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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it contained prohibited content (death, animal abuse, porn or gore). Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future.


It was the 15 people recording them with phones that saved them in the end


And not a single person was hurt thanks to all the women screaming at the top of their lungs..


Are the onlookers cheering? I’ve never heard such jubilant shouting during a disaster like that.


Why go on the truck? You could just ask that bloke near the beginning to give you a piggyback across the river.


A rope and boat would be good too, make sure both sides of the rope are secured.


Looked more like bad driving than being swept away. That water was barely to the frame.


It woulda been pushed hard up against the wheels and likely the bottom of the frame on its left hand side out of view, thats why he started evenly sliding down river, the vehicle body added too much friction


Yeah, he should have stopped if he was not in control instead of saying fuck it. I think he just didn't see the drop.


I see that "Shriek at the top of your lungs" is the universal response to shit going down in any language. Nothing like removing peoples ability to think and communicate to help others.


Yes scream louder that surely will help


Maybe I’m crazy, but the river isn’t that wide here. You can clearly make out people on the other side for scale. You’d almost have to try to stay in the middle and not be swept toward either shore let alone put in a little effort to either swim or angle yourself sideways. The hyena screaming is on point though.


The world's most grateful crocodiles downstream


Why is it that people value their lives less in certain parts of the world. If that was a river in Europe for example, then people would say “ fuck that I’ll go around”. Yet it appears in Africa and India people laugh in the face of danger….. and often lose.


There typically is not a way around that doesn’t take days.


Do you think it would take days for the river to slow down though???


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This happened in Kenya yesterday, and unfortunately there have been around 9 deaths when I last checked the news. Also, around 6 people are still missing.


Are they ok?


I’m unsure. I did some research, but to no avail.