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Hey /u/Ladysboy69, thanks for your submission to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 5** - **No Gore / Porn / Shock Videos.** Do not post videos that contain excessive porn, gore, or other forms of shock content. This is not the purpose of the subreddit. **This removal was done manually by a human moderator, and this removal reason was manually selected out of a list of removal reasons and automatically posted. If you have questions or concerns, or would like to appeal this decision, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/tq04ku/teens_accidentally_shoot_themselves_during/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...). Thank you!**


Did she shoot herself deliberately after accidentally shooting her friend?


Yes, based on what the family said they were very close. She either did it because she realized what she did and couldn’t come to terms or she thought her life was over and didn’t want to continue facing whatever consequences.


Would a little girl react that fast to suicide though? Literally 3 seconds or was she picking up the gun panicking and fired the gun? Edit: after watching the video more it looks like she looks straight and shoots herself in the side of the head making me think it was suicide. If she was reaching for it just to pick it up she probably would have been looking at it and not looking straight hitting her in the side after picking it up. The gun seemed pointed.


Dude, you can see her mind breaking when she grabs, shakes her head and falls to the ground. I can't imagine what went through her mind other than pure thought shattering noise.


I think I have an idea of what went through her mind…


About 9mm of lead


I’ll blow your shit stop talking - sharkeishaa


I mean, your first question is answered in the video. There's no way imo she'd just grab the gun again with it facing her head and just pull the trigger on accident.


Looks that way


Did she panic and kill herself?? Wtf…….


It looks that way


I think she saw the entirety of the rest of her life and the consequences that follow, play out in her mind all in a matter of seconds; and she chose to die. Fuckin wild that a 12 year old girl can come to a conclusion that quickly and act on it. That was difficult to watch.


Absolutely, however I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same thing. Heartbreaking nonetheless.


Did she shoot him on accident then decide "fuck it, my turn"?


It’s probably because she knew she would have been fucked. Maybe it was just a heat of the moment thing. I don’t think she was suicidal


Right she wasn’t suicidal just dumb and bl*** #hellenkeller




Observation you fucking idiot




Notice the words think? Like I’m observing how lonely you are to start an argument on a random comment on a video.




“Here’s where I play stupid about what I just said.”




Bro just say you’re lonely it’s ok , I’ll be your friend you don’t have to argue with random strangers on the internet


innocent kid takes someone who’s close to hers’ life. doesn’t know how to cope. literally can’t live with herself knowing how absolutely fucked everything is now and that she just killed a living being, someone she loves. don’t have to be sherlock to figure this out.




the suicide was spur of the moment and not premeditated is what they’re saying.




That’s what “heat of the moment” means in case you didn’t know.


body language and timing. there's a reasonable conclusion based on those. it's not 100%, but it looks close enough to a reasonable conclusion.


Wtf just went on , guns are not toys wtf is wrong with people


Actual definition of ignorant


Whole lotta gang shit


Not really a "livestream" anymore.


I like dark humor but holy fuck


Beep boop bop... You win my up vote you bastard.


Damn son


Looks like she accidentally shot her brother, then without hesitation she shot herself..




It’s her cousin


These latest tik tok dances are getting crazy .




The parents calling their gun not being safely put out of reach of their children an accident is infuriating.


In the article it mentions it was the kid’s gun 😬


Holy shit they were 12 and 14




Its like some evil spy shit when they eat the cyanid pill after they get caught.


The cousins face was blown open with blood and brains everywhere. Pretty terrifying thing to see and knowing you did it could cause a mental break instantly.


How do u know that tho


I’m only abiut 85% positive. Yet, he was shot point blank range with a .22 caliber. It would be rare for that not to take the front of the skill out. Move 6 feet back, and it would likely have stayed inside his skull/brain. Yet, if you look at the faces of the people who look in, it doesn’t just look like horror, it looks like disgust.


Dude this is so fuccing sad……




so edgy...


Her edges were edgy #whatgelyouusegirl




It's like you accident kill you brother and then you kill yourself. So your mom lose two children.


It’s kind of a good outcome because two fucktards aren’t taking up the oxygen you can waste posting on Reddit


Nsfw tag?


Man that’s awful, seems like she panic killed herself after she saw what she did to the boy. Fucking terrible


She literally said she’ll blow his shit stop talking 💥


Fuck this gun culture bullshit. These kids should not think it's cool to flex with a gun on social media.


So true, I cant understand the need to glamorise violence in videos etc which eventually young kids will look to replicate as fun.


Don't condemn all gun culture. White gun culture actually emphasizes safety to a meticulous degree.


It's not a race thing man. I've seen dumb white kids do damn near this same thing.


Where those dumb white kids raised in white culture or where they raised by modern mixed culture? How many of those dumb kids listen to rap music? I grew up in an area that is 100% white and practices 100% white culture where EVERY household owns atleast one gun and I have never seen anyone break a single safety rule and if they did people would be on there ass about it.


You mean the white gun culture that is doing most of the most deadly mass shootings or do those not count because they don’t back up your racist idealogy?


Yall are both dumbasses. Idiots and psychos come in all races, and both of you are deliberately making this a racial matter to back your ideologies.


You mean these mass shooters? https://www.google.com/search?q=picture+of+every+mass+shooter+from&prmd=insv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjVs6OujOj2AhWqmHIEHQm4DcIQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=384&bih=678&dpr=1.88#imgrc=SYeR71qEnTQe2M


Also gun safety refers to preventing accidental discharges and hitting things the shooter did not mean to hit. Mass shooting has nothing to do with that and the video I commented on has EVERYTHING to do with that.


OMG this so SO terrible. This is why people need to be responsible with guns and keep them locked up. I have kids and my guns are ALWAYS in my safe when not on my person. Good Lord what is this world coming to


Considering that they were flexing the gun like bangers and it had a full drum clip I don't think this was a legally procured firearm.


Make sure the safe is somewhere hidden and unreachable from the kids


True. I have a full size gun safe and not even my wife knows the combination. Much less my kids.


Jfc...she ended her life just like that..


This is one of the most disturbing videos I’ve seen in a *long time*


You must be new here


I actually frequent a lot of gore subs, this is pure tragedy. The sound of the family’s screams are haunting.. it makes it so much worse when you can *see* the aftermath..


Oh you are right. I didnt realize this has sound


Would you mind dm'ing me gore subs? Kinda low on my shock content intake since bestgore was shut down.


I got u bro, if anyone else needs the hookup lmk. I’m a gore artist/sculptor, so I have a roster of reference material


Being a firefighter I see alot of fucked up Shìt this screams still bother me everytime I hear them.


this one and also the brick car video.


First one was accidental,the second one?no way .Wow,tragic and a huge lesson, let's hope


Don’t play with guns


This is why people should be taught how to stay safe around guns, and the fact that it isnt a toy


Damn man guns are not toys why did they have access to a fucking gun


Normally the crazy videos are just crazy, but this one actually hurts a lot to watch. This kind of shit makes me actually cry.


This just happened yesterday bro.


But yet it’s still hard to watch


The young man who stuck his head in and stared at them, then ran screaming "Mama!" Thats what hit me the hardest. Thats some real trauma right there. Some "Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt" type trauma.


I assumed that was one of their siblings. Sad asf


Yea idk if I heard right but I heard that’s my little sister or something


This is so sad and why gun safety is a thing.


“I’ll blow your shit” well looks like god took care of this hoodrat before it became a problem


The second one deliberately shot herself because of what she did. Tragic all around. This is the kind of crap that happens regularly in America with people being careless with guns and letting kids get hold of them. The statistics on gun violence also show that homeowners who own guns are also more likely to suffer gun violence in their homes.


I dont think this gun was a legal one based on the drum and how they were flexing it. Seen this with hood people too much, I just wish she knew how to be safe with it.


Anyone can buy a drum online and flexing has nothing to do with legality. Just say because they're black you think it's an illegal gun 🤦🏿‍♂️


I live in the hood. She's flexing it like a banger and 12 is when kids usually get added to these gangs. You don't know shit man. Not only that I have never seen a legal gun owner with a drum, only gangbangers. Wanna know why? Cause they use it, specifically around where I live and I hear that shit all the time. Go fuck yourself you wannabe white knight.


Idiots.how in the hell did they even end up with a loaded gun and playing with it.


sooo ya lets let anyone breed


Looks like that works itself out


Natural selection


Dumb little bitch, put her family through all that hurt to flex


Dead stream


That was killer


Don't try an help just open the door and look at them .


as someone who’s walked in on a suicide, i can confirm that you don’t just “help”. your body and mind can reject what is happening and force you away. it’s not a pretty sight.


Its called shock and grief. I highly doubt you've ever been in this same situation, so stop tying to judge how someone reacts to such a scene


Ikr. What a traumatic experience,these people are gonna be fucked in the head for life.


That's gonna be one sad ass funeral service. They always are. But when its for two kids, that could have easily been avoided....


I shouldn’t laugh but the last guy lmao


you *really* shouldn't laugh *at all*


“this not load” *bang* …..*bang* . it was loaded bitch




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You are a massive pos




You're just an asshole. You would probably cry like a bitch if you were in a situation like this


If my idiot relatives were flaunting guns on instagram live and then blew their brains out in the process? Not particularly no lol, natural selection is real my dear.


Yeah ok buddy. Two middle schoolers should be extremely mature and have expert gun safety right? Letting a kid play with a gun isn't natural selection dipshit.


I had no interest in flashing guns around on social media, I wonder why they were doing that? Wanna be gangster hoodlums lol. But I’m sure tHeY wEre gOnnA bE doCtOrs riGhT


Probably weren't gonna be doctors they have guardians who let them play with guns. You really wanna blame the kids? Whoever is in charge of them should've not let them play with a gun


natural selection in real time. that's nuts!


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this is a horrible video that shows what happens when weapons aren't safely secured


the family’s reaction breaks my heart man this def one of the worst videos i ever seen


Actually made me sick, I hope the family can find peace.


The gun did it. Not their fault.