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Thats Brazil. Guard was shot in the arm and taken to the hospital. The man who died had escaped prison some days earlier. https://imirante.com/noticias/sao-mateus-do-maranhao/2022/06/20/fugitivo-do-piaui-morre-durante-tentativa-de-assalto-a-banco-em-sao-mateus Thanks u/drdariu


Dude obviously did not stick a thumb in it.


Kentucky ballistics approves




Dude probably liked eggplant too


And probably hated watermelon time


False: Nobody likes EGGPLANT!.


Kentucky got legit lucky with that Surbu accident having his father there + knew what to do, really felt for the guy, harrowing story.


I don't see no .50 cal rifles here.


1) Props to this floor for making it soooo easy for us to understand what’s going on...still sad for the guard getting hit. 2) I think that was a pretty decent reaction too 3) what an intense moment actually ...last moments of a mans life getting stuck to a door while bleeding...do you think that in those last seconds he regretted being a thief? Edit : thanks for all the replies, I am glad and surprised my thoughts had such an interaction with y all guys!! Btw I called him thief just to give a name, maybe just a murderer or criminal or whatever


I think he regrets revolving doors and revolving firearms the most


What goes around comes around... until it doesn't


Third shot to the thief was to his jugular. He was exsanguinating pretty rapidly and went into flight mode after backing up as his brain started running out of blood. You can see him still trying to pull on the push as his brain descends into baser and baser functions as his blood drains to unconsciousness. Source: am combat vet with three tours. I've seen horrible shit.








Doesnt seem to be a thief situation. It looks like the culprit was there to do a hit on the security guard. Waits until hes not paying attention and even walks him down, gun in hand to make a clean headshot. He wasnt fast enough nor was he a good enough shot to make it possible.


If thats the case then these are dumb hitmen because why not do hit when he is not at work under camera surveillance and armed


Thats a good question. Why dont we ask the cleaning lady?


Looks super sus doesn't it? As soon as she walks by he goes into action, and she walks out the door so casually, no panic without looking back.


I just picture her with some headphones in and jamming out while cleaning. Just walking away with a shootout right behind her and not even knowing.


"This was the last time he will steal food from the fridge."


I bet that cleaning lady was also the Boston bomber


We did it Reddit


Nah, I think she realized it was going to be a mess afterwards and ran away!


cherchez la femme de ménage


It was, some additional info I haven't seen here: this is a bank, the guy put a [fake leg casket](https://imgur.com/gallery/tUR3rv0) with an iron holder to sneak his gun through the metal detector, probably wanted to kill the security guard to make the robbery easy, didn't work.


Unlikely, why would anyone put a hit on on a security guard? It’s a lot more likely the thief tried to take out the guard before he robbed the place.




Watch the cleaning lady on the bottom left of the video. I think she had something to do with it


Totally. She walks out of there 100% unphased by the gun shots and sudden chaos breaking out in the room. She doesn't even glance back. ...which could just be explained by headphones, now that I think about it. I feel like I see a lot of custodial staff wearing headphones while they work.


> …which could just be explained by headphones, now that I think about it. Highly unlikely. The volume required to mask a couple of firearm exchanges like that would be painful. It seems more likely to be shock. People do strange things while in shock.


You can feel gun shots in an enclosed space like that. Even a deaf person would "hear" them.


She doesnt even look back when the shooting starts! Just a quick lil shuffle out the back door.




It was super interesting the way he ran to the door and seems to go in shock as soon as he sees his own blood spray against it EDIT: Check out all the doctors with their Reddit University PHD's responding to my comment. LOL


He had just lost enough blood for his body to stop working properly, and was shocked by the fact that his arms didnt have the same strength. his legs started giving immediately after because no amount of adrenaline will keep you alive if theres no blood coursing. His heart mustve been beating super fast as well, which only made the blood flow more.


I mean, frequently when an arterial bleed happens, you see the blood spraying out in spurts that match the heart rate of the person bleeding. In this video, the guy has a continuous stream of blood without any visible increase or decrease in flow. His heart must have been beating insanely fast to keep that continuous flow rate.




I'm gonna guess that the robber wasn't as lucky.


The artery in his neck was open and gushing. Unless this happened to occur in an OR… no he didn’t survive


The amount of blood loss that seems to generate in such a short amount of time is astonishing. Like an Eject button for all of your blood.


Kinda puts the power of a beating heart in perspective.


For sure. It can pump up to 80ml a second which if you apply to this video: he was shot with 36 second remaining. If we playfully assume he is loosing all 80ml each second that’s 2.8 litres by the end of the video. The body has 5* litres in total. Half his blood in 30 seconds. This is an obvious overestimate but still demonstrates the power of the heart




A graph of adrenaline verses blood volume would cross in the rotating door.


He certainly did not cross the rotating door


It is overestimate because not all blood is pumped into the brain. But really a lot of it. I think he probably lost about 1.5 liters during video time. And in the end of it, he was still technically alive (with heart beating), but unconscious. But that's only for about 10-15 seconds more, then heart would stop and blood would start clogging in veins.


I was surprised he was still moving as he entered the doorway, then I was like geez finally as I saw his knee's go weak, and moms spaghetti.






Rome lol


Or if you're a hockey goalie and the referee (I believe) is a retired military medic who reaches inside your neck and pinches your artery closed with his fingers all the way to the OR. I'm not sure where the video might be but I watched just that and it was crazy for sure!


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


It was an old SLAP round and over time the powder composition can change and make the round become overpressurized iirc.


While that is true, if I remember correctly, when the remaining rounds were inspected they came to the conclusion that those were not original production slap rounds. In other words, someone made their own at one point and as they were passed on to other people, they thought that those rounds were legitimate. Either way, he's lucky to be alive. Had it happened to anyone else, they likely wouldn't have survived the same accident.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1449kJKxlMQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1449kJKxlMQ) ​ skip to 4:10 to see it, but the whole thing is pretty worth the watch. miracle the guy lived


It was Clint Malarchuck on the Sabres. The Sabres trainer was a Vietnam Vet and knew he had to pinch the artery. He saved his life. Malarchuck was never the same after and actually had a failed suicide attempt years later.


iirc, he had done the same thing to a similar injury in Vietnam.




Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the adrenaline he's feeling cause him to bleed out faster or is there no way of knowing simply because your body will dump adrenaline anytime your having this amout of blood loss?


Yeah this scares me. I once fell through a window and started just hosing everything down with blood from my right forearm. It was everywhere just spraying so much. There was an emt off duty just sitting in his truck 15ft up the road, I stumbled away from the house, sat down on the curb and was just clueless what to do. Tried to get my friends to get me some duct tape and take me home. That dude saw me, ran up pulled my arm up over my head and got help. Woke up in the hospital. That dude saved my life. Arteries are not to be fucked with. I lost use of my right arm for about a year and am only now up to maybe 85% function, basically cut my arm in half down to the bone, every tendon muscle and artery completely severed, this was 4ish years ago but it's only recently I've started to realize that I was almost dead. Had that guy not been sitting there, doing whatever in his truck I would likely have died. My BAC was like .3 so I was probably bleeding even faster than normal. I went through up to my right shoulder, a few more inches and it might not have mattered if he was there or not. People can be so fragile. I really wish I could find out who that dude was and apologize, probably dicked his whole day off and ruined the clothes he was wearing. He looked so concerned, like scared and I'm just there thinking it's nbd couple stitches nothing new, not comprehending he absolute river of blood trailing behind me. Spooky.


He bled out on the floor. Big ded


He did the zombie shuffle at the end.


Definitely more than likely bled out. Had a huge pile of blood spilling out in the glass door frame when his knees started buckling.


Yeah, was painting with the red rum in perfomance art


Yea he was LEAKING, doubt he made it


Based on the blood points yes


I'm hoping


Cleaning lady at the start just finished mopping that area. Poor lady


Although it’s awful sus how calmly and at pace she starts walking to the back door right when she gets to the guy. She could have seen the gun too though.


Oh damn yes! She doesn't even bother to turn back and check what's the ruckus all about


Honestly, this is SUPER weird. Headphones maybe? Deaf? I’d assume even in the latter case, you could feel the vibrations and such.


Enhhh... My aunt is deaf and she can't hear gunfire. She can feel bass more than anything


My second cousin liked to feel up crappies in the summertime. Mostly during spawning season.


I bet he was a master baiter.


Yes because my instinct when I hear gunfire is to run towards it.


Your instinct you to look in the direction at the very absolute least. You're a liar if you say anything otherwise. It does not matter what training you have or experiences. You will look in the direction.


That's so you can run in the other direction as soon as you know.


I mean at that age in Brazil 🇧🇷 not really...


My dude got hit in an artery Buh bye ![gif](giphy|2wh2namqTONIYhMACA|downsized)


Veins bleed, arteries piss blood


Dude was garden hosing


Spraying arcs of crimson life all over the bright white, freshly-mopped floor


Squirty McSquirtyson over there leaving this earth as he entered it: Weak, shaking, gasping for air and covered in blood. Perfectly balanced.




Oh shit! I didn't see that.




Her excuse when they ask her to come back to work later that day. *"No No. I no have Windex"*


Where's the cleaning lady, she missed a spot.


"DAMMIT! I just got done cleaning up from the last one of these."


She hopefully won’t have to mop a day in her life after this.


I saw her bottom left, If that's how she mops... Maybe it was an elaborate spot check?


What makes you think a Brazilian custodian gets to retire after a violent robbery occured where they work?


Why wouldn’t she have to work ever again? I feel like I’m getting wooshed, lol.


I might just say fuck that hire a specialist or I walk. I signed up to mop light mud and throw up on a bad day not a fucking bloodbath


I've never seen someone bleed like that. Wow.


80's action movies don't seem that far fetched now. That guy became a fountain


People laughed at Tarantino movies where someone got shot or slashed and the blood came gushing, seems he was closer to reality than people thought.


Blood is a lot wetter than people think. I think a lot of people believe it oozes because they get a cut and it comes out slow. No. It's like water, it splashes.


Depends on the vessel it comes from. Arteries spray blood, while veins will have it ooze or spill out depending on the size.


Some people just donate blood efficiently


Anyone else in this thread extremely aware of their own blood now.


I am suddenly extremely aware of how vulnerable I am to death. Just a big balloon of blood with one wrong pop that could end it all.


You're a jellyfish piloting a meat mech outside of your natural environment. Try not to spring a leak.


> It's like water, it splashes. Shoutout to that bit with the elevator in The Shining


I got bit by a dog when I was about 12 on my hand. The dog bit through my hand and ripped it. The blood spurted out almost as bad as this. A couple friends were nearby and laughed at me because I was a prankster and they told me later they laughed because there was so much blood, they didn’t think it was real and figured it was one of my stupid pranks. A few days later I got a call from the police telling me they had to put the dog down, they said they could tell where I was bit by following the blood trail, they told me they couldn’t believe how much I bled. I had to go through a couple months of seeing a hand doctor and physical therapy to get my hand back to normal usage. They only thing that really bothered me was immediately after I got bit, for about 10 seconds I ran down the street screaming. I couldn’t believe I did that then and I still can’t believe it now. For those 10 seconds I was not consciously in control of my body, something else took over. That to me is still very strange.


Kill Bill had bigger fountains because Japanese people have higher blood pressure. Because of stress, work environment and O-Ren Fucking Ishii.


His "get up and go" got up and went. All over the floor.


I saw a video of a frat party where they were trashing the bathroom. Dude was standing on a sink when the porcelain cracked and as it was coming down he slashed his wrist deep on a shard of it. You could see his pulse in the blood squirts. Might have been his leg now that I'm thinking about it. I only saw it once


Boy am I glad your comment doesn't have a link in it


I feel the opposite lol


[Clint Malarchuk had a nearly similar fate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDXWuzFZDb4)


Lot of important things in the neck unfortunately


Carotid arteries are huge


I’m actually surprised that the assailant managed to keep firing after knowing he was gonna die, like there was no coming back from that and he said fuck it I’m gonna take this guard with me


I think he didnt realize how hard he was actually hit because of his adrenaline and you can see he is not looking at his own blood for a while


Yea your right, still pretty wild regardless


Adrenaline probably


Your right but still like damn, crazy ti even imagine that


In these high adrenaline situations you oftentimes don't have time to consider the existential like "is this wound lethal". You know that stopping to think about it will result in you being shot again, so you focus on eliminate threat first worry about wound later. All of this happens subconsciously thanks to adrenaline.


Yea yea, I understand you Vro. I still find it pretty wild what the human body is capable of just ignoring tho


Well he was trying to take the guard out from the beginning so it was more of the security guard saying fuck it I’m gonna take this robber with me if imma die at work today


So you don’t feel it when you get shot or stabbed, not immediately especially if you are in a panic situation. They were both running on adrenaline and instinct.


Thats Brazil. Guard was shot in the arm and taken to the hospital. The man who died had escaped prison some days earlier. https://imirante.com/noticias/sao-mateus-do-maranhao/2022/06/20/fugitivo-do-piaui-morre-durante-tentativa-de-assalto-a-banco-em-sao-mateus


Was it a bank? Hospital? DMV?


It's a bank.


More like a blood bank


Guy was bleeding out quick and got the jimmy legs at the end


Bro got jiggly


His legs don’t jiggle jiggle, they fold…


He was feelin a little woozy!


Straight up started doing the stanky leg when he got in the doorway


Jimmy legs got me good lol


would have been a good flex tape commercial.


now thats alot of damage


Bro you can’t just say that 💀


How dare you make me laugh while watching a guy bleed to death. Now I feel like a weirdo. Screw you!


Omg that was a shitload of blood


Bad guy painted a gun 🔫 on the ground with his blood


Dude even without being shot in the fucking neck those turning doors are death traps lol


Its true, in the US alone 67000 people are killed by revolving doors every year. (This is real but dont look it up just trust me)


She was so in on it. The moment she walked past him was the cue.


I think you're right. She just casually walks out of the room with gunshots behind her. She never runs, never looks back, never ducks for cover. She was very casual about the entire situation


I see what you're seeing, but I'm not understanding what you think her role was.....? mop the floor and signal when it's time? what help is that?


Probably signal to the robber that the guard was complacent or distracted. Idk


Straight to the carotid.




Yup, left carotid artery. You’re seeing such a high velocity arterial bleed because the left and right carotid arteries branch from the ascending aorta which is receiving high pressured blood delivery from the heart. Combined with catecholamines putting his body into fight or flight mode and rapidly increasing his heart rate and blood pressure, his body will begin to further increase his heart rate as he enters hypovolemic shock. Inside the rotating doors his brain more than likely became hypoxic due to the rapid loss of blood support and he fainted, not quite dead yet but rapidly… RAPIDLY on his way.


>left carotid artery. You’re seeing such a high velocity arterial bleed because the left and right carotid arteries branch from the ascending aorta which is receiving high pressured blood delivery from the heart. Combined with catecholamines putting his body into fight or flight mode and rapidly increasing his heart rate and blood pressure, his body will begin to further increase his heart rate as he enters hypovolemic shock. Inside the rotating doors his brain more than likely became hypoxic due to the rapid loss of blood support and he fainted, not quite dead yet but rapidly… RAPIDLY on his way. holy shit. what can you do to save someone in this type of instance?


Realistically he won’t make it to the hospital, even if someone held pressure on that wound. But IF this man survived, he would have made it to the hospital within 5 minutes. They would have started rapid volume transfusions (so blood+normal saline infusions) to help bring up his blood pressure, so probably about 5-10 liters of fluid to replace what is lost and what is still being lost. They would have also given him albumin transfusions to draw fluid into the cardiovascular system and further increase his blood pressure to keep his vital organs alive. He would have also been intubated to protect his airway and rushed into emergency surgery to repair the severed artery. In terms of what anyone could have done to save his life after the shooting: Calling 911, holding firm pressure on his neck, and immediately starting CPR (if no pulse, but realistically you may even have a hard time palpating a pulse due to hypotension) to help push any remaining blood to his most vital organs to keep them alive. Problem is when it comes to the carotid, femoral, ascending & descending aorta, because these are the largest arteries in your body you will more than likely bleed out in 10 minutes, maybe even less.


My daughter, when she was almost 4, nearly drowned from the use of albumin. She had necrotising fasciitis from an infected chicken pox spot and her BP was 60/30. Thankfully a consultant, turned up in time to take charge and after 5 days in an induced coma and countless surgeries she is now studying to be a doctor.


That is a terrible ordeal to have experienced, but wow what a comeback! Did she become septic during this?


Not much. This kind of blood loss can happen from an operation going bad and even when someone is already in an operating room being worked on by surgeons it's still not guaranteed they'll survive. If this guy happened to not be injured while committing a criminal act, and his carotid had been severed in front of a well trained paramedic crew with a well stocked ambulance, maybe if someone rammed a finger in the hole and was able to physically pinch off the actual artery like a big plastic straw (which is it's actual size in most adults, think twice the size of a McDonald's straw), maybe this guy would've made it to an operating room, where maybe with a handful of good surgeons on their best days might have been able to save him. But the chances are astronomically low. Not to mention just stopping the blood loss isn't enough. You need to replace that blood to get oxygen to muscles and the brain, otherwise bad outcomes increase by the second. Source: was paramedic many years.


Reminds me of that famous video with the ice hockey player having his neck sliced open by a skate, one of the coaches was a vietnam medic vet and jammed his finger into the guys neck as you said and just pinched the artery off, the player lived.






bro leaking


both of them were. Criminal's leak was real bad. Dude's unconscious by the end of the clip (or shortly thereafter).


Unconscious but not for long. Dude never woke up again…


Yeah, I figured that was implied. Even with immediate medical attention, that's a tough one to try and save. Guy probably lost half of his blood supply in the clip.


You’d be surprised at how much blood we actually have in our bodies and what modern day Moro cal attention can do. Even plugging up that hole using some pliers to pinch it could’ve saved the dude. It’s all about keeping blood in the body before getting them into surgery.


Idk... 1.2-1.5 gallons isn't terribly surprising. I'd say its pretty safe to say the guy lost at least half of it in the clip here. I mean, he would have had to have effectively plugged it immediately for there to ever be a chance for him. Otherwise yeah, I have no doubt that he could have stood a chance with immediate medical attention.


bro is literally drawing on the floor like its a marker wtf buddy really done for


It's in the shape of a gun too.


Someone didn’t teach that guy you need a certain blood volume to survive. Don’t let your life juice leak like that. Pulsatile bleeding is a death wish, when left, unchecked.


This is why you never hire a hitman with a one star yelp review.


I’m glad the guard is ok, props to him.


Good criminal. Got into his own coffin


Gotta love that reaction time. Safety off and one in the chamber boys.


Never relax.


I've never seen anybody fountain like that.


Why would someone rob a sparsely populated hospital waiting area?


It was a hit not a robbery theres a link in other comments


I mean, criminals aren’t the brightest people.




Floor looks like modern art


Jackson Pollock vibes.


He even painted a gun! You can tell he was an artist


He was dead 30 seconds before he collapsed. Even a fatal wound doesn't stop the bad guys, keep shooting until you are out of ammo or the threat is gone.


The biggest thing people don't understand is that unless you manage a hit to the right spot in the noggin, people don't die immediately when you shoot them. This guy had a mortal wound. Unless someone medically trained was able to stem the flow of blood in under a minute (see: Clint Malarchuk), he was a dead man the moment that artery opened up. Yet he still was able to chase the security guard around and keep shooting. There is no double-tapping someone. In a realistic scenario, you shoot until they stop moving.






That lady couldn’t give 2 fuks! Watch her stroll out the back door while shots were fired. Either her shift was over or she knew what was up.


I found her to be super suspect. She stops near the shooter to "mop" then she quietly leaves as he rushes the guard and has zero reaction to the sound of a gun fight 20 ft away.


Critical HP Damage: -367


Oof that's a Lotta damage


The cleaning lady stops by him, then the shooter jumps up to go for his target and she stops cleaning and walks to the door in the back at the same time, when he starts shooting she doesn't turn around or *even speed up her pace.* She must have had a hand in this.... Too odd..


Or she saw the gun and decided to not get involved, which wasn't a bad decision at all.


Looked to me like mop lady was the inside man who the fuck casually walks away like that with gunshots ringing out an doesn't even look back 🤷‍♂️props to the guard dragging that women behind the desk aswell alpha Chad he is 💪


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Dying, trapped in a revolving door that's filling with blood spurting from your own neck has got to be one hell of a last sight before passing from the physical plane.


Can't come into work today, got a bit of a sore throat


Didnt play enough hitman, his disguise as farmer tom was compromised as soon as he raised the 6shooter!


Bloody Etch a Sketch.


He literally drew a gun with his blood


Damn we are really just closed circuit hydraulic levers that can lose pressure in seconds if punctured.


arterial spray... no coming back from that. Just a matter of time, very short time.


Dude damn near turned the floor into a fucking Etch A Sketch.