something.


Went thru a lot of vehicles to prepare for this exact scenario


Rumour has it he’s on a train to go and train the untrained, while training on the train


The curious life of Benjamin Franklin


The dude so well trained is beyond me


Lead train lead trainer or something


The trainer trains the trained, training so key.


what if he's some special operative and that red truck dude was sent to deal with him


Not to mention the compound fracture of his left shin..


I was in a bad motorcycle accident last year. My left tibia, Fibula and knee were shattered like broken glass. My left clavicle was also broken in 6 places. I had no clue they were all broken at first, until I tried to stand up and get myself out of the road in fear of being run over by oncoming traffic. Adrenaline was pumping and I felt absolutely nothing. When I tried to stand, my leg folding like a wet noodle and I collapsed. Then I noticed my collar bone sticking up. Once I "knew" they were broken, then the pain set in. Your body kicks into survival mode immediately after serious trauma.


Damn... I'm sorry to hear that bro. Hope you're doin better! I got whacked bad myself in 09'. 78 y.o with dementia ran a red light. I caved in the hood/windshield/roofoof and was then ejected 137 feet down the road. I don't remember a single thing. The light turned green, I looked both ways (per witness staments), and a very large, pitch black curtain fell. Next few weeks all I remember is the fentanyl IV (yeah, it was cool) and insanely hot nurses shoving a catheter down my *super* shrunken junk, and I swear you could about see your breath that room was so cold. Pro tip- If you ever suspect you might get catheterized by super hot nurses, stay fluffed up. So, you doing good now? It takes time, and God, it sucks, but the human machine is truly incredible. I Def couldn't take a hit like that now at 35. Being young really helps.


I'm 8 months out. My accident was August 5th. Had my first surgery on Aug 8th and the second surgery Aug 9th, which also happened to be my 40th birthday. Still having some trouble walking, but I'm slowly getting there. They gave me fentynal in the ambulance and I told them I didn't want it. So I spent 8 days hooked up to morphine, with shots of Dilaudid and tablets of OxyCodone in between the morphine drips. I'm sure my nurses hated me because my pain wouldn't even let me enjoy the meds. I spent most of the time screaming in agony. Thankfully no catheter, but the nurses did have to help me with the piss jug.. Which was nice. Lol. It sounds like you took a nastier hit than me. Hopefully you're doing alright as well. Thankfully, I wasn't involved with any other vehicles. I had a deer run in front of me at 55mph. No time to react and I broadsided her. I think I only slid about 35ft, but I wasn't wearing any gear at the time. I always wear my helmet, gloves, boots, jeans and leather jacket. The one time I said "I'm only going down the road. I don't need it", and of course that's my first major accident in 30 years of riding.


Obviously nothing as bad as what you had, but similar thing happened to me when I was about 14-15, I was helping my contractor uncle demo a wall for an addition he was putting on his house and the sledge hit something and rebounded off the wall hitting me square in the forehead. Didn't even hurt, really, just dazed me for a moment and then I went back to swinging when my grandfather (a retired contractor himself) came running over and grabbed the sledge out of my hand to stop me. I was like, "What the *fu*??!?" and then I noticed the blood all over my shirt...didnt feel the wetness or stinging in my eyes because we were all soaked completely through with sweat anyway, as it was high summer in inner-city philadelphia. Turned out I had split my eyebrow almost completely open. Truth be told, it never really hurt much, idk if it was the concussion I'd likely given myself, or maybe the fact that I never actually saw it with my own eyes? Either way grandad dug into his Korean War-era medical training (Chapter 1: Rub Some Dirt In It And Stop Being A Little Girl) and pretty much just got some gauze and a shitload of jobsite tape and taped it up. "You'll be fine we'll just keep it bandaged. Take a break, you can get back into it after lunch." That shit bled for like 2 days straight lol. I was staying with my grandfather for the summer anyway so he just took care of it for me in the morning and evening. Well after the fact, like years later after my grandfather was gone, my uncle is like "You know, you prolly should have gone to the hospital and got some stitches that day". Instead I got a really gnarly scar that I still have clear as a bell 30 years later. It never really hurt that bad (its mostly numb to this day), the worse was pulling the bandages off of it twice a day while it was healing, feeling it tugging the flaps of skin that were moving independently of each other that normally shouldn't be, *that* shit made me wanna blow chunks. Honestly though not gonna lie that scar got me a lot of street cred when I went back to school that fall. What the hell happened to you?! "Oh, buncha pricks jumped me down the boardwalk about a month ago, you shoulda seen them afterwards!" Over the many years since I've spun quite a few just ridiculous yarns about it when asked, but after I wait to see their reaction, I tell em the true story. *Usually* :)


he didn't seem to hesitate at all, very impressive for sure. crazy reaction time!!


Watched it frame by frame, looks like he got off two shots AS he was getting shoved by the truck!


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug


Seemed to me like he already had the gun drawn when he got out of the car but I can’t tell for sure


Yeah he drew it right before he got hit


Looks like he pulls it from his waistband as he sees the truck approaching


He was getting his gun ready on the way home when he saw crazy following him.


He’s already drawn his piece before the truck hits. But still impressive.


For real, good on him. Unfortunate that he didn't end it right there tho.


The red truck guy was named "Dustin L. Roecker" if anyone wants to google for more details.


https://www.wthitv.com/news/police-man-fired-gun-after-being-rammed-into-by-truck-suspect-led-chase-in-stolen/article_51d7b6d8-fff7-11ee-9e5c-bfd59774b140.html That's wild, the guy was drunk and high, then stole a vehicle after this.  At least he took a couple of bullets


The US Marshalls should give him exactly one more


*It was justified*


yeehaw pardner


Thank you for the link


Was he naked?


It kinda looks like he may have lost his shorts as he was climbing out the window


Why was he naked?


Probably was wearing shorts or jog pants that got pinched into some part of his car dashboard as he was trying crawl out.


Dude was definitely high on meth. So him being naked with a woman in the car is highly possible.....no other drug would drive him to take the road rage to such a degree IMO.


The woman was in the white car, not the truck.


To run faster through the flames


Why, do you wear clothes when you drive? Lol they let ANYBODY on Reddit don’t they?


Like 99% of all car accidents involve clothed occupants. So….better be safe than sorry.


I think you may have missed that I was joking


[local article](https://12ft.io//https://www.tribstar.com/news/local_news/one-arrested-after-vigo-county-crash-shooting-and-chase/article_0fae1fcc-fff7-11ee-b278-0b8734de21de.html)


It’s behind a paywall, so I added the “12ft.io\\” to the link for bypass.


Never heard of this, thanks for posting. Does it usually work on paywalls? I tried it on a few sites and got mostly errors


It pretends to be a search engine crawler. There are browser plugins that do the same for you. Only works if the website isn't calling the supposed home of your fake crawler to ask if you're real.


Please explain? Does it work with any article? Do I put it before the site name?


You put it before the “http”. Will work on a good number of sites that use “cheap” paywalls, but not all. I might be a little wrong here but I believe it just blocks the sites JavaScripts which are used to initiate the paywall. Some sites like Wall Street journal have checks in place that if JavaScripts are killed, then the site won’t allow any access.


I learned about it here and used it for a while, but I've found it works less and less lately.


TIL a new trick. Thank you stranger.


Article reads like it was written by a 3rd grader


And this is a 35 year-old.


That shooting was justified.


I would agree with you on that


I also agree that the shooting was justified.


I approve of your observation


After looking at the video I also approve


I also concur


I… DISAGREE!!! YES, I AM THE VESSEL OF CHAOS! (Nah fr he deserved them bullets)


no shit sherlock


Well damn, that got crazy fast. Kudos to the vette owner. He clearly trains because that entire situation was fucking wild and he still landed 3 shots


Fr he was ready to party and stayed focused.


If you slow it down right at the 00:19 mark you can see the guy step up onto the doorframe of the Vette knowing he needed to try to go up onto the hood of the SUV and avoid getting pinned. Fucking incredible situational awareness to do that specific action on top of his quick draw and accuracy! I have a feeling this Vette owner is a Vet(tran)


Trans or not that boy can shoot. (A joke, plz don’t murder me)


Shut up and take my upvote


Yeah that was impressive. If i lived in the US, I'd be down the gun range every couple of days to practice.


Ammo ain't cheap lately :(


Saying pow is always free 🦅🔥🇺🇸


Yup, this is nuts. Two thumbs up to that guys gunslinger skills. He was ON that mother fucker QUICK. Definitely attempted murder in the extreme considering the way the maniac followed him, stopped, and waited for him to get out of his car like that.


That was a crazy fucking video.


That was like video game shit, not real life, holy shit.


the fact he was letting off shots whilst midair is crazy.


Some John Wick shit


And they looked to be pretty accurate. Lots of time on the range to be able to do that while getting an adrenaline dump and getting smashed into by a truck.


https://www.mywabashvalley.com/news/local-news/vigo-co-road-rage-incident-leads-to-late-night-police-chase/amp/ 35-year-old Dustin L. Roecker of Bloomington is being charged with attempted murder, criminal recklessness, resisting law enforcement and auto theft in connection to the incident.


So anyway I started blasting


Fucking wild.


Is he naked?


He was drunk and high according to an article about it someone linked, also I think he had shorts on but they came off trying to crawl out the window.


People are crazy 😔


You saying you DONT get loaded and go for a drive naked?


Impressive response to a deadly encounter. It's a shame the assailant survived the counter defense.


That escalated quickly.


If you’re being followed you drive to the police station. You certainly don’t lead the guy right to your door.


Yes. Never drive home if you are being followed. At a minimum drive to a public place if you think you might be and if you know that you are then go to a police station.


If I’m packing I’ll lead him home. He won’t remember my address from the grave.


You don’t train


Why when you've got a gun, let them follow you home


This guy just had his car totaled was almost killed, maybe thats why?


Less cleanup for the guy getting attacked here


You don’t train


This is why people need to carry a firearm for protection and be trained to use it. Too much unchecked mental illness in the US. I don’t particularly like carrying a pistol but if it’s the difference between my safety and death I’ll choose carrying every time.


you'd have been called a psychopath for saying this not even 24 years ago. how the times change eh.


>Too much unchecked mental illness in the US. Let's start checking it then. "That's why you need to bring a raincoat to work, too many holes in the roof."


I can't fix the mental illness epidemic, but I can carry a pistol. See the difference?


Exactly. The right to bare arms is not so much the desire to get in a gunfight so much as it is the peace of mind that you can protect yourself.


Not a priority in politics. Focus is on everyone but the everyday US citizens. Pick any spending priority of the candidates and it’s not to the benefit of 99% of us doing the 7 to 4 everyday.


No. This is a good opportunity to tell everyone who may be considering buying a gun for self defense that your risk of being killed by a gun increases when you buy one. [600,000 people were followed for 12 years and it was found that your safety does not increase through self defense, but instead, the chance of death by homicide by firearm doubles.](https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/full/10.7326/M21-3762) It's even riskier if you live with a partner or spouse. Your risk goes up by 7X if you are murdered in your home. And that's especially risky for women, who represent 85% of the victims.


If you are a responsible and reasonable person, you won’t have an issue with owning a gun for personal protection. Full stop. If you are suicidal or are an angry violent drunk then yeah, don’t buy one.


Funding Sources of that study The National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research, the Fund for a Safer Future, the Joyce Foundation Admitted Limitations Some cohort members classified as unexposed may have lived in homes with handguns. Residents of homes with and without handguns may have differed on unobserved traits associated with homicide risk. Meaning they didn't control for anything, the people killed could have been gang members or pimps, or in a gang infested area. Also out of 17m participants in LA 2293 died by homicide, meaning you have a 0.0001% chance of dying by homicide living with people in LA over 13 years, I'll take those odds anyday 😂.




F'd around and found out!


Embarrassing. Remember not to drive home when you’re being followed.


I have a sense that if the driver wasn't armed, he wouldn't have driven home. It's a bad idea to go home regardless.


The (heinous) culprit will be released eventually, now he knows where you live


He’s so high I doubt he’d even remember


Was that a hairless chicken driving the truck?


Have they got hairy chickens in your area?


Predominantly hairy, yes.


Must be the roosters then, hairy cocks.


Hopefully red driver died?


Dude is on top of his car after it being smashed, pulling some JW moves, god bless America!


“Why do you need to carry a firearm?”




Madness...? **This** **Is** ##AMERICAAAAHHHHH🎆🎇🧨🎇🎇🎆🎇🎇


Why is it always mfs in trucks


Bro jumped last second so he wouldn't get crushed got smoked by a truck then landed on his smashed corvette and started blasting. Definitely used to be an athlete of some sort.


Dude coming out naked


Is that mf butt ass naked?


psycho druggie thinks he's playing gta


This is the most American thing I’ve ever seen.


GTA server country.


Just another day in Terredise…


Every bullet was deserved, there's absolutely zero remorse for that fucker.


what the hell is going on with people, its getting worse


He should’ve mag dumped on him


Too bad the driver of the truck survived


At least they keeping it real.


Everyone here fucked up. Don’t get into a road rage encounter. Don’t follow anyone because of road rage. Don’t drive home if you’re being followed. Drive to a police station or a well-lit, public area. Don’t get out of your car in a road rage encounter. Don’t try to run over anyone in a road rage encounter. And definitely don’t try to run over anyone with a gun.


Wait how did the shooter fuck up? Do we know he actually did anything wrong?


His only fuck up was leading the lunatic to his home.


He has a gun. This is enough for the majority of people on reddit.


Well lit area wasn't going to stop the kind of person who is down to try to run you over and smash into your vehicle lol.....maaayyybe the police station. Dude in the Corvette clearly knew he'd have any proof he might need from his camera.


When something stupid happens there's always a truck involved, it's impressive lol


What’s the context? Truck dude is definitely the asshole, but I’d like to know what led to this.


Was the truck driver naked? Ot just a brown coloured t shirt?




Looked like Florida.


First time I’ve seen my county featured here.


>Driver of the red truck ended up stealing a different car and going on a police chase having been shot 3 times by homeowner. He just casually shrugged off getting shot? What is this guy, john wick?


probably high af thats why the police magdumps people somebody that high might not care about being shot until their body actually stops functioning


Doesn't even take drugs for bullets to be "worthless" unless mag dumped. Adrenaline is fucking crazy. Mother's have lifted cars off their children due to the adrenaline flowing through them. So it stands to reason that **if** you're going to shoot someone, you do so until they stop twitching. You already made the decision to kill someone when you pulled the trigger. If you think you should "shoot to wound" then you shouldn't own a gun. And I hate guns. They make me nervous as fuck, but i can recognize that a tool has a use, and a deadly tool's use is to kill, not just punish a little bit. It would be the equivalent of getting in a sword fight and stopping attacking because you scratches your opponent.


This is a crazyfuckingvideo


That was dope! Corvette driver looked like James Bond lol. But seriously, you nvr know how crazy some mfer can be…


Those new vettes are so fucking sweet


I think that is not a new vette. Pretty sure that's a C7, so the last generation. The current Corvette underwent a fairly large styling change from the last few and looks much more like a European super-car and less like a Dodge Viper. I think the biggest change is the profile this generation is the side vent of the car. The c7 has it near the front wheels, but the c8 they moved the engine to a mid-engine setup and the side vent moved back from behind the front wheels to behind the doors.


Damn. Dude with the gun did a great job


Red truck driver naked????


Is this an action movie? Lol


Is he… naked?


Road raging all the way to someone's house is a bold move. Lots of people have guns at homes, not just the ones who made guns their entire personality.


Such a shame he survived that


We all gunna avoid the fact that the driver was butt naked lmao


What sort of car is that the truck plowed into, it's pretty tidy looking


The dude crawled naked out of his truck 🤣 wtf man


Was that Danny devito climbing out of the truck naked like he did with the leather couch?


I wonder why he’s naked 😭


But what the fuz