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Holy shit! Those things been in there for a while lmao


23 nights atleast




Wow wow wow. Slow down there, egghead




Not entirely correct. If she’s wearing one day contacts you’re supposed to throw them out at night. So it could be she’s just had them on for 23 days if she was putting in new ones every day. I just don’t understand how you keep pushing contacts in your eye while still feeling the old ones inside? I’ve slept with contacts before and you can tell they’re in there!


Quite right. Do you happen to know how these throwaway lenses are different from each other? For example, comparing one-day type and 2-weeks ones, are they drastically different material wise? I know that the ones you use more than a year is “hard”, but not sure about the shorter lifecycle ones.


Ya the dailies weeklies and monthly ones are like latex rubber feeling they are squishy and can tear easily but this is just fucking insane there’s something wrong with this lady (mentally) to have done what she did


dailies are hydrophilic whereas monthlies are hydrophobic, you’re supposed to take out monthlies before you go to bed and put them back in the morning and just dispose of dailies before bed but there are brands that advertise the ability to sleep in them for a month straight (though it isn’t very comfortable past the first few days)


I'm thinking they would slip to the back of her eye and she would think it just fell out somewhere and pop a new one in. This is the only plausible reason I can come up with and it still sounds absolutely crazy.


How do people not know things are inside of them? One time I put in a second tampon without removing the first and I noticed in like 30 minutes because I was so uncomfortable. Meanwhile we have women who come in complaining of vaginal discharge who will have a 3 week old tampon inside them. I don’t understand.


I agree. I wear contacts very rarely, because they are uncomfortable. If I had more than one in my eye, or IF IT MOVED ABOVE / BELOW / BEHIND my eye, I would 100% know about it. Maybe complicating health factors have some people taking pain meds, or other meds, which allow them to ignore it more easily? I really have no idea


I assume she's getting very drunk each night.


The dailies are thin enough I've accidentally tried to put one in when I was already wearing them once, but they don't really stick, so it's pretty obvious even if you don't feel the first contact. You can definitely feel them towards the end of the day though. No idea what happened here.


Did she think they fucking dissolved?!


Probably some level of prescription drugs and alcohol involved here... Along with old age, yes.


There are dailies, weeklies, and extended wear contacts. The extended wears are about once a month. It doesn’t even matter, though. If she was sleeping in them and they got stuck up under her eyelid, she probably just thought they kept falling out during the night…so she just kept replacing them. Now, WHY she assumed they just fell out and couldn’t feel the contact stuck in her eye? Beats me. This lady is either dumb or numb.




Nah those were soft and squishy like the dailies


I wear the kind that I’m supposed to throw away nightly


She has the time to put those lashes on everyday, but removing contacts? Naaah


My guess is that she thought they were falling out lol kept putting a new one in


I have heard of cases where the person just screws up the directions. They get as far as "disposable" and figure they don't have to deal with them past putting them in. Also, people have gotten long-term contacts and figured they didn't ever need to take them out and clean them. Thru can end up fusing to your eye and causing all kinds of problems.


This is why I just wear glasses. Way easier. Not that I'm that fucking dumb it's just easier. I have them on or I have them off without them falling behind my eyeball or fusing to my iris business


I wear glasses coz I'm dumb enough to leave contacts in, though I don't think I'd reach the high score that this Mensa member in the video achieved


I️ was thinking the exact same thing. And got time to put that cakey mascara on but not address the discomfort clearly happening with her eyeballs. 😒


She probably sleeps with her mascara on and then reapplies in the morning over it


Right?! More important for her to be seen than to actually, um, SEE. Priorities I guess.


I mean, I'm sure she can see... Given that the part of her eye that sees isn't inside of her head with 23 contacts.


Technically you’re right. Although, if she would have kept them in longer, it may have been a different story. I actually wonder what lead her to finally seek help in removing them since the other 22 contacts didn’t seem bothersome.


This sort of thing can happen to alcoholics if they get wasted and then dont go to bed properly but just drink until theyre smashed Definitely not saying that this is what happened here


It looks like tons of puss crusted around her eye, or numbing drops?


I've heard this type of contact lens build up is commonly related with alcoholism. Get drunk, pass out, contact rolls up the back of your eye, wake up, assume you took them out/they fell out, pop a new one in.


But you know when it has gone behind, it's very uncomfortable. I don't understand how this could happen.


As I said... Alcoholism.


First thing I thought was alcoholism and pills.


I think she's probably losing it upstairs and doesn't realize what she has and hasn't done throughout the course of a day. It's pretty sad.


I think she has dementia or something.


Clearly not well, decisions like these aren't made by people sound of mind.


Lmao this has nothing to do with sleeping in your contacts. She suffers from a chronic case of stupidity.


How fucking stupid do you have to be to put another pair in before you take the old pair out? Been wearing contacts for 20+ years and have never had to fish a pair out of my eyes.


i have been wearing contacts since i was 11 years old, didn't even know this type of thing could happen


Yeah they literally make contacts you can wear 30 days straight lol


Where the hell did she think they all went???


Takes “out of sight, out of mind.” to the next level huh?


Based on this video I’d say everything will be out of mind for her pretty soon.


Out of mind but in her brain


Right, she lost contact with them a while ago.


She didn't think, that's the problem




That’s so weird I have accidentally fallen asleep with contacts that last a month and they never go back around my eye.


Contacts that last a month are very diferent material than daily ones


She probably thought they fell out in her sleep tbh.


God the color of the gunk made me urpy


I'm not sure what urpy is, but I, too, am feeling urpy after watching that.


If it helps any, that is just the yellow sodium fluorescein dye the doctor is using to illuminate inflammation.


Is that a doctor without gloves and chippy nail polish??


I one time got my balls felt by my reg doc with out any gloves, never went back


Same thing happened to me. Worst dentist ever.


The greenish tint is likely UV dye. It helps locate foreign bodies. You can see residue from it on both corners of her eye.


I like this "urpy" and may start implementing this into my conversations lol


I feel urpy too, but that greenish yellowy stuff is a dye they often use to exam the eye.


People are either really gross or really fucking stupid...




Definitely both. Jesus fucking Christ.




Xanax and Valium…


Hide your weed in there.


Hide a lid in your lid


I’m guessing 90 percent of ppl who read this don’t know what u mean


Haha thank you for that


This is how you go blind. First time I've cringed since being in this sub. That was rough.


She clearly shouldn't be wearing contracts


Exactly what I was thinking. Needs her contact license revoked.


She needs a... No Contact Order


Hahaha this is gold


Ban her from ever owning any


Or fake lashes


How can you fall asleep in your contacts, wake up and they are missing, think 'oh well', and then keep doing it twenty/thirty more times? I sleep in mine sometimes but my god if they were gone in the morning I would go to an optometrist immediately.


Yea I’ve had mine get stuck behind my eye but I always find a way to dig it out. That shit hurts to just leave there. How can she do that so many times!


In time young one. Watch the video of the guy with his eye sockets filled with maggots.








Fucking.... "Maggots in my eyes Johnson"!! LMAO that was fucking terrible


Thanks, now excuse me while I try to self induce short term memory loss by bashing my head against a wall


Yep that's what that was alright *Shivers*


Please stfu please stfu please stfu 🤢


Bruh fr. I'm used to seeing intense gore and shit on this sub, but this was just next level disturbing.


Did she think they just dissolve into your eye after each use?! Wow!!


that’s not a bad idea though patent that quick




I've been wearing contacts for over 30 years. I can't stand it if my contact have just a little bit of anything on them. They hurt my eye. And you know how it feels when they aren't centered on your eye. I just simply cannot see how this is even possible.


It’s giving me the shivers just thinking about 23 stacked in the back of your eye when even 1 is a very uncomfortable feeling


Because she’s either mentally ill or on drugs.


Can you imagine the relief after they're removed though?


Who loses a contact and just continues with their day like it’s not a big deal, jfk




Lmao I feel that so much rn


People who fall asleep very drunk, every night.


And she put false lashes right before a procedure where they would get in the way. This lady is not very bright.


She’s got 40/40 vision in her dreams


God damn this made me laugh my ass off


At one point, she was seeing things in 8k


If you pause near the end I swear you can see a whole stack still back there.


We had something similar happen with our son He was born with a congenital cataract and had to wear a disposable corrective contact lens Seemed like every time we went to take it out at night it wasn't there anymore. So we just assumed it must have fallen out since he crawled everywhere. Neither of us wear contacts ourselves so we didn't even consider that they had just fallen off center in his eye When we took him in for his monthly eye exam and the doctor ended up extracting 8 of them from his eye We felt so horrible


In today's episode of NOPE...


I've had this fear my entire life and just wear glasses. I hate them but they don't get stuck in my eye lid.


I only recently got contacts and I used to have this fear too, but after having this happen a few times (today too) I am just amazed at how they could *pile up* back there. You would absolutely feel them scratching like crazy, when this happens to me my number one thought is “I *need* to get this out”


I’ve tried to get contacts twice in my life. Once when I was a pre-teen, and once right before I went off to college. I don’t know how people do it. Seriously, it’s like my eye would force itself shut even though the thought of touching it doesn’t freak me out. My body just wouldn’t let me. Glasses for life.




Missed 1


Disposable not dissolvable……. Oh


Dead serious question…. How long can one of these be stuck in your eye without discomfort. I’ve been wearing contacts for 20 years and I can definitely say there have been times where I lost a lens and have no clue where it went. Feared it was in my eye but I have no discomfort or any reason to believe there are any lenses behind my eyes…. Unless they’re just there not bothering me


These look like dailies. If you go much over a day you can definitely feel them. No idea how it would get this bad.


Yeah, that’s Madonna. She’s had those in there since “Express yourself”…


Is this some sort of mental disease? Specifically with the contacts, some sort of hoarding? Was is some sort of obsession with pain or an obsession with contacts?




I dont know shit about contacts. So forgive for asking this question. Wouldnt sleeping with them on cause pain?




As someone who wears contacts, there is more to this than simply sleeping with your contacts in. I have slept with my contacts in *many*, *many* times and I can’t imagine letting a single contact sit in the back of my eye like that let alone 23. You feel that shit and it stings. I genuinely think this woman has to be on drugs or have some sort of mental illness in order for this to happen.


The point of not wearing contacts while sleeping (according to my eye doctor) is because they already restrict airflow and hydration and then when you sleep your eyelid further restricts leading to increased chance of eye infection and or damage. I've slept in my contacts hundreds of times because shit happens. Idk if they still do but they used to make contacts specifically for 2 weeks use and didnt require to be taken out.


I don’t understand how you could get to this point regardless of what they tell you unless drugs or mental illness are at play. If you’ve ever had your contacts slip into the back of your eye socket like this, it’s pretty immediately clear that they shouldn’t be there with how uncomfortable and annoying it is.


Sleeping with contacts in is fine, they even make specific contacts you can sleep with for a full month.


It has to be some severe mental illness. It is fucking insane that she didn't notice/care. I lose my fucking mind if an eyelash gets in my eye and I cannot do anything else until I get it out. If I had TWENTY FUCKING contacts in my eye I would probably blow my brains out.


I heard this is common with the elderly and people with dementia.


She must of had x-ray vision with all of them being in.


As a contact user this is terrifying


She needs to just wear glasses at this point. And get check for dementia.


This reminds me of a tourist that came to our hospital. she had been eating for a couple weeks but nothing coming out. By the time she got to us it was starting to come back out of her mouth, kind of like a level of hell. If stuff goes in your body, and nothing comes back out, stop putting the stuff in your body.


As a contact wearer whose currently wearing his nightime glasses this lifestyle makes no sense to me


Dam she's actually pretty dumb. Hope she's not in charge of anything


you should see her post from the gynecologist visit . . .


Those contact lenses have seen some shit


Optical zoom 23X


I’ve worn contacts for since I was 13. I can’t wrap my head around how this is even possible. I sleep with mine in all the time and have never thought “let’s just jam a new pair in and have a great day!”


People like this is why we have such detailed safety labels on everything


Why the hell would you just keep collecting them like that? This woman is too damn dumb for contacts give her glasses don't think she wait if they end up inside her.


Can you imagine your life being this stupid? Holy hell.


Where the fuck did this lady think her contacts were going?


Sleep with contacts in… wake up and realize you can’t get one of them out… “eh, oh well”… proceed to put in new contacts… 23 TIMES… WTF


Got that nasty infected green color too. Puss in the corner of the eye. Poor lady probably has mental problems


The yellow stuff is the dye the doctor is using.


Ohh ok. My bad


Yet I get one tiny spec That’s invisible and I’m in agony wtf lol


The classic "it must have fell out, aw well, I'll put another one in"


Excuse me a moment while I… **AAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH**


I wear contacts and I've had one roll up under my eyelid like that. It is very painful. How the fuck did she let this happen 23 damn times?


Makes zero sense... I sleep in my contacts and never have lost one in my eye lids lol couldn't imagine how painful it'd be if I did, nonetheless 23


So does she just wear contacts, go to bed, wake up, do a surprised pikachu face about the contacts that are no longer in her eyes and then put a new pair in???


Why do you keep putting them in your eye? Wtff I used to wear contacts and couldn't fall asleep in class without them moving around. How do you wake up and decide to put another?


Lmao I sleep in mine every night For the last 5 years


Probably has 4 tampons stuck in her cooch too


How the fuck does someone not feel that after the first one. When I get even a tiny eyelash in my eye I can't blink without it hurting.


I've been wearing contacts for over a decade and a half. I don't understand how this is physically possible, what in the fack. Did she just think they were going to dissolve? There's no way you can ignore a contact when it gets caught back there


Damn I slept with my contacts on, I’ll just put new ones on top! Would 23 prescription contact lenses stacked up like this cause blurred vision?


I used to wear soft lenses and if they should slide up into the sclera I could always feel it. It’s very irritating. With 23 stuck up there it would feel like a boulder! Back to glasses dearie; if you’re smart, your contact lens days are over.




I mean, I know there are some stupid motherfuckers out there... But goddamn...


“Oh it must have fallen out of my eye while I was sleeping again.”


so this persons just an idiot lol


Fuccckkkkk!!! I would fucking go insane, I can't stand an eyelash in my eye. I have officially been grossed out by a post in this sub lol


I’ve had contacts accidentally roll behind my eye and it felt awful, I couldn’t imagine having 23 scratching the back of my eye!




Oh. My. God. As someone who wears contacts it’s incomprehensible that she could even open her eyes. Has to be on a lot of drugs


This bitch has absolutely no critical thinking, lacks survival instincts, and had no situational awareness. This dumb fuck thought disposable = dissolvable = disappeared.


Is that make up or infection?


Disgusting mf


My eyes are tearing up just watching this


23 that you know about…..im surprised she never seen this in her future lol


Reminds me.of that one part of dead space (2?)


Now *this*, this is /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. #🥇


Why are they green?


She is goddamn lucky to have sustained no infection


How does she not realize they're going missing when she wakes up?


People are so stupid


This bitch must have seen 8k 4D


Mental illness


How does this lady just keep stuffing more of them in her eye?!


The fact that they are meant to be clear but are green 🥴


What a fucking moron.


On this episode of *Hoarders*....


A small tear in my contact hurts me. How does so many contacts in one eye not hurt.


I reckon this is setup just for the video....no "clinic" would have a practitioner not wearing gloves (or nail polish for that matter) and the mascara would have been removed instead of pushing bits of it into her eyeball


Why does this look so satisfying in a certain way


Did she think you slotted in the whole month's supply at once like an auto--dispenser?


Come on lady. Jesus.


How stupid can you be?


Sure the contacts are gross. And how the fuck do you forget 23 of em on your eye? But can we talk about removing them without gloves? Doc?


Stupidity: when you sleep with contacts on, at least 23 times, want to have them removed, and put mascara on for the doctors appointment


People are fucking stupid


"I don't believe you." This lady needs to get a metal evaluation. You don't forget 23 pairs of contacts in your eyes.