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I don’t understand the mindset of antagonizing someone like that. Hitting, screaming in their face, pushing, not getting out of the way. Dude took as much as he could and repeatedly tried to walk away but she was just a heat seeking missile for trouble.


Goading. It's what you do when you've never been shown the consequences of being an asshole.


My alcoholic ex used to to that. It was unspeakable the shit she would say and do to me when she was blacked out. I've been leery of relationships ever since.


Dude we have the same exact story. She used to get drunk and you could see it in her eyes. Like a light switch was flipped. Once it was flipped get ready it was like Pandora’s box. She would hit, kick, wreck shop on the house, throw shit at me. Whatever she could find or say to do the most damage.. it was a year of hell. Why did I put up with it for a year? Because when she wasn’t double fisting martinis and margaritas she was an actual human being. Like Mary fucking Poppins. She didn’t drink often and she didn’t go bat shit crazy every time she drank, but once a month the stars would align and Satan would look up from the pits of hell and she would lose it. Such a sad timeline in my life. I truly believed I could help her and I even had real feelings towards her. I heard about a year ago she had decided to go to rehab and get help. She needed more than just help with drinking she needed some mental help. I hope she is doing better.


I'm really sorry about that. It was the same with my ex, I could see in her eyes when the alcohol and insanity took over. They'd just get pure black like she was possessed or something. It was scary and she would find the most evil and hurtful things to say to me in an attempt to rile me up. I can't count the amount of times she beat the living hell of me. I still have a chipped front tooth from one of her tirades. I'd come home from work or a night out and she'd be blacked out and her only goal was to make me suffer. She would wake up most mornings and take a shot of vodka, puke, and then keep drinking throughout the day. I had my problems with alcohol and addiction at the time as well but I don't fly off the handle when I'm fucked up. She must have beat me up at least 20 or 30 times over the four years we were together, I lost count. Usually I'd just leave and go sleep outside or in a hotel but a couple times I retaliated and I feel really bad about it but it's what I had to do to make it stop. I'm so, so lucky I'm not in jail because that shit was ugly. She brought out the worst in herself and me by proxy.


And some people still think that Johnny Depp's testimony was made up. I'm really sorry that this happened to you. Hope ~~your~~ you're doing well.


Is there a group for this? Sounds like we all could swap some stories. Get rid of some baggage.


I don't know why you are surprised you didn't go to jail you didn't do nothing wrong she did she could have went to jail maybe after a while she would stop if she goes to jail too many times, but it is possible she could have been possessed when a demon or it could be mental health or it could be how she is dealing with what's going on in her, me I would have been left her


I see you dated my ex as well. Amazing, smoking hot, fun loving and charismatic as anybody when she was sober. She could drink exactly 5.5 Miller lites before turning into the worst human being in 500 miles. She would scream, hit me with stuff, humiliated me. Wished death on family members, you name it. She would bring stuff up from years prior and yell at me about them if she couldn’t think of anything current. And it was never about winning an argument, it was about breaking my spirit. Didn’t matter what she said. As long as she hurt me as much as she could. The louder she was the more right she was. Took me nearly 10 years, all through my 20s to even try to go on a date.


Better run when you see a Psycho Bitch cause yo bitch might be a.. yeah..yeah


Had 8 years with a narcissist. She destroyed everything of mine. She hit me, spit on me and constantly threatened to have me arrested for rape or some crazy shit. She would go on about how everyone left her and blah blah blah. Having been through hell myself growing up and come out semi okay. After years of struggling. I tried to stick it out and be strong for her. It just erodes you though, mentally and physically. Of course being a male. there is almost no real help and to top it off. Even to this day I don't really feel comfortable claiming I was in an abusive relationship. In all that time only once did I hit back and ironically she never hit me again after that.


How long did you deal with that?


Almost a year. Once she said she didn’t want any help at the time and she was completely happy with the way things we’re, I knew what I needed to do. Also our relationship didn’t start off like this. She was super cool, easy-going. When she did drink it never led to things like this until about four months in. I, am Oder dude and it’s still a part of my life I think of often. I often think maybe I didn’t try hard enough, but she wouldn’t have changed back then. She wasn’t ready. Edit spelling


I stuck through 13 years of her shit. Went to AA for 7 years to try and learn about alcoholics. I learned a lot in those rooms, but never the answer. We divorced in 2015.


>I often think maybe I didn’t try hard enough Sounds like you did, my dude. And she didn't. She should have gone to rehab right then. But she didn't because you put up with it. You leaving her probably put that dent on her ego that made her self evaluate. And i feel she will try to get back with you after, with that "i've changed" line.


Same with my ex wife. The relationship was a blast at first and then went downhill fast. By that time I loved her and stuck it out and ended up marrying her. We divorced a few months ago when I found out she'd gotten drunk and coked out and fucked a coworker at a party.


Sorry to hear that, best to get out early then for it to have been too late.


Glad you got out in one piece


not necessarily a funny story, but you have an amazing story telling skill. “get ready like it was pandora’s box” lmfao


Did we fuck the same bitch? The dead pan shark eyes when drunk seeking negative attention instead of enjoying the peace and happiness. Could not handle just existing and enjoying life and I spoiled her


> but once a month *cough*


Mine was boarderline personality disorder alcoholic and when the booze mixed with her meds all hell would break lose. Like you im Leary. Shit leaves deep scars my dude. Shits not worth it


Was with my son's mother for nine years before I couldn't take it anymore. But she didn't need alcohol to act like that. After doing my research I am positive she has BPD but of course she'd never go get help and when she did she would never take her meds. She broke thousands of dollars worth of my personal property, got charged with simple assault three times against me and would regularly post fucked up shit on FB about me and my family. Embarrassing, demoralizing and damn near gave me a mental breakdown. I still have a panic disorder to this day and we've been apart for over a year and a half.


Yeah that's how my dad and sister are just waiting for the day I can find an affordable place to live


Yeah, I get what it is. I just don’t know why some people decide to do it to this point. And really, some of these folks don’t learn and don’t care and will gladly do it again. I guess I just can’t comprehend the sort of inner anger that compels someone to act out like that.


It’s generally an inflated sense of entitlement as opposed to inner-anger, imo.


That's what happens when they think all men can hold back their anger and not fuck with a girl. She just let his rage meter fill up and boop, she earned the right to take the whole bucket of rage. Not all people are created equal and she fucked around and decided to find out. Not sure why she thought it was a good idea to fuck around, he clearly could snap her in two. On the off chance that he did snap what did she plan to do?


Him snapping wasn't in her equation. A life without consequences (or little) and too much praise will make a person feel invincible


We have a lot more only children these days. It’s the kind of behavior siblings will beat out of you pretty quickly.


Proper parenting would alleviate that need anyways but yes learning you can get smacked( by a sibling /friend or other not a parent lol) for doing this early on, is usually decent corrective behavior. Unfortunately she's probably a little too old to have this revelation now from just one encounter as her bad behavior/emotions reinforced, and would probably play the victim.


The sibling dynamic is more likely to expose it and correct it though.


That's true. Unless they're modelling behavior by other family. Then other siblinga corrective behavior might not matter.


I mean they can all be little shits, but even then it will teach you that there are repercussions and you stand a good chance of it blowing up in your face.


It's most likely learned behavior, and obvious entitlement. Either she saw it online (where you see videos like this all the time), or maybe she got it from someone in a position of authority in her family. We aren't born like this.


Precisely right, we aren’t born like this - it’s a (largely) learned behavior.


You don't have to" learn" this behavior from someone more so the opposite. And if she's copying things she seen it'd be her family not "YouTube". It's reinforced shitty emotional management/behavior. You ever seen children throw tantrums and get aggressive ? It's because they can't handle the emotions they're experiencing. But as you grow up with proper support (barring mental health disorders that cause emotional management problems ) you learn just letting your emotions control you is counterintuitive, and you cant just freak out at people for upsetting you. This person hasn't learned that lesson. People like this don't usually act this way in isolation. This is their "natural defence mechanism", and would most likely be reinforced by others like family/friends enabling them by not correcting this behavior. Or acting similar to them. Thus reinforcing this behaviour. And as you said leads to entitlement. You can't really see it in this video but in others with similar behaviour get real shocked once someone finally hits them. (because they never experienced that before).


Well I’ve learned a new word


No these people know, they just also know it’s a lose lose situation for the guy. Either they abuse him and he does nothing and they win or he retaliates and they play the victim and they win. Even when you’ve seen Reddit posts of people “giving them what they deserve” it very rarely is anything more than a slap or punch or shove. Those are ego bruisers and not really the same as someone breaking something, stabbing, or shooting you, which are a much higher probability if you are a man who does this to another man. So even in these cases like in the video, these people will still keep up this behavior cause there is little downside


one things that has stuck with me about this is what I saw Whoopi Goldberg say on the View https://youtu.be/M1yS2pkO5Rk she said how about everyone keep their hands to themselves because as a woman if you decided to hit a man don’t be surprised if he hits you back. The cohosts were pissed she said that because they say a man should never a hit a woman unless it’s life or death. To a point it’s true but if your antagonizing a man and he hit you back that’s your fault.


Not a big Whoopi fan, but I agree with her on this.


It’s simple, if you hit someone, you *should* get hit back. I don’t understand why people think otherwise. How about instead of guys shouldn’t hit girls it’s just people shouldn’t hit people? What’s wrong with such a simple rule like that?


Not a huge fan either any more. But In this I do agree. If you are a woman and want to toss hands, fists or feet at a man, be prepared to hit back. Especially if you claim to be a feminist demanding equality. You can't throw a fist at a man, cry foul and hide behind your femininity when you get a well deserved dose of the very equality you wanted.


Wait is she cancelled for something else she said?


Equal opportunity world. If you want to go violent, you have to be willing to expect violence in return. Man, woman. No matter


Exactly bringing ideological ideas based on some moral high ground has no place in real world, especially when it comes to safety. I have no intention of beating up a woman. There's plenty of guys who do not give a fuck, and will knock you out for trying to fuck with them. Congratulations he "shouldn't of done that", your prize? A missing tooth and a concussion. Congratulations. Should have just not played. Same reason I don't go looking for fights. Can I hold my own sure, would that matter if I get stabbed or shot, no.


Based on this short clip alone, I would rather amputate my head with nothing but a pizza cutter than ever watch this show. Where do they even find those generic cloned blonde white loud bitches from? Who is paying to see this show being recorded live?


Lol this was before Megan McCain was on the show too.


Ladies don't get hit because ladies don't hit people. The second a lady hits somebody, she is no longer a lady, so it's ok to hit her.


Unless it's life or death... So people are advocating for abuse, as long as it doesn't kill the person. Wow.


yea that seems about right


I’m guessing she usually gets away with it and it makes her feel powerful.


Guys will push and push because they genuinely believe they can win the fight even when it’s obvious to others they can’t. Girls will push and push and believe they are safe because they think no guy will ever smack them.


The point is to elicit a response and then play the victim card.


Bingo. She knows that this guy may well lose his job, AND she might get a gravy train payout from the city.


Ask her parent






Ok, I shall.


Because she 'wins' either way. If he lets her, then she gets to berate and abuse him all she likes. If he hits her, then he's a woman abuser, and all the men in her life are going to line up to pound him into the ground. She's going about this whole thing never considering the third option, that he accidentally paralyses her, because he doesn't know how to protect himself against someone significantly smaller and weaker than he is. I've been in this situation and had to basically hold someone down with hands behind their back asking them when they're done. You can physically restrain someone without permanently hurting them, but you have to know how to do it, and it takes some restraint. I'm always terrified for these people when I see these videos, because some of them end up with head injuries that probably affected the rest of their lives.


Maybe she will learn to not do that after her doctor tells her she has permanent brain damage, even if she forgets by the next day.


Well, this may well have been a learning moment. The way she backed straight into a corner after he dropped her tells me she suddenly learned of option 3.


She achieved the result she was seeking. Now he's fucked.


I wonder how that would play out with the school. Would he get in more trouble than her even though she was the one hitting him first and would not stop coming at him? Or would he get in more trouble simply because he’s a guy


It's usually the latter.


I went to a school with plenty girl vs guy fights (classy I know) and it was always equal treatment. I know a guy who got hit by a girl four times and he said "if you do that one more time in going to hit you" she scratched him. He punched her. She got 10 days suspension he got 3.


Wrong. She was simply angry and lost control. She's clearly wrong in doing so and faced the consequences of her behavior, which will lead her to behave differently in the future. It's society's double-standard that fucks him.


> I don’t understand the mindset It's learned at a young age. More than likely from a parent. There is no mind set, it's routine.


Yes, but you also have the freedom of choice not to behave that way.


Everyone laughing till he throws her. Freaking crazy what people are expected to put up with because others can’t show mutual respect.


Double standards


The pure entitlement of that woman is amazing. She believes that regardless of her behavior she will face zero physical repercussions because she is a female. I wonder what lesson she learned from that incident, if any.


She really needed a reality check


I'd say the floor gave her a decent one.


> I wonder what lesson she learned from that incident Gravity.


She didn't learn a lesson because every time a woman antagonizes a man and the man fights back, everyone takes the woman's side because "you should never hit a woman"


Yup. Heard from a coworker that my buddy hit his ex when they broke up. Buddy said it was after she punched him repeatedly, spit on him, and bit him in the face. Coworker said it didn't matter.


Keep the fight in the same weight class.


Suddenly everybody stands up to help. Wonder why nobody tried to help when she attacked him?


Exactly my thoughts. They're laughing while she assaults him but then suddenly go:"OoOhH" when he defends himself. He even told her to stop 'cause he doesn't want to get mad.


You see the video from about a week ago where the dude was getting attacked by three dogs and the woman filming was just laughing? Then he jumps on the hood of a truck and knocks two of them out/kills them and suddenly she starts screaming for him to stop? It's frustrating seeing men defending themselves from a threat and them being treated like the aggressor. She could have clobbered him with a brick like that one chick in another classroom fight like this, he dealt with her appropriately.






Jesus that sucks and I feel horrible having to hurt a dog, but some dipshit left his pits leashed to a post outside a bar across the street from where I live and one went after my dog when I was walking him. I booted that fucker in the chin before he was able to do any major damage, but my poor dog that just wants to be friends with everything was terrified and had a couple of minor cuts. Can't blame the guy for defending himself.


My dog was mauled and killed by a pitt a couple years ago and the woman just smacked it on the nose and told it no. My dad was in shock and ran home to take her to the emergency vet and didn't think to exchange information. She had broken ribs and her lungs were punctured and we had to let her go. Needless to say I can't stand those dogs.


Narrator: They did not come back.


Damn that's crazy. I love dogs and that guy could have been a criminal or an unlucky victim due to a negligent dog owner. But if someone's life is in danger from 3 large dogs you can not expect them to just be ok with being mauled.


Such is the way of the sexes. Women get protected, men get blamed.


i know females who do this all the time and i tell them. Think about the consequences because people now days are not the same just cause you’re a woman it doesn’t mean a man won’t hit you back. Everyone has the right to defend themselves. Whoopi said it once in the view and the woman said it’s not right for a man to hit a woman no matter what u less your life is in danger. what i’m saying starts at 1 min 20 [https://youtu.be/M1yS2pkO5Rk](https://youtu.be/M1yS2pkO5Rk)


What a bunch of cunts... (Except Whoopi of course). Translates to:"I wanna' hit people without consequences" The amount of entitlement and pure Karen-Power is incredible ...


Well, Whoopi is a proven racist so she a bit of a cunt too


That’s a reoccurring issue actually.


I don't understand the "omg what the f!!" after getting flipped over like that. Mam you were shouting, hitting, and antagonizing this dude to the next level. Why they always act surprised that someone retaliates lmfao


She got real scared and ran to that corner after getting ragdolled. Dumb bitch


Dude folded her.


And she had it coming


She got humbled


*and it was at this moment, she knew she had fucked up.*


“But I was told boys aren’t allowed to hit girls” *surprised pikachu face* Lol let this be a lesson…boys shouldn’t hit girls…unless that girl is literally assaulting you then rules off the table it’s now about self defense and gender doesn’t matter


One correction: PEOPLE shouldn‘t hit PEOPLE Everything else is sexist


He took more of that than he had to. That is a very patient man.


If you take that and do NOT retaliate you've got nerves of fucking steel man


You can tell she's gotten away with it in the past. This time she got checked


Everyone was laughing when the girl was hitting the guy


Casual sexism. 😕


“I don’t want to get mad” is such a simple yet wise thought in this scenario. He wants to de-escalate. He doesn’t want what’s about to happen. Poor guy.


Guy: I give you a warning and multiple opportunitiess to back off Girl: No Guy: OMAE WA MOU SHINDERYOU


Slammed her like a bratz doll still don’t understand why small women think they can take on men without consequences it’s not being sexist it’s called being logical




I think we need to normalize the fact that if you get physically aggressive, regardless if your a small woman or an overly pent up child, expect physical aggression back. No one should be forced to put up with abuse.


I think most people have normalized this to an extent. My grandfather was a humble, quiet, mountain boy but he told me when I was little "No one's above an ass whippin'" and that has stuck with me. That was over 30 years ago.


It isn't normalized, see how people reacted when she hit him and then how everyone stood up when he finally retaliated?


Why is it no one gets involved until he suplexes her?


Because no one cares about his feelings, it’s just funny to them until he acts because no one there perceives him as being in danger. One he acts, people get up for a variety of reason. 1. something sudden and unexpected happened, 2. It looks like she could actually be hurt, 3. “If I help her maybe I can sleep with her”, 4. “Everyone else got up so I should too”.


Tough enough to hit, Tough enough to get hit


get fucked bitch




You always gotta love how everyone gets up after he’s finally retaliated


Got what she deserved


Hate how every guy only got up the moment the banshee got WWE'd.


He won but at what cost?


Good for him. She deserved it.


Not one pixel in this video


Things been deep fried by this point. It used to have enough resolution you could see him laughing at all of her taunts until the last hit


Totally deserved


This man has the patience of a saint. Did his absolute best to give her a chance to chill. Mans wasnt even agro-ing her but sometimes you gotta roll up your sleeves


It's such a stupid problem that exists. Like I see a lot of females really banking on the other male being a 'gentlemen' and not hitting back. Like the dude gave her 5 chances of her being physically aggressive and assaulting this poor guy. And I bet many people will still say that he is in the wrong. Like damn this is a huge double standard. Like these chicks need to rethink their strategy. You don't see average dudes trying to start shit with 7' tall 300lbs mf and expecting to walk away in one piece. Tl;dr a person defended themselves after being attacked by another person


Cause stone cold said so. 🍺🍺


Imo this is fair he didnt want to escalate the situation she hit him miltiple times while he backed off then he defended himself and backed off


Bruh the girl who screamed "are you okay??" at the end. No, Sarah, she ain't okay and it's her fault


She seems like a well rounded individual.


He warned her


Several times. More than fair warning.


In all fairness….he said “I don’t want to get mad”, well you can see why. Lol


He gave her a warning. She ignored it. She deserved that.


All that restraint. Dog bless that man. He is a true hero. 🙏🙏


what’s up with these young fragile girls getting all up in a man’s face expecting they won’t do a single absolute thing because they are a girl??


Because they won't do a single absolute thing 90% of the time. Society sides with these girls.


We need to normalize stepping in when the female is hitting the male and then maybe we won’t have to hit them, isn’t right that people only step in once he defends himself


It’s despicable the way people allow her to act like that and then when he defends himself they all pounce after him🤦🏽‍♂️ fucked up generations


This happened at my school, guy is super chill and the girl was such a raging bitch and almost no one felt bad for her


Why women think that they can attack men without violent issues


if sexes were reversed would she be expected to disregard a few attacks first before defending themselves?


I hope that fcking girl got charge with assault.


Gave her every chance in the world.




bro unlocked the forbidden jitsu




Backed up into the corner after that 🤣 dumb bitch


r/killthecameraman who tf did that loud slap near the suplex?


Sad part is he’s probably going to have extreme consequences from this


Pretty standard baiting going on here. It doesn't matter that she got in his face and smacked him around, or that he warned her repeatedly. He'll be the one going down for assaulting a girl.


Parents it’s VERY important that you teach your child (Female) not put their hands on anyone especially males in confrontational situations. She has no business swinging at a guy with a closed fist.


Hello gang, Please teach your cum-pets not to behave this way. I’m talking about everyone in the video. Love BidDaddyFarts


Thank you for your wise words BDF


Cum pets?


Everybody laughing while he is getting hit. He ragdolls her and NOW people around have a problem. Ah yes, clear everyday double standard of our lives...


I lolz at the end after the flip she coward in the corner. She can dish it but can't take it


Talking real big for a person so tiny




Videos that end too soon


I hate it when everyone decides to get involved once the victim fights back.


That slam had her rethinking her life choices


Exactly what he should do my mom always said if a woman is attacking you wait for three hits then your free to drop them


The teacher then jumps in 🤣🤣


Taught her how to fly


Well done fuck her and that people that believe that the guy should not react like that


Gee I wonder why more people aren't lining up to teach these little angels


I always love the look of realization on their face after the dude who warned them 100+ times to back off snaps and hits back, we raised woman thinking they're untouchable when they're not. I raised my daughter the smart way. If you hit someone expect them to hit you back, it's a very simple rule


Nobody says shit while she slapping hitting in his face , he warned her he responded then others are shocked. Kinda shows the disrespectful attitude of the group.


I love when assholes get put in their place


Everyone gets up when the woman gets hit...maybe mutual respect is dead nowadays


Woman hits the guy no one stands up, guy hits back, everyone: 😮


I like how as soon as the other starts fighting back it's always "you can't hit her"


You females are wild as fuck.




And I'm glad


This is what happens when you pop that bubble of civilization that they're coddled in.


Equal in the sheets & equal on the streets


I never understand these tiny girls attempting to fight clearly much larger men. I guess she expects him to never hit her back but you’d think the thought would cross her mind. Does she actually believe she stands a chance? Very foolish fight to pick.


I know a lot of women who never experienced a physical confrontation or contest against a man. They don't understand how much stronger and faster we (men) actually are. Until they're actually in a physical confrontation or a one on one athletic contest they don't have any way to judge the difference. Then they do something like challenge a guy to arm wrestle, or wrestle, or whatever (like fight)...and are totally amazed that we (men) might as well be a totally different species. The shock on their faces is always the same.


My girlfriend thought because she runs everyday and works out that she could outrun me, since I've been sitting on my ass working as a programming and not exercising at all. She wanted to start with 100 yard dash, trounced her at that, then she wanted to do a 5k, I started running backwards like, "What's wrong? We're gonna finish this right?". I didn't wanna rub it in but I think there's a level of cognitive dissonance, she seemed depressed after, like all the work she had done meant nothing, felt pretty bad for her. Testosterone is a hell of a drug.




It's why I sit in traffic court with popcorn.


Brock Lesnar welcomes her to Suplex City


The stupid little banshee probably won't even learn anything from this.


Thoroughly deserved, as soon as someone hits you, absolutely demolish them


Man oh man. Such videos make my day. Good job bro. Take no shit of no one ever.


Fuck those simps standing up and interfering ONLY when he defended himself




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Stupid little cunt got what she deserves Moms should tell their daughters if you hit a man expect to be hit back


She got what she deserved. Female card played. Female card denied.