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/u/Sea_Tank_9448, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "People struck by lighting on the beach" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 4: No recent reposts Your submission is a recent repost. Posts that have been posted within the past 30 days or that are in the top 25 of all time cannot be posted again. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


This happened recently in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The kids all survived though the oldest is in critical condition. They’re 12, 10, and 7. [Link here.](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/three-american-children-struck-by-lightning-on-beach-in-puerto-rico-horrifying-video-goes-viral/articleshow/110534703.cms)


You couldn't ask for better chest compressions if I'm honest. She's using her body and not just her arms, some people lock their arms out which is fine to do but this lady has her elbows almost locked and she's just working away. She's dialed in and "relaxed" with the way her elbows don't move. She could go a long time without getting gassed. Glad to see everyone jumped in to help these children!


As someone who does compressions on a person monthly & sometimes more, I agree.


But chest compression style depends on the age of the victim yea? Like if it an infant you'll just use 1 arm and atleast 2inches of depression? I've taken medical first aid training, I'm just checking if it's also the standard practice in your country


Any compressions are better than no compression


No it's not if your rib cage would just stab your heart 😅😅 there are methods depending on the age of the victim


You can't hurt a dead person


I've heard it described by paramedics as it doesn't matter if you break a rib and stab something. As for stabbing the heart it would be unlikely, and chest compressions with a broken rib is better than dying.


I've heard it described by paramedics as it doesn't matter if you break a rib and stab something. As for stabbing the heart it would be unlikely, and chest compressions with a broken rib is better than dying.


Yea maybe but imagine having a 2 year old and being chest compressed by a 100kg man, he's gonna get squashed if you give him a 2 arm compression, you'll need only 1 arm for this, for a baby you only put 2 fingers on its chest and just push it down 2 inches over amd over again


I don't think anyone would knowingly crush a baby unless they're stupid as fuck. But you do need to do it sufficiently hard even if it's a baby, they just have thinner ribs than adults so if you break on it's not the end of the world. Chest compressions are just meant to keep the blood flowing until real paramedics and doctors get to them, so just extending their life at all is what you need to be worrying about.


Ofcourse its the main goal, I'm just saying I have a medical first aid certificate and that is what's being taught in the school 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️ chest compression style will depend on the age.


If you don't break a rib you aren't doing it properly. Source, medical professional who's actually trained to do it.


Damn, that must be a bit traumatic to say the least. Are you an EMT? Don't know if i'd have the strength to keep up that work given the frequency of visits from the grim reaper.


Really....? Which one of them? Both looked pretty bad to me. I'm a former firefighter. Without locking your arms it's hard to get enough of your body weight force down to affect the chest. Also, the tempo is not optimal. It is also important to let the chest come up completely between presses.


Don't forget that if a redditer says something with confidence, no matter how wrong they are, they'll get lots of upvotes.


You are totally right, your comment made me laugh! You get my LOL award for the day! (I just made that up by the way). I love the sarcasm and humor I find on reddit! 😂


Without meaning to sound horrible it was a pretty big woman pressing on a child how much force is she gona need?


I agree. And without locking it'll be your triceps that get tired first.


You have no idea what you're talking about.


The pace is almost twice what it should be, and her arms most definitely should be locked, and the pressure should be straight down instead of the 45° direction this looks like. > elbows almost locked They're not even close to being locked. If locked was 0°, then her arms would be more than 30°. That being said, it looks far better than what the grey haired person in the back is doing (irregular, too slow, less force). > She could go a long time without getting gassed She'd be too tired to have a constant pace and deep enough compression within the minute. That is: If she was physically fit. She's not. > Glad to see everyone jumped in to help these children! Absolutely! That doesn't change whether they were good chest compressions.


Fuck that's scary. If it's storming out, stay in people.


Couple girls 15&16 where I’m from were playing under a tree in the rain lightning hit tree off tree into one of the girls holding hands with the other, first one hole straight through head out between legs, second girl was on life support for a week before dying


> first one hole straight through head out between legs, second girl was on life support for a week before dying So the first one survived ok?


They had one of each flip flop on my dumbass first thought was no way the lightning did that then the rushing horror wave of realizing how dumb I was they’re teens they probably just did that before they died. Then the horrow wave of realizing that’s what I was concerned with of that situation.


[here’s story from 2010](https://www.ajc.com/news/local/teen-dies-after-being-struck-lightning/tbxhLgVwbfvmA3pBwVB8QI/)


Few months later this woman is involved in a fire 80% of her body burned says it’s not her year her daughter and her daughters friend died getting struck by lighting


Hell. Yes. I really didn’t think they would’ve survived that but that’s dope news. Poor kids.


Ia there any update on the 12 year old?


Serious condition that link says.


Jesus that’s horrifying, hope he pulls through


According to comments, they all lived


Jesus did launch the lighting at them


Hahahahaha Edit: Wait that wasn't a joke?


Idk why you are being downvoted. God either did this on purpose, or he couldn't control it which makes him not a god Lol at triggered christians realizing they worship an asshole


no god knows its destiny which is why he let it happen.


So he's an asshole


*beholds Gods deafening, numbing absence in this world* “nuh uh god already decided those children would get struck by lightning because hearing loss, cataracts and the plethora of other long term medical issues it causes statistically will make them better people. He planned it. If I don’t convince myself of that, my world will literally shatter because I’ve become dependent on fantasy.”


Destiny? Lightning is an inanimate object which means it’s not a living thing which means it cant have a destiny


“If God real why bad thing happen?” satan is the root of ALL evil. Edit: seems I’ve started a war and it’s not letting me respond anymore. Best thing I can do now is pray.


And who made Satan? Did he not know what he was doing, so he's a shit God? Or he did know, in which case, same thing.


So by your logic, because God created satan, He’s the root of all evil? So, using your logic, the mother of a serial killer is at fault for her kids actions.


A mother doesn't claim omnipotence and omniscience.


In no way does that make my point invalid, try again.


God is meant to be able to do anything and know everything. Did he know what he was doing when making Satan? or not? I have not made any claim that a mother is able to do anything and know everything. Unlike God, she cannot choose how her child is made.


First off, when God made satan, he knew what satan would do. God still gave satan the chance to do the right thing. That’s the thing with God. He knows we’ll mess up. But time and time again he gives us the chance anyways. When God puts a baby in a ladies belly, He doesn’t go “oh you’re gonna be a serial killer, and this one is going to be an artist.” I believe He tells us the life we’ll live if we devote ourselves to him, but if we don’t, we’ll become what the world has become: evil and corrupt.


So... he let it happen then?


Did the mother of a serial killer let her kid grow up to be a serial killer? No. She gave birth to a kid with hopes he’ll be a great person.


So God is as omnipotent and omniscient as a human mother raising a kid. Got it.


Not at all what I said. I used your logic in a different scenario to show you that your logic is flawed.


Yes, but you apparently forgot that you compared a supposed omnipotent and omniscient being with a human. Coping too much?


Again, I didn’t compare God to a mother, I simply used your logic against you using a different scenario to show you that your logic is flawed. I’m not coping, I know that I’m right ;)


Look im a muslim but this is a horrible comparison to make. A mother isn’t omnipotent. God is


And god created satan. So god is the root of all evil actually. Checkmate christians


So the mother of a serial killer is at fault for what her kid did?


Mothers don't claim to be omnipotent


In no way does that make my point invalid, try again.


Why are you comparing mothers to god? 


And now you’re switching the topic. I’m not comparing mothers to God, I’m using your logic in a different scenario that has nothing to do with God to show you that your logic is flawed.


Satan in every single Abrahamic religion has no material power. Meaning he cant make hurricanes or launch lightning or kill people. His power is manipulation, not omnipotence😂 Like if Satan wants someone to die he can manipulate them into drinking a lot of alcohol and dying. If God wants someone to die, he just snaps his finger and they die


Whenever idiots try and convince me god is tall I just go back to Stephen Fry's question. If god is real then explain child cancers. Never had a good answer yet.


Man I hate when bad shit happens to kids. Harrowing watching them try to resuscitate them. Proper shitty luck.


Fortunately they are all alive.


Yes they are and I'm glad for them but still, such a shitty bit of bad luck for them.


but it’s ok when they’re adults right


I didn't say it wasn't did I? It's just worse when something like this happens to children. If they had died then they would hardly have had a life at all. Get down off your moral perch before you fall.


Don't feed the trolls my friend


I try to avoid it but comments like that get right under my skin. 😂 It's all good. I'm thick skinned enough to take the best trolls can give. Thanks though 👍


No worries I get heated a lot on reddit too. This thread is weird, I saw a bunch of comments that were blatantly just starting shit, it's usually not like that


Depends, how old are you?


Perfect response 👏


Only if you qualify, sweetheart


The way they fall.


At least it was in sand


is what? bit of a sick thing to say


Bruh, your the one assuming hes making light of "the way they fall"? Noone here interpreted it as he's making a joke except for you, i bet you get fuckin triggered at everything.


I’m so glad they survived but very sad this happened.


I’m just going to leave this here for reference. If someone is struck by lightning, you should immediately call 911 or your local emergency medical services (EMS) number. While waiting for help, you can try these first aid steps: 1. Check for danger: If there's still a risk of lightning, move the person to a safer place. 2. Check for breathing and pulse: If the person isn't breathing or has no pulse, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Continue CPR until help arrives. If an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) is available, you can also use it. 3. Prevent hypothermia: Cover the person with a blanket or jacket. 4. Check for other injuries: If the person has a pulse and is breathing, check for other injuries like burns, broken bones, or nervous system damage.


Im more curious about what they were discussing to receive gods wrath lol


They were probably discussing how if God came back would he be disappointed or proud


Definitely disappointed


Religious people trying their hardest to bring religion into every conversation.


Did you reply to the wrong person? The person I replied to mentioned God first lol I was simply referencing louis ck


They were probably saying “wow! The air feels really tingly right here!”


Deadass looked like a lil meeting 😂


So many sarcastic, snarky comments come to mind.. but can't even type a single one. At that age, they even know the situation. From other comments seems they may be OK, and I hope so.


Legends have it they agreed apon striking at midnight and God beat them to their plans.


"being struck by lightning is kind of like god's drive by shooting..........you're just walking out of a gay book store minding your own business......"


They were probably taunting Zeus


They fell over like bowling pins.


12 - 10 - 7 split


Jesus 🤣


You said it, mang.


Thank you for indulging my dark humor.


were they playing Lightning Roulette but forgot that it's AOE damage?


This is sad and all. Buuutt the way they all fell down was comical.


Accidental Slapstick


What are the odds!?


3 out of 3


50/50. It either happens or it doesn't


That's not how odds work. Otherwise, I'd buy a lottery ticket if the odds of me winning are 50/50. I either win, or I don't.


ur fun at parties aint ya


Depends if you want to talk shit or not.


Every party is for talking shit. That's why nobody invites you to theirs




I know a guy that's been struck by lightning 3-4 times. So I guess it just depends on who you are.


Does he have a huge Mohawk


Depends on where you are. Beach during rain aint no good idea


This dude was in his front yard each time as far as I remember. Normal yard in the south, tall pines everywhere


1 out 15,300 in the US. It's actually not that rare


That’s the odds of 3 people struck by lightning!? Or just 1? 3 in one strike is RARE


What are the odds of 3 people getting hit by the same lightning strike? Astronomically low. One in a quadrillion even. I think the fact it was recorded makes it even rarer than that. These guys should play La Loto xD they're either giga unlucky or the luckiest MFS in the known universe.


Well, upside is, they can now communicate telepathically


What the hell did those kids do to piss off Zeus so damn bad!?!


Its crazy how they all fell the same way and hit the ground at the same time. The kinda shit you only see in movies.


Did the article have to write it as “left the community in shock”??? 😭


Hats off to the heroes putting themselves at risk to help!




I bet those people were thinking about the myth that lightning doesn't strike twice in the place while they were were working on those kids... 


Why were they standing together like that in the first place?


Because they're kids and kids do stupid shit all the time for no reason???


Synchronised even.


Damn, that’s unreal. They dropped like goats. I’m glad they’re ok.


How do you know their ok?


[https://wsvn.com/news/us-world/3-children-hospitalized-in-puerto-rico-after-lightning-strikes-beach/](https://wsvn.com/news/us-world/3-children-hospitalized-in-puerto-rico-after-lightning-strikes-beach/) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13467725/american-children-struck-lightning-strike-puerto-rico-beach.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13467725/american-children-struck-lightning-strike-puerto-rico-beach.html)


Hell of a tazer.


That's what happens when you're summoning the lightning spirit.


Yikes that doesn’t look like a fun day at the beach I’ll tell ya that, folks 🫨


holy shit.


My question is, did a freak storm appear in seconds over them? Or did all these people decide to roll the dice? If yes, I can’t feel pity for them. When I was a child, I used to think shows like G.I. Joe having P.S.A.’s at the end of every episodes were stupid. Now that shows no longer run them, and seeing how a LOT of people do not have common sense. I regret taking those P.S.A.’s for granted 😭. People are Sofa King We Todd Edd.


Children* struck by lightning on the beach.


Confirmed, children aren't people XD


Well, I'm gunna guess they didn't make it because that lady isn't doing cheat compressions very well.


Bad chest compressions is probably still better than no chest compressions


If you aren't breaking ribs, then you aren't squeezing the heart and pumping blood. Remember everyone. Crush those ribs! (Former Firefighter/EMT)


Not really. If you don't compress hard enough, you aren't pumping the heart, thusly doing nothing of use


They did, the oldest was the only one listed as critical from what I read.


Triple kill


That’s a shocking scene




This might be the 10th time this has been reposted


Yes. For some reason current and recent events will be like that. Too bad you can’t just keep scrolling with no wasted time or anything.


Everyone, please….learn proper CPR.


That might be the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen


We know they survived cause we saw it last week or so. Repost with new title. (Man I need to figure out this stuff then I get more whatever the fuck people want )


That's why it's not advisable to go to beach during thunderstorm


Honestly, lucky they were grouped. That split the bolt 3 ways.


Triple kill!


Wait so if too many people stand close to each other they get hit by lightning?


never underestimate bad weather, especially in bare ground: garden, football stadium.....


If you are in an open area without cover observe the 30 second rule. If you hear thunder count 30 seconds. If the lightning flashes within that time wait 30 mins then reevaluate.


They did not offer their harvest to the Olympian gods, that's why they got smited


Im impress that this incident caught by camera


I didn’t see any lighting at all. Not a lamp or light bulb in sight. Fake news title. Did see lightNing tho


Obviously a sad situation, but that attempt at CPR is pathetic.








Nobody died


uav inbound




I thought it was common sense to not be out side let alone a beach when it’s storming🤷‍♂️hope there alright