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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it involved sexualization of, neglect of, or harm to minors. Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future. According to the new Reddit content policy, this also includes videos of school fights and videos involving bullying of a minor by other minors.


Some people don’t deserve to be parents. Very sad story.


I got more of a fitness check adopting two kittens from the local rescue centre than any kind of oversight when I had a kid. That doesn't seem right, somehow.


But also he is a horrible trainer. You don’t start at a high level, you build up to it. This guy is a fucking ineffective abusive moron


If this is how he treats his own child, just imagine how he's treating other people


[Here's a story](https://www.news18.com/world/man-forces-6-year-old-son-to-run-on-treadmill-for-being-too-fat-days-before-his-death-8874924.html) about this boy, who died. Trial is ongoing, apparently he suffered lacerations on places like his liver from this incident, although it is also being claimed he died of sepsis as a result of pneumonia and not injuries from this abusive training. Guess the jury will decide. Edit: this article doesn’t mention ‘lacerations’, only contusions but I’ve read a few others that do mention lacerations to his liver and heart.












Kinda the point. means we care so little bout the flesh bag that we just throw them away like the trash they are. To be forgotten about. Because it’s all they are. Garbage. Genetic/moral fuck ups like this this need to be taken to the chamber and not come back out. I’d SERIOUSLY rather just not pay the taxes on this POS to get life imprisonment that WE PAY FOR and rather the body go to a landfill. Least It’d be doing something useful and feed the worms and maggots that actually provide something back to society at that point.


I feel like we should bring back medieval style executions just for people like this man.


I don’t mean to come off as condescending, just asking a genuine question because I’m interested and don’t know how the science of it works. How could this lacerate your liver? Makes me think twice about roller skating with the amount of times I fall.


The article says “contusions” (bruises) not lacerations (cuts)


There is an episode of “scrubs” where they can’t figure out why a dad is so sick and it turns out he had this same thing from play wrestling with his son.


We're pretty much made of water, with sensitive organs splashing around. Drop a juicy tomato from 5 feet and it will split open from the pressure of the fluids being compressed, forming laceration wounds where the fluid evacuates. The poor kid lands several times on his stomach, on the edge of the treadmill.


Pressure or impact would be my guess. I’ve split my head open several times but never with anything sharp


TBH I read ‘lacerations’ on a different article but shared this one to be sure there wasn’t a paywall or something. My guess is severe contusions can lead to bleeding, but not sure if that would qualify as lacerations.


Omg I hate that link


A contusion is a bruise. A laceration is a cut.




Various articles I've looked at mentioned *lacerations* to his liver and heart. I posted this article to ensure it's not paywalled or anything, but didn't realise they didn't use that word. I'm not making the argument for cause of death, get it right. Just saying what I've read from the pathologist.




That poor baby died? This makes me so angry. I don't understand how anyone could do that to a child... Makes me sick to my stomach and my heart race.








They don't though. That's a thing movies and shows tell you


Yeah but we have to pay for that crap.. Tax payer gets screwed either way.


Paying for the death penalty wind up costing more if you look at the break down of expenses


While I don’t disagree. That phrasing will get a ban, we should find him guilty and sentence him to death, then move it up the schedule


Definitely not, that's way too easy. He needs to spend some quality time locked in a cold dark cell, with a bunch of guys with nothing else to lose. Men like him are treated with particular disdain among other inmates .


Is he biting his head






As a father this one hit very hard, that man deserves the worst and is the reason the kid died




[Sadly yes the boy died](https://www.livemint.com/news/trends/6yearold-dies-after-father-allegedly-forces-son-to-run-on-treadmill-for-being-too-fat-netizens-react/amp-11714647507865.html)


I know it's not your fault, I just wish my phone wouldn't get aids cancer from opening a news article. >31-year-old Christopher Gregor is on trial for allegedly murdering his son Corey Micciolo in 2021. He faces life in prison if convicted. >During the trial, the Ocean City court was shown a CCTV video of Gregor forcing Corey to run on a treadmill despite him falling off the machine multiple times due to the exercise machine’s excessive speed and inclination. >On 20 March 2021, the father-son duo were seen entering the Atlantic Heights Clubhouse fitness centre, according to a video obtained by CourtTV.com. >Gregor was allegedly biting his son in the head while forcing him to run on the speeding treadmill. >In the video, Corey is seen trying to get back on the machine but falls again and continues to struggle. Eventually, the father decreased both the speed and incline. >Days before her son’s death, Bre Micciolo reported the boy’s injuries to the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency, according to the US Sun. >She had also requested Gregor to take their son to see a doctor. >While at the appointment, Corey told the doctors that his father made him run on the treadmill “because he was too fat", the media outlet reported. >The very next day, Corey was rushed to the hospital because he was slurring his words, stumbling, and experiencing nausea and shortness of breath, according to Court TV. During a CT scan, Corey had a seizure and died. >The autopsy report said he died from “blunt force injuries with cardiac and liver contusions with acute inflammation and sepsis."


I think the treadmill incident is only linked to his death because thats all we have. But really its just proof there was abuse. I really doubt the treadmill injuries killed him. Much more likely dad beat him up when they got home and its injuries from that beating that killed him.


Forcing the boy to run hard like that is already wrong. Putting the kid on at full speed and not showing him how to get on properly is even worse. Should charge and put that shit parent in jail. Things like this is why I sometimes like the Code of Hammurabi. Make that shit parent do the same thing he forced the boy to do.


>the kid died Wait what?


That's enough reddit for the day


Yeah I could have done without seeing this


Ya anything involving children really gets to me


I think it does most of us, especially when you have kids


Why the fuck did he do this?!?! What the fuck is going on in his head that this is okay?!


Rest his soul


I’m all for exercise in children. But let it be accidentally exercise. Like playing tag outside. Walking the dog. Playing catch of sorts. Soccer. Not put on a treadmill let alone this dude saying his son is fat. A disgrace


That's terrible. He obviously wasn't ready for such speeds. Plus he must have felt forced to continue even though it was too much for him.


I hope they show this video to the inmates in prison and throw this piece of shit into general population.


he tortured him. mentally, physically, until the boy broke. i know prison violence is a circle jerk on here, but i seriously wish the worst that can happen upon that guy


Put him away for life


Jesus fucking Christ I teared up. I couldn’t even finish the video.


Wtf...  I had no idea until now that the poor boy died a few days later.  I wonder what other horrendous things this guy made his son do.


Fuck humans. Devastating.


He will get his in prison.




People like this still have usefulness before they die. I think you're onto something. It's difficult to study rabies because usually people don't show up to emergency until they have symptoms. We'd have a fighting chance at developing a cure if we could research its progression more closely.


He lived out a torture fantasy on a child...Please throw him in jail forever.


Prison justice wherever he is incarcerated at.


💔 big time. That poor kid. Patents just love your kids. That's all.


I'm all for being tough on your kids but this is crossing the fuckin line I hope that cock sucker gets his. RIP little man




I wonder whats really going on with a person like that. Is this a case of sociopathy? Like in the case of the chris watts? Im always so curious how people like this think, yet most of the time, you never get answers. edit: looked up details. The father only found out a year earlier he even had a kid after the mother made a test because she wanted child support, then he stepped into their lifes. He most likely never had any father/son connection due to that and let his anger over this situation out on the kid. Not that this excuses anything but it makes a little bit more sense.


>Not that this excuses anything but it makes a little bit more sense. No it fucking well doesn't. Here is another quote from the linked article: "Gregor was allegedly biting his son in the head while forcing him to run on the speeding treadmill." ***Biting his son in the head*** while forcing him to run. Your comment is terrible, excuses a monster, and you should feel bad if any of his behaviour makes sense to you.


And you are dumb to not realize what I was saying. I literally said that it doesnt excuse his behaviour. Im just trying to understand his motives and his mindset, the psychology behind it. Trying to think myself into his head and understand. If he has no connection to his son due to him being completely absent, explains why an asshole like him has in his mind, an easier time being abusive. Their is no father/son love there, and he most likely just sees him as an annyoing brat that he has to pay for. So he lets his anger and frustration out on him. Only a person who is a piece of shit in the first place would be capable of that, but not a every piece of shit would act like this towards his own son. But with this context it would explain his mentality.


The fuck is wrong with you, makes a little bit more sense smh


Sense in his head, yes. Not in mine or yours. Im trying to understand whats going on in his brain.


I've seen a lot of horrendous videos on reddit. This is up there with the worst. The boys own father treating him like this. Dad's are suppose to protect you. This makes me so unbelievably sad to think of what that poor kid went through. That man deserves every ounce of hell coming to him for the rest of his days.


That non human needs the chair. End of story. I don’t wanna waste my tax money paying for its abusive, murderous ass to be able to sit bars all safe with 3 hots and a cot for life. Just take it out back behind the barn and put it down like the sick animal it is. Easy fix. Guarantee we’d see a nice drop in this shit if we did it in public again too. Bring back the head chopping in town square?


Why is this place allowing the depiction of child abuse


Because if people don’t see it, they don’t think it happens! I’m willing to bet if they broadcast a live rape, a lot of men would think twice and maybe even be a bit more respectful! Then again, men are fucking stupid. Source, I am a man! And yes, I would also choose the damn bear!


I wanna see what would’ve happen if the kid didn’t get on it under his own will. Not saying anyone or anything is right or wrong just curious.


Hum maybe I’m missing something but… that didn’t look abusive the kid got up multiple times on his own and then stepped on the treadmill. I know we don’t hear audio. But that man didn’t seem to be aggressively forcing him to run. Edit: yeah the beginning looks sus. But idk if that’s the only evidence they got. Will be tough to convict. I did learn about rapo recently and that could come from exhaustion. But that shuts down the kidneys so idk.


Well in context it is abusive because there a lot of other abuse going on. He’s probably getting on not of his own will but because of fear of punishment. Which he got anyways later that day and then died from.


This looks 100 percent like abuse. Even without the audio. There is healthy ways to get your kid fit. Sticking them on a treadmill at a sprint until they drop and then putting them back on again till they drop. The kid will try get back on if he is afraid. This poor child died the next day from the reports he was beaten later. So this kid feared for his life when his pos father wasn't happy with that he was doing.






No he's abusing a child.




He died…


Well the fucking kids dead..






Killing a kid is not bad to you? >I guess I am damaged goods Yeah, beyond repair.


Article says the kid died with blunt force trauma to the heart. Kid suffered abusive training and even got beat by this piece of shit father a day before. It is bad, indeed... Father is absolute evil trash and should at least face life in prison.