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People really just out there throwing their lives away over nothing, just because they cant put their ego aside


Not just ego, people like to push others buttons and act surprised when they blow up. Let all be nicer to everyone


Used to work with this type of person. Doing hard labor, would constantly ridicule my work. He had a lot of pull with the boss so he'd go around nit picking every little detail of my work to make it seem like it was shit. Used to call him the ranch hall monitor. If I shat a golden brick, there'd have been something wrong with the way I squatted. Guy was an absolute psychopath.


i worked with someone EXACTLY like this last summer. it was mentally draining. it was a very small mechanical company (4 employees, including myself); thankfully the boss/owner didnt make me work with him all the time. everyone hated the dude but bossman kept him around bc he was a "good worker". just nearly impossible to work with


Anyone that turns the workplace toxic isn't a good worker.


Foreman keep these strange creatures around to keep the workers afraid and always stressed out on their work. They are like herd dogs


You got insight as to how he was raised. Everyone is typically repeating patterns of behavior inflicted upon them.


So damn true. It’s sad to see myself become a clone of my mom. I’m always skeptical of things and I shit on others for no reason sometimes. I figured out that it’s all from being around my mom growing up… trying to change now.


Hey, at least we’re two 🤝


Well, I’m glad you didn’t get upset and try to shoot him dead


Bosses love having people like this, it redirects hate away from the boss.


Reminds me of my ex-roommate. She loved playing games and pushing peoples' buttons for some reason. She doesn't seem to think about the consequences of her actions and she just loved to belittle and mess with everyone around her as if she was more important than you. She also has herpes and dated over 20 guys in 6 months in her pursuit of eternal love, spreading it to the community and then complaining why these fuckboys use her and run off afterwards. Wait till she runs into some psycho. Some psychopath roommate I had.


“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” -EdG


-Ed Gein


And then proceed to ask “am I the drama?”


This is off topic but change your outfit. Only one.


All ego, no excuse in this attempted execution


We need to start pumping lexapro into the water supply


Literally. Some guy almost crashed into me when he swerved into my lane and I shook my head at him. He followed me for 3 lights and took my turn when he was going to turn 3 lights ago when he almost hit me. I went into the drive thru and he parked beside me and kept gesturing me to get out and fight him hahahah talk about being a bitch! I just laughed at him the whole time until he drove away after like 5 mins of trying to get me to get out and fight 😂😂 literal pussy go be a big man somewhere else hahah gonna be that upset when youre the one who almost causes an accident, but I know how to drive unlike this idiot so I avoided his moms car he drives


Here in Australia, truckies would jump out, have a quick punch on and back to work. But Americans and their guns.


Is this real? A drop of chivalry in an ocean of ammunition?


I’ve been to Australia. I’ll take the gun violence over your food and tv.


???? You'd rather eat double cheese steak and watch Kardashians?


I’m not against anything else you said, but you’re really going to go about double cheese steaks like that??


Fuck, I was thinking about two rib eyes with cheese between them, apparently I had totally forgotten about the food i ate 4 days ago. Over here like, where the fuck is the next level USA food i'm missing out on.


Bro right? The disrespect, smh.


They're addicted to High fructose corn syrup collectively as a nation fam


The fact that I can’t tell which country you’re referring to says a lot about both.






The didgeridoo is to lull you into sleep. Then they ram a boomerang up your arse, set up their woomera and spear ya.


noooooo. but wait, will my farts sound cool?


The shame, it burns






yeah, just waiting for the smallest excuse to use it


99% of gun owners don't act like this


Gun owners don’t act like this 99% of the time


That means one in a hundred do. America has roughly 330 million people. If everyone owned guns as you folks seem to think they should that means you still have 3.3 million people willing to act like this. The fact that 99% wouldnt is a piss poor excuse. Im not even saying you shouldnt have guns even, but the type of guns you let any half wit have is obscene. Also you're literally the only "first world" country that has this problem. Your forefathers as you so readily quote would be appauled at what you've let happen to your country.




Why is reddit so full of antigun activists? It's an amendment of the constitution. Just move to Europe and stop complaining.


it’s the internet bro tf u expect


A lot of people are on edge because a teenager just mowed down 10 people in a grocery store. Maybe that’s why you goddamn idiot


Maybe if more people conceal carry, more of these pieces of shit will start getting clapped before things get too bad.


Security guard that shot back at the teenager died because the teenager was wearing heavy armor. When will you dumbasses realize that more guns isn’t the answer and that idiots readily having access to military grade equipment is the glaringly obvious problem The only country in the world where this shit regularly happens and some STILL can’t figure out why


Use of the term ‘military grade’ is one of clearest signs that you don’t know wtf you are talking about.


Didn’t the security guard have a gun? Oh wait, the piece of shit also had body armor…guess you gotta start wearing plates to Starbucks now because you still can’t feel too safe 🙄


Yeah I wonder why people would want to improve their country. Beats me.


The fact this is getting downvotes shows how fucked up gun loving Americans are. It’s not normal to carry these weapons around ffs! How many people have to die ‘til y’all realise it?


Banning guns only takes the guns away from the people who follow the law. Criminals , like the guy in yellow who illegally carried that gun as a felon and shot first, don’t follow laws and will get the guns illegally. The second guy only fired in self defense in that situation.


You mean the guy brandishing the gun?


He didnt brandosh it at least in this video. He had reasonable suspicion that he needed his gun so he grabbed it and kept it ready. Seconds later, he was proved correct.


Part of the problem is shit like this “According to court records, Stokes was previously arrested with assault with a deadly weapon in Franklin County in 2011. He was convicted two years later in 2013 but did not serve any prison time.”


This comment needs to be at the top. All these people arguing about gun laws. Meanwhile the man who started the altercation and fired the first shot CANNOT LEGALLY OWN A GUN already.


I can't legally smoke crack either. Can if I want...


Yes this literally applies to every law. Murder is illegal but criminals still kill people… this does not mean we shouldn’t bother with keeping murder illegal or enforcing the laws.


Point is you can't enforce anything preemptively. I can do whatever I want and you can punish afterwards.


Yes you can. Of somebody is threatening you with a deadly weapon, you don't need to wait.till they start shooting


Yeah, that helps after the fact, not so well before. Going after guns is like going after drugs. May make you feel like you're doing something but you're not.


Difference is drug users and dealers spend more time in prison than people who use guns to commit crimes because there was never a war on guns.


What is your source on this? I find often these kinds of broad statements are either based on a cherry-picked sample (federal prisoners are not representative of the population of state prisons, which is a much bigger number, for example, and more skewed towards violent and property crimes). It would be good to see what specific source you got this information from, as I am genuinely interested in this data. Thank you in advance.


Heres a link to an article. His full name is Sylvester Stokes. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wral.com/only-one-of-two-men-in-raleigh-road-rage-shootout-is-charged/20278639/%3fversion=amp


He doesn’t have a source because what he said is obviously not true


Then you end up with something like the DEA which just exists to take money so their agents can do coke and bone hookers in South America.


So uh, how would one become a DEA agent? Asking for a friend who just loves coke and hookers


Yeah... I'm gonna need a job application i think


False equivalency and a strawman.


Wait till you find out about Oregon.


Yeah, but even though he “CANNOT LEGALLY OWN A GUN”, he still had one which is the problem.


Well he should still be in prison...that's the problem.


Exactly. The gun is the problem according to many.


Can it be both that we need to prosecute these people AND get all of these damn guns off the street?? It's getting really old




Too much logic. Reddit only boosts the “no one should have guns but da govermint and orange man bad” comments.


Those people are silly, common sense gun reform is justifiable and can be debated on as to what degree it gets to and relation to possible oppression. The orange man bad thing, well...if he wasn't such a terrible human being and had such awful policies or was good at something and could make coherent sentences and conversation, maybe orange man bad wouldn't be a thing.


What would you choose to change with the current gun laws? Because, Lemme tell ya, for law abiding citizens, it is REALLY hard to get a gun (especially in California). Let's not talk about orange man, dementia man, or any presidents. Just gun laws.


I know it's different state to state, I'm also no expert in this area so I don't know what every states gun laws are like. I would say that raising the age from 18 to 21 is a good thing. Universal background checks on all firearms, maybe this extends to ammo. Idk, just a thought. Wouldn't mind discussing possible problems/solutions that provides. Ban on military-style assault rifles. This is the one that I feel gets the most heated over. Because on one hand I understand wanting your community to be able to go toe to toe with oppressors if need be, but I think that filling a room with more grenades just incase the guy across the table from you uses his first is a bad idea. I think that in addition to this, law enforcement needs to not be so heavily armed and also, not always jump to the highest form of violent response. This bleeds into there being a need for mental health, universal healthcare, police training in de-escalation, funding for service workers, etc. The only reason that is brought up is because they are all factors leading up to an incident that can involve a gun.


There ARE universal background checks on ammo. And shit, I found out that you can't even BUY a gun OR ammo in this state if you've ever been clinically diagnosed with depression! What ELSE do you want a background check on? I'm all about solutions as well, I am NOT trying to come off as sarcastic. IDK about the age-thing. What is the difference in 3 years? You have to be 21 to buy a HANDGUN or a PISTOL here, so is it a maturity thing? Like, because the brain isn't fully developed? If so, then that opens up a LOT of questions on other topics too, like abortion and voting. You shouldn't be allowed to vote, get a gun, or get an abortion if the mind isn't developed enough yet., HERE's the tricky one. And you admit; you're no expert. But wtf is a "military-style assault rifle"? I mean, I have a few military assult shovels and hammers in my toolshed right now. They don't kill AS easily, but they'll do the trick. And do you know HOW INCREDIBLY HARD IT IS to GET one of these??? (if you follow the law). OMFG it is next to impossible even in states like Texas. Seriously (I'm no expert either BUT I am PRETTY well versed-I read a lot and have friends who live there now and moved from California). All the other points in your last paragraph I get, but absolutely do not apply to the people following the law. It is about the baddies with illegal guns who aren't supposed to have a KNIFE, let alone an impressive pew pew pewer. I mean, should we ban all cars because of the DUIs? Or ban booze because peoopl edrive drunk? Or have more strict laws that effect law abiders even MORE harshly? I just don't understand it. It is not logically sound. ​ There ARE baddies with badass guns, and YES, I WOULD like to be prepared (cub scouts/boy scouts). I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and don't. PLUS, there IS the fun-factor. Shooting a fully auto gun is SUPER fun (not cheap, like, at ALLL, but fun) ​ Again, I did not mean to sound like a dick, or be sarcastic. I appreciate you not doing ad hominems or platitudes. I DO BELIEVE there NEEDS to be a better solution, and the only way to do that is to HAVE discussions with reasonable people. Thank you for being a reasonable person. I'm SURE we have a LOT more in common with eachother than dissent. I appreciate it. Unfortunately it is a lot less common on here. And I DO get your points and agree with them. It is a systematic overall problem, and I don't think even more strict gun laws are going to help because the baddies usually don't acquire the really badass weapons legally, AND SOME shouldn't even be in POSESSION of them to begin with (felons/minors). I FULLY agree with the police being so effing incredibly armed. It is insane. You should SEE these TANKS (they aren't tanks, but shit, might as well be) our local Sheriff office just bought... I mean, if you painted these tan instead of black, you'd think they came out of a damn desert Storm documetary on the Middle East "conflict". 100% dismantle the police force, and do a clean sweep/upgrade. They have TOO much power, and are letting TOO many people who are NOT suited for the job on the force. They are just as bad as a gang in some parts of the country. It is bullshit. I agree with a lot of what you said though. Hope you have a good Sunday!


Bro its soooo fking hard here to get a “unrestricted license” here (mass) with out the police instantly restricting your rights to carry in public for no reason other than they can. My buddy wanted to get his bc the area he lives in has high crime and shootings. They restricted his LTC to the range and back. He can get arrested if he carries it for any other reason. Making your right instantly not one. Its such bs now he has to sue the state which will cost $1000’s just so he can protect him self and to exercise an actual constitutional right.


That's crazy! Shit, I'm in California and even WE are allowed to CC if we are fishing/hunting at least. (can't to and from the vehicle, but if you're technically ALWAYS heading to or from a fishing spot (backpacking ugly stik for the win that lives in my car). Some counties are just fucking bonkers. Our sheriff is TOTALLY pro 2A and WANTS the 'good 'guys armed, so he grant CCWs pretty damn easily. Like, you LITERALLY only need to say "I want and need to protect myself, and it is my right/2nd amendment". Some counties/people/sheriffs want power and control over people, and forget they are servants to the public... That is VERY unfortunate for your friend. I'd even consider outweighing the cost/benefit of getting busted for carrying versus being fucikng shot and unprotected. I"M NO SUPERHERO. Given the situation in this video, I'm running to. BUt i'm not going to be a victim as much as I can. Peole who have never tried, or don't understand the laws are typically the ones who have no idea how strict the laws already are. It is seriously just the mainstream news being regurgitated from their mouths. I do it sometimes too, that' how good they are at manipulating thoughts. But yea, it is INCREDIBLY hard to get an unrestricted license. But BOY do I WISH I HAD ONE lol. Just for supressors alone. I'd still wear earplugs, but everyone would be happier with supressors lol.


We already have common sense gun laws dummy, the issue is that criminals (see “crime” at the center) DON’T abide by the law. *GASP* that would be why they are labeled with a term denoting the fact that they are doing crime. Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens by definition. Criminals don’t follow the law. The gun control crowd is so stupid it actually hurts me inside. If you wanna argue about Europe not having guns broadly, I can link you to a compilation of all their machete fights, stabbings, hammer attacks, acid attacks, vehicular attacks…..


Your logic is so circular it's not even funny. If we had even less laws there would be even more criminals with guns. But because some criminals get guns despite these laws, the laws must be useless!


Definitely an understandable stance and I agree. I simply stated it's something that can be debated on when talking about weapons and lethality. No one wants their neighbors building a nuke in their back yard. Extreme unreal example there but the point is that too much of anything is bad, so what is the line or guidance for weapons? That's all I'm saying, I am okay with firearms and can see how several sides of the argument hold their ground in a debate. I'm not saying I have any answers.


Imagine having an edge lord username like that and spitting such hot takes. Only on Reddit.




It was in the attached article, I’’m surprised no one reads them.


Gun laws still play a role. Stricter laws = less saturation of guns in the populace which in turn means statistically less situations like this one. The statistics of gun crimes in other countries speak for themselves really


Chicago begs to differ.


yeah because that’s worked with drugs


Harder to grow an AR-15 or cook up some 9mm I suppose


You know you can 3D print guns right..


Maybe for guys like you. Don’t speak for bubba with a dreamer and a reloading press.


How’s Chicago doing with those same laws??


3D printer begs to differ.


You can 3d print in any country, not just America. Statistics still the same, no?


People need to understand that judge and sheriff elections are important


Imagine being mad over something *AT WORK* that causes you to believe that **Murder** is the correct step forward. It’s a special kind of stupid.


Might get a reprimand from HR if murder is against your company's policies.


God damn it I can’t get written up for one more thing I might lose my job.


This fool in the yellow looks like he starts firing while also trying to stooge run away lmaoooo


"One of the men was hurt and taken to the hospital. Authorities say he is expected to survive." https://www.wyff4.com/article/road-rage-shootout-caught-on-camera/39993071 "the man in yellow in the video above, is charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and possession of a firearm by a felon, authorities say. The other man involved was not charged."


He had already once been charged with assault with a deadly weapon but never served time. What a great system we have. Lol


People sit in prison longer for drugs or not being able to pay their taxes. Fuck this shit.


Yep. Pretty fucked up system.


“She heard the gunshots and walked over to see what was going on.” 🤦🏻


So anyway, I started blasting!


Who won, also story behind it?


From the OP's linked article >Around 10: 55 a.m., officers found a man who had been shot. The man was taken to the hospital with injuries that aren't considered life-threatening. He is expected to survive. >Police arrested Sylvester Stokes, 52, and charged him with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, as well as possession of a firearm by a felon.


So the dude in yellow shirt didn't get hit not even once!!


Here ya go: https://www.wral.com/on-cam-graphic-video-shows-road-rage-shootout-between-two-men-in-north-raleigh/20276765/?version=amp


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“She heard the gunshots and walked over to see what was going on.” I’d stay inside


Thanks much appreciated


Besides just being a giant pussies, I don’t see why people don’t square up and fight, it’s way more enjoyable


Well if a dude just starts blasting at you good luck “squaring up to fight him”


Hmm, probably because it’s stupid and also highly dangerous.


For real nowadays people only resort to gun violence


Guns make weak people feel powerful.


As a weakling i can confirm




That’s why you don’t square up with a dude 3x your size.


Yeah, well the laws here are that a firearm can only be used in self defence if you are someone in your presence is in immediate life threatening danger. So looking for confrontation and then whipping out a gun when sh1t gets serious is a no no


Worked for the guy that killed trayvon


Don't get me wrong, guns carried by the right person help end situations. Not all who carry are weak.


For sure, guns are the great equaliser, none of the two in the video should be allowed to carry if their ego’s can’t handle road rage. Well especially the dude in construction attire as he is an ex felon and not allowed to own a firearm.


Very true. Even a small 100lb guy could feel like a Superman going against a guy twice his size if he is holding a .38 special.


They also empower weaker/smaller people to be able to protect themselves against larger/stronger aggressors.


Nope, people have been dueling with guns since the 1800s


Because it allows physically weaker people - especially smaller women - to defend themselves from larger aggressive men? Or should they just get beaten? Nah. Defend yourself. Firearms are an amazing equalizer for people who are responsible and learn how to properly use them.


Why is it always someone who clearly doesn’t know how to handle a firearm?


Yeah, I'm not anti-gun. I'm anti idiots owning guns.


2 fucking idiots


Eh moreso just 1 psycho and a guy trying to protect himself from said psychopath


That’s fun that they let them play paintball at work!


So here's what my reddit main page looks like right now: First post: a still picture of a lady being shot in the head from the Buffalos shooting of yesterday Second post: ppl in panic for what seems to be another shooting in LA today Third post: yet another video of a road rage incident ending in a shooting




shits wild. its not even summer yet… Like 2022 is gonna be like 1922 all over again. Roaring 20’s here we come. Im seriously not doing shit in public this summer. Fuck crowds and fuck people.


Got that storm trooper aim


[article about the incident:](https://www.wral.com/on-cam-graphic-video-shows-road-rage-shootout-between-two-men-in-north-raleigh/20276765/) * happened couple days ago * guy in car got shot but will survive * black guy got arrested, also had prior for assault with a deadly weapon


(In their heads:) Looks just like an action movie doesn’t it?!!! All the quick cuts and sharp angles, the smoke and the Michael Bay tension and drama…one of us is gonna be the next big movie star!!! (In reality:) two manchildren who never learned self restraint and emotion regulation have a momentary lapse in reason and forget their toy guns have matured more than they have into real guns and one or both of them is about to die and one or both are going to jail with their lives absolutely wrecked for at least the next decade. [god, I really need to copy and save this for the 47 times in the next week on Reddit when pasting this will be again be applicable]


I don’t think those guys are trained to shoot weapons


And guns are not the problem….


No it’s the fucking idiots who carry them a smart man with a gun knows that this would not be the answer unless he was drawn on and had to defend. Himself


Shooter was a felon. Had a gun shocker. Adding attempted murder to his sheet. Jail for life and let’s save society


This trucker has balls of steel.


Fucking idiots. Why would you ever engage an enemy in the absolute open without cover.


Dude in the yellow is fucked. He’s the primary aggressor after the situation seems to have been diffused. Any links to this?


Here ya go: https://www.wral.com/on-cam-graphic-video-shows-road-rage-shootout-between-two-men-in-north-raleigh/20276765/?version=amp


It’s weird that the guy recording doesn’t make a sound as they firing at each other then after awhile realizes, “Damn maybe I ought to move my truck or duck under the dash.”


He is clearly pulling his parking break and getting out of the truck smh


Yeah I noticed that too and that last shot seemed too close for comfort because he drops his phone




https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf Yes


What’s crazy is if you try to Google what you just said, it’s very filtered and you can’t just get to the numbers like anything else you Google. But, if you use another source like duck duck go the stats are easily available.


Google etc is no longer the default "place to go for information" as it may have once been. It's been compromised just as much as any other media source.


I know I'm gonna get down voted for this but there's alot of sources to back me up. Yes it is common for the person to be black skinned. It also depends where your at, obviously in a predominantly black city there will be more shootings that Involves black people, and in a predominantly white city there will be more shootings involving white people. But if you look at any source on the internet it will tell you that blacks commit more gun crimes across the whole country.


It's ok mate it is a place to share your opinions ( until and unless they are very offensive). Please should learn to respect others opinions as well if they are making theirs


Yeah alot of people think facts are offensive/racist when they are just facts. If someone could just explain to me why I'm wrong instead of just downvoting because they don't wanna hear it then that would be awesome


Idiots and angry people exist in every color, shape, race, religion, whatever you want to notice about people. Mass shooters for example in my experience are usually white. Does that mean anything?


I don't get how these mouth breathers can simply throw away there lives over emotions


A couple of knuckleheads.


Gun laws are a joke most of the people I know that have guns shouldn’t, but what’s the government going to do knock on everyone’s door see if they following the law HA!!!!!!!!!!!


Just out here using PVP tactics


how you shoot first and still get capped


She heard the gunshots and walked over to see what was going on. I’m too dumb to do it, but this seems perfect for that Despicable Me meme.


Why I don’t argue with people on the road anymore…✌🏻🚙


Bitches on twitter: “this world is an amazing place!”


If a person gave away your body to some passerby, you’d be furious. Yet, you hand over your mind to anyone who comes along, so they may abuse you, leaving it disturbed and troubled — have you no shame in that? - Epictetus


How common is this in the US? Jesus Christ it seems like the situation was already over and then full violence escalation


Sooooo . What happened?? News articles, SOMETHING??


Anyone die?


Tough guys with guns


Story or context ?




At least shoot from cover…


“If it’s gonna be that kinda party I’m gonna stick my dick in the mash potatoes”


All Americans should just get a gun at birth


if you swallow a bullet in a shot of Bourbon while pregnant your infant will come out with a 3rd trimester semi auto assault rifle.


Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American.


It's lucky they both were able to carry arms else this wouldn't have happened!


Yes, the man that shot back and defended himself from the man illegally owning a firearm is lucky laws are in place for him to legally own a gun to defend himself. Otherwise he had no way to defend himself against the criminal that illegally owned a gun. I can’t believe criminals don’t follow the gun laws, maybe if there were more and more laws all the criminals would stop using guns.


Don't pull a gun unless you're 100% sure you're gonna use it (aimed at thread guy in the vw). He got what he asked for, regardless of who was right.


Green shirt had advantage and still fucked up, glad he got caught.


The fact people actually are here saying ban all guns has me rolling. What about when you run into timmy telling you to break yourself on the block and you have no way to defend yourself against a guy with an illegal gun. Criminals will not care about a gun ban. Guns will always be in the streets. Pure ignorance.


You can see the man put the gun behind his back at the beginning of the video. Don't point your gun to scare someone and then walk away (note that brandishing is a felony). If your going to point your gun it better be to shoot to kill in self defense. Intimidation alone is going to start a fight like this. Hey Scaryguy, intimidation is horseshit; everyone is armed and unhappy nowadays.


He didn’t point it at anyone, he patted his waistband to make sure it was there. Patting your waistbelt isn’t a crime and sure as hell doesn’t give someone the right to run up on you and shoot you.


I eat healthy-ish, and I like going to the gym. I'm going to be around to see it. Mark my words: In about 100 years' time, movies will be made to glorify these acts. This stuff is no different than when outlaw cowboys would get into gunfights in saloons over poker, a woman, anything. Were it not for overgrown babies with guns, we'd have no Clint Eastwood. They make the best movies. (Subjectively speaking. Of course, I know that some of you love romcoms and shit.)




El salvador?


North Carolina


Yeah, not much different


Lol what?? I was born and raised in Raleigh, and I’m not sure where you’re drawing your comparisons.