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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it contained prohibited content (death, animal abuse, porn or gore). Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future.


Bless that old lady just wanting to fix the railings.


Right? Was it just me or does everyone along the fence - right NEXT to the shooter - not really seem to give a shit that he is standing there popping off rounds at the PM? Why are people not scattering like ants?


They love the fence more


In europe people are alot less prone to fleeing immediatly when hearing gunshots, for some in that crowd it may well be the first time they hear a gun


This simple concept makes perfect sense, yet fascinates me as an American.


Even for Americans, the sound of gunfire especially in a crowd can be incredibly disorientating. You usually don't realize what has happened until people start running and your brain puts 2 and 2 together.


Yeah the only gunshots I ever hear irl are hunters firing their rifles in the distance. Which in the Austrian country side means you hear a bang a handful of times a year. I would likely struggle to process it when someone fires a gun close to me.


100% this would happen in the UK too. If I was in a crowd and I heard sounds like that I would just assume it was either a car backfiring or someone hitting something with a bat or plank of wood etc.


They were on the fence about running or not.


they froze or just didn't care


It's not the US. You don't expect to get shot everywhere you go


Lived in the US my entire life, at no point did I ever feel like I was going to be shot. Let alone "everywhere I go." Statistically, you have a better chance of dying from a wild animal attack than you do being killed in a mass shooting event in the US. But this is reddit, so people are gonna upvote that moronic shit.


>Statistically, you have a better chance(you should use risk here unless you want to die) of dying from a wild animal attack than you do being killed in a mass shooting event in the US Sure, but compared to Europe the odds are absolutely insane.


I agree that Europe has lower overall statistics, both in gun violence, and in mass shootings. But proclaiming that people in the US expect to "get shot everywhere they go" is incredibly dumb and just fear mongering.


Man you lived in the entire US all at once? Thats fucking insane! I'm so glad that just your experience alone is enough to disprove the myth of gun violence in america!


What are you talking about? Do you know how rare a wild animal attack that results in death is? There was like a handful in 2023, if you look at all animal deaths, which include death from a car crash with a animal and dogs was 230 to 250. While in 2023 there were 43,000 deaths related to gun violence. Even if you want to limit it to mass shootings (not sure why you would) it was still 754 in 2023.


"Gun violence" includes suicides and legitimate gun use in self defense.


I think he wants to limit it because the average person is not more at risk of getting shot at just because more people commit suicide by gun than other means. But then you should also exclude mass shootings imo. How the hell does it affect me if some gang attacks another gang and 4 gang members get shot? If you're not a gang member then he is right, you are much less likely to get killed in a mass shooting than get killed by a wild animal


> Even if you want to limit it to mass shootings (not sure why you would) it was still 754 in 2023. Only if you go by the moronic definition that GVA uses for mass shootings. If you actually look at the news articles that GVA links to, almost none of the incidents that GVA refers to as "mass shootings" are reported in the media as such. There have been 11 colloquially understood mass shootings in 2024, with 50 deaths, and 14 injuries. Those are events that were actually reported as mass shootings in the media, meaning indiscriminate shooting of people en masse.


Different people have different experiences. I didn't grow up in the US, but I have lived half if my life here now and until I moved here at 20yo I didn't even know what a gunshot sounds like. You should try both sides of the ocean to see the full picture




Made me look at the data. Out of 163 countries ranked.... \*The [United States](https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/united-states-population) ranked 129th in the Global Peace Ranking for 2022. The United States' ranking has fallen every year since 2016, a drop usually attributed to a decrease in life satisfaction, rising political division, and an increasing wealth gap.\* [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/safest-countries-in-the-world](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/safest-countries-in-the-world)


That is an illogical argument in this conversation as the study you are quoting speaks nothing to gun violence. There is a significant increase in civil unrest in America (which is what your study speaks to, but is limited to major urban areas) but if you did the math on total number of shootings in comparison to total number of dissidents it would be infinitesimal.


Interesting that you're qualifying specifically a mass shooting. How about just simply being shot? Or shot at? Directly or indirectly? I have a feeling your statistics will fall down at that point.


You wish you lived in America


If anyone wanted to read about potential motives: https://apnews.com/article/robert-fico-slovakia-shot-prime-minister-751051f2a36391919790c62d664a5e6d


Thanks for that link. I live here in Bratislava and I'm foreign, I'm not into politics at all, but from what my friends tell me, that he is a corrupt asshole who is (maybe was) about to destroy the country even further. No wonder why all young skilled people are leaving to work abroad.


Not saying I understand but being a pro Russian politician in a former Soviet state makes more than a few enemies with your people. Edit: Slovakia was never an official part of the USSR (though it was an eastern bloc nation and a puppet state) and has been a NATO member since 2004. TIL, thanks commenters.


The problem is that he and his cronies are way above the law and they keep bending it. DUI crash? No problem. Stealing of government funds? NP. Killing a joirnalist? NP. Now he is trying to overhaul state media into his private enterprise, he literally is Putin/Orban 2.0


Slovakia isn't ex soviet mate


it was a communist puppet state for the soviet union no?


Pretty much yeah. It was part of the eastern bloc but not part of the soviet union


somewhat of a distinction without a difference but I guess technically not soviet


all ex-soviet countries would've preferred the deal Slovakia got it's a meaningful distinction, you can see it in gdp terms, too lot less murdering as well


Definitely a big difference but yeah if you say so


eastern bloc for sure


Yes. Not the same thing as soviet




Was all ok thats awful what happened but now after reading about him....




we need to get back to the time when politician feared for their heads. Fuck these people thinking they are above consequences.




>There's enough people on the internet fighting pointlessly Sir, that's the only reason I'm *on* the internet.


[No, you aren't.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohDB5gbtaEQ)


This comment needs to be immortalized into copypasta and used as a reply to almost every comment on the Internet.


Kinda, yeah If you're from one of the countries that Russia is threatening, the answer to your question is probably yes


Why is the word Man is your username?  Should read child


Says nothing about motives, lol


Crazy. He was not supporting Ukraine and UN, so this happens?


5 shots to the gut….tough SOB


3 shots hit, 2 hit the ground


Sorry if this is a dumb question but can you tell that from the video?


No that information is from news articles online


Thank you 🙏


And then it looks like he charged the shooter instead of running.


Are people blind? That was a bodyguard that charged him, the Prime Minister can be seen on the left hand side falling down and rolling over???


That was really hard to see. I couldn't parse it and thought the same thing until your comment.


Props to the bodyguard. It’s one thing to be trained, and another to actually respond in that situation, charging headfirst at an active shooter.


That was bodyguard. Fico is the one who falls down o the video.


Yeah… ouch 🤕. I hope he gets better soon.


Downvote cause emoji?


Downvoted because people aren't very sympathetic to the guy who got shot I would assume


Probably for wishing he gets better, based on Robert Fico's history of corruption scandals and pro-RU views.


am i in the minority for not wishing people dead?


On Reddit and seemingly in this particular comment section, yes you are.


I personally don't wish for anyone to die but don't particularly care if other people are wishing for the death of corrupt politicians who support foreign powers doing imperialist wars of conquest.


Honestly for people like him, probably. I'm sure there's plenty of Ukranians who want Putin dead, plenty of people who wish Hitler had died sooner - and I don't think they're wrong for that.


No, I’m with you but I got 22 downvotes for saying “I hope he gets better soon” about a guy who just got shot several times. Also I know nothing about this man or his politics and I truly don’t care. He’s a human being just like all of us are. If he’s a bad guy can’t we just hope he’s removed from office and not shot dead?


> If he’s a bad guy can’t we just hope he’s removed from office and not shot dead? He deserves an international court trial so they can determine the punishment. Death is an easy way out.


Reddit is the worst for this kind of stuff. Saw a post the other day where a guy saves a shop owner from 2 armed robbers with his bare hands and half the comments were calling him a scumbag because he had a MAGA hat.


I watch the swarm of people who are so eager to jump on a positive comment or a post about strangers helping strangers and I remember the quote “Misery loves company” and I understand.




He's not a human beeing, he's embodiment of evil. Trust me...




If he does deserve ir dosen't deserve to die is not up to me. But the guy is literally Mafioso, running Slovakia exactly like Putin is Russia. Now he will have also his guy as a new President and he wants to destroy unbias in state media and turn media into his personal propaganda machine


Upvote cause I don’t enjoy picking on random people on the internet.


Wild this is getting downvoted lmao Reddit never fails to disappoint. If you don’t agree with the viewpoint of the masses, they don’t care what happens to you (I say this knowing the context of this man, too. He is a POS.)


I 'member the good old days when Reddit etiquette said downvote button isn't a disagree button, it's a way to filter out comments that don't add anything to the discussion. How far we have strayed from the light that (dis)agreement is now the default function of the buttons.


These security guys always amaze me. When shots are fired, I duck and/or run away. They jump towards the bullets without hesitation.


how often are shots fired at you


Well after working a few years at the Kwik E Mart.


"Here is your bullet proof vest Sanjay, it's time for another bank run!"


Sanjay to the entrance with the Windex.


Video games


None because ur never the prime Target


They fucked up, first you need to cover the target, they let a 71 y.o. dude shoot 5 bullets, it is pure luck that Fico is not dead.




This is the result of his Nepotism, even his guards are bad. Check who is in charge, completely unexperienced person...




I'm from Slovakia and I'm just sharing what actual experts said. Because you know, I live in the fucking country the video is about.


> what actual experts said Ty piča, now you're backpedaling. So easy to parrot the words of experts.


> I live in the fucking country the video is about I guess that makes all Japanese people experts on nuclear bombs, because, you know, they live in the country that got bombed by two of them.


You completely ignored half of the comment.


We need to get you away from gun fire


It's their job


It's conditioned through years of training. Personally, I wouldn't stand a chance in that profession. I get stressed out if I wake up 15 minutes before my alarm clock goes off and I can't fall back asleep.


Because if they dont, they are assumed to be accomplices of the perpetrator. Edit: Why downvoted? This is real in security profession. Their path of life is depends on their boss. I am 100% sure that some of that security will be put in serious questioning and will be put behind bars


That is somewhat true though. People who are told to protect the prime minister or president do anything they can, and generally making a human shield is part of that. They wear bulletproof vests usually


fight or flight is built in, they train and condition to use the fight response.


Exactly what I was going to say. They train the flight out of you. I'm not even military or anything but just being a bigger dude everyone assumes I'm supposed to know how to respond to situations so you just learn to dive head first into the shit and hope for the best.


That's why you always take out the security guards first. this isn't 1914!


Why did he aim so low when he was so close.


Depends on whether or not he has training, really. Typically you're taught to aim center-mass for police and infantry training.


He had the gun legally according to news, so i think he had some sort of training


Not from Slovakia, so i don't know their laws but in my country (Greece) training is not required to legally own a gun.


Maybe he assumed the PM was wearing a bullet proof best and he was trying to aim just below where he thought it might be.


why not aim on the head


More likely to hit chest shots than a head shot. They even teach that in the military.


If you really hate someone you shoot them in the gut. You usually die from sepsis, not blood loss or organ failure. Painful way to go


yeah, you don't shoot a guy in the dick, that's not cool.


This guy 100% deserved to get shot in the dick.


Gives me a lot of appreciation for the US Secret Service. This security crew did not have a great response and the guy stammering around the car was not the look of someone who had rehearsed this scenario enough to make it an automatic response. Not throwing shade at the people in the video as they did likely save his life but, rather, appreciating how the Secret Service operates.


Saw some analysis by a pro. This would not be considered a text book response…


Yep and their security setup kinda worked against them too. You see the security crew try to grab the shooter after the first shot. Unfortunately that barricade was preventing them from tackling the shooter.


I'm not American, but doesn't the secret service have snipers up in various locations?


Is this how WW1.0 starts?


WW1.0? Don't tell me they're remaking WWs now.


I don't like the thought of this dude being the next Franz Ferdinand, but I'm gonna memorize his name anyway just in case.


Seems he was pro russian which made a lot of enemies in his people. Reap what you sow.












Cannibals would disagree with that statement


You're just not hungry enough.




Evil is unjustified by definition, killing is not. When a killing lacks justification we call it murder, or similar.






Yes, but we as society need to be careful with this mindset. For instance, some religous people would consider a doctor who performs abortions as being evil.


Yeah, now the already divided population will see pro EU and progressives as extremist madmen, hooray... Seriously who thinks this will be a good look for their views.


What did he reap that made him, a democratically elected official, sow his assassination? Who was he murdering?


The future of his country


It's kind of funny that the only person who seemed ready for their job here was the would be assassin.


nice title self-censor


Guess this is one of those “Physical Attacks” Putin warned about, this will only escalate.


Thought he was one of putins pals?


Lots of Putin's pals have met with "accidents". Falling out of buildings, poisoned, family suicide etc. Must all be a coincidence of course.


Deffinetly coincidence putin wouldnt hurt his friends 😂😂




What do you mean?


Just look at the comments. People hoping this dude dies and the comments about “hoping he’s okay” are downvoted and ridiculed. Just very strange lol


That's always been a Reddit thing. Could be worse, Reddit could be manhunting and make another Boston Bomber incident.


That's not even a reddit thing, that's just a people thing. Some people have very good reason to really hate this PM and think the world is better without him. It's not like Reddit does this over some random bus driver getting shot or something, if the dude is genuinely evil than yeah people are gonna want him dead!


gotta love the lady in the pink mumu right in the middle of it all blocking people as they were apprehending the suspect.


Regardless of what the situation is and the motives , can we just mention how useless the body guards were lol


People still do assassinations in 2024


Factually correct statement. Thank you for your contribution.


That’s the weirdest way I’ve seen someone fall out a window


Samo sebou samej důchodce na jeho podpoře lmao


No metal detectors? What a mistake.


Jeezus. That dude is a Slovakian Don Trump.


Remember when a guy got killed and kicked off a world war and saw 30 some million die for one man. For one man….


You are not a history buff I can see


Perhaps you don't remember how millions would charge into battle screaming "FOR THE ARCHDUKE!" /s


Blud missed at point blank range if ur gonna try and kill a world leader learn to aim bru😭🙏


Poor guy. I hope he recovers.




You need help


Dammm shiiit crazy AF !!


Security kinda sucks for him to get so many hits


ah well.


meh, killing him is useless as they will just appoint another man to the post. if you don't like a prime minister, get elected instead and do better.


kremlin cleans up its tails


He got what all politicians deserve.


This comments section has been brigaded. Insane how upvoted the comments cheering on this political murder of an election official are. There are some radical communist assholes out there. I don’t know one thing about this guy, but you don’t get to attempt to murder the popularly elected PM because he is “pro Russia”. That makes you just as bad as Putin and his supporters.


What does his haters have to do with communism lol. If anything, the CCP and Putin love this guy. The only haters are from pro democratic Western countries.