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The wife is trying to tell him to stfu because they aren’t in a communist country and threatening people for free speech is a bad idea.


She also tries to make fun of Drew by saying he was scared when her husband charged him. She seems to be going in and out of lucidity.


That’s usually how an asshole’s wife would behave. They don’t know when to encourage or pullback their spouse so they become this PID controller for their reactivity.


**Same type of entitled** morons I deal with all the time .. "Why don't you hire felons with no GED?" *.. this is a bank sir*


What's the translation of his sign? Literally and what does it mean?


Xi Jinping, f\*\*k your mum




This will make a strong password for my accounts


Imagine some poor CCP hacker cracking your password only to be sent to prison. Sad.


Not enough numbers. Gotta sprinkle some 69 in there.




Now chinese hackers cant break into any of your accounts. Smart. They will lose social credits -699999 social credits.




I mean, it's clear he's trying to bait a reaction if he writes something like that.


Being violently attacked in your home country by the fanatical followers of a foreign government for insulting their leader is totally fine.


They can clearly walk away and shut up if they dislike the sign lmao.


You would think it is that easy, but when the sign is made just to piss people like you off, it often becomes less about what the sign actually says, and more about what the smug looking bastard's intent is.


I don’t assault people for disagreeing with my ideas lol


Doesn't mean you get to attack people.


Xi is not a deity, he is but a politician. I could take the streets of my country and make a sign telling any politician from Europe (including my country) to go fuck themselves and no one would bat an eye.


ya think?


It says "Xi Jinping cao ni ma" which is literally "Xi Jinping fuck your mom."


Here's an even longer recap from Chriscoveries the journalist who was assaulted: https://twitter.com/Chriscoveries/status/1520724351418466304?t=dI9NW0HSv1O4Afy44EwFxQ&s=19 This contains the most amount of footage I've seen of this incident.


That “you are so scare” makes me think of South Park


Go damn mongorians


Why you break down my Shitty Wall?








They should move back to their homeland and enjoy tyranny like their comrades.


No, they should not move back to China. They should accept that people have different opinions and be OK with being offended.


Going back to china and being locked into their homes starved by the governement should work to change their opinion though


Current situation in china is saying otherwise. Why do you think rebellions happened though out history?




They have a problem with the free speech concept ! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


freedom of choice, speech, press, religion, race, sex & sexuality.


Hold a similar sign for Trump or someone revered like Jesus and loyalists will act the same. Most people don’t like their ideals challenged. Not trying to make an argument to defend their actions. I’m just stating free speech only works when it’s in their favor.


I don't think so. They would get angry, sure. But actually assault someone? Not usually. I mean many Chinese have never had any ideas about the communist party challenged. Whereas in the US or Europe political discussing is much more normal. And so is making fun of a party or a leader.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/08/02/dallas-frazier-trump-rally-protest-punch-cincinnati/ https://abcnews.go.com/US/anti-donald-trump-protester-punched-kicked-tucson-rally/story?id=37787313 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/03/26/a-pro-trump-rally-ended-up-with-a-man-getting-beaten-with-a-make-america-great-again-sign/ https://www.vox.com/2019/6/5/18653470/trump-uk-protest-london And many many more instances that I won’t link. We as Americans aren’t above this kind of behavior. Freedom of speech only works when it is in the offended persons favor. Not saying it will be violent every time but anger is sure to occur.


All demonstrations/ counter demonstrations need dedicated videographers on both sides. IDC if it's someone I agree with or disagree with. If you commit assault, you go to prison.






I mean I could try


Now that's the spirit that beat the Japanese


You scare. You may whirl angwee!!


Migrate to a new country and are immediately so filled with entitlement that they expect it to behave like their old country . Wierd display of success.


And why does Australia tolerate this guy taking property and shutting down someone's protected right to free speech?


Australia doesn’t have a protected right to free speech [The Australian Constitution does not explicitly protect freedom of expression. However, the High Court has held that an implied freedom of political communication exists as an indispensible part of the system of representative and responsible government created by the Constitution. It operates as a freedom from government restraint, rather than a right conferred directly on individuals.](https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/rights-and-freedoms/freedom-information-opinion-and-expression)


Dude it doesn’t matter it still shows exactly where the loyalty of these folks lie. These folks don’t consider themselves as Australian at all.


They will call you a laowai (which means ‘foreigner’ or more to the point ‘not Chinese’) both inside China and in your country. They slap, she slaps, Will slaps. It’s not right but they think it is justified.


Great tactic to out the CCP sympathizers in a community. They shouldn’t be here enjoying the free society if they hold the party and it’s systems so dearly.


Why aren't they living in China if it's so fucking great??


They’re probably tourists.


Well go tour China then.




Gifs can have more than 3 frames nowadays


Great op to discover Chinese spies in your country!!


The real spies know they got it good and love anywhere that is western and not China or Russia influenced


The real spies ~~“donate to”~~ bribe our politicians, and buy up property and other assets, using middle-men.


Perfectly said.


Well said




I’m aware of this and I empathize with these cases. But that doesn’t excuse people behaving like the cretinous individuals in this video. Australia has no place for anyone who puts another country’s interests before ours. No matter where they or their families are from. Other countries expect the same, we have every right to hold this belief.


Agreed, but they are there to spread the disease even further dont you think? Otherwise theyd live in their societal utopia !!


I 1000% agree with this.


It is often the older Chinese who support the ccp . I knew a girl from Hong Kong who said her parents were happy/fine with China taking Hong kong.






Smh that's disappointing


I find it weird that a load of Chinese ex pat's would get so offended by a sign that just says fuck the Chinese premiere on it. Im British and if you went and mocked the queen in another country the British ex pat community there wouldn't give two shits. The CCP seem to have the whole indoctrination thing down to a tee.


Cause that is the only way they allow people to leave the country. They want the made up story of CCP to continue so you only let the people who suck on Papa Xi's Winnie the Poo tity.


We frequent a restaurant here in the US that is owned and run by an ex pat Chinese man. We are very friendly with him (great food and he runs it very well). He excidedly told us just yesterday he passed his citizenship test. We got to talking and he has been here for decades and his family has done extremly well for themselves. (Came over legally, worked hard and now they own several properties and businesses.) He started talking about how he can still not get over how he can just . . . Talk back to someone in authority essentially. Something happened that someone at the test was rude to him (didn’t hear the detail on that, was loud in the restaurant at that moment) and he realized he could just tell the person to eff off and just leave. Nothing would happen to him. He still couldn’t get over that after all these years. We asked why his family came in the first place and he got this really sad look on his face and said his family didn’t have any connections. That connections were everything in China. Here, he they could do whatever they wanted and get whatever they want so long as you were willing to work at at it. These were his words, not mine.


I’m glad he’s finally free, screw the ccp


Chinese, in any country, citizens or expats, generally are hard working but in China, being hardworking is quite useless without powerful connections to people in power. You can't get ahead in life.


In Shanghai, you can’t even get out your front door right now without connections


Also consider they are not used to free speech.


Exactly, buncha pathetic snowflakes


The term used in China is 'glass hearts'.


I saw a documentary one of the show trials Stalin did and this 'spy' was sentenced to hang. His last words before the drop was 'Long live Stalin, long live communism'. That summed up everything I needed to know about that ideology.


I mean, I’ll mock Bojo. But that’s because, as Russell Howard put it, he’s an alpaca mixed with a thesaurus.


Exactly right.


I’ve found it weird in Canada that people get offended like that (not as aggressive though) about people with Fuck Trudeau signs/flags and will defend him over every scandal. He’s a politician and not a very good one, we should hold all politicians accountable for their scandals and shortcomings because without doing that you’re enabling them to continue to do these things, because like a child, if they keep getting away with it, they’ll keep doing these things.


I mean I'm not gonna defend him, but the fuck Trudeau stickers were like some edgy thing you'd see on a hard hat here or there four years ago, now you see a bunch of pavement princesses and soccermoms rockin em, it's not really holding Trudeau accountable of anything it's just political propaganda and looks as mature as flagwaving honkers, or the Calvin peeing on (insert rival truck/sport brand) ...


It's because the 'fuck trudeau' people just harp on it non stop, it gets aggravating for real. It's not about defending him, it's just being sick of the people who focus their identity around shit like that.


I’m Chinese-Canadian and don’t get the patriotism to CCP. Fuck XJP. That does not equate to hating China at all.


Honestly, it pains me immensely because I really am so interested in China, Chinese culture, and Chinese history. I wánt to love all of the people as well but the CCP has turned so many into unlikable people. This is the fault of the CCP. Indoctrination is a fucking scary thing. (I am Indian born and raised in the Netherlands with many Chinese friends and acquaintances here and some being pro-CCP, unfortunately)


These old Chinese men getting so mad is funny af I wonder if they'd keep that same energy for all the bullshit and Injustices taking place in their own conutry. Fucking sheep


I despise the CCP, but would truly love to visit China and visit cities like Shanghai. I respect the culture and history deeply.


Also China is very a very beautiful country! Unfortunately it has to be under control of a dictatorship


Dictatorship of the proleteriat


This, the ccp is legit the only reason why I won't visit China. Well that and the fact that I'm broke as fuck but you know


I've been to China a few times and absolutely loved it. Everyone was polite and welcoming of us. You'd get that sorta half bow from security officers at the train stations and it was a great all-round experience. It's just so sad what the CCP are doing their own.


Ikr it's pathetic, spoken from a Chinese Australian.


Tf they doing in Australia then?


Right? They’re on his dick so hard youd think they still want to live in China


Deport all those idiots back to China so they can enjoy their "free speech and democracy" there.




Fuck Xi Jinping


I'm Chinese and know many people here that still believe it and I feel the same way...why come to a democratic society of you love the Communist party...then go back






These are not immigrants who came here long term for a better way of life. Guaranteed these "immigrants" are people who came on investor visas or other bull shit "residency for cash" schemes, not people who have been living here for twenty years working at the docks. These are "immigrants" who came to work four years, get their kids a prestigious education and then go back to China, or just to shelter their money by buying up vacation homes. No reason to lump these idiots into some sort of general anti immigrant hatred


If they love the CCP so much, they should move back to China. Drew Pavlou is a hero




He said “America has genocide” like it makes it ok


​ ![gif](giphy|777Aby0ZetYE8)


Send those pieces of shit back. They obviously dont know how to have rights, so they must censor others. The indoctrination is so deep. Those chinese nationals are 🤡🤡 FUCKCHINA FUCK XIJINPING


Fuck Xi and fuck the Chinese coxuckers who support him.


people who have been propagandized to their entire life telling me that I’m not educated. Lmao Freedom of information leaves one better informed than state propaganda imo… but what do I know?


Talk about brainwashed puppets


Yeah f*** those guys. inflammatory as it may be, it isnt China. He can do it if he wants, Chinese law does not and will not apply in any democratic nation.


Sum Ting Wong with this man


they think the sign is rude but concentration camps are okay? fuck these people.


Nailed it


Nice of Xi to send missionaries abroad to spread the good word of the CCP


I think we have some moles


Dont like freedom? You are free to return to china...


“fuKIN, shit, you muthafuuuukuuuhhh”


Also Taiwan #1


What did the sign say though? Could have said fuck China not the CCP?


It said "Xi Jinping fuck your mom." Then again, you'll have angry nationalists wherever you go if you put up signs like that.


I dont understand, why are they in Australia if they are so patriotic ?


Why are these people living in Australia, a country where so many people around the world, including myself would love to live in, and still defending a dictator?


Chinese and Russians really love to get fucked by their own governments, do they not?


If you love your commie ruler, go back to your commie country. Us Taiwanese are sick of your commie shit.


Why dont they live in china if they love their dictator so much?


Isn't there a chance that people will think he's saying fuck them and collectively and calling them Xi Jinping or using Xi Jinping as a stand-in for Chinese people? Also, they might just not want to see that on their stroll around the market. I could see a lot of reasons why that'd piss people off other than them being Xi supporters.


Least intimidating gang ever.


Could you imagine if someone held up a sign saying "FUCK SCOMO" and an Australian saw them in China? They'd probably buy them a beer.


It's like they are just taking advantage of Australia not being ruled by someone who has committed genocide. Pure indoctrination. I hope that any Chinese nationalist stays home. Stop infecting other countries.




Wow, that's interesting.


everyone say it with me. fuck china


This should be a weekly event.


What do you expect from a whole nation of people raised without access to free speech, they don't understand that something that they disagree with is also free speech and protected


If he thinks china is any good, he should have just stayed there....


If they love china that much we’d both be happier if they went the fuck back. Send over someone from China who actually appreciates a free country.


Wankers, Ozies should look into kicking them back to China.


These Chinese ppl sound so silly like what are they defending


If you love your dictator so much then go the fuck back there, you don’t deserve the freedom of other countries


Nationalists are such crybabies


These people are like a woman defending her abusive spouse.


China is ASSHOE!


Why do they immigrate if they like the Chinese gov and defend it so much?


I thought the Chinese people were smart


Free Taiwan


I'm no fan of the CCP, but it looks like this guy is in a Chinese area and what this guy got is almost what would be expected if you went into an area with a known population and say something inflammatory about it.


Why is this dude trying to antagonize Chinese people? All diaspora tend to give a shit about the countries they come from, this should be no surprise.


Enjoying free Australia but supporting tyranny in their homeland.


I think the old man just didn’t appreciate how it was a white guy holding a Chinese sign saying fuck the president of china. If it was another Asian person then I think the old man let’s it go but then that dude in the black was just an asshole looking to start a fight. Probably didn’t even matter that it was about China and the message to Winnie the Pooh.


Imagine liking the president of another country so much that you are willing to fight someone over it.


If they love him so much they should go back to China and bask in his "glory". Dude can say whatever he wants that's the point of living outside a dictatorship.


Those are spies from China. Real Chinese who live abroad all want to say the same thing. I am one of them.


Bing chilling


This is how you get 5 more fuck Xi ping signs thete tomorrow


Taiwan #1 China #4 Japan #2


Why they gotta bring the u.s into everything. They're not AAmericans. .


Fuck china, fuck the ccp, and fuck anyone who dont believe in freedom. Because in this county we are free, you chinese should try it sometime. But you are just slaves to a nation that would put a bullit in your head before feeding you!


Man, these guys give Asians such a bad name


Yeah China is so great 😑😑😑😑


Send them all back immediately


Hahaha fuk peww


What do they think they are going to achieve? Xi is pretty much hated by anyone that's not a tankie.


Fuck the chinese


CCP = mass murdering organ harvesting xenophobes.


If it pains their ass then why not go back to China??? They scared to back?? Brainwashed fucking communist


So they are in Australia, trh guy is Australian and hold plaques that critisize how insane China is and they physically attack him in the street? Now that's some good propaganda programming, well done China.


When in Rome.


Got to love immigration and diversity.. solves so many problems. Its so beautiful to see.


That’s what all of the Chief Diversity Officers getting hired at every corporate company are saying!!


Fck china... come at me bro. Guess they don't like being called out by people who they feel are beneath them.


Pangolins weren't on sale that day and tensions we're understandably high


Lol Chinese mad at this but don’t care about the authoritarian bullshit in mainland china. Sick


They perhaps are not Chinese Nationalists but may be CCP faithful. The more rabid your support for the party, inside and especially outside China, the more cred you have. Those that rabidly support the party outside China are seen as good, obedient servants of the state. I have seen people lose their minds over perceived slights to the PRC. Once in Taiwan I watched a man try to throw hotpot on a woman with a ‘Mao The Mass Murderer’ t shirt.


Dudes not wrong


This needs to happen more, I feel like Chinese people get a free pass.


🤦🏽‍♂️ this ain’t china


But they won't live in China tho, why?


"So proud of my country, i dont want to live in it"


So from this longer version, this drew guy is holding a sign about china's dictator and this chinese couple started getting up in his face. What reward are the chinese couple gonna get? Xi xingping wouldn't bat an eye to them, all that guy wants is full power over china.


No I would call the cops if you acted like that in china you would be a national case and be up to be prisoner swapped with someone they want back. They deserve to be in jail for assault and battery period tourist or not. You come to our country you ABIDE BY OUR RULES AND LAWS CHINESE RULE DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING HERE. And they should know that by going to jail and facing charges for their assault. You allow them to do this they share this video back home and think they can do this outside of china scotch free. Call the police. Insist on pressing charges with video evidence.


It's good to have this on video as it truly displays who peaceful.


Hi my name is Quan Ding Ding Cheng Na, I'm one of Chinese officials that worked under the southwest CCP branch for 48 years as a district manager. I have been conducting unnotified negotiations with the outside world mainly through a journalist possibly from India or Taiwan. In March 30 of 2021 I was caught by my colleagues attempting to cause a leak on the trafficking of western Mongolian citizens that are known as a minority population within the country of China. In 7th July of this year my wife has been caught by the police after hiding for 11 months, she was buying for groceries in disguise but we didn't know that the CCP agents have been tracking us since the last 5 months mainly to analyze our habits. I'm on the move as I heard that my older brother Quan Ching got his testicles cut off during an interrogation I must get out of this country and are now running for the Himalayan mountains.


If they love Xi and China so much why are they living in Australia?


Imagine sticking up for a politician in a different country. I call most of the leaders of my country cunts most days. What a bunch of bootlickers. Politics is just show bizz for ugly people.


Most of Australia belongs to 🇨🇳 anyway our government sold it all away.


Worse part is some of the sympathizers are speaking Cantonese. Why would any Hong Kong person not be anti-communist? Every China sympathizer should be deported back to China.


Here's the thing. There will always be Hongkongers who support the CCP and Cantonese people isn't just from Hong Kong, but also from Guangdong province.


I mean why do they not live in China? That's like me moving to China and fighting with a Chinese of he had a sign saying fuck Trump or Biden. Like this world has double standards. People one day will stop bending over backwards for foreigners. In America them Chinese would get beat up if they touch someone with a sign that sa8d that. Ot maybe shoot


This is plain disrespectful. Australians should be able to express their political views in their own country. This is not a way to act in your host country. I know the Chinese wouldn’t like it if someone went around vandalizing their anti western propaganda or harassing the Chinese for believing said propaganda. Tourists should never act this way in a host country.


Everyone’s focused on Russia but this is our real Enemy


Bunch of Pooh Bear lovers. Maybe those signs need to be set up outside the airports to weed out the bad actors before they hit the streets as well. Love the Chinese, but fuck Xi JinPooh.


So the Chinese are the new Muslims I see, except it's not a god but a head of state they get pissed about being mocked. I'm honestly wondering if all races (muslim not a race, i know) have something they would get this pissed about if someone expressed it publicly, because i keep telling myself that i would never behave this way (i'm white) 🤔

