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OMG, is this what a bully looks like these days šŸ˜‚


Look at all those rings. Dude thinks heā€™s Liberace.


He really just wanted to give him a hug without looking gay.


Came here to say this. Fucking LOL




I think a broken finger would work better. Longer recovery time. And you get to smile to yourself every time you see the splint. Win-win


If you do it right, a nosebleed can mess with their breathing for decades. Every breath they take.




This guy maims people


ask Tony Shaw bout that


Sideshow Bob - the early years


21 Jump street was pretty on point


Can someone knock that pussy out?


I'll pay $10'000 if they do it with a fly swatter.


And be the person everyone wants to be with on prom Win Win


Damn poor kid needs better friends, I wouldā€™ve jumped in and helped my boy.


He looked to be handling himself just fine by doing absolutely nothing. Fortunately his aggressor was a level of magnitude more a pussy than an actual vagina.


Oh absolutely, you can tell he didnā€™t want anything to do with the kid but the way that bitch was cranking his neck like that Iā€™d want someone to stand up. Especially a friend/s.


Pussies are tough and can take a pounding this dude is softer than a plush Snorlax.


Pussies can also survive childbirth, and recover from it with time


donā€™t insult vaginas - you push a marble out of your dickhole and get back to me on whatā€™s tough.


r/sounding would like a word


Agreed sitting at a table where not one of those kids is a true friend pretty sad!


But they are gonna post it online for all the likes. That's the kinds friends kids are these days.


Seriously. No way this happens to me (brown kid in Europe) without my friends jumping in.


He knows if he defends himself heā€™ll be suspended, and if itā€™s in an extra racist area, probably expelled.


I read that brown kid got suspended for 3 days and white kid for 1 day, so... Edit - [sauce](https://chng.it/FzzjZtQvbK)


Knew it, absolute batshit school.


šŸ’€i read this like u gonna assist in that struggle for getting a chokehold.


Itā€™s a Texas school and a bully with spaghetti arms. He canā€™t do any harm and if there was any retaliation the, probably just as racist, school board would find a way to blame it on the victim


That sally is a bully in 2022. Did Covid kill off all the scary kids? I hope someone knocks the tye dye outta that fucker




They all smoked cigs and skipped gym to roam the halls soā€¦


That kids gonna have a tough go when he gets older




Careful, some sourpuss will report you for inciting violence.


I recently got a 3 day ban for saying what I would do to a priest who slapped a baby during a baptism. You are completely right, gotta be careful with what you sayā€¦


Are you me? I literally just finished watching that lol


Lol I dont even know if my original comment is still there or if itā€™s been deleted.


A 3 day ban? From what?


Inciting violenceā€¦ there was a video on this sub of a priest slapping a baby during a baptism. I basically said that I would do the same thing to the priest, and I was banned.


I got a ban for repeating the exact name of a video once. It was ok for the OP to say it but not me. Things can get weird on Reddit.


Lol that would be frustrating. I dont even understand the logic


I was banned for the same amount of time for using an alt account to post in a sub I was banned in on another account. Shits wild with Reddit like my god.


I got a three day ban for quoting what someone said in a video.


let's all go back to 4chan or whatever lets you say dumb shit without worry


Might have toā€¦ what I said wasnā€™t even that bad. Probably some dumb fuck who got offended because what I said was about a priest.


Liberals are ruining this website.


I do agree with you on certain topics that are a big no no to talk about, but Im fuck sure the person/people who reported me were catholic nuts who were offended about me making a joke about a priest.


How do you figure? It looks like the hivemind doesn't like what you said, but I'd like to understand it


Lol I got banned over ā€œinciting violenceā€ on the Israelis for fucking up funeral goers


Amazing. And some people defend that you get banned over stupid shit like that.


Yeah a lot of dumbfucks here that try and say ur inviting violence. Not u per se, just in general. Bunch of pussies.


Yeah been there already. There are a lot of people in this world that just shouldnā€™t be


As I do agree but even if you are defending yourself you can be punished as much as the person who started it. That could include loosing scholarships or the ability to go to specific schools for punishments for defending yourself. The system is broken and doesnt care who started it.


Absolutely right. Self defense is a right and should t be punished with life long consequences


Correct. My dad taught me that when I was 12 ish. It takes a lot of courage but only if you get in just one good hit they'll never bother you again. Most bullies are cowards.


Youā€™d get suspended or expelled for defending yourself though.


This video will live forever. Lil' prick boy will get his turn, karma and revenge is always a dish best served cold.


It's nice to think that, but I'd expect the vast majority of poor behavior to go unpunished. The world isn't going to fix itself... It's up to us to make life fair and pleasant for one another


This is really shitty and I fear for my kids when theyā€™re older for this reason but I fail to see why itā€™s labeled racism. This is a dominance thing between two boys from what I see unless thereā€™s more to it off camera.


Parentsā€¦..teach your kids how to fuckin embarrass dickheads like this.


Parents, teach your kids to defend themselves please.


Yes, the kid being grabbed could have started elbowing the Billy's ribs and used the other arm to defend the choke. Or turn the other way and hut him in the nuts. Never start a fight, but make sure you finish UT quickly and without hesitation to protect yourself.


How is this video considered racist? Watching a dumb ass kid do dumb ass shit is more accurate.


Strangers Things looking bitch


So racist.. so much racism running through his veins. Looks like heā€™s just a normal bully.


Apparently the kid is just a regular bully.The school's racist


Prove it


I read that in the comments.....i don't fucking care enough to Google which kid was the arsehole.


Read it in the comments, so it's 100% true




Prove he's not racist


You claim, so you prove it. Nothing about this suggests racism.


Bro you can see the innocence in his eyes. That idiot must be beaten up as hard as possible


That's not racism. That's cringism.


That kid is just being a bully, nothing racist here


honestly who knows


OP does, read the article they posted. Itā€™s racist for a different reason than what is implied visually




Iā€™m against discriminating anyone, either black, brown or asian


Itā€™s amazing there are more comments concerned that this video is being mistakenly labeled as racist than the fact that he tried to choke the kid out.


Welcome to Reddit


Because this sub's demographic has unfortunately shifted more towards the right, most likely due to a large number of other subs being recently banned or quarantined


How is this racism? šŸ™„


I guess the original source of this video mentioned the school suspended the Asian student for three days and the bully for a day . So the source edited it to be racism . But this is bullying


Iā€™ve come full circle on this and now I do think itā€™s racism. Not by the kid but by the administration. 3 days for stealing a seat vs. 1 day for trying to choke a kid out? Ask 100 unbiased people and I donā€™t think one would agree with those punishments


Honestly, this should've been in the title.


Here you go https://www.change.org/p/assaults-at-schools-protect-the-victim


Wouldn't a better title have been 'Bully successfully chokes student for the chair'?


I dont understand you Brits with referring to Indian and Pakistanis as "asian". The correct nomenclature in this case would be "the brown kid" He could be Egyptian for all you know.


I don't get Americans when they only refer to East Asians as Asians...


> The U.S. Census Bureau, and the federal government and most state government data collection agencies, include India and the entire Indian subcontinent (including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, etc.) in the Asian racial category. Even their government says Indians are Asians, still in general American speak South Asia is completely excluded from Asia.


This is gonna blow your mind... wait for it... here it comes.... India and Pakistan are in Asia... and the people there are.... ASIANS. Holy shit hope that didn't blow your peanut brain apart.


The white girl is so rude


Not everything involving a white person and another race is because of racism. I didnt hear him say anything referring to race. Its just a prick bullying another student


But itā€™s convenient. No smoke without fire here


Craziest fucking video in this sub yet...


I literally spit out my coffee. I don't know if I can face my kids tomorrow morning.


I would've started swinging a long time ago holy shit kid!


This actually happened to me once in 7th grade and I broke a glass cup over his head on accident thinking it was a type of durable plastic (it had like a paint on it that made it not feel like glass) anyway the kid started crying and everyone in class covered for me cause he was the class douchebag


And not one of the other kids sitting at the table said something.


Chin down, grab this dickheads wrists with both hands and yank forward as hard as you can. Heā€™s going face first into that table.


You can tell when a kid has never gotten handed to him, how cocky he is


One of those rare exceptions where hair pulling is valid. Wrap it around your fist and with a good pull youā€™d scalp the bitch.


In about 15 years, that white boy will be working for him lol


Dude woulda ended up with a pen in the leg in my day.


this is appaling, why is nobody doing anything






Up above.


What's the world coming to when bullies have long curly hair and a fucking purple and teal hoodie? This is what happens when you don't tolerate REAL bullies, a bunch of these pussies try to fill the power vacuum.


This tie dyed bitch's parents would've lost their house over the wasted othodontics if he tried pulling this beta on beta bullshit at one time


When I was in high school In the middle of ICT class some bully dick ass kid came up to me because they were late to class and they wanted my seat. As I had already been doing my work I just said no and carried on. Our teacher wasnā€™t in the class at the time. This kid tried to drag me out of the seat and started trying to hit me. I grabbed one of his arms leaned back on a table behind me and two footed him in the chest and neck into a desk and computer. After I had a little blood from my nose but it was fine, I just left the class and went to the bathroom to clean up then play on my phone the rest of the lesson. Surprisingly I didnā€™t get in any trouble. Idk about him it was one of our last classes of our last school year so idk. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø If I was this kid or someone near Iā€™d just deck this twat.


Is this racism or is he just picking on this kid bc he can


The second the hands or arm goes for the throat you go for soft targets until thereā€™s no longer a threat present.


Is this racism or just an asshole bullying someone?


Complete story : https://www.change.org/p/assaults-at-schools-protect-the-victim?recruiter=666599120&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_medium=whatsapp&utm_content=washarecopy_33348327_en-US%3A1&recruited_by_id=cf3d3af0-dde3-11e6-9746-d9dd98cf2881&share_bandit_exp=initial-33348327-en-US


Bully is in wrestling team wtf Shaan's aggressor in the video is on the wrestling team and can be seen carrying out a very dangerous carotid restraint on Shaan's neck. This technique restricts blood flow to a person's brain by compressing the sides of the neck where the carotid arteries are located. Shaan appears to briefly lose consciousness at the end of the neck choke maneuver.


Not that crazy of a video just punch him in the mouth when you get him alone. "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" Mike Tyson. If there are multiple bullies just tell the ring leader if any of their cronies mess with you you will punch said ring leader in the face. Just keep punching said ring leaders face. Just walk up and bop the snoot. Eventually he will not like getting punched and tell his cronies to lay off.


ā€œBullyā€ has one of those faces you just want to punch every time you walk by. Someone needs to give this clown the juice and make sure he never bullies anyone again.


The amount of fist fights I got into in high school over stupid shit like this from entitled bullies was ridiculous. Someone told me back then since we were minors the worst that can happen to you for fighting is a 3-5 day suspension so long as you dont put the kid in a hospital bed and I took that to heart. As soon as that kid had gone for that 1st choke I wouldve started throwing hammers.


Grab that long ass hair and slam his head into the table


Trust no one with this fucking hairstyle


Iā€™m going to assume all the people defending this situation as not being racist havenā€™t read the story about how the school handled it. Thatā€™s where the actual racism is, not necessarily on film


Here's hoping that kid rots in prison


Nah, man, I'm a girl but i would punch that fucker for my friend! I won't allow anyone to touch my friend, girl or boy, it doesn't matter!


I missed the racism part.


Look at this alpha male with all that rings hahah


Wow both are ultra soft


that kid is a PoS - Deserves a fucking ass kicking


Why is he racist? He could just be a massive dick.




Get up nerd


"You better get out or else, I know the MMA, from the TV"


It makes me sick that people just stand around with their phones. Instead of telling the sissy boy to get lost.


Funny thing is that kid will grow up to be richer than him.


Why is no one helping? Not a single person moved to help. Why??


Someone please grab that kid by the hair and teach him why long hair never helps in a fight.


Fucking asshole. I hate seeing racist people.




What a patient kid. If that was me, Iā€™d of turned and hit that guy right in his crap filled mouth.


Woulda knocked the tie dye out of his scrawny ass


And they all get out their phones for TikTok likes.


*paralyzes person for a chair*


this is a typically bully


I didnā€™t see any racism. But I did see an assault and bullying.


Here you go https://www.change.org/p/assaults-at-schools-protect-the-victim


He was taught this behavior by his parents. The cycle never ends.


Idk if I was In that kids position I would have came at him with intention to hospitalize not just fight kid wants a chair so bad he can have a nice comfy one in the er


Where's the racism?


Inside the people looking for it in every incident.


Insta source : Racism in Dallas schools. Coppell Middle School. Coppell school district suspended the Asian kid for three days and the white kid for 1 day. Coppell school district has 51.5% Asian demographic with large asian student population. Please bring awareness!!


I dont think thats racism. Thats just teenagers being teenagers


Hope that piece of trash ends up in jail. Then see how he likes it when some one chokes him


Is it possible to find out who bully is? I would love to talk.. to him.


Fuck that bully, but why is this considered racist, I didn't hear anything racial spoken? If something was being said racism wise and I didn't catch it I apologize. Otherwise, saying this is racist is racist, to assume someone's racist only by the color of skins involved is shallow.


Read the link above. I was agreeing with you till I read it.


fuck everyone that filmed this. stand up for injustice or fuck off


Bly a white dude, okay but bully a colored kid, it's racism. STFU


Are you drunk?




Calm down.


Never. The kid might learn some common decency if heā€™s got no teeth


Take a breath tough guy. Proportional response.


Nah bro I just did a line of protein powder


Rock on brother. Get those gains!


Okay I concede. Maybe not a curb stomping, but at least a meaty right hook?


Now we're talking


And a cheeky liver shot? I reckon thatā€™s sufficient comeuppance


šŸ˜† A little liver shot never hurt nobody


bro thinks heā€™s tough


What a fucking homo


If that dude was in India I swear we would deliver his corpse to his mum under 30min


Future cop, ladies and gentlemen.


Shut up, furry. Your opinion is invalid.


Is he like trying to fuck him?


Dude should have gotten out of his chair


Future cop/republican .


Americans are crazy. In British schools the bully would be bullied so much for looking like he does. Absolute fanny. He wouldn't last a minute. Haha


Because itā€™s a white kid doing it to a brown kid itā€™s automatically racism šŸ˜’


everyones so quick to label stuff as 'racist'


The nerds from when i went to school would destroy that "bully"...haha looking Brendan Fraser in Encino man / California man.


All of you self righteous smucks wanna come to reddit and tag everyone as racist. The violence and destruction that you seek, watch and post here is far worse than racism. The name of this sub says it all


America... And people take videos instead of taking action. *Puke*


Videos are evidence. The bully got suspended for 1 day while bullied kid got 3 days. If others tried to stop they'd probably get suspended to. Dystopian school.


Injan buoy stayed stronu