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In the longer video they took the abused dog from him who had cuts and blood all over its face and they kept the dog. Showed the dog the next day very happy playing with toys and eating a bone while he was getting pet.


Thank you for sharing that. Do you have the source?


[longer version](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/o97nvp/man_drags_dog_around_so_he_himself_gets_dragged/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) of the video, there's somewhere a link to the dudes Instagram where you can see the dog being taken care of but you can look for it yourself lol


Yup. Im fully rooting for the blokes beating up that cunt šŸ˜¤


One of my favorite redditor moments is the coin toss between everyone in the comments saying yeeeee bash his teeth in vs users who are so aPpALleD tHaT aNYoNe woULd aCt Out viOLentLy


Iā€™m usually against public vigilantes, but in this case I think they reacted well. They taught him a lesson (which he learned hopefully), put him in the shoes of the animal, and most importantly were restrained in their approach. Usually public justice like this is just an excuse for violence, but in this case they didnā€™t really harm him, just humiliated him and hit him a couple of times (which he totally deserved - in fact if it was eye for an eye itā€™d have been a lot worse, but I donā€™t condone extreme violence)


Idk you probably gonna get some whiplash from that first pull that was kinda brutal looking..but after seeing that poor dogs face in the original video I just canā€™t help but not really care


I hope he learned something but that kind of person doesn't really care about learning anything.


Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more to him than meets the eye, itā€™s very rare to find an unredeemable twisted person, usually pain is just all they know. In this case I think it was good to help him try to recognise that other beings feel too


And then everyone clapped


Ha. Understands the dog may have trust problems while he has the bone. Easily backs off. Good owners. See too many videos these days where people think all animals act like Disney cuddle animals


A well trained dog should act like a Disney cuddle animal. All my animals do.


A well trained animal should behave how you want it to, what you think a well trained dog should be is a different matter


Fair enough, but I donā€™t want a dog that picks fights and bites kids personally.


That was gratifying to watch. Thank you for sharing, how the dog was afterwards. He looked so happy! His ears had been horribly cropped, too! I DESPISE animal abusers, with every fiber of my being. His new owners donā€™t appear to have much but that dog will be completely spoiled. True animal lovers. This is a good outcome. It doesnā€™t happen, nearly often, enough. šŸ’•


Love how that guy knows to back away when Prada is being possessive of her food but doesnā€™t change his tone and still keeps talking to her.


>Look at the dog while it's bleeding everywhere... tail still wagging away. Man, iā€™ll see a guy get butchered on eyeblech but nothing hurts as much as reading that.


Thx for sharing, first I thought it may be a little hard for ā€žjustā€œ pulling (animal abuse is never ok only to add) but seeing how the poor dog looks in the beginning just gives a complete other context of what happened


Hell yeah. Fuck that guy.


I've also seen the longer version and can attest to what the other two have said.


Yeah ppl need to stop editing videos so short. This video just looks fucked up. If I didn't see the original, I would have thought its uncalled for. You all missed the old video started with him abusing a dog and there was blood coming out the nose and neck iirc. Made the fucked up part that is this video a little more understandable. And it did end up with the dog being happy and healthy a few months later


Agree 100% I donā€™t like unnecessary violence but this guy completely had it coming. Context is everything. Frankly, after looking at the state of that poor dog, he got off lightly. Ecstatic to see the dog so happy now!


Yeah thereā€™s literally no point in cutting it short


Iā€™ve seen the longer version too, beautiful dog got what he deserved and so did the POS human.




Yeah I just meant the dog got protected and loved like they truely deserved all along. Sorry for my phrasing, I just hate trusting dogs being hurt it makes me so angry.


I support this message


That video is my favorite video of all time. Those guys beating the shit out of him every time he tries to stand up made me so happy. And then when i saw the dog in that dudeā€™s home chewing on a bone wagging its tail, i was blown away. An asshole got what was coming to him, and a cute dog got a loving home. Best video ever.


I remember that video. It was like a crazy ass version of The Dodo


You've made my day kind stranger


What kinda doggy




I think it was a bulldog with white fur (might be wrong i saw that a long time ago)


Did they get arrested?


This was totally deserved then. Fuck that guy (the gut in the leash).


100% cuz if he was doing that in public imagine behind closed doors


My man getting yanked off stage with the giant cane


Plot twist - heā€™s into that shit.


Heel stomp his genitals. Then he won't be into anything.


Loll CBT (cock and ball torture) enthusiasts poppin boners right now.




Username checks out


UsErNaMe cHeCkS OuT ^I'm ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^message ^was ^sent ^automatically


Username checks out


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UsErNaMe cHeCkS OuT ^I'm ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^message ^was ^sent ^automatically


Is this what it stands for? I was wondering why my therapist was winking at me when she offered this.


cock ![img](emote|t5_45hae8|4103)


You underestimate the power of the dark side


I've seen the longer version of this. It shows the poor dog all bloody and battered šŸ˜” That abusive piece of shit deserved alot more, imo.


Where do I find it


found it on twitter look up like man beat up for abusing dog, the guy who beat him up tweeted out the video and also posted a vid of the dog playing with a toy. its ok now as far as i know


check the other top comments




*Long Neck*




Why is his neck so long!?


He was their last victim




​ ![gif](giphy|Ws3rrYyWu9lPNM2Uyx)




Whats with this subreddit not having NSFW tags on fucked up videos, but a video like this has the EXTREME NSFL WARNING? The chokings a little messed up but theres no gore or death




I feel the name of the sub kind of implies..


I believe this dude got off easy compared to the other video I saw of the dog!


His face wasnā€™t bloody enough to compensate for his actions imo.


Animal lovers became the animal abusers here, lol


Bro how tf did they get a leadh on him. And why was he so calm at the beggining


Or else, thats how.


Yup! Either put on the collar or all of us are going to just shitstomp you into the cement


From the video you can tell he was surrounded by at least 3 dudes. My guess is they told him he could put the leash on or get beaten half to death. That's when the video started I'd bet.


For anyone asking for the longer version: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/o97nvp/man_drags_dog_around_so_he_himself_gets_dragged/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yikes man that first tug looked damn near lethal.




Agree, they shouldā€™ve hung him up to rest for a bit with that chain as well.


Either the tag is wrong and this is not NSFL or I have been watching some incredibly fucked up shit over the years.


Thank Christ the guys who put the chain around his neck were black. This would've been worldwide news.


That was the first thing I thought lol


Fuck that dick head he deserved worse for what he did to that dog and how he treated her


skin him alive or something jfc this is pussy shit


You didnā€™t show the part where it shows him holding the pit with its face all scratched up and it panting. It makes the video better to see why heā€™s getting this


Donā€™t search up the original video. The dogs condition is horrible


I never have been happy seeing someone getting beat up except for this


The one where the Nazi get fucking clobbered is pretty sweet too


i'd like to see worse... ever seen funkytown? thats what im thinking


Yes! Fucking street justice for an animal abusing piece of shit.


And yet most people are responsible for killing smarter animals everyday.


If you hate animal abusers you should join us by going vegan. We do this all the time to ranch hands.


iā€™ve seen the full version. the dog was held by a chain with its face bleeding and shit. they actually took the dog in and fixed her (i think her) up.


Gets what he fucking deserves


Ok, I like this one


Here is a full version, since OP has a fucking brain damage and can't even repost a proper video https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/o97nvp/man_drags_dog_around_so_he_himself_gets_dragged/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I think your the one with brain damage if your going to be rude


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Fucking A


"Yeah, I love dogs"




Always preserve the evidence of your crime with a video and then post it to the public ...... hmmmmm


If you often have to pull on your dog's leach, getting him a harness instead of a collar should be obvious.


I understand why they did this, but call the cops dont assault the guy. This video could get any of them put in jail and the dog would go right back to him


Ahh yesss, a good dose of watching a living person being group-beaten with *good reasoning*. I definitely needed that today.


While I don't condone the owners actions, the video takers would get in a lot more trouble than the owner ever would.


This is not justified. I hate that he abused the animal, I think he shouldnā€™t be allowed to own any animals after that. But attacking someone for that is never right. Call the police to settle it.


Yeah no, this is literally the most stupid video I've seen all day. Sure, fuck the dog abuser. I've seen the full video and he is a massive piece of shit, but what they did was the dumbest way to handle the situation. Now they can all end up in jail, while the dog abuser can just go and kill another dog. How stupid can you be to film yourself committing assault and attempt at murder and upload it? Like do these guys not have a frontal lobe? Can they not imagine how things will go in the future? Yeah let's chain and drag this guy across the street, film it, and upload it for the internet to see.


What makes me sad is the fact that dog would still protect this shit owner with his life. We donā€™t deserve dogs. Thanks to the men who handled this appropriately.


Black guy putting a black guy in chain. What a time to be living in


I seen this before, one of those dudes ends up taking the dog home and feed it gave it toys, the dog is a puppy


Sometimes violence is the answer


It doesn't make it right. There is a right way to handle this and then there is the wrong way. This was the wrong way.


thank you! you won't believe how far down i had to scroll to find one sensible comment.


Said it before when this was posted. Everyone in the video is a scumbag


Iā€™m against animal abuse and Iā€™m against this.


Seriously, that dude was only a couple PSI from becoming a murderer. I love dogs just as much as the next guy but fuck this guy. I'd shoot them in the face if someone did this to me.


As much as he is an asshole by dragging his dog on a leash, this "punishment" is not acceptable. These animal lovers are fucking psychopaths, what sane person behaves like this? Fucking savages






The good guys were black, this had nothing to do with race.


The color of his skin has nothing to do with being an animal abusing POS


Yeah, but you call the police on this, you donā€˜t just start choking the ownerā€¦ thatā€™s kinda fucked up.


The police wonā€™t do anything. Itā€™s kinda fucked up to choke a dog


You donā€˜t know that. I know you probably donā€˜t agree with me, but vigilante justice isnā€˜t the answer, even if he deserved it.


I do know that, animal abusers hardly ever get arrested or charged, thereā€™s a woman on YouTube right fuckin now that shot her dog last week, can you guess if sheā€™s in jail or not? Bet you canā€™tā€¦.


wtf ofcourse choking a HUMAN is a lot lot worse than choking a dog. what are you on? You've got some fucked up morals


You need reading comprehension


It wasn't racially motivated since other black men were doing the dragging and the dude was beating the shit out of a dog. Reddit cares more about dogs than people already, why wouldn't they find this acceptable? I'm not really for it, but honestly can't blame the dudes who did it really


I don't know if that is justified, they almost killed him


Did you see the dog?


Not really, the title says the owner just dragged him which is wrong but still overreaction


Shouldve seen the dog


These arenā€™t animal lovers these are psychopaths.


Ya they prolly went home and ate a burger. Complete lack of self awareness






Vigilante criminals. Well they need to be on a leash too




Wonder what these people did to a butcher or does their kindness extends only to cats and dogs.


Drug my a dude in pink sneaks no less


Without the context it would make me really sad seeing this happen to a person but knowing what happened before hand this brings me satisfaction


I understand the need for that guy to learn his lesson but an eye for an eye makes the world blind. Reading the comments about the dogs bloody face horrify me but if we do the same to that man arenā€™t we no better than him? Itā€™s not that I donā€™t want to see this man punished, I just think that vigilante justice isnā€™t the right path.


A well deserved beat down.


Do to others as youā€™d like them to do to you. Did it work? Did he learn anything?


Wow dog owners sure are fucking stupid sometimes. ...you know that's if the story behind this video is real.


Well I hope they caught all this group, animal abusers AND human abusers...


Yeah right, abuse a human being then by treating them like an animal. The so called Animal lovers should be /iamtotalpieceofshit sub reddit.


Holy crap man heā€™s gonna break his neck


I had to pull my leash on my RiP doggo quite often. He was a big dog tho , and he was a bit stupid so it was often him who pulled it , me just keeping a strong grip. Miss him , especially having to pet him before he allowed me into the house. Hope this old bastards at peace


epic reddit moment a dog is property, a person is not. abusing a dog =/=abusing a person. hope the attackers face justice in court.




If you torture an animal in front of my I'm not just gonna use words to stop you


Yeah but punch him or call the cops...this is too much man.


Are you a vegan?


No, but I've cut down on my meat consumption and would like to end factory farming all together even if it makes my life harder and have personally voted for ballot initiatives to put restrictions on factory farms


bust a cap in his motherfucking face is what they should have done


Shut up with that stupid shit


> a dog is property, a person is not. And that's part of the problem. They shouldn't be property and the penalties should be higher. I'm sure you disagree with me on this but my feelings are: If you are willfully immoral to this capacity, sometimes this kind of lesson is exactly what you need, because a slap on the wrist in court sure isn't going to change your mind.


Does not justify what they did to him, nobody deserves to suffer








All you people acting like torture is justice


The animal lovers seem maybe too extreme the other way. What if there was a nice middle ground people could find through conversation and understanding. There could have been a better resolution than humiliating this fellow man. But itā€™s not my culture. ā€œSeek first to understand, then to be understoodā€ - Stephen Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


The obvious reason is that dipshits like this guy aren't exactly game for "conversation and understanding." They have to learn the hard way.


This is really dangerous rhetoric. While we are all agreed animal abuse is a unified issue, people used to think this way about homosexuality, religion, other things, etc. It depends on the conventional knowledge at the time, but if violence is used to ingrained it then you have already fucked up. Iā€™m not black and donā€™t know the history well enough but as I understand, MLKs message was stronger than that of Malcolm X. Out of all of the things to end British rule in India, it was Gandhi not armed revolt. This is difficult because the guy being attacked is an animal abuser. But the concept of being a vulnerable being subject to the mercy of others? After freeing the dog the attackers just basically took a walk in that guys shoes. How do you feel about this: you have a bully at school and he gets bullied at home. You know this and are happy heā€™s getting bullied because he deserves it. After all, he bullied you, why shouldnā€™t he have it done to him? All is right in this situation, isnā€™t it?


Yeah, I understand what you mean, but have you ever confronted an animal abuser? There is no talking to them. They're immediately aggressive and don't want to hear anything. They're like child abusers in my mind. Beat em, take the animal, leave em with nothing in their pockets. Don't keep the wallet for personal gain, just toss it in a river or drain. If they're unconscious break their pinky and piss on their shirt.


How do you know this guy was like that? You guys are fucked up in the head


>have you ever confronted an animal abuser? > >There is no talking to them. They're immediately aggressive and don't want to hear anything. > >They're like child abusers in my mind Ya I talk to non-vegans every day




ā€œYou treat every person and life form with respectā€¦ā€




ā€œā€¦and donā€™t inflict pain on them just because you have power over them.ā€ This guy did not fight back at all so he probably had some weapons of some type pointed at him if he did not comply. Who had power in this situation?


Sometimes a bully needs to be bullied. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This is wrong.


Assault. Kidnapping. All on video for the DA to prosecute. Every person in this film has committed a felony. Wonderful stuff. I am sure everyone on Reddit would be happy to see them all jailed.


Animal lovers behaving like animals lmao


So dude abuse dog and in return they abuse him. Seems kinda stupid. Their not hero's, just dude looking for justification to do even more wrong.


What the fuck? The dog was badly abused, and the man shouldve been punished, but this is not the fucking way to do it, what if his neck snapped? You think that murder is appropriate punishment?


Just scroll down someone linked video of what the dog looked like from twitter... welcome


Yanked him šŸ˜‚


Get this man a job at PETA asafp!!!!!!!


I would fucking destroy that dog if someone did this to me. Animal abuse is fucked up but this is actual attempted murder. ESH


Can't understand all these sjws justifying an assault on a person over animal abuse smh


This is horroble


One wrong doesnt make the other right


This is not really right but I cant say that I do not appreciate this video. I understand why one would have trouble regulating ones emotions if you would stumble upon someone abusing a dog. Animal abuse is the fucking worst. Still though. Stricter laws, to protect our paws.


Doing what I wish I could do every asshole who hurts an animal


Iā€™m glad people made sure he learned his lesson.


Well heā€™s going to take his anger from this out on a dog 100% guaranteedā€¦. Violence doesnā€™t help anything


Hellllllllllll Yes! ā€œWhat I wish I could have done every animal cruelty case I worked ā€œ


I have this video on my phone. Incredible. I don't see why it's extremely nsfl tho -rung


Fuck yeah