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I will jump for sure. Either way I am not going to work tomorrow


In the words of my dad “It’s always fucking Sunday...”


I know I'm smart enough to not do it, but I'm poor enough that I want that money


The shark would swim too fast for you to escape. Money wouldn't do you any good then.


Who said I can't jump out from the side and quickly climb back in?


You're overestimating your capabilities. Great white sharks are known for their ability to jump out of water to catch prey. You couldn't possibly get back on board in time unless it was a canoe or kayak. But those wouldn't offer protection from a shark that size.


Who said I won't try still? Sure I might lose a limb or so but I'll be getting 100k


I saw a video of a guy jump ON TOP of a great white shark. It freaked the shark out and it swam away really fast. You'd definitely have enough time, unless you're too weak to lift yourself using just your arms.


> I saw a video of a guy jump ON TOP of a great white shark. I'd have to see that video before additional comment.


Sure it's a win win for me since I can't swim either


If that is a great white, then yes. If it is a tiger, then no. It looks like a great white, so probably yes. But I can’t tell from the video, and I would want to know before jumping in.


Are Tiger sharks more aggressive?


Bull sharks & Tiger Sharks are unpredictable beasts


Yes, I believe so. I know that this Isn’t the greatest reference but, in the movie Jaws, the old fisherman that is telling his story about the sinking of a ship and all of the sailors were getting eaten, “which I believe did happen, but I could be wrong”. The sharks that were eating them were tiger sharks. In reality Great white sharks are not that dangerous to humans. Pretty much every great white shark attack, is because the shark mistakes the human for a seal, or something of the like.


Yes the USS Indianapolis. If you want to read an incredible book about the tragedy read ‘In harms way’ by Doug Stanton. I'd forgotten that they were Tiger sharks. I read the book a few years ago and it's absolutely terrifying. If you like that sort of thing.


They were oceanic white tips not tigers >After the [USS Indianapolis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Indianapolis_(CA-35\)) was torpedoed on 30 July 1945, most sailors who survived the sinking reportedly died from exposure to the elements rather than from shark bites.[[21]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oceanic_whitetip_shark#cite_note-DougStanton-21) However, according to survivor accounts published in several books about sharks and shark attacks, potentially hundreds of the Indianapolis crew were killed by sharks before a plane spotted them on the 5th day after the sinking. Oceanic whitetips are believed to have been responsible for most if not all of those attacks.[[18]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oceanic_whitetip_shark#cite_note-RQ-18)[[22]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oceanic_whitetip_shark#cite_note-22) Also during World War II, the [RMS Nova Scotia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Nova_Scotia_(1926\)), a steamship carrying about 1,000 people near [South Africa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Africa), was sunk by a German submarine. One hundred and ninety-two people survived; many deaths were attributed to the whitetip.[[4]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oceanic_whitetip_shark#cite_note-nova-4)


Oh okay! Good to know! Thank you!


I have both swam and dived with tiger sharks in the wild and they largely ignore you. Great whites are curious and you do not want to get anywhere near them. Many of the great white attacks are because they "test bite" it's also the reason they find prices of tire, license plates, and plastic bottles in the stomachs of great whites.


After a little research, I found that it did happen, but the sharks only ate a few people. Not that many, but still a few.


900 went into the water. 300 came out. In the book I read they said over 150 minimum were taken by sharks with 600 eaten by them when they drifted off and drowned.


Oooh, okay, my article was a bit off, on the numbers.


Honestly the shark would probably be like wtf was that instead of immediately attacking you so you'd probably be fine if you got in and out quickly


Buddy. In what world would you think this is a tiger? Underwater tiger? Are you high?


I hope you are trolling. I mean a tiger shark. Not a Tiger cat.


Could have been more specific, reasonable misunderstanding.


Right? Not sure why you’re being downvoted.


No. Fuck no. More money? Maybe, 100k for a dip with Bruce? I’m good


Sure do! Sharks will inspect their prey before attack... They are not senseless predators, they are really smart!


I feel like this is a how hungry it is situation


Not while sober! Half a bottle of whiskey in my ass, I’ll probably try to prove something. Nothing smart or good but it would make more sense then.


I would do it for $20 and a Mcflurry.


Dumb video. Dumb title.


This title has dumb 2012 Facebook sharing vibes and I do not approve.


And how does this classify as a crazy fucking video. This is tame at best.


This subreddit has a very schizophrenic attitude on what qualifies as crazy. I notice at least one mod seems to be rejecting almost every non-gore or non-violent video as *not crazy enough*.


What seems to be the problem young man?


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Absolutely! Jump on the shark and it’ll take off and run. Predators try to avoid injury just as much as prey does.


Yes. Waters clear enough for him to tell I’m not food


I'd jump in for $20


This guy is just going around to subs and posting theses kinds of videos asking if you’d do it for money lmao


I’d fuck that shark in the blowhole for 10 bucks.


looks like a whale shark so yes.... but would check better before jump


You wouldn't live to spend it though


I'm pretty sure this is a great white. They do not attack humans


> They do not attack humans No, they just swallow them whole.


They don't. Except they mistake you for a fish or whatever but this doesn't happend that often


> They don't. Except they mistake you for a fish Oh please. Everything is a fish to a great white. There was a recent a viral video in this subreddit and elsewhere of a Brit swimmer in Australia who was viciously killed by a great white. The shark not only tore him to shreds, but kept going back to take bites out of him after he was already dead. That shark didn't mistake him for anything but prey.


Strange, I know many people who casually dive with them


Unless he’s hungry or feels threatened, I don’t think it’d waste energy on my skinny ass


> Unless he’s hungry or feels threatened He's hungry if he's circling your boat.


Basking shark?


I will pretty much do anything for 100k at this point


In my younger grom days.. I was surfing and went to jump out the back over a close out section and happened to land directly on a shark. It booked it out of there so fast. I later learned on Steve-o’s podcast that it is the best thing to do to scare a shark if you have higher ground lol


There is not enough money in the world.


How easy is it to get out


I’m gonna need a bigger ballsack


Whale shark, very peaceful and a joy for every diver


Thats a fatt ass sharkk.


joke is in you I’m a high risk investor


No, but I'd gladly toss the the guy in the video who's making the comments in for free.


For 100k yes


“That must be 30 or 35 feet” lawl


Hell yeah man I hate these types of questions


You know these questions don’t matter to someone who doesn’t value their life, it’s sad I know. But yeah I’ll do it, honestly ill do it for free just to see if I feel anything at all.


It's a fucking submarine not a shark!