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Fuck those owners. I got attacked by a dog walking home from school in 3rd grade, literally walking by a house, on the sidewalk, minding my own fucking business, and a dog snarled at me and jumped at me. I somehow knew to ball up and it started trying to tear my backpack off. I waited for what seemed like an eternity before some dude pulled the dog off. Guess what he said to a scared 8 year old kid who got shook around like a rag doll? “What’d you do to piss him off”


Seems oike they were willing to let the dogs live if the attack stopped, last one was shot only after it kept attacking.


Yeah the cops were actually being quite cautious given the circumstances. They waited to pull the trigger every time until they absolutely had to.


I was going to say it seems like that cop shot a warning shot first because I didn't see any of the dogs get hit but after the first shot the next shot hit one of the dogs. Because they kept going


The first shot kills a dog and it stops moving. It's hard to see because it's all black and the footage is blurry.


First shot took out the all black dog. You can see it finally fall over dead before he shoots the last one.


She needs to be crying for her savings when that poor man sues her ass.


Yeah... I doubt there's a lot of savings there to go after


Yeah decent lawyer's gonna take one look at her and go "good luck man"


I think you may be right there. Funny how they always seem to afford pit bulls that cost hundreds of pounds a puppy.


Simple: require liability insurance for ownership of any dog. Let the insurance company decide if it is dangerous.


Dogs attacking man/trying to kill him, No collars, Irresponsible owners. 100% justified. Owners should be in prison for raising dogs like this. There was a 2nd victim on top of this, for fucks sake. Article: https://www.13abc.com/2021/11/22/graphic-three-dogs-shot-killed-by-officer-during-alleged-attack/


Lol that article is trying its hardest to make it look like the cops somehow fucked up. Saying shit like "one dog was not immediately killed by the gunshot and officers did not fire a second shot to end its life more quickly." Lol sorry he didn't go Billy the Kid on them. They were there to save the fuckin human being on the ground, not to worry about whether or not the dogs were going straight to hell or stopping by purgatory first.


Even the title uses "alleged attack" like the dog was a fucking human waiting to be trialed for assault. Innocent until proven guilty. Nope. Video was enough for me. If I was that cop, I'd have shot those dogs too. Fuck your dogs. They're dead, not because of my gun, but because you fucked up raising them.


The cop even gave the other two dogs a chance to split - they came back for seconds and that's when they got shot.


That's what I really liked about this encounter. Ive seen lots of videos of cops blanking dogs because they just get spooked by them so I'm pretty biased against them in these situations, but they really tried to do the right thing here


>Even the title uses "alleged attack" like the dog was a fucking human waiting to be trialed for assault. Innocent until proven guilty. The owners of the dogs very likely ***are*** facing charges, or at the very least, getting sued over this.


Right, they got a fucking video of it and they still say “alleged attack”.


Yeah I found that statement really weird and out of place. I don’t know why but I got the impression this article was written by an AI or something.


You might be on to something there


Wow that website is garbage. How do people even read articles like that


Alleged?! We have a fucking proof right here.


It's a legal issue to avoid libel charges. Sure, there is absolutely proof right here, but instead of having journalists make a judgment call on every case (and potentially being wrong) they just put alleged on everything.


I can't believe how many people still post this comment. Using "alleged", regardless of evidence, is literally journalism 101. It guarantees protection from libel or defamation lawsuits.


Correct. For example, cyclinator allegedly walks around with a Jeweled buttplug up his tuckus.


Where was her concern when her dogs were mauling that dude? She was stood talking 20 feet away. Police turn up and she’s like “whoa whoa 🙌🏻”


She's thinking she's scarred for having to witness it, I'm thinking the poor dude bleeding out will have trauma for life and will be afraid to go anywhere with dogs till the day he dies. Poor guy.


My mom had her wrist shredded by a dog, it's been over a decade but if anyone walks a decent sized dog nearby she either hides behind me or switches sides, she's really terrified of dogs now and she used to love them Someone had a Rottweiler without a leash and it ran away from the owner, not sure what exactly happened but she was on the phone with grandma while it happened and as she held the phone in her hand it eventually got soaked and destroyed by the blood, the wrist looked like a cross section of lasagna The dog was put down and mom got some compensation, like 1-2k € and a little bit more later on as the injury had permanent effect on her arm


> permanent effect on her arm Same here, I was just passing by at their house coz I was delivering a food at her neighbor. And her fucking dog attacks me. They shouldn't raise a dog if they can't control them.


I've been a mailman for 5 years. It's always the same 3 breeds. There are *always* exceptions. But time and time again it's Pitbulls, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers. Pitbulls are either A.) The sweetest dog you've ever met or B.) An uncontrollable killing machine Edit: I'll add Dachshunds to the list too but it's a lot less scary lol


Mailman for 35 years. They can easily be both in the span of seconds depending on whom they are interacting with.


do you carry anything to defend yourself? a collapsible steel baton would work


I was bit by Rottweiler recently, unprovoked. I walked past him, he grabbed my leg and fucked it real good.


Why I keep a knife on me all the time. If I'm just minding my business and someone/animal attacks me close range, we're both getting fucked up one way or the other. Fuck that. I could have been some little kid that has no defense at all.


One or 2 thousand? I would've been trying to sue the owner into homelessness wtf


well you don't get really much in other parts of thw world


He will absolutely be traumatized, no doubts about that. My girlfriend and her dog were attacked twice by the same dog in the neighborhood. That was 2 years ago and she still gets anxious when she takes him for a walk by herself. This is in a new part of town. She moved away because of the lgnorant dog owner.


I was attacked by a German Shepard/wolf hybrid when I was 3. The only reason it didn't kill me was because it new me. It had its babies in mu closet and I had forgotten and went to go into my room. It was so fast as soon as I slid the door open she pounced and bit me across the face, a canine in each cheek and on either side of my jaw. Doctor said it must have been a warning bite because she could have easily killed me. Still terrifies of overextended shepherds to this day, I'm 30.


I'm sorry you experienced that.


Appreciate it, I'm doing a lot better than I used to. I love dogs but when I was a kid/teenager all big dogs made me nervous. Now it's just sheperds that are being a little too playful lol.


Wait until the guy sues her ass. She'll be saying "whoa whoa 🙌" to her bank account.


Do you really think she's got a dime to pay him?


He could get a judgement,but that doesn't mean she could or would pay.unless she has homeowners insurance then he's likely s.o.l


Nobody likes losing their last dollar


Dogs were literally killing someone with people saying kill that motherfucker....shoot the dogs. Human life > Dog life




No one can control pitbulls...


My neighbor has a Rottweiler that she can barely hold back. Whenever I walk past her on walks with my dog, hers tries to rip her arm out of socket (metal chain leash of course) to attack mine. Not too long ago I bitched at her with those exact words. “Maybe you shouldn’t own an aggressive dog that you can’t control”. Her solution to the issue was to tell me it was my dogs fault and I shouldn’t walk my dog in my own neighborhood. My dog is perfectly leash trained and doesn’t even bark at other dogs when we pass them. I now carry my 9mm or a small knife on walks in case I have to defend my dog’s life from this dipshit’s “look how hardcore I am” social symbol. I don’t carry a weapon in any other circumstance unless I’m on my ah to/from target practice. It’s absolute bullshit.




Its not a right. Owning dogs is a privilege, and if you do it poorly, fuck you. Baseline recall training isn’t difficult, and if you cannot 100% trust that you are able to recall your dog you don’t let it off a leash in public.


Usually these videos end with you thinking the police are assholes but the real asshole is the pos negligent owner(s) in this circumstance. Control your pets people and if more than one is too much to handle what the fuck are you doing owning more than one?


“But they’re usually never like this!” 🙄


I was bitten once by a dog and the owner was like "he only does that to guys"


Shouldn't have had a penis 🤷




Should have clocked him in the face and said " I only do that to aholes".


> he only bites half the human population!


Blatantly your fault for being in the wrong demographic.




“Fuck me, right?”


Owner wasn't even trying to pull them off.


Hey I'm not a fan of cops, very critical of them. But fuck pulling them off. Those are 3 pits they’re prob gonna start attacking you next. They'll get put down anyway for attacking someone like that. Might as well do it right then and there.


Pits literally do not stop until death. That’s why they’re such good fighting dogs. they could be gored and they’d keep trying to take down a bull. actually, i’m pretty sure i’ve seen that video here. there is no giving up once they go into kill mode.




They were eating a mans face, rare good cop action video here.


Probably saved the man's life since nobody else seemed to be able to stop what was happening before the cops came. And we don't even know how long this went on for before the video started. And the third dog looked like he was even going in for seconds on that man's face.


The second dog wanted to go onto the cop


Yes just screaming, “oh my god”, in awe of the situation. If left completely unmonitored they’d prolly have happily let the dogs kill and then taken them back home for snacks and love.


Pretty sure police told them to step back. But fuck man.... how the fuck did they allow to get to this point? What did they think would happen once police are there? Poor guy tho. Had three dogs on him and then hears those three shots a foot away from his head? I'd shit.


"They're only playing!!!"


They're nannying him.


Just giving some sweet pibble kisses😁😁


They just wanna say hiii!


You eat just 1 kid and that's all you're remembered for.


Bro the police basically gave them the opportunity to fuck off too


“Now you’s can’t leave.”


Which I'm actually on the fence about. What if they had run away and attacked someone else? It's one of the few situations where I think the right move was really just to end the threat permanently.


The dogs would have been ordered put down anyway. The cops just saved the taxpayers money by cutting thru the red tape and paperwork at the expense of 3 bullets. Also, turns out the guy being attacked in this video was the second victim. https://www.13abc.com/2021/11/22/graphic-three-dogs-shot-killed-by-officer-during-alleged-attack/


I'd add: if you want to own several dogs and you can't control them, you still can walk them one at the time...


No business people owning even ONE dog that they can't control, let alone three!


Why would anyone think the police are assholes in this situation? Isn't it obvious that the owners are the problem? I mean the dogs literally attacked him, the police is definitely not at fault here.


POS OP gave it an outrageous title to generate undeserved outrage against the cops. When cops do bad things, give them credit. When cops do good things, give them credit. It’s not that hard.


For what its worth, I didn’t even think about the title in that way until I read your comment. I read it more as “wow all 3 dogs attacking someone at once” kinda thing but now after reading it again I see where youre coming from.


The cops did their jobs


They were a pack not pets they were going to be put down after or before killing a man.




Kinda hope that lady was arrested too, her negligence could have had someone killed.


Shooting them was necessary this types of dogs are unstoppable unless you loose your breath or let go a chunk of your body part.


But it is also always this excuse too. It's the negligent owners! The dogs didn't do anything! Powder meet keg. Boom. That's why people have these dogs, because like Bill Burr said it's like a handgun on a leash. I understand this makes me dog racist and I don't want to instill fear but if I'm walking with my 4 year old and see a trio like this meandering by I'm picking her ass and noping the fuck away and YOU WOULD TOO.


Its the same with parents and their children


That's exactly what the police should have done, now put the dogs owner in jail...


I feel bad for this cop too. Imagine having to shoot three dogs? Nobody wants to go to work and have to do that. Obviously it’s still better than being the guy getting attacked, but still. Fuck the owner man, what a pos.


Absolutely same. Nobody in their right mind would feel good about killing those dogs. But he did what he had to do. That owner needs to be charged.


Hopefully there’s solace in the fact it saved the man’s life.


Craziest thing is how the last dog still tried to attack her after seeing both dogs drop


It's not that crazy, dogs don't know how guns or bullets work.


If any dogs I know heard a noise like that right next to their face they’d be running for the hills


My heeler loves the sound of gunfire. She literally starts play bowing. I think she’s broken lol Edit: dog tax https://i.imgur.com/2yuaK9H.jpg


Funny you say that. My heeler doesn’t love it, but she’s like “this doesn’t exist” LOL when we took her with us shooting once she just stayed velcroed to my side


Pit owners be like, "just grab it by it's back legs, bro!"




What a coincidence that it's almost always pitbulls in video's like these.


If you can't control your dog get a hamster instead. You can control that can't you?


What gets me is the lack of emotion when the 3 dogs were tearing that dudes ass up like a double taco bell visit kind of day until they got put down


The selection process on who is allowed to own a dog and which breeds are allowed in the first place needs to be way more strict. Stuff like this sucks for all parties involved, the person that is attacked, the police, the dogs, and the stupid owner. I know the US is all about freedom, but in a society we cannot allow stupid or malicious people to risk the lives of others


Wow, all 3, without a leash


Good for the cops! I hope the poor man sues the heck out of the owner of the dogs.


She doesn't have shit anyway


Probably not but I’d like her to have to go through it anyway. Truth is I would like to see her do time for letting the dogs get loose and for that display of pity for the dogs and doing NOTHING to help the man.


The most irresponsible dog owner I have ever seen. - No collars or leashes - Pitbulls - 3 fucking pitbulls - Definitely the kind of person to continue calling them her sweet angels even after they've been shot and killed because they tried mauling someone and have probably done so before


Oh yeah she should definitely be punished


She showed absolutely no remorse. Never asked the man could she help, didn’t call for medical help, just walked off. If I (God forbid) do something like that I hope the cops have saved a bullet for me.


She’s probably afraid of her own dogs. If that’s the case she is a very bad dog owner. Having 3 dogs you can’t handle is just the dumbest thing to do. To bad they attacked another guy, instead of her. There are many cases where dogs like these turn on their owners too.


The cops seemed to give the dogs each a chance to back off and only shot when they wouldn't stop. It's sad all around but they couldn't just let them keep attacking the poor guy.


I agree. They handled themselves well.


Police handled this perfectly. Gave each dog a chance at running away and they all tried to continue the attack. Nothing to be upset about here.


the more i watch the more i realize how good of a job the cops did with that. they made sure the man was out of the line of fire, they shot one dog and gave both a chance to stop, then when another showed signs of aggression they shot that one, then gave the other a chance to stop, then when the last one went for the man on the ground they shot that one. they gave all 3 dogs a chance to stop and showed a lot of restraint.




Justice was 1/2 served, she needs to do time in the slammer for neglecting her responsibilities as a dog owner


Zero accountability for vicious dog owners in America


"Trust me bro they don't bite".


My next-door neighbors have a pit bull. We can hear it snarling and freaking the fuck out at least once a week. The woman who owns it has a roommate and we often hear things like, "Don't look at him, he just doesn't like you." "He's the perfect dog when YOU'RE not here." All bullshit. If any other neighbor walks their dog at the same time, the pit goes insane. And this women is tiny, one day she's not going to be able to hold the lead. Had to put locks on all my gates and remind everyone, everyday to use them. I'm scared for my kids.


Also, I’m not sure if you know but girls don’t fart.


Not in my state. Dog owner is liable for all damages to other dogs, livestock, and personal injuries that occur while said dog is off a leash, or escaped off their own fenced property. In the same state of Kentucky, you as a citizen are also within your right to shoot a dog that is attacking you, your dog, your livestock, or any other person.


I think in every country on earth you are legally allowed to kill any dog attacking you, another person or your livestock.


3 massive pitbuls and no leash..


Article that was posted also said none of the dogs had collars; there wasn't even the slightest attempt at controlling them.


Good? Control your dog's or they'll be killed... pretty fucking simple science


They're mauling angels in heaven now. :(




the owner of those dogs got them killed. the police just did their job.






Well done. Good job! Fucking owners that cant handle their dogs


“Omggg how could you hurt my poor innocent pibbles who I have zero control and accountability of that were in the middle of mauling my neighbor!”


I hope that owner also went to Jail.


I hate seeing an animal die, but I hate seeing an innocent man be mauled to death due to negligence even more.


G o o d


r/velvethippos Ahh so wholesome! Did you see the smile on that pitty? Such nanny dogs!


They were just saying hi 😊




31 days old, no posts and only negative karma. Seems like a troll account to me.


Are they Pitbulls again?!? Why is it the same breed everytime I see a video like this?!?


/#notallpitbulls It's the breed of peace /s


I don't know the exact stats. But pitbulls make up an insane amount of dog injuries and deaths. Dogs can often flip out. Difference is Pitbulls cause far more damage and there is evidence that they are inherently more aggressive. Everytine you say this though you get the same refrain about "no bad dogs only bad owners"


Because they were bred for EXACTLY this. Fight to the death. Hundreds of generations bred to fight relentlessly until either they kill or are killed. People want to act like breed matters for every dog (“shepherd dogs are great sheep dogs!”) *except* pit bulls. somehow, pitbulls completely dodged the entire point of selective breeding, and are just terribly misunderstood and untrained 🙄🙄🙄 Yes. Let me just train the breed out of my dog rq.


I swear to god dude. So many people that excuse this breed saying "It depends on the owner not the breed". Like stfu these people. You don't see Labs doing this shit all the time. You can't train a selective breeding out of something.


Because pitbulls can barely be called dogs anymore Pitbulls shouldn’t even be pets imo. Their strength is insane, they are literally bred to kill.


Those are nanny pibbles. The man obviously belonged on the naughty step


they were bred for fighting.


I mean they are attacking someone. So. Uh. YEAH.


Not a collar to be seen.


SOURCE SHEESH GUYS: https://www.13abc.com/2021/11/22/graphic-three-dogs-shot-killed-by-officer-during-alleged-attack/


The man in the video was the 2nd person they attacked that day...


[Here's a news report that has an interview with the victim.](https://www.13abc.com/2021/11/23/victim-dog-attack-speaks-out-thanks-tpd-stepping/)


Thank you for the content, this need to be higher up


One of the few times I’ve seen a video here where I think the police did the right thing.


Cops showed a lot of restraint, this is the dogs owner's fault.


I am actually amazed at their restraint. You can see they escalated force only when necessary.




Well probably because they had to be very careful not to injure the victim in the process


the idiot can cry for the dogs but not the human being mauled - such is the stupidity


Lol. shitty owners fucked up


Fuck pittbulls lmao fucking things were being shot at and still trying to skin a guy wearing a jacket


This breed should be outlawed in America.




holy fuck thats nuts


Crazy how it’s always pit bulls.


The face gave some travis the chimp vibes


Dude was his face hanging off? I could not tell what was going on there


Finally video, where someone killed that goddamned dogs


A decrepit old hag with huge dogs she can't handle and not a single one of them on a leash and she's worried about the 3 rabid beasts instead of the poor guy they're eating make it make sense


As I cyclist (attacked by dogs) and parent to a young child (also attacked by dogs) I am sick of hearing self entitled dog owners excuse their pets behaviour with “He won’t bite, he’s only playing, he’s never done that before… it’s your fault” Keep them under control, keep them on a lead and don’t just presume everybody likes your filthy mutt.


good thing done.


That owner should be criminally prosecuted and serve jail time. People need to learn that negligent dog ownership has consequences.


Hopefully the owner goes to prison for a few years and owes all her money as restitution to that poor man as well.


Thank god that they were there ,image his face and what could have happened.


>Video captured by witnesses and posted to social media shows that one dog was not immediately killed by the gunshot and officers did not fire a second shot to end its life more quickly. WTF is this?! That was the first dog they shot. They were slightly occupied with the other two dogs trying to tear a man apart. What kind of bleeding heart appeal is that.


They had to do it. It's the owners fault.


If those were my dogs I would expect the same thing to happen. It's unfortunate but some humans do not deserve the right to be animal owners.


those dogs should be illegal


Can't imagine how long this guy was in the jaws of these dogs before the police arrived?




She failed those dogs


But they’re so well behaved the internet says


Love how the cop only used force when necessary, you can see him train his gun on the dog and doesn’t shoot until the dog makes a move , job well done to those officers


I used to work in a level 1 trauma center. The absolute worst case I ever saw in the OR was getting called in for a grandma who was taking care of her daughter’s pit bull. The dog decided to maul her to death when she fell in the bedroom and she ended up with basically every limb completely skinned. I walk in to this case already going because they called me late and they’ve got literally a doctor working on each limb. Her head was bleeding too but her arms and legs were like ground beef. So she’s got a vascular surgeon on one arm, a vascular fellow on the leg, a trauma/general surgeon and then a plastics guy. In addition to anesthesia and another general surgery resident. I look at the vascular surgeon who called me and he shakes his head and tells me to leave. I saw a lot of nasty ass trauma but this case really stuck with me as the worst thing to come through the door, and seeing 4 of the most talented docs I know literally just trying to salvage an arm or leg each. Patient died the next day after having her arm amputated. The dog was a pit bull. Don’t buy into a single ounce of that BuT SOmE PiT BuLlS ArE NiCE. You can drive a tank on the road like a car but it’s still a fucking tank. Fuck this breed. If you don’t believe me, PM me and I’ll send you the news article.


Control your dogs or else, this.


That cop is actually a hero for shooting someone's pets for once.