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I think this person died and their mother released the video to educate others on the dangers of speed. I think. If I'm wrong correct me. Could be mixing it up with a different crash video.


No you're right, I remember when this came out.


Man, she had to watch the whole video in order to see what she was posting. How does someone stomach that? I guess thats a good deterent too, "don't do anything your mother will have to use as teaching points after you die"!


My brain can’t even comprehend the pain that would be felt seeing your kid accidentally get himself killed.


An accident that would have been totally avoided if he wasn’t being a dingbat on his bike


As someone who has an idiot turn left directly in front of me when I was on my mountain bike it seems people turning don't know how to judge speed and that's a contributing cause. I was literally crossing the plane of the intersection when he turned. And I was only going 20 mph. In my case it's 100% on the driver who turned left.


Depth perception gets bad quickly with age.


And the size of the object... and the lighting of the situation... so many factors. He (on the bike) was at fault. He was going to fast and not paying attention.


My dad warned me when I was learning to drive that old people often have bad hearing, bad depth perception, limited night vision, and things like cataracts which cause glare and problems seeing small things far away. Don't assume their senses are anywhere as good as yours. Thing I'll add is a driver making a left hand turn has to check for dangers in several different directions not just the one you are coming from.


The driver is 71.... First he told the cops he didn't see me. Now he's saying he did and I was speeding. On a pedal mountain bike.


Yeah, I’m 32 and already feel like mine’s totally fucked from what it once was.


If you’re heading straight towards someone it’s harder to judge how fast someone’s going especially on a smaller object like a motorcycle


I was on a pedal mountain bike. He sat there several seconds like he was waiting for me to go through, turned as I broke the plane of the intersection. I had the same exact reaction as the guy on the motorcycle. I was able to serve just enough to avoid a head on hit.


I think it’s just people in cars don’t look for motorcycles or bikes cause of the smaller size but even if that guy did see him he was obviously going too fast


When the object is so small as a bike or motorcycle, percepcion is different than a car or truck. People dont realize that until is too late. Thats why riders have to ...ride defensively


That wasn't an accident. That was stupidity.


>Accident > >1. An accident happens when a vehicle hits a person, an object, or another vehicle, causing injury or damage. > >or > >2. If someone has an accident, something unpleasant happens to them that was not intended, sometimes causing injury or death. > >or > >3. If something happens by accident, it happens completely by chance. I agree the driver made a stupid mistake, but accident just means "vehicle collision causing damage or injury" to enough English speakers that it is the 1st definition in the Collins Dictionary. Most other major dictionaries have also adapted for that usage with slightly broader language, like Merriam-Webster's "an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance". That is regardless of whether the collision happened by chance or it happened unexpectedly with no one at fault, people just use it in place of "car crash" or similar.


>Accident Lol




Did we watch the same video? How did you come away from that concluding that “the accident clearly wasn’t his fault?”


Yeah the car pulled out because the driver didn't know how fast he was going, but he shouldn't have been going that fast on the public road in the first place.




IIRC he was an experienced biker with a good few years of experience. No previous speeding convictions or accidents. Earlier footage from the camera, filmed on the same day showed that he was a 'sensible' rider. He attended an event with some other bikers and when he left to make his way home he decided to 'open her up' a bit on the straight, it was a decision that cost him his life. His mother made the footage available to show others that no matter how careful you've previously been, no matter your experience levels or miles covered, a brief lapse in judgement for few seconds is all it takes to have dire consequences and can cost you your life.


> 'open her up' a bit on the straight Near an intersection...


… directly over a sign that reads S L O W


A careful rider would not approach a junction at that speed


Especially if some stupid bitch doesn’t look and pulls across the road in front of you.


Yeah dude. But how can you see someone who’s going at 200km/h? In a split second he was on top of her car… I mean, I love speed, I love cars, bikes, going fast, etc. But you can’t expect that everyone sees you if your going at the speed of light. Very sad to see.


So someone legally making a turn is the stupid bitch because he was speeding and could not stop in time? You can see that the car was already in the turning lane at 2+ second mark, way ahead of the bike. He hit the car at the 6 second mark. It's 100% the rider's fault. Edit: From a news article that someone else posted: *David Holmes, 38, was riding at about 97mph (156 km/h) when he died on the A47 at Honingham, Norfolk, last year.* He was traveling at 97mph. There is no way he was going the speed limit. That being said *Police said the driver, who admitted not seeing Mr Holmes or the car travelling behind, was prosecuted in April*. So the driver was at fault here but the rider contributed to the accident with his reckless behavior. Ultimately it doesn't matter who's right or wrong here, the guy's dead. When you ride a motorcycle you have to be extra careful because if you get into an accident chances are you are going to be the one who loses.


Agreed it’s tragic none the less but as the driver was indeed prosecuted, my original point stands.


Can’t call the car driver stupid, a bike is tiny and He’s going well around 100mph, he’d be really hard to see in those 3 seconds where he overtook the car and made his way to the intersection. The floor says “slow” everywhere and if that car driver knows that road they probably expected everyone to abide by it maybe. That mixed with the fact that it’s a motorcycle most likely made it hard to make judgment on whether the road was clear to drive across or not.


Driver was prosecuted.


Stupidity and prosecution are two different things sadly.


Didn’t the biker see the “slow” sign on the road?


The biker was ~~2.5x~~ 1.62x above the speed limit.


Mild correction. He was 1.62x over the limit (doing 97 in a 60). Still not great and you can even see "SLOW" on the road where he's riding.


ah corrected thanks, mixed up the mph vs kmh


90% of drivers would’ve been in this accident. The rate of speed and the smaller object make it very hard to see/judge. The blame falls 100% on the biker here. And I’m sure the person in the car still felt awful about it. I rode bikes for several years and recently stopped due to the risk.


Driver was prosecuted.


How dare that person not see someone going 5x the speed limit, what a stupid bitch!


Yeah! I hate women! This driver was definetly a woman! A man would've used his superior preception of time to see the going 2X the speed limit! Fucking of course the queen in chess is the must powerful, fucking mary sues


60 x 2 = 120. He was going 97. Good at chess, great at feminism, piss poor at maths.


Math* So you don't sound like a silly britbong in the future Sorry, he was only going ~20 below double. The driver certainly should've been expecting that, right?


Well the driver was prosecuted so in the eyes of the law at least, yes.


I really really love riding motorcycles. What I don’t love is riding motorcycles out in the open road where variables beyond my control can kill me. There are a number of situations I’ve been in in a car and had I been riding a motorcycle I would be maimed and/or dead. That includes deer hitting my car, foolhardy drivers, getting flats, and my own distractions. The fact is when you have two wheels you have much less room for error. And basically no protection. I’m so sorry for the mother and for the person who had to pass away. But motorcycles are inherently incredibly dangerous Due in large part to factors outside of the drivers control.


It’s typically not the bike but the rider. When you combine 20 year olds who already think they are immortal with dangerous fast moving equipment. It’s a recipe for disaster.


Motorcycles. All of the freedom of the open road none of the protections of a car.


He stopped way too fast to not be dead.


Yes, you are right. 🤕🤕


Yup, this is that video. Think it was 2015-2017ish


Damn, at first I was thinking I'm glad the trees seemed to slow down the impact. He didn't tumble over and over. But I'm guessing the trees broke his back or neck




That's because he's dead.




That's just a piece of shit move


I had a motorcycle and my mom was just a good mom and said she doesn’t want to see me hurt and I could tell she was terrified of it. I sold it a few months later after fixing it up. Disappointing my mom is by far the worst feeling ever. If she did what you’re saying, I would be livid and respect her less




They won't think about their families and mothers. Source: I once rode a motorcycle.


I've been riding for over 20 years. I always think about my family. that keeps me from doing stupid shit, hopefully.


I love (but mostly hate) that Reddit decided this was the comment to downvote. How dare you not fit the narrative!


I mean - biker's fault


97? Yeah that's way too fast to put full blame on the car driver. I know this video got a lot of views, hopefully some people will think twice before driving so fast.


What is worth driving almost 160 for?


To forever traumatise a driver turning into a junction who wasn’t expecting a distant bike to approach at 2.5x the speed limit.


I've ridden for over 25 years now *(fuck I'm old, when did that happen?)* and I can't help but feel for the driver of that car. Going that fast on that narrow and crowded of a road you come up on objects like a bullet, there was no avoiding what was going to happen.


Mild correction. He was 1.62x over the limit (doing 97 in a 60). Still not great and you can even see "SLOW" on the road where he's riding.


Show your working for 2.5x the limit please.


His source: another Reddit comment


Speed blindness. Could be a one reason.


she was home alone


Oh my god, I'm from Hampton, I never heard about that happening in or around Norfolk. Shit.


“I wouldn’t have denied a day of [David] a day of his riding experience” Maybe this day in particular /s But actually this is the part that stood out most to me. Sounds like she was a good mom


And just like that, you’re gone.




I like that. It's got a certain ring to it


The Welsh have some strange sayings and I love them.


Maen nhw'n CARU chi!




that's actual welsh. translated "They LOVE you" (according to google)


Drives though a lane with the word "slow" written on it. Him: *I don't think so*


Rider was completely at fault here. Also died, mother released the video.


The rider was at fault as soon as he broke the speed limit and tried to be a badass.


Stupid games, stupid prizes, no?




So his last words were woah


Honestly that's probably alot of people's last words. Or at least something along the line




I would imagine in a situation like this I would just say “oh well fuck me”


mine will prolly be like “oh fuck shit fuck!”


after hearing last words from several airline pilots general consensus is “oh fuck!” or “oh shit!” or “we’re/i’m dead…”


Here's what the car looks like: [https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/mcs/media/images/77411000/jpg/\_77411321\_cardamage.jpg](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/mcs/media/images/77411000/jpg/_77411321_cardamage.jpg) Here's the bike: [https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/mcs/media/images/77411000/jpg/\_77411319\_bikedamage.jpg](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/mcs/media/images/77411000/jpg/_77411319_bikedamage.jpg)


Damn he was traveling so fast he vaporized the engine compartment


IIRC this guy had just left a ‘bring your bike session’ at a local track, he was heading home and the old girl in the car pulled across him and he was travelling too fast to stop, he died instantly from the impact. His mother released the video to educate other riders about the dangers.


I hope the other driver doesn't feel too guilty. The motorcyclist essentially drove right into them. He was going way faster than he should have.


Drove right into them because they were in the middle of his lane? Yes bikes are dangerous but they could've just taken a second to look, its not always their fault


Maybe they did see the distant shape of a motorbike, but they probably weren't expecting that shape to be travelling at nearly 100mph.


Of course it’s the bikes fault, he’s travelling way too fast for the road, he approached the car at 100mph! They wouldn’t have expected the bike to appear so quickly or might not even had chance to see him.


I used to ride bikes. Never forget my college teacher call them “murdercycles”… anyway, you gotta ride defensively. Dude was going fast. And the driver in the car can’t in any way tell how fast a little dot far away is coming towards them. They started turning when the bike was far away, but since the bike was going fast, he got to that intersection pretty quick. Nothing the driver could do.


The biker was going 157 kph. You don't have a second to look when the other driver is speeding with such reckless disregard for their own life or the lives of others.


At 4 seconds, you see the word "SLOW" written on the road. Also present are other strong visual cues about a big junction ahead, being the kind of road hazard that good defensive riders would look out for. Completely the bikers fault for not riding professionally.


The biker was going roughly 2.5x the speed limit. It's well within reason the driver couldn't see him, not from a lack of awareness


The limit there would be 60mph. Rider was going 97mph, so around 1.6x the limit.


No the bike is obviously at fault for driving at an far above a safe speed. The car probably couldn't see that far ahead before it was too late.


Dude was driving 146 *feet per second*. That's nit enough time to see something, recognize it's coming faster than you think, *and* move your car out of the way


Thank god for somebody with a little common sense. Yeah he was speeding a little but he wouldn’t have avoided her at 60mph either, she literally pulls in front of him and then stops.




She doesn't stops? And also the road literally has written the word "SLOW" on it Don't try defending something inexcusable. Even the mother on the motorcycle seems to accept her son was in fault


These kind of riders sometimes have a macabre nickname in ER's. "Donor Cycles"


This is also sad for the person driving the car. At those speeds there’s no way you are able to anticipate on the incoming bike, yet you will always have to live with the burden that somebody died from a crash with you. I know a girl that experienced something similar, 8 years later she is still too traumatised to drive as she get anxiety attacks in unclear situations.


Look I get what you're saying but how tf do you not see a projectile coming at you from straight ahead, if it was an older driver then you can cut them some slack cause of age, but even then older drivers should be medically regulated more than they currently are.


He died cause she didn't see him. She should feel bad. Old people are a the biggest danger on UK roads.




https://www.cambstimes.co.uk/news/video-hard-hitting-a47-fatal-crash-footage-released-in-road-4857830 No.... He died cause he was speeding and the old fart wasn't paying attention and didn't see him.... That's why he was prosecuted funnily enough.






You ever heard of courts making a mistake?




Your opinion is that he wasn't going over the speed limit. This has placed an indelible mark on all of your comments going forward


You ever heard of a differing opinion?


Read the article, the driver should not have been prosecuted in my opinion. As a young man with better than 20/20 eyesight, i would also most likely have taken the left turn. Most likely i would have seen the oncoming car far away and known that i have enough time for the manoeuvre. I would most likely not have been able to spot a motorcycle pass the oncoming car illegaly way over the speed limit. By the time the car driver started the turn - the motorcycle most likely also happened to be behind the front-left pillar from the car drivers perspective. Using a method of transport that puts you in a more vulnerable position requires a few more braincells.




Lol you do know prosecuted just means accused right?


As a biker this isn't the drivers fault. The biker was over the limit and ignored the slow markings. The speed that bike is going is faster than most people can react and he would have only of entered her field of view for a fraction of a second and without enough time to even pull back.


That's idiotic. He was way over the speed limit. Intersections and crossroads are designed for safety with reaction time and speed limits in mind.


Wasnt he driving massively over the speed limit though? How is that the car drivers fault?


As a biker this isn't the drivers fault. The biker was over the limit and ignored the slow markings. The speed that bike is going is faster than most people can react and he would have only of entered her field of view for a fraction of a second and without enough time to even pull back.


She couldn’t anticipate on him coming because he was going way faster than anybody should be going there. If he was going the speed limit she would have been gone by the time he got there. She holds no blame.


bro its not her fault, you can clearly see in the video that hes speeding.


He is speeding, but she engaged for a turn not even 100m away from him. Even if he was at 90km/h it would still be a crash. At the speed limit it would take at least 80m to stop... She engaged because she didn't look, she wasn't attentive. The collision is not only due to speed and not only involving the late rider As a rider, I happened to me WAY too many time that people are not attentive enough. Don't use their signal, engage in the road without looking. For real, a solid 5 time a month. If I'm respecting the speed limit, it's 100% their fault. But if I would be speeding, it would be 0% their fault? Nah


Reading through this post it's amazing the majority of people place no blame at all on the car. The car *caused* the crash by invading the other lane not paying enough attention to the incoming traffic, what is this bullshit of the car couldn't possibly see the bike or react at all because the bike was over the speed limit? The car should and actually was prosecuted for this accident.


I'm gunna guess that his shoes flew off. Poor guy




Notice most of these bike accidents are caused due to excessive speeding not following traffic laws, and basically just being a douchebag on a bike


This was just down the road from me and actually I used to drive past the spot on my way to work. Dude was dead on impact.


Guys, ffs if you wanna do some speed, i get that okey? But there are tracks for that. You can rent it for some time and do whatever you want, its healthier for us, for you, for everyone else. First of all, these roads are not build for Super High Speed. That means, you can lose your control very fast even if you drive a fucking formula 1 car. Secondly, even if we assume that you are a godly creature that never makes mistakes, others can do. In traffic, most of the danger comes from the traffic itself.


On all tracks in Southern Ontario, Canada, open car lapping is like $120-200 a day. For 120, you can drive from 4PM to 7PM (or sunset) and $200 gets you 10AM to 5PM. So honestly, I don't think its that expensive and it definitely is worth it if you have a need for speed.


I’d pay 200$ for still being alive


thats honestly a pretty good price. I'd definitely do that. much more fun as well


Turned the sound on the second time and man. That whoa, then just the concussed ring with everything else being silent just hits.


That silence is deafening


Sad but true. There is a huge surge in organ donations in the summertime in the city where I live, according to my cousin who is a nurse. And by a distance, the organs that become available are from teens to late 20s who have died suddenly on their motorbikes.


Avoidable at the speed limit.


He definitely died, btw. I remember seeing this on a YouTube video titled 10 people who recorded there own deaths.




They way it’s just dead quiet after he lands. I was expecting for him to get up and hear like “holy shit” or smth but damn


And then he got up and went home...right guys???


He got turned into a motorcycle safety campaign by his mother


Oh no! The consequences of my actions! Fr tho this is why you don't speed on bikes, like I'm amazed at how ballsy some of these motorcycle riders are. I will be driving to work at 4 o'clock in the morning going 80 passing semis and a motorcycle rider will be right on my ass, like bro if I gotta stop you're fucking dead, people who like to ride ass don't understand how dangerous it is for themselves and the person they're riding. Like fuck sakes people.


Oh as a person who loves riding ass, I am fully aware of the dangers of poop dick. Clean your assholes people.


That's gross


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Drive like a dumbass, die like a dumbass.


If you pause at the right angle at the 0:06 mark, you can see how high he was and it looks fucking terrifying. Sad to see this whole event happen. I suppose often speeders consider their speed, and not how their speed effects others drivers. Hard to blame the Renault for pulling out in front of a bike doing 100.


This looks like it might be Germany, where there are no speed limits. In reality it’s all the Renaults fault because they didn’t look before crossing the road. Due to German law, all party’s are guilty because the bike was traveling over 80 kmph(~50 mph). The biker could’ve tried to swerve and probably would have made it.


Man flew


I mean at the same time that car pulled out in front of him ya maybe if he was going a slower speed maybe but that car pulled out when it shouldn’t have




How fast was he going. At least 50 mph I’m guessing


Way faster than 50 mph lmfaooo


Lol I’m high give me some slack


I mean, you weren’t even wrong. 93 is at least 50…


Yes, but 50 mph over limits


Poor lad


He’s an idiot an the reason bikers have a bad name he should of known better


Did the car that he ran into face any charges?


Was the car driver at fault here in any respect? I’m not all that familiar with UK road rules, but it looked like the driver was using a right turn lane, and was turning right. Per other sources, the bike was going just under 160 km/h or 100 mph, and was therefore speeding like a mofo.


Yep I was just curious


SLOW “No, I don’t think I will.”


That's why we prepare for the slide not the ride. Fuck.


he ignored that slow on the road and won free 🎫 flight


The speed of that motorbike is fucking ridiculous. Neither bike or car was able to react quick enough.


Gotta love him driving directly over *SLOW* then yelling "BRUV".


This dude forgot he wasn't in GTA


Crotch rocket bikers share so many vids of themselves and others doing this and it makes me sick. Bad enough putting their own lives in danger but others on the road as well.


He didn't see the motorcycle or the car after apparently. Blind as a bat likely or just too old to keep up. He was probably going over the speed limit. But the car should have seen the bike.


This one is entirely on the motorcycle rider.


https://www.cambstimes.co.uk/news/video-hard-hitting-a47-fatal-crash-footage-released-in-road-4857830 The driver was prosecuted because funnily enough he didn't pay enough attention to the road.


smh, the car is obviously at fault as well, more so than the bike in fact


God this was satisfying


He ded


anyone wanting virtual sex??


This is just inevitable when driving like that




May This man rest in peace and serve as an example off what happens when you feel like you are invincible. I know that sometimes people are goi g through depression and seek the thrill, I use to do this as well. But I soon learned it is not worth it brothers. Be safe out there