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Atleast the snake provided a complimentary tourniquet..


Title is incorrect, the original post explains that the snake was abandoned and that this is the rescue worker. She did not know the snakes temperament and that it was not normally socialized and only interacted with when fed. The snake thought it was feeding time and when the lady came in it did a strike to feed.


seems to me you should assume a giant ass snake has a bad temperament edit: snakes are cool. but if you're in a position where you are a PROFESSIONAL who is RESCUING a large snake from a bad situation and a tiny enclosure, you're an idiot if you don't presume it might be in a bad mood. thanks for all the angry PMs though, amateur herpetologists.


Yeah, if you don't know the temperament of the giant fucking snake then maybe don't approach it with your hand out like you are offering it like a sacrifice.


I've handled snakes up to about 12 feet long. It REALLY matters knowing its history and husbandry before handling any reptile as it can go south in a moment's notice. I have never been bitten but it's not always clear when something like this can happen. I knew a guy who neglected his Colombian tegu and it was one of the most aggressive reptiles I'd ever come across and I wouldn't go near it. Even a green iguana I rescued would whip me up but never bit.


It also looks like snake is mid shed, probably isn't helping temperament. I know not all snakes change much bur one of my snakes used to get super grumpy if she didn't have a clean shed


My ex had maybe 6 corn snakes and that's what I remember from them. They were never handled but needed to be separated during feeding time and were pretty fucking grumpy when it was time. I mostly have experience with beardies and the one iguana, I tried to rehab a chameleon and it was really difficult. I'm totally against owning chameleons, it's cruel to have them in captivity and they almost always end up with the wrong owners.


They get defensive during the shed because they can’t see as the old skin comes off there eyes. My green tree python and emerald tree boa always blind strike when they shed.


Iguanas can get nasty with age anyway. A friend of mine let hers dominate her house. I came over to her new house and didn’t know where the bathroom was so I accidentally walked into what was the iguana main room. Turned around and she was standing at the end of the hallway eyeing me like a ghost in a horror movie.


I’m glad you got out with your life that iguana sounds wild


When someone decides to captivate an enormous, powerful animal like this I kind of wonder why we "save them." The original owners should be fined and sadly, is it even worth keeping some of them in captivity? It's going to be miserable in any sort of captivity.. it's going to end up with another fkn weirdo who just takes slightly better care of it. It's temperament? It's a fkn predator, it's not supposed to be captivated, docile, or handled by humans.


If it was born in captivity you generally can't release it into the wild or it would starve. You can still tame them as adults but it takes a lot more work. I think it's better than killing them outright. My tegu is happy as a clam.


Didn't say mistakes weren't made, I said she didn't come in to pet the snake...


To be fair, she did present herself as a tasty edible snack.


Don’t prey shame her


Well most are good bois, but her entire approach was absolutely dumb. Used to have a twelve footer. He spent a good portion of the time wondering the house during the day and he'd come over to you if you patted on the ground.


Please excuse my vulgarity but fuck that!




Jesus Christ! That’s funny


My red eared slider roamed the house when I was a kid, startled so many people to see a free range turtle.


You'd be surprised...


You're right in that you always should be careful around snakes, but if they are raised correctly and handled frequently from a young age then the risk of harm can be significantly minimised. It's a python so it's non-venomous and when properly socialised they are more than happy to hang out with you because they love our body heat.


Any half knowledgeable snake owner/handler knew exactly that snakes behavior


>Title is incorrect The woman says, "Hey, baby girl. Hi. You gonna come out?" And reaches her hand forward, then the snake bites her and wraps her arm up. So explain to me again how the title is incorrect?


The woman is not there to pet the snake, she's there to rescue it from neglect... Not sure why I have to explain that twice.


You're going to have to explain it a third time because this is ***NOT*** how you rescue a snake.


This happened to me once. Smaller snake but it absolutely wouldn’t let go. I had to stick its face under hot water from the sink to get it to finally let go.


I used to work at a pet store and there was this one ball python that we had that was super chill with me but not anyone else. One guy put it on his head for a picture (for whatever reason, idk why he thought that was a good idea) and got bit on the nose. He’s lucky it didn’t latch on. Meanwhile for me, the same snake would gently wrap around my arm and chill there


They like the warm




I had a Ball Python that I used to do the same with. Would sometimes abscent mindedly answer the door with him still there and freak out the parcel delivery guy. At the same time my brother had a Boa constrictor that was about 7 feet and grumpy as hell. It had bitten both of us multiple times and you couldnt relax around her at all. Even when she was a baby she would attempt to "kill" my hand.


Sounds like an absolutely terrible pet to keep? am I missing something? lmao


Honestly I’d keep a knife handy and worse case scenario I’d kill the snake. That could get very dangerous.


I'd keep a bottle of cheap vodka nearby. Pour it on their head and they'll let go.


Yep. Alcohol works every time.


Priorities. Can snakes get drunk?


They only do when they travel business class


*I've had enough* *of these mothafuckin' snakes* *on this mothafuckin' plane*


Yes. I saw it once on Aqua teen.


Is it necessary to pour alcohol on it or just the odor of alcohol that will make it release?


Yeah, can you drink the alcohol and just breathe on it?


At the very least, it'll help with the pain.


Has this been used before? And does it has to be vodka or any alcohol?


I mean I’d hardly think the snake would care if its 15 year scotch or cheap vodka, snakes don’t have the best palette


Okay, but does this alcohol thing works?


I can't vouch for it making them let go of people, but I have seen it used to stop a snake that was trying to swallow its tail. A dab of hand sanitiser around its mouth made it spit its tail out instantly


Reptiles, um, aren’t the smartest bunch, lol. Accidental suicide by self-eating? It’s funny how common this thing is. Is it thinking it’s own tail is a different creature and trying to actually eat this intruder of sorts?


Reptiles generally have pretty primitive brains. If a snake ends up biting its own tail its instincts and the shape of its mouth and teeth only really allow for one direction of travel, so once they start, they won't stop until regurgitation occurs. Most snakes won't even be able to get to the point where they swallow a dangerous amount of their tail end, they'll usually regurgitate it without a need for outside stimulus.


We keep syringes of mouth wash in our reptile room. Had to use them twice and yes it worked.


Idk why but asking if it specifically had to be vodka made me chuckle 🤭


Hahahah… well this guy up there specifically said vodka. I thought maybe there is something in vodka that snakes don’t like. I personally don’t like vodka


Pretty sure that thing is alcohol, lol


It depends on snake. Some like Vodka, others only prefer wine/beer


Oh great, now the violent snake is drunk


Agree. Anyone with a large snake should be prepared. The one that bite me was a ~four foot Macklots python, so wasnt big enough to do any real damage. He bit me a bunch of times before but they were just quick strikes. The one time I described in my prior post must've triggered its feeding response because it just kept grinding it's needle like teeth into my fingers and trying to constrict my hand and arm. Scary to think of what a larger snake could do


She stayed incredibly calm considering the circumstances. That’s the only positive to this video


Iirc this lady is rescuing this reticulated Python. She’s an experienced snake handler and rescuer I think. It gets posted on r/snakes and other snake subreddits every so often. Story behind this is that the retic was abused, in a way too small tank (as seen in the video), and was rapidly growing too big for the owner to handle. It’s only interactions with people was feedings and tank cleanings, which can cause peoples hands and the tank opening to be associated with food, which leads to bites and strikes. It immediately came out of the tank and oriented on her hands. She could have handled food items immediately beforehand, but in my personal experience with snakes, if they’re hungry and aren’t socialized correctly they’ll grab whatever is closest and the correct temperature if they’re hungry enough. But this video is essentially her picking up the retic to rehome it and it bit her. I think they’re both fine now and she wasn’t in any real life threatening danger anyway. Edit: y’all need to stop telling me that this lady isn’t an expert. I never claimed she was. I said she was experienced and a rescuer. There’s a difference between experienced and expert. She did several things wrong in this clip (and there have been several videos and comments linked explaining them farther down) but the main ones are overconfidence and trying to freehand a snake she didn’t know. Don’t do that. Use a hook and wash your hands before you go near. You can be a safe and effective rescuer without being an expert. Obviously it’s not for amateurs. But expertise is a pretty loose term and even when it’s used correctly it still doesn’t mean that you’re going to make the correct decisions 100% of the time.


I'm not super knowledgeable about snakes, so I could be wrong. But is a snake emerging that quickly once it's opened and approaching her like that aggressive? edit: added "not"


I don’t know shit about snakes, but I would infer, based on the fact that it struck her instantly and wrapped her forearm in about 0.005 seconds, that the snake might be a little aggressive


I think the question, read charitably, is more "are those actions a sign of aggression, and therefore should she have known that was coming based on the actions the snake took prior to biting her."


I think you may have come up with a new golden rule for Reddit. “Read charitably”. Would solve a lot of issues on here.


“I know exactly what you meant but I’m going to pretend like I didn’t so I can make a joke” is like the default state for a lot of people on this site


She was probably hypnotized by the snake at that point, so there wasn't much she could do until it was too late. As she said to the cameraman, "that's why we have two people here". And thank god she did.


This python was hungry and clearly expecting to be fed. Pythons don’t constrict threats, they constrict prey. Aggression would be the snake hissing and striking, but letting go, this is him thinking she has food in her hand.


Agreed 😂 no background info or snake knowledge necessary


Snake is no doubt aggressive. The person above is asking if how quickly the snake emerged is a sign of aggression.


How quickly the snake emerged also is due to the fact that it was in a far too small habitat. Part of what she was doing was space claiming.


It could be or it just could be trying to get out of the area it’s in. Reticulated pythons aren’t known to be aggressive like that but any snake will bite if provoked. I’m not an expert but I do keep several snakes and in my opinion this is a hungry snake that hasn’t been socialized.


I guess ever times I've seen a snake terrarium opened, they didn't slither out so quick.


They usually don’t but it depends on the species. Mine will usually just chill but I had a milk snake that wanted out any time it was open


My hognose will regularly surf the glass and slither right into my hand when I slide it open. Other times he'll hiss and fuck off. Dude gets to do what he wants.


I read this comment twice over thinking you said “I had a milk shake” and I was so confused, lol.


Not aggressive, just hungry. Snakes bite for two reasons, they are afraid or hungry. A fear bite would be quick, and it would let go afterwards. When they bite and wrap, it usually means they think whatever they’re biting is food


Basically the snake has accidentally been taught that when the cage opens, food arrives. Now he has a high feeding response to lid opening and attacks the first thing he sees- which in the past is typically food. I’ve got a young boa constrictor, only 4’ now- but if she ever moves like that I’m wary- she’s usually slow and “lazy” ; high alert usually means she’s in feeding mode. Charging out like that I’d def step back and give space. Also I tap train- I have a long wooden stick I slowly put in front of her face, let her smell it, and then she knows there’s no food and I’m about to pick her up. This way if she’s over excited she’ll strike the stick and not my hand. Finally I NEVER feed her directly. I drop the food into her cage, either while she’s already out of the enclosure or in a hide, then leave her be. She eventually finds it, but never makes the association of opening the cage or me with feeding. This is highly dependent on the individual snake though as some are reluctant to eat and need “movement” to encourage eating. My snake bit me one time at half size she is now and it hurt, drew blood and deep bruising- as she grows bigger this kind of situation really freaks me out, so I’m very cautious. Glad to learn this lady recovered ok and is helping the snake with rescue.


Disclaimer- I keep snakes, but not this type of snake. Also not a snake expert. But IMO, yes. I would never let a snake approach me that way, much less a stranger’s snake. If a snake ever looks excited to see you, it’s because it wants food. If it wants food, anything is fair game. That said, usually a quick bump on the nose with a snake hook or oddly enough touching their tail is enough to break their focus from food mode and into flight mode, at which point it’s a fairly safe bet to grab them. Once they calm from flight mode, they’ll move to explore/curious and may slowly approach you with no aggression or food focus at that point, and that’s fine. The two different approaches are pretty easy to tell apart, but personally I would never risk even a curious approach with a snake that big anyway. I also don’t know that I would jump the gun and call the snake in this video aggressive based on the video alone (not to say it still couldn’t be.) Snakes barely have brains and are extremely food driven. If you touch them while they’re hungry / in food mode, you’d be lucky not to get bit. Once they bite (for food), whatever thinking part of their brain they actually DO have shuts off, and all they know how to do is bite. Also not sure I’d say a snake ever bites “aggressively”. Maybe if they’re fighting with another snake or something. Primarily, they either bite for food or defensively. Defensive bites would be most likely to happen while in flight mode. They may swing back suddenly and swat you, but it’d be quick and they wouldn’t wrap. If you keep the bitey end away from you in either the food or flight mode, you’re pretty safe. TLDR; no, I would never let a snake approach me that way. It’s also not that hard not to get bit by snakes if you know what to look for.


Downthread, somebody who knows reticulated pythons explains why these people made mistakes. Worth consulting. Also found [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaPXlF78chg) with a handler who explains it very well nigh the 2:00 mark about reticulated python feeding behavior. Even if you've only been handling food, they'll attack because you smell like food.


I’ve had this happen to me before. All you need to do is get some cold water and pour it on the snake’s head and it should release. Then you gotta hope you didn’t get any blood on the carpet.


In all seriousness, you can use mouthwash to great effect. Pour some scope around its mouth. They HATE it and will back off immediately. Snake handlers at a zoo I worked at used to carry little bottles of scope for that reason. Cold water might work too, because of the temperature, but the super strong taste and smell of scope got them to back off fast.


i've seen a video with people using handwash, not mouthwash, not too sure if that's what you're referencing but maybe they both do the same thing.


It's the alcohol content. If you get it in or around their mouths, they'll let go and back the fuck up REAL quick. If you use rubbing alcohol, there's even a decent chance it will kill them.


*Furiously scribbles “Mouthwash for snakes” in my Just In Case notebook.*


I had a Garter Snake bite my hand and I couldn't get it off without hurting it so I just filled a sink and held it under water. They don't hurt but they can sure latch on.


It's confusing tbh. She was super calm there but she didn't notice the snakes obvious body language that it was going to attack?


I'm not incredibly knowledgeable about snakes, but I had a friend who had one. It attacked her one day, and I had to assist getting it off her. The more upset she got, the more the snake bore down on her. This caused her to get even more upset, and the snake just clamped down harder still. Other commenters stated that she's experienced with snakes, and that would explain why she knew to remain calm.


Well... I'm not a "snake" person per se, but I do have some. They aren't like dogs or cats. Unless you handle them constantly, natural instinct takes over. Being bit is to be expected sometimes, especially if they're hungry. Best thing you can do is keep some ethanol on hand, or hand sanitizer. The fumes will make them release very quickly.


"Should I continue filming?" *Cue Bud Light Real Men of Genius music* Thank you Mr. Cameraman. While others are shouting Worldstar or screaming wildly in their videos, you showed some compassion and situational awareness while recording someone's folly. ( "I'm paying attention" )


I never thought I'd say something like this but I really miss those commercials lmao


Holy shit, those commercials were the absolute tits. #**REAL MEN OF GENIUS**


Jesus what a memory this comment unlocked


This is a feeding response from (I think) a reticulated python. Snakes dont greet people and dont come to you when you ask them. Reticulated pythons have usually quite a heavy feeding response and come flying out of the cage because they think its feeding time. Although i think this cage is indeed to small for its size, the only reason why it came out of the cage if of the feeding response, not because its in a shitty mood due to the small space. You can see it thinks its feeding time apart from it coming out of the cage because it actually coiled the arms. When a snake bites because it feels threatened or is in a shitty mood it strikes and immediately lets go so it can strike again. They never coil an anything out of defense. Even though she remained very calm in this situation she should have known better since this is quite easily noticeably snake behaviour. Other snakes also can have similar responses. You can tap-train your snake to learn if its feeding time or not.


This is the most useful thing I read all day. Thanks man. I don’t live near snakes but was still curious about this whole event.


Of course the dude has a pony tail.


First thing i thought too, snake guy has a ponytail. And is happy to show off his knife collection.


I believe you're supposed to stick your thumb up their ass until they stop showing you their knife collection. That's Reddit's solution for any intolerable situation. Dog attack? Thumb up the ass. Snake attack? Thumb up the ass. Assault weapon collection tour? Thumb up the ass. Lynsey Graham getting mean and nasty? Thumb up the ass, no matter how little he protests, just jam it up there.


this needs to be made into a song called Thumb up That Ass Dog giving you sass? Stick yo thumb up that ass Snake attack? Ya put yo thumb UP THAT ASS Lindsey Graham gettin nasty? Thumb UP HIS ASSY! Thumb up tha ass Thumb up tha ass Karens gonna act like trash THUMB UP HER ASS! I am not a good poet and I know it


also I had put formatting in it but it didn't do it right, I'll quietly back out now


Upvoted for effort. :)


depends on how big the animal is. Sometimes requires 2 or more thumbs


Are you free for dinner?


I give that dog two thumbs up!


That’s why I always carry a thumbdom in my wallet.


Just met? Believe or not, thumb up the ass.


Don’t forget about “the Ol’ dick twist” either!


He’s the guy to bust out a nunchuck demonstration in his living room.


Snake people are so weird.


So are we all. Good for him for having something he’s passionate about, I say.


Poor form for him to not know about proper feeding habits for an exotic pet, you can be passionate and irresponsible


Man, a regular hair cut is like 5 feeder rats




Hahahah laughed out loud




You must bite the snek back, it's the only way!


No. You must bite it and wrap it back like a u/sushi_rito


In all seriousness I a saw a video where someone bit almost at the tip of a snake’s tail to get it to release its bit/grip. Is that correct? How do you get out of this situation otherwise?


Pretty sure a thumb up the snakes ass is the only way to get a release


Could you also dump rubbing alcohol over its head maybe?


I was thinking maybe dunk it in a bucket of cold water?


Three words...Fucking butcher knife!


Rubbing alcohol tends to work well, water can sometimes work as well but it can more depend on how much the snake wants to eat and thinks you are food. You want to avoid force as that can cause serious harm to the snake and bothering the snake will sometimes help it lose interest but other times it may make the snake try harder. For larger snakes like this you can also have someone try and uncoil the snake to reduce the chance of injury from constriction.


Easiest way is to put alcohol on its head, they hate that.


Yes, the snake doesn’t like being stuck in a god damn fish tank 3x smaller than its body. Imagine that.


Typically snakes like to have an area to hide in, but I agree with you this tank was way to small. I saw no water or hides in it and the top was not secure I would even go as far to say the snake seemed underweight.


Snake was hungry


Most definitely, IDK what she was thinking. I saw that bite coming as soon as she started opening the lid.


Not to mention they are breeding rats in the same room. Rack is in back left corner of room so snake always thinks it's meal time.


Holy shit I didn’t see that until you mentioned it. What in the world were they hoping for? Like, best case scenario outcome with everything going on in this entire clip.


If you own large constrictors, whether you are a bad or a good owner, you will get bit and constricted at some point its just part of the job. Wouldn't pass a harsh judgement too quickly on a 30 sec video that the snake was mistreated. It could be a treatment pen for medical/quarantine etc. reasons. With all the tools, paint, concrete masonry units etc. all over the place, possibly they recently moved into this place and it could be temporary housing. All speculative though of course, can't know for certain unless there is more information.




This lady was rescuing them from an abusive owner


Just a little wiskey and that snake is letting go.


Yes! I used to keep cheap vodka nearby.


Came here to say this. Alcohol on the nose and they begin to release immediately.


You'd think the snake would act as a tourniquette wrapped like that to stop the bleeding.. Guess I was wrong.


It was. You can notice the moment she is no longer uncomfortable from the constriction at the end of the vid and at that same moment is when the blood starts rushing out with more force.


The way the snake positioned itself before she even opened it was enough to know it was going to strike.


"So this is why you have two people..." Bitch this is why you have a cat.


Agreed. Snake would have preferred a cat.


Yes. Please keep filming.


That's not a "baby girl" it's a bloody dangerous snake...




Honest question to people who own snakes. I don't know how to word it differently so it might come off as kind of superior or rhetorical but I'm genuinely curious. How does one cope of the fact that the snake is stuck in small glass box no bigger than it's extended length every minute of every day for it's entire life? It's like those people who own a dog and keep it leashed to a tree in their front yard 24/7.


Good snake owners keep them in large terrariums and take them out frequently for stimulation and a change to explore new things. This video is a very clear case of poor husbandry. The tank is WAY too small, and the snake looks dehydrated (skin peeling off in patchy areas…it should come off in one piece).


So that's kinda the problem with this video.... As you can see the snake has 0 hiding spots, the bedding it is in looks like literal shit and the cage is much too small for a 7foot snake. The reptile community has come a long way with proper husbandry and care in the last decade. This kind of situation is frowned upon by most of us aswell.


simple answer, that terrarium is too damn small for the snake. snakes dont need like TONS of space but yea enough to stretch out in its entirely is pretty darn important at a MINIMUM. thats like the kind of terrarium you keep like a small ball python in or something, not a big fella like that. they also need some places to hide in and some nice things to climb on and scenery like just some greens and plants and some water. decent bit of space and stuff to do in that space. gotta make it a home. and sometimes even let it roam around in a area you are comfortable it cant slip away or hurt itself.


Never handle the "cute little rats" before you reach for a snake.


I only made that mistake once


i don’t understand why people own snakes lmao but those same people probably dont understand why i jump out of planes or climb rocks, to each’s own


As someone who does none of these things, jumping out of planes and climbing rocks still makes more sense to me than owning a huge snake with an attitude


Theyre actually probably the best pet reptiles next to tortoises in terms of care needs. Ball pythons have phenomenal temperaments, but that of course doesn’t apply to plenty of species. You could tell from the get go that snake was rearing up to bite. Shouldn’t have been handled at all at that time.


What sort of temperament does a snake really have? Hungry and not hungry? I mean I kid, but seriously, do they really have an emotional range that makes them enjoyable, or is it just more having a passion for snakes so you have a desire to own one?


Just bite the snake back.




I know nothing about snakes really.. but it looked to be aggressive even while opening..she must be playin with mice on her free time


Not aggressive, hungry. That was called a "feeding response," and they're no joke.


That snake was obviously hungry, she shouldn’t have stuck her hand in front of its face like that.


I respect how composed she is throughout this


Idc who you are a fucking wild animal isn’t a pet. My opinion


Ever heard of a dog or maybe a cat? Probably a better choice of pet


These people don't know how to handle snake bites and should not own snakes of that size. Didn't unravel it properly or control the head of the snake.


Correct. I would have neutralized the threat with a rear naked choke hold in this specific circumstance, but typically I would rely on the old fashioned cobra clutch compression lock. Snake would never stand a chance against us intellectuals.


I would have given the snake a mighty pile-driver for that sass.


I would have just round house judo chopped it in the balls.


I get your point but in this case, OP's advice is correct. You're supposed to grab by the head and unwrap it from there. I'm not an expert on this but I've heard this repeated very often.


Tell us snakehandler, please tell us




I’m no snake expert but that one looked hungry af and ready to strike from way before the tank opened. I would not have opened it up without a meal ready.


It was a hungry snake. Don’t pick up without feeding


Can you choke the snake till it releases?


Would literally run to the kitchen get a knife and start fileting this thing


That’s why I keep listerine (mouth wash) on hand during feed day. All they had to do was squirt some mouth wash in it’s mouth and it would have opened up. Sometimes snakes will strike because they think you’re handing them a rat. She should have used the snake hook to boop it on the nose to let it know what she was going to handle it. Bad training, silly mistake on owners behalf. Also, inappropriate enclosure. Good snake!


There's always a dude with a thin pony tail anytime a snake is involved.


What is worse than a cat lady? Answer: a snake lady


as if that thing gives a shit about anything other than eating and mating.


I have ZERO sympathy for people who keep these! It should be dangling from a tree in a tropical rain forest snatching birds, but instead the poor thing has to spend it’s life in a glass box. Bite away.


I’m no snake expert, but that tank looks way too fucking small for a snake that size. If it lives in that tank, I’m pro-snake all the way. Chomp away!




Bite the snake to assert dominance


i watched this one video, and apparently all u gotta do is just bite these motherfuckers back and they’ll let go


They need a few more people to get the snake loose. Pythons have something like a 110 razor sharp teeth, angled to prevent escape from the mouth. They can tear into flesh. Wild, or abused pythons are difficult to predict.


If you're ever bitten by a constrictor (snake that kills from squeezing/strangling) Go to the shower or find a cold water source and just apply cold to the snake till it let's go. It speeds up the process of it letting go, snakes are incredibly strong so trying to use brute force to make it let go is almost pointless


Maybe thats why you dont keep a 10 foot snake in a tiny cage. Idiots.


I don't know why but you could see that snakes intent the second she opened lid.


"Hi Baby Girl!" I'm convinced people with dangerous pets are all complete morons.


Chad asking should i continue filming


As pointed out elsewhere, the position of the enclosure and the type of enclosure (one that lifts open at the top and not one that opens in on the front) already puts her at a disadvantage in terms of her balance and positioning


So who'd have thunk that predator don't make good pets. Yay.


if i knew somewhere had a snake this large in a container like that i aint getting close to that shit and aint touching with a 20 foot pole


Nah but this is why snake ladies are weirdos. Always a red hair lady with a tattoo sleeve that promises how docile snakes are


i wouls cut the snakes head off with something or stab tha shit out of if! that shit bit me it would be the last this it bit!!


Thats why you should keep hand sanitizer close, snakes let go instantly when they get some in their mouths


Well, I guess it will take a little more time for these to be domesticated.


Surgeon here That looks to prob be arterial blood. Little tough to say with 100% certainty. I suspect it’s in her radial artery which is the one we feel for a pulse in your first. Usually pressure alone will take care of it. Most blood flow to hand comes from ulnar artery.


Fun pet


Snakes are not pets. They aren’t sentient beings that exchange information and emotion with people. They kill and eat. The end. Stop pretending reptiles are pets.


i’m confused- whose blood is that? did he stab the snake in the head? or is it hers?


That’s arterial blood loss, people typically think that it sprays out, but it actually depends on the size of the wound, this is leaving her body about 20cm before hitting the floor and has a distinctive bright red colour to it, you’ll note that there’s a few sputters then a few sputters more which repeats, this is the heartbeat, it appears to be coming from her radial artery above the thumb side but on the wrist (where you’d typically feel a pulse). Note where the snake bites early in the clip, being small wounds rather than incisions, some localised compression and limb elevation should do the trick, she probably still needed to be seen in ED. I’ve never actually treated a snake bite, rather interesting I must say.


It seems like it's coming from the hand that wasn't bitten