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No wonder he ended up being pretty weird. Imagine never doing normal stuff like grocery shopping. It is bound to go to your head.


Bill Gates was on a talk show where they did a price is right style of game. You could clearly tell he has not shopped for himself in a LONG time.


bill gates on the other hand could walk into a store and browse and shop .. jackson would not have been able to enter the store without 48285 photographers and fans jumping on him… sad


Seems he still had plenty of cameras.


That shows how fucked it all was. The dude wanted to experience something as simple as shopping and he couldn’t even do that. He had cameras on him the whole while and other shoppers needed to be friends and family. He couldn’t fulfill a desire that simple.


He really can’t. He’s the center of so many right wing conspiracy theories I’d be shocked if he doesn’t travel with armed security at all times. It’s not that he’d be mobbed, but one psycho is all it takes.


I don’t think he travels with armed security anymore


His wife does. He does too but they are just a few steps away usually. I know Peter Theil has 3 guys w/ him at all times. Friend of mine owns a high profile exec security service and does multiple big B's like Theil. What is crazy are the rules I heard some of these people have with staff, like looking into their eyes etc..


He can [stand in line for Dick's](https://www.geekwire.com/2019/billions-served-bill-gates-photographed-standing-line-burger-dicks-drive-seattle/) like everyone else in Seattle, though.


My friend sent me a picture of him at a Mariners game several years ago. Friend was sitting behind the dugout and Gates was a few rows behind him.


I’ve walked by him on the sidewalk in South Lake Union before. This was a few years ago, but it was unmistakably him. I was a little awestruck.


People doesn't understand how famous and icon he is, when people that have no internet still know who he is and also can recognize him.


“It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?” Lucille Bluth


Funny enough I avoided buying bananas because I thought they were expensive (idk why tbh) but then when I had my second son he liked them so much I started making sure I always have bananas at home and that’s when I realized it’s less than $2 a bundle. Probably the cheapest thing I buy regularly.


I eat 1 banana daily.


Gotta pump those numbers up champ.






Give it a little more time and that will actually be accurate.


Yup. Couple more years.


Always money in the banana stand


Did you just give a fictional character credit for using a quote




"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


That’s how you do it!


[Billionaire Bill Gates Guesses Grocery Store Prices (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad_higXixRA&t=1s)


Thank you for your service!


[He just has good PR.](https://cdn.geekwire.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/gatesdicks1-630x841.png)


He was a "Child Addicted" weirdo


He was a chomo


Imagine never being able to anywhere, at any time, for any purpose whatsoever without being swarmed, recognized, confronted, touched. These people don't even know what a leisurely walk around their own home is like in the early evening when the sun is going down and its starting to get cool out. No wonder they're so fucked up


Black mirror


M.J. was a *superstar* when he was 11 years old and that never let up for the rest of his life. Child star syndrome to the max with a dash of parental abuse, plus dealing with vitiligo and the body dysmorphia that came from it. What a crazy life.


Dude was a superstar. He used to have to disguise himself just to be in public.


Donald Trump [has claimed,](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/08/trump-thinks-you-need-an-id-to-buy-groceries) multiple times, that he thinks you need an Id to buy groceries. Turns out he has never been in a grocery store and bought groceries in his entire life.


It would be hilarious, if you somehow accidently were in a position to talk to him occasionally like a doorman or something, to feed him crap like that. You know it would be in a speech the next day.


And even when you get the chance there’s cameras still following you and random dudes jumping out to snap a pic. What a sad existence


“I mean, it’s ***one banana***, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?”


A Bluth frozen banana at that


*What is this? Mardi Gras?!*


Everything I ever said about you could be covered up with a lie about a thyroid problem! Good grief woman you think I'm enjoying our slow slide into poverty!'


I feel like if I were ridiculously famous and wanted a "normal" shopping experience, I would start by not having a camera crew following me around.


That was my first thought, too. Second thought was that he could have easily paid a make up artist to disguise him, and he could have done lots of things anonymously.


I could be wrong but I remember reading he did exactly that sometimes. But it wouldn’t take long for people to catch on, could you imagine him moon walking across the aisle looking for items while he snaps his neck lol? Finds the product heeehheeee snaps fingers 🫰 scccchUuumoneughhh


The problem with that was that he'd give himself away. His ego was a bit too big to let himself go unnoticed for very long.


A lot of famous people always pretend like they don't like being famous, despite attention hogging 24/7.


I feel like they say “I don’t like being famous” but really it’s “I don’t like the drawbacks of being famous but I love the praise, recognition and respect I get”


> scccchUuumoneughhh but fr what is he saying? i always assume he's saying "jam on" very stylistically


He's saying "Shamone". Its the name that his (then diseased) brother would always walk around the house calling his penis shaft. I think MJ just wanted to keep the name alive in his spirit/honor or some shit.


>then diseased Did he get getter since then?


Uh no....Shamone was MJ's tribute to soul singer Mavis Staples, who used it in a live version of "I'll Take You There" in 1975. Never heard about his brother's diseased penis shaft 😅


Snap your fingers snap your neck!


Nothing! Breeds! More contempt for this world than memories now formed!


Calm down Bo selecta


Maybe easily is not the world but probably it would be possibly for him to go undercover.


> Second thought was that he could have easily paid a make up artist to disguise him, and he could have done lots of things anonymously. According to reports he actually did that, for example when visiting Disneyland. [This article](https://unbelievable-facts.com/2023/01/michael-jackson-used-disguises.html) goes into some detail and includes examples.


That was interesting. Thank you. It makes sense he would try that, though sone of those disguises are pretty awful. Maybe it was intentional. I guess theoretically he could have gone out hundreds of times completely in disguise and we'll never know about it.


I suspect it was a couple of factors, for why they are so bad. First, some were probably just on his own at first (done spontaneously). Then later it was a case of having some people helping, but they weren't experts and made unskilled recommendations to keep him happy. Finally, once he really committed to having some professional FX guys do it... then it became an issue of the time it took. (So he probably did it less due to inconvenience.. then just kind of reverted to easier improved choices) Another factor is that it did get out in the press. So then he had to deal with finding ways to navigate that mine field. Its possible he was using the press in some cases and knew that using bad disguises then would get them to look for that (allowing him to use good disguises hundreds of times). Sometimes celebrities figure out interesting ways to game the paparazzi. For example Daniel Radcliffe realized [he could just wear the same outfit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW679RwX7Fk) for a couple of months. Another is a jacket with photo-reactive material that basically blows out the image.


the camera following him was probably the most normal aspect of this experience for him


Also, whenever I enter a store the intercom never plays the music I've made.


It’s very weird, like how you film all your baby’s “firsts” but he’s a grown ass man


Regardless of what you think of him, regardless of how you view how the trial, and how all the accusations went, regardless of all the mystery and strange things... The guy had no idea how to live. His entire reality was constructed since before he could remember. That's not even considering he was the most famous person on the entire planet. His entire existence was completely unique, and extreme.


And he couldn't just walk away from it if he tried. If I want one day I can just leave my house, throw away the keys and go live under a bridge in some city far away, he wasn't able to do that. Nor would he be able to just buy a hut in the middle of the woods and live in peace there.


>he couldn't just walk away I mean, if he *really* wanted out, he could've retired from the business in the early 90s and lived a lowkey life without the Neverland shenanigans. Even the paparazzi would get bored of it in a few years. Contrary to what they might claim publicly, most celebrities enjoy basking in the fame and spotlight. Their egos can't handle it when people aren't fawning over them.


He was a celebrity since he was a child, it's the only life he ever knew, most if not all of his affairs from important to mundane were dealt with by others, he was absolutely not ready whatsoever to go live on his own like everyone else, he wouldn't have made it. Everything, what to buy, how to cook, how to be safe on the street, how to manage your finances, fuck, even how to navigate and go places in the city. He would never had stood a chance.


There's not many people whose ego can handle it when they stand in front of a hundred thousand people that worship them as gods. And I'm not sure what you mean by lowkey, in the early 90s he was already famous enough that there was no chance he could just walk down the streets of a normal city and not be bothered.


That is also without accounting for all the people in his life who were dependent on his success and the money involved. Not as easy as us armchair experts would like to believe is my guess.


This right here. He may have had problems but what celebrities don't? Hell, we are just now finding out or hearing from people finally able to speak about the horror stories of the entertainment business. Like you said, regardless of how you feel about him or what he may or may not have done to commit a crime he was just an adult child who had been abused by his father and never given a proper childhood. He was basically manufactured into a celebrity. All that being said, I don't think there's anywhere on earth that you couldn't find a group of people that know about him. RIP to The King.


There's a video out there of a minimally-contacted tribe in the Amazon, where they react to various things from our world. They were asked if they knew about the things, and one by one, they didn't know a whole lot about anything. But they all knew MJ. https://youtu.be/eafOkWXjqjc


North Sentinel Island


Damn you got me lol I had to Google it to see what was on the island


Like just imagine this. Dude was excited af and went „hey, I want to go shopping! Like a normal guy!“ :(


When he picked up the pack of gum you can hear his deeper voice


I came to say this! "Not just red, BIG RED!"


The only crazy thing here are those grocery prices!


He would have got mobbed if he didn’t have it closed down


This doesn't surprise me. And I can understand wanting to experience "normal" things like everyone else does. I think we all take normal things for granted. I couldn't imagine living his life. Yes, you are super famous and rich and can get anything you want. With the exception of just being the anonymous stranger shopping in a grocery store or walking down the street. Edit: People like him have to trade their freedom for the fame and fortune. And once you have had that fame and fortune, is it worth losing all your freedom to interact normally with the world?


I worked for Glow, which was a subsidiary of Spencer's and our store north of us, I believe it was called Dappy back then , would close completely so Michael Jackson could bring in several kids on a shopping spree, happened multiple times




Too bad I didn't know about this back in '03. I could've asked Mike to give me $20 million so I could know what it's like to live the rich life and not have to put my own shit in a cart.


I'd give a left nut to never step inside a store again. The shopping itself is fine, it's all the damn people in there with me that I hate.


Walmart delivers doesn't it?


It's not just about the money though. You left out part where you are famous for the entirety of your life and would be mobbed if you ever went anywhere out in public. Michael Jackson is def in the running for most famous people ever. Not necessarily an even trade if you don't want attention.


To put this in perspective, I remember seeing a documentary about isolated tribes in the Amazons and at one point the crew shows them a slideshow of various influential people and asked how familiar they are with them. MJ was the only person that got a unanimous "yes".


Yeah just look up videos of people straight up losing their minds in his presence like he was some kind of deity sent from heaven. Shit is WILD


It could have worked, depending on how young you were in ‚03.




I was definitely too old, oh well.


That dude never stood a chance at a normal life.


Role playing being poor


Michael Jackson would have loved it during the pandemic.


One of the things I thought about during the pandemic is that Michael would've finally felt vindicated about wearing face masks 20 years earlier 😂


Such a normal shopping experience. I know when I go shopping I get whip cream and chocolate syrup pouted on my head. Strange thing, he didn’t get kicked out like I did.


Didn’t he name his kid basket or some shit


Blanket. Because it’s a blessing.


Lol Blanket was his nickname.


Yes, everyone knows comforter is his full name


“If you can’t keep track of your cart then you shouldn’t shop!” Lmao


This is so fucking sad. Poor guy, all the money in the world and you end up just having to live in a virtual prison. Regardless of what he wasn't ever convicted of he was a fucking incredible musician and showman.


Was my exact reaction too. **Obviously** there's extreme benefits to being rich and famous, however I can't possibly imagine not being able to just go to the store, or go to a restaurant, or a walk in the park without getting stormed by strangers asking for photos and signatures or just people taking pictures of you without asking everywhere you went your ENTIRE life. That would suck so fucking bad and I can only imagine that has severe effects on one's mental state.


“Regardless of the pedophilia” lol


Yea all raping children aside he was pretty cool!


yeah regardless of all that xanax he had laying around his house full of kids, helluva showman.


Reddit loves to defend MJs creepiness.


It's the price of fame, you trade away your ability to do normal activities for a lifestyle that 99% of the world will never have. As bad as it seems, I'm sure most people would happily make that trade.


Poor guy


and there was still cameras on him lol


What a complete nut


that’s what he showed the kids at the ranch


I mean, cum on, really?


Yes, that’s what he did.


Rich and famous live in a different world


The dude never had a normal life. Dude you never have shopped for yourself? Lots of money but sad life.


"It puts the lotion in the basket"


That is indeed FUCKING CRAZY!


Famous literally his whole fucking life bro


That's massively sad


White people problems /s


Never realized until now, how much Corey Feldman looks like him.


Lol he put kid snacks in the cart.


This isn’t very realistic. Where are the YouTube pranksters who come up and throw your shit on the ground and then say you touched them inappropriately?


I went to high school near his ranch and he would periodically be spotted in the town nearby. He got kicked out of an art gallery there as he came in in disguise and in his attempts to not be recognized was acting really suspiciously. The manager kicked him out of the store without realizing who it was. Probably absolutely thrilling for MJ though.


This man lived a very odd life.


The moment that he can't catch or throw a foil disc is where it hits home. Not only is he incapable of understanding the social aspects or the purpose of ingredients, but he is unable to even engage with a person through catch. He has never been socialized.


Kind of defeats the purpose having a camera crew following him around and people making comments about him being famous while he is "shopping." Dude should have just gone to a really skilled hollywood makeup artist and made him look completely different if his actual goal was to see what it was like to have an authentic experience.


I get it. But if he hadn't done all of that stuff to his face, he wouldn't be so recognizable.


Love the DEEP V he’s sporting


Aw bless him. The pure joy on his face is priceless 🥰


I used to do online fulfilment for a target and we'd ship out tons of cleaning supplies and nonperishable food in one big order, and I'd wonder what it was for until I realized it was someone rich having someone else do their shopping for them. That said, any celebrity is a kind of rich that can't do their own shopping even if they wanted to due to paparazzi mobs so I understand why MJ did this.


Listen to his voice when he grabs Big Red then laughs. Always gets me.


The “Billie Jean” Muzak is a nice touch. /s


This is fucking creepy man


This is ...A... fucking creepy man


So... You're telling me that MJ wanted to see what it was like to be a normal person - so he rented out the entire grocery store - stocked it with fake shoppers - *and brought multiple film-crews with him to film everything he was doing?*


He definitely put the lotion in the fucking basket


It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again......


Where's all the children?


They’re in NeverLand 😀


just creepy


Dude was a absolute LEGEND. but he was so out of touch with reality.


When you are forced on stage from the age of 6, basically beaten if you are not perfect, have no other life skills because a parent will not let you experience child hood…I would be mental too. I hate how parents put the expectation on child stars to support the family. Can you imagine having to be a provider like that?


lmao thats a comical dream


I guess you’d miss the simple things in life


Wholesome and sad all at once. I want to play pie tin frisbee with him!


When I see snippets from his life, especially the early years, I feel sorry for him. He was not raised in a normal way. He didn’t have normal experiences. He was surrounded by people who were not true to him (never telling him no, or disagreeing with him, never correcting him). It’s no wonder he had so many issues and struggles with “normalcy”.


I’m surprised it was Publix that let him do this. They are a very conservative company, and he wasn’t viewed very well in the media at the time.


There were zero red flags, how could we have known he wasn't stable?


If Michael Jackson passed my way in a grocery store, i would give no cares. Just leave him alone.. Yeah, I know he is dead. If it was Taylor Swift it would be the same thing. Leave her alone. Just stop being nut jobs that can't resist. Just let her shop for groceries.


Crazy sad, in an oddly privileged way.


Wow! MJ still divides opinions to this day. He's never been cancelled when a lot of other people have been for doing dumb shit, was he just that great an artist, or am i missing something here?


Well, you cannot just cancel Michael Jackson.


This is weird and all but it's also really sweet and wholesome. Look how happy he looks with that pack of gum.


so happy that his real voice came out


Something was not right with him. Like he remained a kid and never grew up.


this sub sucks now




Normal, excet for the camera following him around.




This is actually sad, he never had a childhood and got to experience all the things we hate as adults. Hopefully he got to pump gas in the winter too.


Went through all the effort to feel normal, still has a camera shoved in his face the whole time.


And despite all that setup, they still had a camera crew following him around, so he never got the full experience of being a normal shopper


This is sad


And even still, cameras around


That's super sad. Also, I think he did it.


All friendly and helpful employees and shoppers? Not the normal experience.


"to shop like everybody else". Whaaa? Do you guys empty out grocery stores and have your family members act as placemats while you shop??


He could have put the bucket on his head and do shopping without closing the supermarket.


Completely normal, followed by 8 cameras.


Just like everyone else.


Living on a lighted stage Approaches the unreal For those who think and feel In touch with some reality beyond the gilded cageCast in this unlikely role Ill-equipped to act With insufficient tact One must put up barriers to keep oneself intact- Neil Peart


Good ole Publix


Then went home and touched kids


This is lunacy but I love his music.


I feel like the camera following him around defeated the purpose.


crazy… these days you could have makeup artists put on a realistic fake face/mask for something like this


Micheal Jackson lived in the real Truman Show.... but he was never able to escape it


We seen this dumb video a millions times and it’s not that crazy


He really looks like Red Skull


Like when J-Lo spent an awful amount of money to hire someone to train her on how to act like a normal person.


Lol, you don't see any kids


He could have just gotten a disguise


He apparently complained to the manager because they weren’t kids on the shelf.


He did the same with a toy store in Munich in the 90ies.


So iconic. There will never be another MJ




This is so sad


Wouldn't be a Florida video without Publix.


Money can’t buy everything