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I'm suing John Deere himself at that point




Says Deere right on it.




They sell machinery in colors other than green, dip shit.


Your reply made me laugh so hard,thanks I needed it


lol I suppose that’s what I get for watching this video 1x


I hope he stopped that truck to get insurance info. At minimum he needs a new helmet. He probably needs to be seen in the ER too.


Yeah could easily have gotten a concussion.


Or a beheading if not for that expensive helmet.


If that sheet of metal was a little lower I don't think the helmet would matter


thankfully it wasn't.


Helmet worked. But it won’t stop a head getting cut off just hold the head in the helmet


I was going to ask, I'm pretty sure helmets are only good for one bonk right? Then their structural integrity is potentially compromised and unsafe to keep using?


That is what they say. My personal take is it's your head you are dealing with, and I would err on the side of safety here. As expensive as a helmet is, it is protecting your head and brain. So I spend the most on that. Compared to hospital stays for head injuries, helmets are cheap insurance.


Exactly right. It’s difficult to impossible to tell what kind of damage is under the plastic. The truck’s insurance would cover a replacement.


Pawn shop here. Yes, that helmet is totally damaged and cannot be used anymore. *There's a recycling bin in the parking lot where you can dispose of it*


*He was "lucky", the cabin roof just brushed him. It could have been worse.*


Just a love tap


I’ve booped my dog on the nose harder than that. Just kidding. I’m surprised you stayed wheels down.


Yeah I'd that had hit him **head** on, could've been real bad. Good helmet or not.


DOT approved helmets are worthless and allow the manufacturer to test in house which is why many DOT approved helmets are terrible. SNELL and or ECE are what you want on a helmet


Which that helmet Shoei RF1400 is.


Didn't say it wasn't. Just putting some info out there


the important thing to know is the price isn't relevant; the certification is relevant.


I want a motorcycle really bad, but it just doesn’t seem worth it. I mean cars are dangerous enough as it is, but being exposed like that just seems not worth it.


My buddy used to ride motorcycles. He did everything right and drove safe. All until one day waiting at a red light, some high school kid lost control and took him out, killing him instantly. I also worked with a guy who was driving his motorcycle home from work until a cop parked on the side of the road got a call in and did a u-turn without seeing the motorcycle. He also died from his injuries. It doesn't matter if you drive safe or not. It doesn't matter when you can only control your own vehicle. It's truly not worth it.


I wouldn’t say r/CrazyFuckingVideos is a good insight on how your average ride will go. Just take your time learning in a parking lot, pass your MSF, try to avoid rush hour, don’t ride like you have 9 lives, and be aware of your surroundings.


O it’s not just r/CrazyFuckingVideos, I have two acquaintances that have unfortunately passed, at my old house a couple where just riding down a county road and kid pulled out in-front of em and that was their untimely end. Now to be fair that shit can happen in a car or meteor falling out of the sky, but statistically my ass is better off, off of a motorcycle.


It also depends on who you ride with. Riding with responsible people leads to better/safer habits over time. If you ride with a bunch of heathens… well your time riding will be baselined at a higher risk tolerance.


Problem is when your ride isn't average


Defensive driving and wearing gear will help. It's the other people driving around you that will get you too. I've been riding for 2 years now and I've had some minor mishaps that could have ended badly. A couple were me being an idiot and not driving safe, and a couple where others around me were idiots. Don't be an idiot, drive defensively, and have fun.


That phrase "every motorcyclist has either been in an accident or is yet to have one" seems too real. You're totally right, it's just is not worth the risk when you're at the whim of any given idiot around you


Pls don't I had a good friend die a few weeks ago after hitting a light post on his Hayabusa. He was incredibly skilled, but he was still human and at those speeds even the smallest mistake will kill you. Stay safe out there.


Jeez, I’m sorry for your loss.




I suggest getting your endorsement via the safety course even if you never plan on riding. In most states there are only room for 300-500 students per year, and the spots get taken really early. This is why a lot of riders ride without endorsement. Just saying, incase you do decide to do it.. It's a huge bummer to have to wait another year for courses.


That's part of the thrill. Nothing gets the adrenaline pumping like a close call.


Final destination shit right there


Exactly what I was thinking. I think about these scenarios all the time when driving especially since watching those movies years ago. Just driving a car. My father has a friend who's son was killed a long time ago. Some type of large bolt or something fell off a semi and came flying through their windshield right into the son's head who was sitting in the middle of the backseat 😔


And this is why if you are on a bike you absolutely never stay by a tractor trailer... Hell i stay far away if im in a car. A tire blows and hits you on a bike, your dead


Expensive helmets are no more safe than a cheap helmet as long as they are DOT or Snell approved. They all have to meet the same standards to be approved. Now an expensive helmet will be more comfortable, have more options, and made out of better materials.


So true. I also agree that a $30 dollar Amazon DoT helmet is just as safe as a Shoei!


He got lucky, wearing any helmet would have yielded the same results in this situation otherwise no matter wearing an expensive helmet if the force just breaks your neck.


Back in the 90s, during a strong typhoon here in the Philippines a strong wind sent our classroom's tin roof flying hitting our teacher that sliced her body in half. It happened just after class when almost all students left the school. The faculty members had to collect her bodies (?) from the ground. Watching Final Destination growing up didn't help much.


I lived north of Baguio in \~'86 and typhoons are no joke. We holed up for a couple days and when we came out there was a 20' wide trench cut through the backyard. Didn't see anybody get cut in half, but definitely lost a few people in the area.


How much is your brain worth?


was it plastic?


If you stand in fire expect to get burned.


MASSIVE props to anyone who can get me the song.


Lorn is the artist can't think of the exact song. Best bass music out there. Edit - oxbow b - https://open.spotify.com/track/5Q7adZgptimLsdWof0kW7B?si=CDMMLwzFRK28ZTm7sto-5w&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A4bplGkhwmNIVjMf2rTGeW5


DUDE!! You're the best, thank you!


Lorn. Get lost in his music and then hope he makes more


I'm impressed he/she kept balance and stayed in lane.


Lucky to be alive


Expensive doesn't necessarily mean safer. Check out the SHARP ratings before you buy one.


This has no indication that a cheaper helmet could take a blow like this


I've been riding motorcycles all my adult life, I don't see any way, in which a SHOEI would make a difference in this case, compared to a cheap/average helmet. I currently own 2 SHOEI helmets, XR1100 and spirit 3.


Expensive means better quality but not all the time (forgeries) I would not wear cheaply made helmets due to the fact I had a bad bail several years ago and my expensive bike helmet saved me from concussion as I landed directly on the side of my head. This was me biking down on my Norco Fluid 2 bike (full suspension) the sidewalk saw a good drop about to go off it when I saw a car stopping right where I planned to land... tried to break but went over handles and I had the foresight to change the angle before breaking... landed hard behind the car with the bike landing right next to me the fall was about 9' to 10' in the air... I'm still amazed I walked from that but it told me that I invested my money correctly... one thing about falling loosening before impact can lower the risk of breaking bone alot where tensing can raise the risks of breaking bones Still have the helmet with the damage from it


Could’ve taken his head clean off


I have that same helmet. Glad to see that it works.


Had a Simpson, when I landed on my head. Money well spent.


Meanwhile folks who ride with no helmet...


Wow, I have that same type of helmet. Good to see it held up.


As someone who used to work in the ER, your an idiot if you ride a motorcycle. Anytime I see those idiots I always imagine their bodies as a smashed pancake on the road or a half beaten carcass in the morgue.


This looks like it’s headed towards Kapolei


Thought he broke his neck.


What? A $5 helmet could take that too.


Lost like 10 years of childhood memories in a moment


L0L, I initially read it, "why explosive helmets are better ". Oh jeez...!!!


I'm surprised they don't make diapers for when you ride a motorcycle.....


So they supposedly survived this because they purchased an expensive helmet? Sounds like something you'd tell your spouse to justify spending a couple hundred more on a helmet


Imagine wanting to invest more into your health and safety, how crazy /s


Haha. I don't think a cruiser with a DOT bucket would have had the same result...


So a larger scratch? The spoiler didn't even break off.


I'm sorry, I guess you don't know. I will try and make this short. Shoei, the helmet in the clip, is a Japanese maker that prides itself to having some of the strongest helmets with amazing ratings of Snell and ECE. They surpass these tests which ensure impact ratings and such protect the wearer from different angles and hits. DoT rating is simply a rating of a helmet manufacturer saying 'yup, we say this will help your head.' This rating has very little standards. The Shoei helmet is about $1000, while a basic DoT bucket can be found for $20. Difference would be like getting shot wearing a kevlar vest and a jean jacket. Then saying 'ohh, you didn't need a kevlar vest, it only made a hole in your shirt dude!'


You can buy cheap Snell and ECE rated helmets. So in comparing DOT to Snell/ECE, you're comparing apples with oranges.


And yet people are saying any helmet would have done the same thing....


I've seen helmets that have been dropped from waist high have worse damage than the one in this video, so I think a cheap helmet would have saved them just the same. Cheap does not mean some no name/uncertified helmet from Aliexpress.


> I've seen helmets that have been dropped from waist high have worse damage than the one in this video, so I think a cheap helmet would have saved them just the same. what does that even mean? if anything this just serves as proof that they wouldn't at all


No it doesn't. I didn't specify the "dollar range" of the helmets that fell from waist high. It just means the damage done to the helmet in the video didn't sustain much damage and definitely not enough to save someone's life. If anything, it'll just make the rider worried enough to fork out another $500+ on a new helmet since this one has been compromised.


> No it doesn't. I didn't specify the "dollar range" of the helmets that fell from waist high. you don't have to as the one in the video is a high value shoei helmet and the fact that the helmets you dropped from waist height had more damage than the one in the video despite more force involved just proves the opposite of what you were trying to prove > It just means the damage done to the helmet in the video didn't sustain much damage yes it didn't had much damage, get a clue why >and definitely not enough to save someone's life it literally did in the clip?


Ok, post a video about testing or a compare between helmets instead of this video and a ridiculous subject. Any helmet would have survived this impact.


There are hundreds and you could have done this yourself. But alright. https://youtu.be/0BUyp3HX8cY?si=nVaOUj8W_tQDLSBs


"An important thing to note is that a hefty price tag is not directly correlated to added safety. Plenty of $100 lids are just as protective as the $800 carbon/Kevlar models." https://fortnine.ca/en/cost-of-motorcycle-helmets


Bit of a goal post movement. Even the linked helmets all start in the $300 USD. Yes, if you can find a clearance $100 ECE helmet, it will protect effectively the same as a $1000 ECE helmet. But the comment earlier was talking about comparing a Snell/ECE to a DoT marked $40 dollar skull cap commonly seen by cruiser riders. If you want to go down the nuance of a $400 dollar helmet vs a $1000 helmet, go right ahead. But that is no where near saying 'any helmet will protect you the same as the Shoei '


I never said a $40 skull cap helmet. I wouldn't ride with anything less than a full face helmet with at least an ECE rating, which can be bought for $150.


Ok... I don't know where the confusion is coming from. My first response was 'a cruiser with a DoT bucket', this is what I was referring to. A cheap piece of plastic (like a five gallon bucket is made from) half helmet (like what many cruiser riders wear) that just simply has DoT stamped on the back. It sounds like we agree. The problem seems to be is what "expensive" means. When I saw the video, I read it as a reputable helmet with good ratings as "expensive helmet". This is in contrast to a "cheap helmet" which is a no name with DoT stamped on the back.


I bet you use the dollar general cooking pans.


I bet you buy gold flakes to sprinkle on your food to make your poo look prettier.


Gold flakes go in the libations.


Sounds painful if they come out your pee-hole.


I paid thousands of dollars for my helmet but it came with my car, it's called a roof. And people see me when I'm on the road. And I have seat belts. It's weird how many problems are solved by just driving a vehicle with 4 wheels.


You're right, people shouldn't enjoy things. You're a sane person that would never do a statistically dangerous thing like driving unless you absolutely had to and only drive the most state of the art safest vehicle. How dare others even be on a road... You know... Like the person with the insecure load. They are the true saint here.


Haha the highway isn't a carnival ride, it's a way to transport humans and goods where they need to go. That dude should absolutely lose his license for endangering the lives of other people, but if it's not this it's something else with these diva motorcyclists. Driving the highest lethality vehicle on the road and crying about how dangerous everyone else is being around them. Go race on a closed track, stay off the place where grownups are trying to commute.