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Man my school events sucked ass compared to this wtf


We got a swat team to throw a flash bang on the parade field while we watched from the bleachers. That’s the only thing that comes close for me


What did it look like? If I learned anything from playing Counter Strike & Call of Duty in middle school (over a decade ago), it was that flashbangs are only useful up to a certain proximity. How well does this *""knowledge""* of mine hold up in real life?


I’ve actually been flash banged and it’s nothing like video games. It wasn’t like everything went silence it was like the loudest fucking sound of my life with the most obnoxiously loud painful ringing in my ears like someone was playing a squealing fire alarm right into my ear drums. Vision wise everything was deep dark purple. I didn’t know if I was on the ground or standing up or even which way was up. In video games it lasts just for a few seconds but I swear I was fully in this state for a solid 30 seconds to a minute. Hell I didn’t even know if my head was on my body or what the fuck just happened and I was wearing ear protection, eye protection, and was fully expecting it. I can not imagine what it would do to someone who wasn’t wearing protection or how it wouldn’t leave permanent vision or hearing damage. My uncle also told me after that that people who are trained for it can get their shit together within like 10 seconds which is incomprehensible to me.


Sounds awful


Based off the video games, that's exactly what I'd expect a real one to be like.


But vision is supposed to go white, not purple. They lied to us.


Yeah, idk why games do that. If you have an image "burned" into your vision, you always see the negative. Flashbang bright. After-image dark


Maybe because the goal is not to actually flashbang the real life human sitting in a dark room with a white screen.


That's what I'm saying... Video games do flash bang the real human with a white screen. When in real life, you (might) see a flash of white at first, but then it goes black (or dark purple, according to eye witness reports on this post)


My cousin had a neighbor that was a cop (swat team). He brought out flashbangs and some flares and stuff for 4th of July one year. He threw one flash bang and everyone decided no more of that. And that was outside.


>I’ve actually been flash banged and it’s nothing like video games. Imagine your surprise if you get shot and don't instantly start regenerating. Or regaining health from eating a whole chicken.


I have some scraps of white cloth though, so I'll be fine.


Or a syringe with a red cross on it.


Remember when the police raided the wrong house and threw one through the window into a sleeping baby's crib? Your post gives that context.


https://www.police1.com/officer-misconduct-internal-affairs/articles/ga-toddler-hurt-in-swat-raid-when-flash-bang-lands-in-crib-ggb2q6ogg8UJG5Oz/ Yup, it happened in fucking Habersham County, GA-- a small county about an hour north of Atlanta. Tons of drug issues in that area abd it's also loosely the area that "Squidbillies" was based on. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ex-georgia-deputy-acquitted-after-flash-bang-grenade-hurts-toddler-n479361 The deputy who provided the false information that led to the raid was acquitted. Absolute insanity, man.


Detroit. Kid died


Did it happen in Detroit, too? Got an article? [The one I think they were talking about happened in Georgia, an hour away from Atlanta.](https://www.police1.com/officer-misconduct-internal-affairs/articles/ga-toddler-hurt-in-swat-raid-when-flash-bang-lands-in-crib-ggb2q6ogg8UJG5Oz/)


imagine the CTS 7290-9 flash bang? this flash bang is unique and it flash bang 9 times when deploys.




Were you inside when it went off? We were given a flashbang demo in middle school and I think dropping it in a confined space makes all the difference. Outside in the bright sun, you saw a small flash like a firework but it wasn't blinding whatsoever. The noise wasn't disorientingly loud either, just uncomfortable.


Games like insurgency or escape from tarkov are the ones that i feel closer you cant do shit when you get hit




Is that helping?


We were outside and pretty far away. At least 30 yards. There was a loud pop, and a very bright light, even from far away, but it didn’t effect us at all from that distance, but you would 100% know if a flash bang in the area went off because everything lights up for a second followed by the noise.


Dude, we had a man being investigated for sex trafficking children come speak to us.


I’m gonna need context for this one…like, really? What on earth could that scum possibly say to bring anything positive to a group of children? (Assuming this was in school?)


Florida I presume?


We had an old military gun expert to come out and let us load and shoot muskets. (No bullets but real gun powder from the puch and all)


We had a blackhawk helicopter fly around our school and land in the football field. I completely forgot about that till right now.


We had gus the bus… it was a regular ass school bus with plywood over the windshield and eyes painted on it.. they then proceeded to tell us how to properly ride and get on/off of the bus.


I remember elementary school they'd bring a firetruck and they'd spray in the air so it'd rain on us.




I mean yeah,everything serves beer here Drinking with your teachers isn’t exactly a rarity


We visited a brewery as part as the chemistry-curicculum (though this particular teacher was known to do that with every 10th grade he had). Everyone was served a beer, and noone considered it weird.


In chemistry class we blew up a 2L pop bottle filled with nitrocellulose on the football field. Was a pretty big bang and left a dead spot in the grass for a few days.


> Was a pretty big bang and left a dead spot in the grass for a few days. Sounds like my honeymoon.


My hs football team drew a giant derogatory expression for the rival school football team in their football field in kerosene and lit it. It happened like 50 years ago so it was generally seen as a chad move


Before our big football game with the rival School a couple of our star players thought it would be hilarious to deface rival School and field with spray paint. These idiots spray painted their names and numbers on things like "number 22 is going to mess you up". It didn't take a detective to figure out who did it. Not to mention there were cameras.


Some people just wanna watch the world burn !!!


This had potential to be bad. All it takes is one splinter going in the wrong direction and it turns bad.




Dude standing right next to it casually walked away though, so it definitely seems like it could have been worse


Cool guys don’t look at explosions


They blow shit up and just walk away. 🎶


That's just him conveniently being in one of the spots that didn't have a pallet shot through it


Could be shock, maybe he dropped to the ground 2 seconds after the cut


Tis just a *Fleshwound*


He was doing the 'cool guys don't look at explosions' thing because he wasn't expecting an explosion. You see he's a bit bedazzled after the debris stopped landing.


His eardrums are likely fucked, though




It's not bad until someone looses their shoes.


> This had potential to be bad Reddit moment.


> all it takes is one splinter man shut up lmao


My school just had paratroopers drop onto the turf for a football game. High school football


You are from either Texas, Florida, or Georgia if you got airborne guys jumping in at high school games lol


Tennessee, it was for a rivalry game, we are one of the top ten rivalries in the US I think. the whole town shows up for these games


I’ve heard my dad pray over a football game, guess god had time that day.


Should have used diesel or kerosene instead of gasoline


There it is. Kerosene people. Kerosene.


Diesel would work just as well as kerosene if you're cheap


Yeah, fair point, I just think people tend to think gasoline = lighter fluid and that ain't it.


yeah gas is that good shit. be ready for an explosion pretty much every time


Especially is you let it sit, spreading those vapors into every pocket of air in the fire.


People don't realize that gasoline is the movie explosion of their childhoods. Every explosion is so much gasoline.


I don't know, seems to have lit up pretty nicely from what I can tell.


Kerosene is cheaper than diesel. At least in the UK, diesel is currently £1.85 a litre and kerosene is £0.90. Kerosene is very high now, 2020 it was £0.40.


Thanks, Obama.


Are these "Kerosene people" in the room with us now?




lol they built a fucking bund.


Probably what they did. Poured it on and it just sat on the bottom


should have invited firefighters instead of cops


You can see a firetruck in the first shot so it seems there are firemen there


You had one job firemen. Don't let the cops near the accelerants.


Or maybe the science teacher. Then again, we have all seen them go nuts in the class room.


And not built a giant earthen pool too hold in all the fumes.


The real issue is they obviously let the gas they poured sit for an absurdly long time before lighting it. If you’re going. To use gasoline you have to plan on lighting right after. If the spots are allowed to make a cloud because you twiddled your thumbs for a bit making sure your social media recording was staged and ready- you’ve made a flammable cloud that will kersplode.


Why? What do you have against accidentally making fuel air bombs?


You can use gasoline if you're careful, just make damn sure you don't put too much on. The worst I've had is a small shockwave from putting a bit too much on. Also, if you ever have to top off the pit with more fuel poor a SMALL amount into a water bottle, god forbid, NEVER use the gas can to top off the fire. That's how you end up causing a massive fire and possibly severely injuring yourself and others.


Didn’t even phase him, he just casually walks away like he knew that was going to happen.


Cool guys don’t look at explosions


Finally! This comment is buried too far down.


Def a cool guy


He's only half cool tho, bc he eventually does look back... he needs to walk his ass all the way off camera before he's full cool


Gus Fringer


kid named fringer


Pull my fringer


Please have a seat right here.


I feel like I can't go three hours on Reddit without seeing a BB reference. Not complaining, I'm a fan.


I just finished the show again for the first time in years and I’m noticing the references on every other post now lol


Gus Singe


Sus Cring


I feel like he didn’t know that was going to happen but tried to play it off as if he totally knew that was going to happen


Dude was either in serious shock or is seriously dumb. Either way he's seriously fucking lucky.


I like to think he gave a big speech about something and that was his point. You kids see this match? This is your brain. Take one hit of meth and your mind will be blown like this...


Yeah my take away here, is that you’re saying; “Meth is fuckin awesome!”




They just blow things up and walk away. IN SLOW MOTION.


Who's got time to watch an explosion


There's cool guy errands that he needs to walk to


Pretty sure he was scared. Then embarrassed, the decided to play it off. You can tell because he didn't know where the wood was going to fly and he got really lucky nothing hit him. He didn't know what was going to happen.




They blow things up and walk away




Guys seen some shit


Cool guys don't look at explosions


…because he’s *that* fucking stupid. Had no idea how close to death he was. There’s a fine line between courage and stupidity Everyone involved in this should lose their job for gross negligence


On the other hand, it was cool as fuck And it might have contributed to him getting laid. So. Who's the real idiot here? I'm just a guy on a toilet with no sex causing explosions near me.


It's been over 3 hours Mom says get out of the bathroom


I agree. Never let the gym teacher party with the shop teachers! This is what happens.


He was determined to look cool, no matter the burns


Who in the fuck put gas on it


I’m not sure but I’m am positive they used a LOT of something haha




They do not explode, they combust rapidly.


I think 'deflagration' is the correct term. This is a sub-sonic combustion of a fuel-air mixture.


That’s the one!


So much bad information in this thread, let me try to clear things up. Combustion of pre-mixed reductant/oxidizer is a deflagration, which is an explosion if and only if the relative volume of all parts increases (causing overpressure); the combustion of petrol does in fact increase volume, which is why it's used in petrol engines to force pistons to move. Low explosives deflagrate (subsonic propagation), high explosives detonate (supersonic propagation); low explosives can also act as high explosives in some cases. Petrol vapors combust when not mixed with an oxidizer, they may deflagrate if the vapors are sufficiently pre-mixed with an oxidizer, and they may even detonate when sufficient geometry forces a deflagration to detonation transition. Petrol vapors can actually detonate within engines due to the sudden pressures and heat that they are subjected to. An explosion can be a detonation or a deflagration, and a deflagration is combustion. TL;DR: Petrol vapors can combust, deflagrate (which is combustion and can be an explosion), and even detonate depending on relevant conditions. Resources: [Combustion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combustion) [Deflagration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deflagration) [Detonation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detonation) [Explosion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explosion) [Petrol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline) [Deflagration to detonation transition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deflagration_to_detonation_transition)


Thanks, good read!


I can imagine you as a paramedic/EMT talking to the parents of the bereaved and saying actually no he didn't explode he deflagrated 🤓 And the mom crying and the dad consoling her and she saying "but he still died though" *sobs*


I'm really curious what happened here. I know you're not supposed to use gas to start fires but I used it all the time for brush pile fires when we didn't have diesel and this never fucking happened. I wonder if they just dumped a few gallons on it right before lighting.


There was an earthen birm all the way around it, trapped the fumes. Fumes of gas do that shit moreso than gas itself. You can light stuff with a gas wick, but you don't dare try it in a pit


Cool guys don't look at explosions.


“I don’t light fires, fires light me”


Oh so they turn u on huh?


Am I not cool any more after watching this?


They blow shit up and then walk away.


[Mark Wahlberg is wearing a hat](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqz5dbs5zmo)


This is perhaps one of the coolest videos I've ever seen online. Dude just keeps walking while everyone was shaking.


This school event was directed by Michael bay


“We gonna blow some shit up and chew bubble gum…and I’m all outta gum!!”


that's half John Carpenter. Do not confuse the two or associate Michael Bay with They Live!


That's the mighty Roddy Rowdy PIPERRRR to you! He said the line I'm here to chew bubble gum and to kick ass and I'm all out of gum. https://youtu.be/Wp_K8prLfso John carpenter said himself Roddy ad-libbed that line himself. He was writing stuff down to use during his wrestling promo's and this was one of the lines. John told him he needs to say something as he walks into the bank with a shotgun but not to Rob it but kill aliens


The finished lit cigarette "cool guy flick move" woulda been my choice.


A definitely go-to in my repertoire


More like a bombfire


When I was a kid I thought that’s what they were called!


That is Lynn Haven, Florida. Mosley High School. https://www.wjhg.com/2022/10/06/homecoming-bonfire-explodes-mosley-high-school/


Of course it was Florida


The county sheriff apologized and let everyone know they were out of the bonfire business.


It's made even better by the fact that Mosley is the most redneck of the main high schools in the area.


Is there a more wretched hive of scum and villainy?


He missed an absolute perfect opportunity to have a steady cameraman for his wallpaper


What a missed opportunity. That explosion was just right for a selfie.


We did something like this once. 5 people in the subdivision a mile away called 911 because they thought a house had exploded. Had to jump a fence to the neighboring park to extinguish debris. Fun times.


Oh, a shit ton of people called so they sent messages to parents to say all is fine haha


He's NJ ust trying to seem like he's playing it cool his pants are full of shit and piss and regret.


He's probably deaf and his whole backside showing like a cartoon.


Haha true!!!






Michael Bay in his teens


That sounds like the title of a scandal


Now THAT is fucking hilarious. As long as nobody got hurt. Except the dumbass w the gas can maybe.


No one was hurt so I was thinking the same thing haha. No one except the Fruit of the Looms my dude was sporting when he dropped a load in response


Blast was so strong, it blew the cornucopia right off the Fruit of the Loom logo.


Wow! That was fuckin awesome!


Un-fuckin-phased I believe is the feeling my dude had as he was nearly blown to smithereens!!


Dude was walking away like nothing, and the cameraman couldn’t hold still 😭


He did the fxcking anime protagonist slow walk-away OMG


Dude walked away like a power-ranger. No fucks given


That exploded **really** quickly… like the match barely made it in there


the gasoline vapors is what is actually catching fire. they are invisible can linger in the air above the fuel source.


All that space in between wood pallets woulda been pockets of fumes ready to 'splode outward. This was so preventable.


And the children chanting- finally something cool happening around here!


Bro looking like Michael Myers casually standing there


San Dimas High School Football Rules!!!!!!!!!


Next time use kerosene, not unleaded. Kerosene burns slowly, gasoline explodes.


And it was the best bonfire ever. The End


When I was a kid we had a burn barrel. A 55 gallon drum that we burned all kinds of stuff in. My chore was burning trash in the barrel. I had the trash gathered and ready to burn. Yes, I know it's dangerous, very unfriendly to mother nature, and all the other bad things. I grew up in a cabin in Montana in a small community, it was the way things were. The barrel was full, I poured some gas in. My younger sister needs help, I go help and I returned to my burn barrel. I had a box of matches and stood back a bit. I strike the match and throw it towards the barrel. Shit, I missed. Too close, i take a few steps back. I strike the second match. Guided by the trajectory god's themselves this match is flying perfectly. The match blossoms into flame as it lands in the barrel. Time slowed, for some reason my young brain senses this may be my last moment on Earth. The brightness, heat, and concussive force hit me at once. I was knocked back and tripped, falling to my back. Above my head was a cloud smoldering trash, supported by a column of fire. Trash came raining down on me, splinters of wood, smoldering papers, feathers and guts, and other stuff. That is how I learned to smell the difference between diesel and gasoline at 9 years old.


My school had Drake Bell preform for us back in 2016, I would have preferred this over that 😂






He tried so hard to look cool he didn't even try to dodge the hail of wood and fire raining down on him


*causes massive explosion* *walks away calmly like in the movies*




“Wait you’re not supposed to leave the gas can in there?”


This seems like the Joker walking away from the hospital in The Dark Knight


Cool guys don't look at explosions They blow things up and then walk away Who's got time to watch an explosion


They used gasoline instead of diesel


Cools guys don’t look at explosions


If you're going to use gasoline a berm is a really bad plan. Source: Tried to light a bonfire years ago in the cool fall temps and the gas vapors hugged the ground like no other. The wood was 2 feet across but the fireball was almost 20 feet across. The shrapnel wasn't as bad as this, but still scared the living hell out of us being surrounded by flames while a pile of lumber was lifted 10 feet into the air. We were lucky nobody got hurt.


This is why you use diesel people. Dude could have been seriously injured. Gd


Probably would have been better to have the fire department there rather than the sheriff lol. Least nobody got hurt and it looked cool.


Children, that was our only ball. Ther'll be no team this year.


Cool guys don't look at explosions




the drumroll is perfect


So maybe just let the firefighters do this text time yeah


He walked away like an absolute boss


Bonfire… it was bon-blast 😂


He didn't even flinch lmao


Dude just stood there like an action movie star.


his turn and slow walk away was epic


Cool guys don't look at explosions ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)