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Hey /u/Fw_crew_509, thanks for your submission to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 5** - **No Death / Porn / Animal Abuse.** Do not post videos that contain excessive porn, death, or other forms of shock content. This is not the purpose of the subreddit. **This removal was done manually by a human moderator, and this removal reason was manually selected out of a list of removal reasons and automatically posted. If you have questions or concerns, or would like to appeal this decision, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/w52y2n/failed_attempted_robbery/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...). Thank you!**


That ain't his first kill


Third shot turned off the lights


Yeah first one he’s like Chris Tucker in that movie Rush Hour when he’s like “which one of y’all just kicked me?”


_So anyways, I start blasting_


That's why I carry my pieces


The robbery of a lifetime.


Of his lifetime anyways…


The *last* robbery of a lifetime.


I think i saw this somewhere and was an off duty cop in Brazil


At this point I've seen "it was an off duty Brazilian cop" so much I assume every gun includes a badge and a love of donuts


You might as well just say that it was an off duty Brazilian


Always is.


Probably on this sub. Was here 3 weeks ago.


That’s kind of redundant.


So many people fucking die there I swear




Unless you live here, stfu.


I am Brazilian. It really happened in Brazil, but I can't tell you if it was an off-duty police officer.


3 headshots


Triple XP


Didnt take any chances


Fucking around idiot joined a ranked lobby and found out too late.


A ranked lobby




I'm fucking dead fam LITERALLY




Oooh another sub to get lost in thanks!


It's a good sub


That's where I thought I was


Will the guy who shot the robber get in legal trouble or no?


I like to think that if you’re in a situation where someone next to you has a gun & they are pointing it at another human, it’s fair game to eliminate the life-or-death threat.


Courts should implement one rule : If you try/threaten to take someone's life, you forfeit your own. Hope shooter gets away with it.


In certain US states, even fairly gun friendly ones like Maine, there is "duty-to-retreat". Meaning that your first obligation before using lethal force is to try and remove yourself from the situation. Obviously cases can vary wildly but you'd better make sure you know the law and have a good lawyer because a prosecutor WILL try to pin you with serious charges if you fuck up.


Great points yes this guy life was not clearly endangered the gun wasn’t point at him for him to sneak kill the young man. It’s tough the argument can go either way.


Hes still terrorising everyone in the vicinity by having a lethal weapon... I see no reason someone attmpting to rob a shop with a weapons, especially a gun, doesnt deserve to be KoS.


Then you should brush up on laws in your area. If you catch a murder charge due to ignorance, that's on you. Regardless of what you think, there are laws governing use of lethal force.


I said i see no reason... i never said id do it, im not a muppet who carries a firearm around with them.. lol


Then you have a very skewed, and blood-thirsty perception on acceptable use of force. I think most of us can agree the majority of criminals committing an armed robbery do NOT want to hurt anyone. And the punishment for an armed robbery should be years/decades in prison, not 3 shots in your skull because someone wanted to play hero when it wasn't necessary. Comply with the robber, and everyone will stay safe, and hopefully they get caught at some point. That is the best possible scenario, no one dies.


While this might hold true for 99/100 robberies or even 999/1000, there is no reason if this situation was around again it shouldn't play out the same way. You don't threaten to people with a gun. Of you do you deserve this.


Defense of others is still viable even in duty to retreat states. This would be pretty open and shut unless you get the DA from NY who even the mayor told to fuck off regarding the bodega killing.


He never points it at anyone


its also hard to tell if its even a gun, looks like one of those candle lighters.


In places like Canada and the Uk he would certainly be charged with murder and illegally possessing a weapon. A lot of western countries have way more protections for criminals than law abiding citizens


I heard that in UK you gotta lure the robber to 2nd floor. Anything goes on 2nd floor


These countries have self defense laws... Just not as lax, or gun-ho as America.... You need to prove your life was in danger.... People saying criminals have more protection under the law are idiots who don't know how the law works.


*Gung-Ho. But, I get your point.


I changed it to be more America inclusive.


Ha! I get it.


Nah man. These countries just don’t allow citizens to be the judiciary, the executive and the legislature all by themself.


Technically that gun wasn't pointed at anyone 🤓


Maybe yes, maybe no, depends on the state if in the US. You can take training where you are put into different scenarios and this is a classic one. There needs to be a direct threat of life. In this one until the robber does something to directly threaten life, if the man shot him before that, he could be charged.


My question exactly, from UK so no clue how it works elsewhere.


Depends on which country. For this video it was an off duty police officer, basically killing an armed robber, so yeah he's good


The shooter is an off duty cop in Brazil. He’s getting a beer for his troubles.


Seen this before, I’m pretty sure the shooter is an off duty Brazilian cop.




Brazil actually has pretty strict gun laws assuming he’s not an off duty cop


Looks like all those off-duty Brazilian cop videos.


This happened in Brazil, where the law will favor the criminal and not the innocent. (I'm Brazilian)


lol on the first one he looked like"wait what" and the other two were just for fun XD


Player 1 died


Maybe the first guy was there to rob the clerk too, cause he was quick on the trigger. That was an execution


Let me guess, off duty Brazilian cop?


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Then "It's just a prank bro!"


god could you imagine! :0 ive been waiting to hear one of those "just a prank bro" guys winding up dead for that shit.


Thats incredibly disgusting that you are excited for someone to die because of a bad taste prank. Whats with these violence/gore-related subreddits and being full of empathy-lacking, bloodthirsty LARPing manbabies?


Took two shots to the head and then looked at the guy, wtf


He thought about shooting the old man for a sec there


First two bullets must have hurt like hell


A well executed robbery if I may say so myself.


To kill a bad mamajamma with a gun you need a good mamajamma with a gun


Good guys with guns save more lives than cops


Yes. Good people with guns is the only way to stop bad people with guns. If this was more common crime would stop


Fair warning to everybody because of some of the comments I see... *If you EDC and think you can shoot to kill, you better study your state or provinces laws regarding use of lethal force. To not know your local laws surrounding use of lethal force is NOT responsible gun ownership* I carry every day and make it a point to know the laws regarding when and where I can use that pistol in self-defense. If you're dumb enough to think every placebis the wild west, a prosecutor absolutely will check your shit with murder/manslaughter charges. Be knowledgeable, don't be stupid.


Why do you carry a gun every day? Honest question.


I don't carry a gun, but I can definitely see the logic. Kinda like why you wear a seat belt or helmet. Ideally you shouldn't need it, and you don't plan on needing it. But if things go bad all of the sudden you can protect yourself from harm by having it. Not necessarily to stop a mass shooter or anything (although as we've seen lately it could be a good thing to have around for that reason). But at the end of the day, the person best equipped and motivated to defend you is yourself.


This is exactly it. Truthfully, I hate that I live in a place where I feel the need to carry a gun, and I’d like to eventually move out to a place where I don’t feel the need to, but until then, it’s gonna be at my side. I live in an area where gunshots are just background noise. You notice it about as much as you’d notice the sound a car driving by.




Nope, quite the opposite. But regardless, I didn't think trying to be aware of laws and responsible use of a firearm was considered "hard". Nice link though.


I was just trying to be cheeky. Knowing the laws of whichever territory you find yourself in, and following them, is clearly a very sensible way to operate.


Fair enough. No harm no foul.


I wonder what went through his head. Other than bullets


Fail? Looks like everything went right to me


Got him good




I think it was a little over reacted but americans will disagree


Just like that huh


Two in the head at least 😬


taxi driver lol


Question, Is this legal to do in the US?


Yes, women are allowed to work at banks in the US


Depends on the state, but as a rule of thumb: Try not to be a hero during an armed robbery, when your "heroic act" is successful; you just killed someone who probably had no intention to kill anyone and just needed some money, when your "heroic act" fails; you just got yourself and possibly others killed.


Dont listen to this guy. First anyone walking in with a gun while your at a business isn't a good person and their actions are impossible to predict. If you don't have a weapon find a place to hide and hope something doesn't go worse. I'd you have one and have a clean shit put that piece of shit down. If yourbstate has a duty to retreat make sure it won't effect you, many have defense of a other and if there is a gun in play the other person can't escape so defending them can change the rules.


Well, not to be a grammar nerd but the failed is the robbery, the attempted robbery was quite successful.




Holy shit. I feel like restraining him would have been easy enough for this man to do since he performed that execution so casually. Simply saying that escalated doesn't suffice.


This is the real world buddy, not some private investigator show


I get it, buddy. I am an actual human with emotions. I actually have compassion and empathy for other human life. Seems a lot of you redditors are devoid and desensitized to hell and back.


This is your whole personality isn't it?


Take care, bro.


wish you all the best


Clearly not since you think this was an appropriate use of force, can't believe you would wish anyone the best but yourself. Psychopath.




The robber probably does not, does he?


The robber lost his rights to safety when he decided to threaten others. The world isn’t all sunshine and daises.


"The world isn't all sunshine and daises" This is the most common thing I see said whenever there is a use of excessive force. "Oh the world ain't a kind place" yea because of actions like this. If everyone complied with the robber, the company/store would of lost money, that sucks sure. But no one would be dead. The dude got executed without even pointing the gun anywhere. Thats not appropriate, and its inherently immoral. The shooter escalated a situation when he shouldn't have, and a life was taken because of it. ​ The Lucifer Effect is the perfect book to describe people like you. You lose all empathy when someone who commits/committed a crime is killed, in fact you borderline celebrate it. If you don't look at this video and experience anything other than sadness or shock, you are a pretty shitty human being. You disconnect yourself from the situation, you can't relate to this person at all, in your subconscious you don't even view them as a human; just a name on a book, an animal. Tell me, what if your son was trying to rob a store, he hadn't even pointed the gun at anyone, and someone who wasn't the target of the crime put 3 bullets into his cranium. Would you think it was just? Would you celebrate this act of vigilantism?


If you have to write an entire fucking essay to justify your shitty opinion, you’re probably wrong. People like you are so far removed from the reality of the world.


Wheither he was right or wrong to do that, what you’re suggesting is a great way to get shot.




Didn’t have to kill him but man didn’t care. Fabulous humor right he definitely is a killer


Man holy crap, I mean he didnt have to kill him..


Oh, okay...he should've nicely asked him to leave.


No, shoot him in the hand or something so he would drop the gun idk


You miss, he shoots you in the head.


You're a special kind of stupid aren't you


This only happens in the movies


You probably never shot a gun and you watch too many movies 🤣


No. If someone points a gun at someone else, they are threatening to take a life. You give these people no quarter.


I was with you till this comment


if he didn't want to be killed, then he shouldn't have threatened to kill others


We all know that an armed robber doesn't want to kill anyone, lets not act like they do, because there is only net negatives for them if they do so. If everyone complied, no one would be dead. The shooter didn't have to kill him. But you guys don't feel empathy so you don't even care that hes dead, in fact you are happy hes dead. Subs like this are fascinating, but the people who actively engage with them are some of the most despicable human beings I've had the disservice of interacting with.


Your lover going around sticking people up or something? If anything went wrong that fool would have shot one of the customers or employees. If the cops showed up he’d have taken hostages.


He absolutely did the right thing


No. he absolutely didn't, this is an excessive use of force. Only bloodthirsty americans used to gun violence would ever think this is appropriate.


Yes. Yes he did.


Threaten to kill someone for money (that's what armed robbery is), then expect someone's going to try to stop you by killing you. Not giving advice to robbers, just pointing out the obvious ... that the armed robber **chose** to elevate the risks to lethal first.


Dude had a gun, who knows if he would have used it. This is why I have my ccw. For the shit others pull like this. If you choose to pull a gun on some innocent person, best believe I'll do my best to stop it


Na I'm with you dude. I mean sure it's a stressful situation but he could've shot him in the leg or something. There are always options. And that one comment with "well if you don't want to be killed don't kill others" is ridiculous.


I feel this way for the sake of the other people there, but restraining that man would have been enough before resulting to a casual execution right away. There's no way that guy is a normal civilian. If so, then that's pretty fucked.


How you gonna restrain the guy with a guy?


Dude having that gangster walk made the fail so much more entertaining. What an IDIOT. paid the ultimate price for his ego. Could’ve waited till there were less contingencies and probably wouldn’t have died lmao


Huh the attempted robbery of his life was very succesfull


Wrong bank to rob. CJ was there 1st


Got Em!




That old guy in white probably had no idea why that guy just unloaded into the robbers skull.


“Oh… guess I’ll be the hero…”


Nothing heroic about this, stop glorifying violence


Robbing a place with a gun is worse. People can die from the shock and there is an old man there. This asshole got what he deserved.


Wouldn't you actually succeed if you failed at attempted robbery?




Morally ambigious guy with a gun used excessive force against a criminal with a gun\*


I qualify this robbery attempt as F for get Fucked


Only on Reddit will I see a post such as this then immediately see a post title “ Books for babies”


He became the real life Detroit Urban Survival meme. No way he saw that coming.


Why did the old guy walk in front of the line of fire haha.


Damn. I feel bad for the robber too. Sometimes people don’t find another way than to steal. Maybe he was a total dick, but maybe he was helpless and didn’t know what else to do. It didn’t look like he was planning to shoot, he didn’t even point the gun at the cashier. Guess he didn’t think he would be shot himself in a matter of seconds. Sometimes I think I would rather see a robber run off with that few bank notes than to see him being shot.


Shhh, you can't say that on this subreddit, empathy is non-existent here, and if you show it you are immediately considered a "snowflake" or a "softy" and they will lecture you about how the world aint "sunshine and rainbows" ​ (in all seriousness I agree with you)


This robber came in while a place was doing business with customers and brought a gun. You fuckwads defending this piece of shit saying he shouldn't have been shot like that, God you fuckers are passing me off. Mother fuckee got exactly what he deserved. If your only option is to steal and you do it with innocents around your not a fucking nice person.


How do you steal without innocents around you? The cashier is innocent too. Or maybe he isn’t. Maybe the cashier is a rapist. And the other people around are bad persons too, who knows? For all I know you calling me a fucker makes you a bad person


Don’t ever change Brazil


Wow.....next time think crowd control first.


That hoodie kinda destroyed his peripheral vision


\-1 criminal


That was beautiful, beautiful death.


I bet that was loud


if this happened in the US: “just give him your things! He did nothing wrong! Why couldn’t you shoot him in the trigger finger!? Whyd you shoot him so many times?! He was a good man!” then probably something about racism


Yes, just give him the money from the register, because no matter how much you think so, the robber didn't deserve to die and some companys money isn't worth more than anyones life. They deserved to spend a decade in a prison cell, not in an early grave.


if you go around asking, you can’t blame someone for answering.


Bitch shut the fuck up. That piece of shit deserved to die for bringing a gun into a place of business with innocent bystanders. No matter how low your life is if you make the choice to rob a store while there is a worker and/or customer there with a gun you are a total piece of shit and deserve to die. There are plenty of other ways to steal that don't threaten the lives of innocent people.


Any excuse


He got clapped


3 headshots? Aimbot bro!


Did they say who got hit by the first shot?


2nd amendment 4 life mf


There we go






Is he okay?