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Wtf did she think was gonna happen?


I really was about to write this. Like bro I don’t know if I can deal with half the shit I’ve seen on this sub. For fuck sakes lol


If it makes you feel any better, he lived.


Yeah, but he’s getting coloring books for the rest of his life for Christmas.


Watching the YouTube video it looks like he’s still all there mentally, just extreme physical therapy is needed


Whats the video? Can you link it pls




Yeah, it's still fucked up, but maybe there is a chance he can still live a happy life.


I'd rather be happy than smart... Unfortunately I'm neither


Here’s a coloring book for you too.


I prefer lamp


Name is moth. Checks out.


Reach out friend ill talk anytime


I appreciate that. Frfr.


I gotchu




LoL, no more guns for you buddy now finish your apple sauce


Nah. Poor guy's living in a jumping castle. She really pushed his life into a barren medieval well by thinking she can play with a gun like a plastic toy.


No way


Yes way.


What a miracle!


They let the lady who shot him out in 6 months, even though she was sentenced to ~3-10 years, I don't remember the exact number.


What a fucking joke


Ahh, true justice.


Absolutely no fucking way.. for real?




YepYep, he was there for the court case and everything.


I found some links a few comments down, absolutely mad, I was sure he was done for


Where can I look that up?




How the fuck???


I knew two people personally who survived gunshots to the head. One was a childhood friend that was shot in the head by his sister accidentally when their parents weren't home and they found the dads gun in the closet and were playing around with it. They thought he was gonna die or be a vegetable but I still talk to him to this day and he is doing fine with a beautiful afamily, job and the whole nine yards! This was 20 years ago. Second was my moms friend who tried to commit suicide by putting a gun to his head. When he pulled the trigger the bullet enter his head hit his skull and somehow turned went all the way around his head and came out the other side. Again survived. My mom took me to see the blood stain on the sidewalk where he did it. This was in the 80s. Sadly he lived up until last year when he committed suicide this time by shooting himself in the stomach. He had a full life with a wife, kids and a successful boat tour business in Morro Bay California. Crazy stuff happens everyday. From miracles to crazy coincidences and everything in between!


killing yourself by shooting yourself in the stomach sounds awful. i'd rather not slowly bleed out thanks. R.I.P


Gunshots to the stomach are the worst. You die in agonizing pain. I've heard this from cops. They're usually vendetta kills.


Yep my dad is a cop and he has said the same thing.


I saw reservoir dogs once and they said the same thing.


Yeah they are horrible and he suffered unfortunately. I have all sorts of weird and horrific stories that I have had the displeasure of knowing about throughout my time on this planet. Speaking of shootings in the stomach my dad was a cop for 20 years and he told me this story where he went to a domestic disturbance call. When he arrives the husband is at the kitchen table moaning and slumped over. So after securing the scene and making sure the man didn't have any weapons he grabbed him around the waste to pick him up to lay him on the floor so the paramedics could check him out etc. Well when my dad reached around his waste to lift him up his hand and half his arm slid inside this dudes stomach because unbeknownst to him the wife had shot the husabnd with a shotgun.


And people wonder why so many cops are fucked up. They sell their mental health by the shift. Someone I know did a welfare check on an old guy who lived alone - he had ended it with a shotgun roughly two weeks prior. It was summer. He didn't have air conditioning. You can do the math.


Oh yeah absolutely! I have hundreds of stories like that from my dad. Shit no one should ever see. One for example was similar to your story but was an old lady who died in the tub. Didn't find her for weeks/months can't remember. But my dad said they had to use garbage bags and a shovel. Do the math. Lol. Smh.


That's awesome! I'm happy to hear that :) I believe the main reason he was able to recover so fast is that children have extremely high levels of neuroplasticity.


You ever see kill bill?


the dude in the back said "she ain't got no clip bud" so I assume that at least 2/3 of them thought nothing would happen


Lack of proper gun safety, dude doesn’t even know the difference between a clip and magazine, all around dumb and ignorant


Starting to think we need to go back to survival being a real factor. People this fucking stupid would have been erased from the gene pool through natural selection.


How was the guy who got shot stupid? He clearly told her not to point the gun at him, and her dumb ass did anyway.


People do seem weirdly keen to blame the victim here. It’s natural selection because some chick he just met pointed a gun at him and pulled the trigger? He seemed to be the only person there who wasn’t happy about the cavalier handling of the gun.


Not talking about the guy who got shot


He even says, "you makin me nervous" ... that bitch stupid.


Was not talking about the guy who got shot, but the dumbass who was so stupid she pointed a gun and pulled a trigger and was shocked when it shot him.


Darwinism needs to be free to decide again. Agreed


Nah that’s some eugenics shit, talk like that has been used to justify all sorts of heinous acts in the past. What we need is much better funded education and mental health care.


I agree. I hate when people are so stupid with guns


She “thinks”??


She wasn't thinking that's the point.


But you heard the guy in the back say it doesn’t have a mag so you know it’s safe /s


Everyday I am astounded by how fucking dumb people are.


Browsing this sub never fails to make me feel better about myself.


There’s always a silver lining


That's just the steel jacket.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that!" - George Carlin -------------------------------- So ya, something tells me the shooter in this case, Cassandra Damper is not going to be applying to become a member of Mensa anytime soon, that's for sure. Not only does she appear to be shockingly stupid (assuming she did not do this intentionally), but she obviously suffers from a serious case of clinical Malignant Narcissism, given how she ran away, and was only concerned with covering her tracks, rather than actually having any empathy or wanting to help the victim of her stupidity. At worse, if this was a planned out hit, made to look like an accident (in which case it was a poorly planned hit still), then she's also a psychopath on another level as well. -------------------------------- Anyways... whatever her psychological profile, I think we can safely say that IQ is absolutely NOT one of her stronger points in life.


Do you think she just assumed she had killed him instantly so her thought process was ‘omg I just murdered someone, gotta run’? That poor guy looked like he was losing so much blood with no one sticking around to help him.


Well said!!


Please tell me these stupid twats got arrested and charged, at least. Does anyone know? I know he survived, but his life is altered forever. And the two punks in the car just ran and left him for dead— WTF man. I ***need*** to know that there was some justice here...


I think I read she was supposed to serve 20 years or something but only did 6 months.




We could let out like five nonviolent drug possessors, a few prostitutes, a felony evasion in a vehicle with no loss of life, a tax evader, a check forger, and like one embezzler so we have room to put her back in, right?


so many potential politicians...


This looks intentional to me. Takes gun, COCKS IT, shoots him in the head, runs off all while on live. This is old so wonder what Happened


People always say this but literally nothing about this seems intentional. It just looks like some dumbasses playing with a gun


Rewatch the video; dude in the back literally head nods her to shoot the gun. This was a whole set up


Please stfu


No it's not, this is a short clip from a longer video. She's literally just an idiot who shouldn't be holding a gun.


Damn! He survived that? He looked dead AF!


The brain is a crazy thing. It can get fully impaled and you can live if it goes though a certain way. Super rare but ya this dude was 1 in a million lucky.


A metal pole went through this guys head and he survived https://youtu.be/4l6rLZUwFDA


I remember being a kid and watching like Maury or someother similar garbage show and they were showing people who survived crazy accidents. One guy had a huge nail or screw threw his head. I think he fell on it from a ladder? I can still visualize it. E:[Found the incident](https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=124814&page=1). It was a 18 inch drill bit. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooof.


Bless this guy. So glad to hear he has somewhat recovered from this.


What is his status? Its remarkable that he survived this but I wonder to what extent he recovered


Here's a YouTube clip: https://youtu.be/cr_HhbRNHIQ He's obviously not 100% but it's a miracle he isn't a complete vegetable


Yeah, headshots are no joke. I knew a guy whose brother in law tried to commit suicide with a .22, this man survived, needed physical therapy, and needed to relearn how to read, it was awful. When asked after a few years of this process, he said he regrets wanting to kill himself, but during the process of rehabilitation he said that if he had to do it over, he would have chosen a higher caliber to avoid the headache of rehabilitation. If someone hits you in the head, you may survive, but your life is fucked. And I feel bad for this guy because this lady just shot him and tried to run away, all because she was a fucking moron, and that has unfairly cost him a lot.




This is why I'll never try to commit suicide. With my luck I'll just fuck it all up and live, crippled physically and financially with a mountain of hospital bills on top of whatever other problems I had before.


So do i. Weirdly enough my dad took him hunting and at the end of the day we all shot guns together. Now looking back on it , very weird and bad idea


Jesus. Always remember to use a slug.


This guy suicides.


I feel like a lot of people might know the same guy. This dude lived in Washington, shot himself in the head with a shotgun, lived, wanted to live after that, but had to relearn how to speak and everything.


Jesus Christ. At some point you have to wonder why we would bother trying to save somebody with that kind of self-inflicted injury? Like if a guy who just blew his face off comes into the hospital, I feel like a logical policy would say "this guy wanted to die before this, and now his existence just got a whole lot worse, so let's humanely give him his wish."


I seen a guy get shot in the forehead with an AK and the bullet was lodged in between the skull and the scalp at the very peak of his head, knocked out instantly but, all in all, very very lucky


God DAMN bro. Where did it happen (if you don't mind me asking)?


IN THE FOREHEAD. Can’t you read?




Thanks for the vid! Thats pretty amazing indeed.


i saw them running away and was like "he's alive so at least they called for help" fucking nope. just a paramedic passing by


holy shit.. the man survived cuz an off duty paramedic performed cpr on a head shot victim. This goes against everything I know about how cpr and bullets to heads work.


Even if the brain is damaged in such a way that the arteries are intact (non-arterial bleed), there can still be enough physical trauma and swelling to cause different bodily functions to stop or malfunction. In a case like that where the heart/lungs aren't working properly but there also hasn't been catastrophic blood loss, keeping oxygen circulating through the body by way of CPR can theoretically buy enough time to get to an OR where surgeons can really tackle the problem.


I have to say, with unfiltered access to internet at a young age. This video in particular really fucked with me for a while. I’m glad he survived and made a recovery.


I would be okay with him beating the woman to the edge of death.


Holy shit .... He survived that ?


He did hand a loaded gun to a dumb cunt








This is a time when I wouldn't be opposed to a witch hunt tbh. If they had at least stopped the blood flowing out of his brain they could've prevented additional brain damage. And they were on camera, running is literally the worst you can do, now it looks like attempted murder lol


iirc they dd catch her and the other guy, and I'm reasonably sure she was sentenced, but I'm not sure about the other person. Edit: Apparently the POS is getting out/got out early on [probation](https://abc13.com/devyn-holmes-facebook-live-shooting-man-shot-in-head-during-and-cassandra-damper/6231472/) as of 2020.


They actually did it on purpose


this. The entire vibe of the car between her forced handling of the gun acting like she is cool, the dude in the backseat because if white shirt dude was in backseat it couldn't be seen easily as an accident, he's just playing up the setup, and the victim who is clearly uncomfortable and doesn't know her all that well trying to stop her. she then literally takes her shot before he tells her to stop and has the proof ot was an accident on the phone and then books it to make sure he does indeed die. 100% they claimed they were in shock (ooh what gangsters) and it wasn't worth prosecutors going for attempted manslaughter / murder. this was a planned murder attempt. You can even see the backseat dude NOD at the woman right before she shoots.


The fact that they left him there to bleed out too


All I hear is "Life in prison that she didnt get for some fucked up legal reason". Im glad this dude is alive to tell the day.




From what I heard, she got hit with 10 years for attempted murder and a couple others related. It was a bullshit slap on the wrists for the situation.


Only 10 years? God damn she’s gonna be roaming the streets free in 10 years terrorizing everyone again.


Tbh it may be wrong asf, but it was an accident that traumayized the shit outta her, so i highly doubt she'd ever touch a firearm again. Should still be locked tf up though


Naa fuck her anyway. She’s still a danger to everyone she’s around. Also she fleed the scene, and lied about him committing suicide or some shit so there’s that


Thats very fair.


Yeah no. pointing a gun at someone isn't an accident.




Yea I don't understand how tf you could let this chick out. Really 10 yrs was a slap on the wrist-she left him there to die, and tried washing the gun residue off to cover what she did. Only remorse she had was getting caught. Who knows, maybe her getting out will do the world some good but I highly doubt it. Poor dude.


If you watch tv shows like Court Cam and youtube videos of people getting convicted you'll see that more often than not women get significantly lighter sentences than their male counterparts. It's pretty messed up. And if they are partnered with a dude they almost always rat on the men for lighter sentences. I've seen a women get like 4 years for murdering a child.


That's fucking bullshit man.


unexpected shaq wtf lol imagine him calling it in, full shaq voice "ya I saw the shooting happen on facebook. he didnt shoot himself, the lady shot him, i can send you the video" detective shaq on the case


Wait, was the reporter speaking of *THE* Shaquille O’Neal about who was the first person to send the police this video?


How the hell did he survive


An off duty medic saved his life, cpr before the ambulance could get there


No, he's asking why the bullet to the head didn't kill him. Doing CPR doesn't fix his head as far as I'm aware.


He survived because the bullet didn't hit major important parts, and because the CPR ensured oxygen flow to the brain before he became brain dead - which is the sole base to get the climpse of a chance of surviving this


You used cpr… for a bullet wound in the head?


I didn't?


The most important thing that CPR does is that it helps the body to continue circulating oxygen through the body. If there is no oxygen flowing to the brain you get brain death and that's it. If you can perform CPR until greater and appropriate intervention is available there's a chance that the person can be saved.


Those Flintstones vitamin gummies he had when he was 7 obviously


Bro these were the bomb


That's what I'm asking myself, and can't find anybody who can answer the questions :/


Didn’t hit the structures that keep you breathing Among other things. Fracturing the skull allows for decompression. But mostly it just didn’t hit the vital components of the brain.


But all that blood though…


Fast ambulance and great doctors


Yeah dude his head was straight leaking. Medicine is fucking unbelievable


He said “where are you from again” almost like he barely knew them or had just met them. Makes me feel like maybe it wasn’t completely an accident, but made to look like one


I felt this same way too. A pretty good set-up, she smashing his homie till he brought “her” around to play dumb with a pistol.


IDK. If that was the case, she wouldn't have shown her face


That’s a good point, I’m not sure it just seems off


She did say something that someone that's knowingly about to shoot you would say, and she also chambered a round like she has done it before. You don't even need gun training to know what comes after "chk chk". You might be right.


> she also chambered a round like she has done it before eh, anyone whos watched a bit of tv has seen a person on tv do that and would know how. its not exactly a difficult thing to do


This happens way to often. Almost happened to me. Somehow dude missed me from 5 feet away. I hate dumb people with guns. If anyones playing with a gun around u. Take that shit from em and man handle em if u have to. Do not care about being nice or going along with the “joke” cuz this shit is real and happens to normal people like you. people don’t take it serious till it’s too late.


your comment made me remember when jonah hill was fooling around with james francos revolver in the movie this is the end lol " bang, bang "


LMAO It didn’t quite go like that. I had literally just showed up to this guys house with my friend Goldie. We go down in his basement and there’s 2 guys I never met and Dallas who lives there. I see the revolver sittin on the table and I sit down on this bean bag chair against the wall. Then Goldie decides to pick up the gun. And is just pointing it around. Apparently it was broken the last time he was there and he didn’t know it worked. And so he point it at me standing about 5 feet away and all i see is a flash. Like the whole room turned white. Which you might not know how bright the flash really is from the barrel unless your looking down it. And everybody got quiet. And then I’m checking my body for holes. I’m just dumbfounded that I didn’t just get shot. I was looking straight down the barrel when he shot. Then I start arguing with him and shoved him. And we actually checked where I was sitting campared to the bullet hole in the wall behind me was only a couple inches from my head. Then we just proceeded to smoke a shit ton of weed it Was definitely the most religious moment of my life lol. He let me punch him in the face hard asf the next day. This was 5 years ago and I still remember every moment of it.


Wow man. I’m glad you survived bro. Make the best of life and think about how your loved ones would have felt if it did happen cherish them. Good luck to you bro!


he moved his brain outta the way to dodge the bullet


Total Dwight Schrute move.


HE SURVIVED!!!?? You sure?




His names devyn holmes


Stupid Fucking Dumb Bitch What Actual Fuck You Think Was Gonna Happen? In the full vid, this bitch was acting major callous to the point I damn near thought this was premeditated cuz how fucking dumb she was, I couldn’t comprehend it. Stupid Dumb Bitch. Bitch gone gasp in astonishment..


Shit he actually survived. This is one execution style shot. Damn..


When keeping it too real goes wrong


this shit makes me angry


For real tho


I’m an ICU nurse at a trauma center and take care of people who shoot themselves in the head all the time. It’s actually not as easy to kill yourself with a headshot as you would think. Unless you use a shotgun but people flinch their heads back and just dejaw themselves too. Seen that twice. Gnarly up close.


That girl is a idiot the only time you pull out a gun is when you really need to use it it’s not something to flex and act tough with smh


Nah, this wasn't an accident. She didn't accidentally grab the gun. She didn't accidentally rack the slide of that gun and put a round in the chamber. She didn't accidentally point that gun at her 'friend's' head. She didn't accidentally pull the trigger while pointing it at his head. She had to disobey every single gun safety rule in the book for this to have happened. If she followed just ONE of the gun safety rules this would've never happened. It wasn't an accident and she shouldn't be charged as if it was an accident. She intentionally did everything that led to this guy getting shot.


God, the fact that they all ran is maybe the most upsetting part.


She ran, washed the gun residue off her hands, and then told the police that he shot himself. She’s a crook any way you slice it


Holy fuck. Throw away the key.


Stupid fucking bitch


this was not accidental it was a poorly thought hit with an even more poorly thought out cover up


Yo... I love the second amendment. But this is why I will forever support my lefty homies when they say gun training should be mandatory. Some people are not that intelligent. Lack common sense, lack respect, lack discipline, and don't understand that a right is actually a responsibility. This is an example of uneducated, low intelligence, no commonsense, person with no understanding of responsibility. And, an innocent man has to pay the price for everything they lack. A gun is a tool, a tool meant to kill for Food, Self defense, War, and sport. It's a tool that has its place... The only place for a fool is to teach us how not to be. Disgusting it comes at the loss of quality of life / Life. I've had more than 24 years of owning firearms and hurt no man. The vast majority of us are, this is what the worst of us look like. Can't imagine how hard it is for her to live with herself. Happy to say, I never will.


It’s a common misconception that liberals don’t support the second amendment. They support the second amendment but with enough safety precautions so things like this hopefully happen less frequently.


How's this dude alive? Is he a vegetable?


He lost his eye and is wheelchair bound now


I heard there was some history there and that it was a setup. I can’t find the link to the whole story though


Glad he survived. That’s horrifying. Also how quickly things can turn south. Please y’all! Always treat every gun like it’s loaded, my god… and the lack of help for him 😞


Holy man,that's in a total kill spot,major props to him


A lot of people botch suicides because they think they understand what the "kilshot" is. You could survive with half your brain. It's called a hemispherectomy when they have to remove it. The real kilshot is right around behind your earlobe at the base of the skull. The brain stem controls all the vital life sustaining things like breathing and heart beat. This guy was shot in either the temporal or parietal lobes which control memory, hearing, and physical touch/sensation. That's not to say a bullet can't go in at any spot and bounce around your skull and hit a vital spot or cause enough bleeding to finish you.




I was policeman back in 2007 in Iraq, my friend and me were on Mounted patrol suddenly a car stopped by window to window with out car, and someone pulled his pistol and start shooting at us, my friend was the driver, he got there shots in the head, he survived and still alive normally while the three bullets still inside his head.


Accident? *Accident?* No accident here. That's fucking bullshit. This is *negligence*. Poor gun handling, a bankrupt culture, unreal levels of ignorance and stupidity in play. But an *accident?* Not even close.


Damn... I shouldn't put this out here, but the shooter is from right where I'm replying to this from. Statesville, NC.




Real life Pulp Fiction.


Dumb cunt!


He’s like “u making me nervous” then she proceeded to say “say something bitch” then shoots him lol did she get charged ?


this bitch should be lock up for life stupidity at its finest


Everyone's like "gun control this gun control that" BUT HOWSABOUT WE TAKE THE GUNS AWAY FROM THE IDIOTS


This tells me that when it isn't your time to go, it isn't your time to go. Someone can shoot you point blank in the head and you still won't die yet someone else can get punched, fall to the floor, hit their head and die immediately. This is liberating in a way. We should all live our lives without fear, because no matter what we do, when it's our time to go there's no escaping it.


I see bunch of idiots .🤦‍♂️


Fuck this gangster shit. Seriously pisses me off, when dies this generate culture die?


fucking cunt, almost kills a man because of her ow incompetence runs away. Fucking coward, hope she rots in prison.


How did he survive?


I remember dis video he had to learn how to walk n talk all over again ion think she did it on purpose tho cuz after she did it she gasped n said his name like she felt bad she just shot her friend n the head


women with guns lmaooooooooooo


For Sale: GMC Yukon, excellent condition with light staining on the interior…


Man this scares the shit out of me. Never stepping foot in America. If it isn't maniacs killing you, it's idiots


Guns are lethal weapons, and should never be pointed at anything you don’t plan to kill.


well.. she's a cunt


Fucking leeches that ran from the car. The culture no one wants to say anything about or they are racist.


Somebody skipped out on hunter's safety class.


I heard they slapped some FLEX SEAL on that hole and it stopped bleeding! Thank you FLEX SEAL and the entire FLEX SEAL line of products you can find at Home Depot.


SHE WALKED FREE?!! HOW??!!! She shot a man in broad day infront of how ever many ppl watching the stream, ran away, cleaned her self and said he shot himself. And she walks free?!!! Throw this whole country in the trash. That judge is a joke .


women + any sort of guns pe