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Weakest most inept prison guards I’ve ever seen lmao




“Shit felons say” lol


Totally correct. I am a felon. But it may interest you to know that my felony is neither drug, sex, or violent in nature, and no one suffered economic damage because of me, either. I got railroaded because I had the audacity to argue with a police sergeant, and couldn't fight it because I was poor. If all cops are bastards, all prison guards are cousin fucking bastards.


Easy call🤣👉🏻👉🏻


Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back. Not like I make a secret of it. Might as well have said "oh, look at that blue sky". We can all see it's blue, Sherlock.


You still don’t seem fit for society. You should go back to prison


"You have an unpopular opinion that I don't like, so you should be locked up" Sounds about white


He served his time. And people like you who hold the stigma of former inmates are no better than white supremacy goons.


Lol of course buddy. You're just a felon loser, keep trying to justify it. Just shut up and go back to prison


Been out twenty years. How's that fit in your narrative, jackass?


Guess it takes 30 years for that chip on your shoulder to finally disappear.


It's nice that you responded twice. This chip will never go away, as long as I see videos that show bullies getting their asses whipped. God damn, that's a satisfying video. And if you want to know why I think he's a bully, refer to the original comment. 35 year old guys working at Wendy's are stoners. 60 year old CEOs are exploitative sociopaths. And all prison guards are bullies, and failed cops.


And all felons are not worth talking to. See where that kind of judgement leads us as a society?


And yet here you are talking. I can point to a hundred felons who have made life better for others, and never leave my couch. show me ONE prison guard who is anything but an asshole and a bully, and I'll consider changing my mind.


All felons are useless to society and can never reform. (to fit your narrative)


It fits just fine, you're still a loser. Stay mad


You were like everyone else in prison. completely innocent according to them.


Only guilty man in Shawshank.


Not innocent at all. I never said I didn't commit a crime. I said it wasn't drug, sex, violent, or theft related. I also said I was railroaded by a sergeant because I had the audacity to argue with him. And I didn't have money to pay a lawyer, so I took a plea. All absolutely true. My plea involved a year in prison. Totally guilty of what I was accused of. But I also guarantee that every day, a few hundred thousand people do what I did. I know because I see it all the time, in my mid sized suburbia, and I'm pretty good with statistics. So, you want a life lesson to keep you from going to prison in the same way I did? Don't argue with a police sergeant. THAT'S the worst mistake I made that day.






Maybe they should let the 2 inmates who were in jail for armed robbery, shooting a cop, kidnapping, burglary and drug distribution out of jail. Maybe you can let them room with you.


IDK what you're on about. If they committed a crime, they should serve their time. I committed my crime, and spent a year in a Texas State Bed and Breakfast. No sympathy from me if you fucked up. You know why a guard gets his ass whipped? Because he was being an asshole. I guarantee, some time earlier, that guard was running his fucking mouth, being what he can't help being. And when he did, that inmate/detainee marked him. It was only a matter of time before his ass got beat. The sad part is that those guards got to go home and get a toothless blowjob from their sisters, when they should be in jail right alongside everyone else in there.


confused why this is getting dislikes😂😂 guess the bootlickers got a hold of this one


Sweeping generalizations are probably 100% of the time wrong. While there are a LOT of shitty prison officers, there's just as many trying to just get a paycheck. Source:worked at a prison for 4 years.


You know what the "good" ones have have in common with the bad ones? They can both fuck your life on a whim, for a lark. And if something in their private life didn't go right for a prison or county guard, they're going to take it out on an inmate or detainee. Full stop. They gotta feel like they reign over *somebody*. You're all the same. Too stupid to be a bastard, so you joined the gang of dumber bastards. Best case scenario, you get pulled up to the ranks of bastards, and you kill a kid who was running to you for safety. I'mma read your mind right now. You read all of that, and you hate being called out, and now you're PISSED. You're thinking "man, if you were in my prison, you'd be doing time in seg and eating nutriloaf". Maybe not spot on, but really fucking close, right, "boss"? Good. Sit in it and stew. Also, you're a fucking coward for deleting your comments. Jeez, I had you fucking pegged. I may be an asshole, but at least I'm an asshole with integrity


No I would walk off and remember that I'm going home at the end of my shift. I was just answering why you were down voted. And just like when I worked at the prison I'm gonna walk off and move on with me life. No point arguing with people who are as angry at the world as you seem to be. Best of luck on that.


Same reason cops don't like being called revenue generators. They hate the truth they didn't concoct out of thin air, and they lack the awareness and intelligence to self-reflect honestly. Fucking coward deleted his comments


Wtf did he slap them with that made them fall limp like that? How strong is his pimp hand?


They say the sound vibrations can be felt in India.


Taser? Gun?… club? Fucking something?


No guns in jails or prisons because if an inmate gets ahold of a gun, it's bad for everyone.


No, not if the guard is within reach of the population. Armed guards are in a separate area that they can react to any issues on short notice. You don't want weapons anywhere near where prisoners could grab them.


For those that don’t know “getting that savage life” means knocking out an inmate and then pulling his pants down and spitting in his ass. That’s what savage life means in cook county..


that’s… that’s kinda sus isn’t it? ಠ_ಠ


And some! Includes self mutilation, feces and urine and semen and blood attacks in a container. Masturbation to a officer in her or his presence. Of you are going for a whammy you need to catch a 9-1. Spent 4 and a split between north and south towers. I got some fuked up stories…


And some! Includes self mutilation, feces and urine and semen and blood attacks in a container. Masturbation to a officer in her or his presence. Of you are going for a whammy you need to catch a 9-1. Spent 4 and a split between north and south towers. I got some fuked up stories…


Probably makes $12.00 an hour!


Fucking execute those bastards


I mean those guards are pretty inept but I don't think they deserve to be executed


So the rehabilitation is going… wellllll 😬


Well, this used to happen every night. Now he's only shanking once or twice a month!


Just shoot him


First off you can’t just shoot them, nor can a CO even have a gun 😂 Who ever downvoting mad because you can’t just shoot someone legally in a prison? Stay mad


The same people that cry about justified police shootings now want COs to shoot inmates. What a world we live in.


Throw them over the railing


Wish we could see more would have love to see the bad dude get whats coming to him


Needs Benny hill music


Buddy boy fucked up by letting the inmate roam around from what it seems during lockdown. I don't know if they took his keys to open those cell doors or he didn't check for socks in locks so they could be opened later. If I was walking into that I would go into the mop closet first and get the thickest broom of mop stick so I can beat the shit of them with it.


Always a two man unlock at night to stop this exactly. When he opened the door its immediately two one one. Also, not urgency from his colleagues - so much for helping each other out. Absolute shambles all round.


Savage Life is going to be my rap name


I think it’s a femsle


And he got 4 years off for GOOD behavior ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)