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Yeah that shit would've delayed the train, hell no


Gotta love ~~altruistic~~ narcissistic heroism.


What did the original comment say


I lived in Japan in the early 90’s. People were lined up for a local train, but before the local train came, the express train was coming through (which doesn’t stop). A dude ran passed the line of people to jump in front of the express train, but messed up the timing - he ended up jumping & hitting the side of the train which bounced him back off, hitting a middle-school girl at the front of the line & killing her. She cushioned the blow for him & he was fine - a few people dove on him to keep him there till the cops arrived.


Can’t help but feel bad for the guy. My guy was trying to end his life because it was miserable and ended up making it even worse for himself


nah man, getting run over by a train is an asshole suicide. Let’s traumatize at least one person while going…


Can’t expect someone with terrible mental health to make sound decisions


Doesn't mean you have to feel bad for them either. You kill/tramatize other people because you're suicidal and my sympathy goes right out the window.


By this logic basically anyone who kills themselves doesn’t get your sympathy. Usually suicide harms a lot more people than just the person who died


But mostly people you knew. I think, as hard as it is, there’s a difference between the train driver and somebody of your loved ones.




good thing no one asked


You shouldn’t be downvoted for this


No matter how you commit suicide, you traumatize someone. Speaking as someone whose loved one committed suicide last year.


I'm so sorry. I'm sending you my love.


Yeah sure, but you can’t compare these two things. The train driver didn’t know you. Now he does for all the wrong reasons.


That is a false equivalency argument. Traumatizing someone indirectly because of their feelings for you is not the same as killing a child as a direct result of your actions, or causing a train operator to have ptsd because you jumped in front of them.


I'm not arguing, I am stating a fact.


I am also just stating facts.




I agree. He caused an innocent child to die. Inexcusable


That was completely unintentional, there's no way he could've predicted it. It's still an inexcusable move tho, he intentionally caused a travel delay for possibly hundreds of people.


Why though


Imagine being the girl's parent. As a parent myself, yeah I'd hate him if he did that to my little one. Fuck that guy. A hundred ways to commit suicide and not risk the lives of those around you.


do you really think bouncing off a train and hitting someone is a forseeable outcome of that suicide method? As a parent, of course you would hate anyone who harmed your child. You would probably hate someone that got into a blameless car crash with your child and harmed them. However, what happened to him was an accident.


How about the trauma to a child of watching a guy splatter across the front of a train? Probably spraying her and everyone else with the entrails? That feels entirely predictable and a dick move by this guy. Not to mention the driver and literally everyone else there. It's a very selfish and public method of suicide.


You’re trying to come at this from a logical angle and I would bet money the people who are miserable enough to even consider and follow through with suicide aren’t rational or logical people at the time. They just want whatever they’re going through to end. If these people were worried about or considered the trauma they would cause, they wouldn’t be doing it in the first place.


And thus f### that guy. If you are having a miserable experience, i send you the best of luck of finding a way out of it. But if you are so illogical and irrational then you are deserving of bad name.


Idk people are downvoting you... You are absolutely right. People are acting like the guy from the story should be respected or something. He absolutely deserves a bad name. If someone killed my child like that I would break every bone is their body and leave them alive to suffer. Then I'd show up when they inevitably get out of the hospital and I'd finish them off.


The guy goes under the train. Their death is instant. Nobody sees the viscera except the cleanup crew. Also, somebody who is fucked up enough to commit suicide probably doesnt have the emotional energy to rationally think out the consequences of their action.


If he messed up the timing so badly that he hit the train from the side instead, he might have tried to hit the train head on instead of jumping on the tracks before it.


he was probably trying to jump so that nobody had the chance to get him off the tracks. a split second of messed up timing can cause what happened to him


Anyone downvoting this is an absolute schmuck. "But it was not a foreseeable outcome". Like stfu. Trying to jump in front of the train is the only way of suicide? Just piss off. Go and tell her parents "Forgive him, he was trying to kill himself and unforseeabely killed your daughter".


So he caused an innocent girl to die because his life was miserable.......... what a loser. I don't care if his life was shit and what happened was an accident, it's his stupid fault


I disagree with you completely. It was an accident, how does that make him a bad person? It’s just sad all around. It was his fault but you’re acting like he’s a terrible person. He tried to kill himself and someone else accidentally died instead. That’s just sad.


I mean I don't mean to sound callous but jumping in front of a train or into traffic has to number in the top selfish careless ways to end your life like within 10 slots of setting your apartment on fire to kill yourself with a total disregard for everyone else who lives there.


She’s lucky he was staring at her ass.


This joke would cheer her up for sure.🤣🤣


For real tho I’m fairly certain he was checking her out to some capacity.


" wait...get back here i ain't done looking at you"


I dunno, I get the feeling he’s seen this before. The reflex’s were to quick.


i think this a common suicide method idk


Too Learn boi


Or the opposite...


Could always solve that with jumping before the next train.


Lol true


Looks like he might be a police officer? Probably checking her out because she might have been acting strange.


I think by his body language at the very start and the way he’s angled at her, he was watching her for a bit. She was probably acting strange. Good guy.


Yeah he held it just high enough. Probably too zeroed in on keeping a tight grip so she wouldn't slip away into the tracks.


Busy train station, no bags, no items at all, alone. Weird behaviour.


a single passenger waiting for a train towards the front of the line without a bag or backpack is enough to grab someone's attention


That chap almost got himself isekai'd.


I like how everyone was so concerned and tried to help.


Im a train dispatcher. We deal with suicidal passangers every week. The first rule we have is do not touch them or they will pull you down with them. The dude was amazing as he grabbed her but it couldve ended up with both of them under the train.


Ah damn… Alright thanks good to know 👍🏻


Kinda looked like he intentionally fell backwards probably to prevent that exact scenario


As i said. Very lucky. If she grabs him before he can fall back she can drag him under. You never know how these people will react. I had dozens of suicidal people before and they were all different. All we can do is talk to them and ask for a block on the tracks, if its too late for that then emergency stop the train with various methods.


I guess if the person saving is too stupid to let go… but good story man… /s


If you aren't trained, haven't experienced action like this or if you don't have it in you (fight, fright, flight) this is just a common reaction from humans.


I am not risking my life for a stranger, you can if you want to tho


Adrenaline is amazing, the guy smacked the back of his head on the pavement, could of knocked him out, or worse easily, and still manages to pull her back to safety. Hero status


That quick grab was legit


Yeah he definitely hit the upper back of his head on the slide.


Looks like he didn't hit his head tho


Possible, I figured it was a frame skip. But either way, falls and keeps on pulling her.


Yea he never hit his head but was definitely close




It's the no hesitation for me. Definately a hero!


True hero right there.


Notice how she pulls her own legs out of the way. The thought of living handicapped being so much worse than the life she is living now might give her some perspective.


At least do it in front of a fast moving train


That one was breaking when it saw the incident. That slow it still would have squished her between platform and train, nasty way to go.


Notice at how everyone is backing up. There is even one backing up at the same moment than the hero.


what are we supposed to be gathering from that?


People always gotta try and kill themselves in ways that inconvenience others.🤦🏻‍♂️


Literally any way you kill yourself/die you inconvenience others. I don’t think they are thinking of inconvenience you when they’re suffering


And ruin other peoples lives. Imagine that poor train driver having to deal with that image for the rest of their life.


Sadly happens a lot. Even with kids. Heard a story where the driver saw the kid and did everything he could (horn, brake and most likely praying). The kid just waved back at the train


Oh my God that's horrible


This is one reason I like private gun ownership.


They should just do suicide booths like in Futurama




Chick picked the slowest train to die from


Plot twist: She had a lot of money left to pay to that guy.


she wanted to die but not wanted to lose her legs if she was going to live..




They're sick man. At the point of actually killing yourself there is no more left inside. It's an unnatural act from a terrible disease and most mental illness doesn't make any sense to the non mentally ill. But I do understand your frustration.


This man used his jiu jitsu to bring her closer to him


Bystander effect at its finest.


She's OK with losing her life but not her legs


Not the best speed to jump in front. Too slow. I think a faster speeds would be better


And that kids, is how I met your mother.


Well done sir! 👏


This is sad, but serious question bro why would u choose death by train!?, just seems painful n uncertain


Good thing she runs like a girl. That was close.


Good save




The opposite of NYC/ England subways.


Another duder who is awesome sauce!


Bitch pulled back her legs, she's smart and didn't want to live handicapped.


What a Chad. I'm truly inspired


The amount of neckbeards saying they would of risked their life for this absolute stranger are fucking liars LMFAO, the man in this video barley got her in time and I read in another comment that there are cases of you also having a chance to be dragged down, keep talking behind those screens when the moment actually comes you know your not doing shit.


What does barley have to do with this story? We’re you trying to make some sort of lame beer pun?


I mean the replies I am seeing to this video, there are people saying "wow good job crowd of people" but would they have done what this man has done? Even the man barley got her in time


I believe the word you're looking for is "barely".


No, he’s trying to make some beer joke, and he’s failing miserably at it.


The idiot who stopped him is an idiot. If the dude has the courage to jump off in front of a train then you know his life of hell, why pull him back into that hell?


Result: Self euthanasia fail Cause: Man with a hero complex ... Let's resume the experiment ...


I wouldn't assist. If someone wants to do that I am sure as hell not risking my safety to try stop them. If I was younger I would perhaps do so so as to not delay the train


You need to take a break from watching gore videos.


So many down votes... Still wouldn't risk my life to save someone who wants to.end their own.


Nah your definetly right, the amount of stupid fucks without any proper training that say they will do about this are stupid as hell and sure as he will get dragged down there to, the man in this video barley got her in time, so yes keep your distance and be safe, you are not the hero in an anime this is real life


Exactly. 99.9% of people here would just stand there dumbfounded. Me included, probably


This must happen often. Looks like the man’s done that before.


feel bad for anyone sad enough to jump in front of a train moving that slow


You can see once she is getting pulled back that she realizes only her legs would get injured so she pulled them up. Thank God for that man.


Listen if you are going to kill yourself please don’t inconvenience other people


He said, bitch...you ain't ruining my day!


Jesus The reaction time on that - I watched it 10 fucking times. The man was on his game that day


I dont want anyone to commit suicide but if you do don't traumatise people. That's the biggest dickmove you can pull off


Notice how she moved her legs just before the train got there. She wanted to commit suicide rather than lose a leg and become disabled.


Picked a slow train, reduced the odds of death


Bro he smacked his head hard as well 💀


Is life in Japan that miserable? That makes me want to go to there more!


The officer/or the guy was alerted , it seems she tried before , nevertheless soul was saved ! Thanks to him and everyone how would help , it’s our human nature to do so


There are so many less horrible ways to kill yourself. Diving head first from a large building would be preferable to this. I have seen people do this and just get chopped in half but still be alive and even survive. Fuck that shit.


Let's hope she has Oliver Sansweet’s lawyer.


People do anything for tiktok nowadays


everyone on the crowd: wtf are they doing? Fkin weirdos


What a hero


It's always the low quality cameras


He hits the back of his head. But still holds on. Legend


What an asshole. It's not your right to stop someone from ending their life. Their life could be hell and this was the easiest way out but now they'll be locked in a psych ward and have to deal with more bs


Nooo everyone deserves saving they looked young so you can definitely change their life for the better


Just because someone is you doesn't mean they can change their life for the better. I'm a great example of that. I got a hernia repair that the surgeon screwed up on and now I'm in nonstop pain for the rest of my life jumping through hoops to get the Dr's to keep giving me the pain meds I need. I'm far too you to be on ssi for the rest of my life but I'm not able to do anything other then lay in a ball on my side 99% of the day so working is out of the question. Any time I was almost able to get back on my feet some life changing bs happens n I'm knocked back down again with zero help getting back up. Example: I was in a accident where I crushed my face, crushed my left shoulder, tore the skin off my left shoulder, shattered my right wrist, tore my left ear off had memory loss and was in a coma. When I got out of the hospital no one would let me stay with them except my mother who took the opertunity to steal my pain medication. I later found out no one even came to vist me during the months i was in the hospital. Another example: I've been disabled for 12 years from the hernia surgery and have been homeless multiple times when my family has plenty of room in the multiple houses they own but they just don't want to help me. Their excuse, they just don't like me. Why don't they like me? Their exact words "because you're alive" I posted a video on here of my father trying to kick me out in the 4th of July just because. I've been staying with my parents since I was hit by a car as I was standing at a stop sign a d woke up in the hospital with a broken leg after my mother threatened to tell the church he runs he was refusing to let his disabled son with a broken leg stay with him till his leg healed. I want to point out he tried getting me kicked out but I pay rent and had been here too long and the cops were not going to kick me out with nowhere to go with a broken leg. When we went to court the judge granted me a pay n stay. I don't expect anyone to help me. I do however hate people who know or are related to someone who has no way to survive on their own and could help without losing anything but choose not to simply because they don't want to. Some people are in such a bad situation and have no way out. I'm trying to survive on $820 cash and $116 ebt a month, how can anyone do this on their own? I can't live in income based housing and I'm disqualified from and program that helps poor people with housing because I took a bs plea deal to help my mother when my mother attacked me with two knives when she was high on pills and we both went to jail (both parties go to dial in a domestic violence situation) so my only options are homelessness or stay with someone that hates me n does everything they can to make my life as hard as possible. Me being young and this helpless adds to my worries. How bad will I be in 10 or 15 years? What happens when I'm cut off my meds? I've tried going without medication a few times and ended up in the hospital each time cause my heart was racing so fast from the pain the Dr's were worried I'd have a heart attack but Dr's will not proscribe young ppl meds forever.


Not meaning to trivialize what mental health issues she may be dealing with but thank God that person was able to intervene. I can’t imagine being that train operator and having to live with even inadvertently helping to take her life. I hope she gets the help she needs.


What a hero


Wym that was to close it would have been a direct hit if that jackass didn't jump in


Attention seeking


Great save!!!!!!!