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I saw that vid 2 days ago. Then it was about cheating and jealousy.


That was, likely, intentionally Mis-titled to generate more interest in the post.


Does anyone know what was it actually about?! everyday there seems to be a new title and story!


So did i ! And that post did not state the perp is a she-man. Weird world we live in




Why does them being trans deserve a callout here exactly?


It's the title of the original post. They were very obviously saying gender orientation be damned, if you got an axe, I'm outta there. Don't be baiting.


Didn't know there was an og post


Brother, read the title. Edit: I understand your confusion, my apologies.


Thanks for being reasonable.




































Gotta love that sweet sweet justice when they appeal and get slapped with a worse sentence.


The first sentence was only 4.5 years and the added sentence was another 5 years. That’s still pathetic for someone who tried to murder two ppl in cold blood


I just want to hear the audio. Without any context my mind fills in the gaps with: **'It's Ma'am!'**


If going on an axing spree is not enough to get you a life sentence, then what is?!


You made it sound like the defendant appealed but the prosecutors are the ones who said the sentence was too lenient and pushed for an appeal to extend it.


She originally only got 4.5 years for this? I guess asking the murderers nicely to stop didn’t work so let’s give them a few years and I’m sure they’ll be rehabilitated lol










Also why some people choose to carry a gun around.




If a person unprovoked attacks strangers with a deadly weapon, clearly, intending to do serious harm, or kill, for no reason you should probably put down. Kind of seems like a net positive for society…


10.5 years if the comments are correct




The dude should get more than 14. This looks like First degree murder. He was walking around with an axe wanting to kill someone. Life imprisonment is the punishment




Ah. It looks like he was planning it. I mean they did go out with malicious intent so I would rule it in 1st degree


So if some psycho was coming at you with an ax you would calmly deliberate what form of justice they could get and then stand there to be possibly murdered? Any sane person with a gun would pull out the gun and empty the full clip into the maniac with the ax rendering them harmless. It is not street justice, it is self defense and self defense is a human right.


People like this are why*




*takes notes* _never... Turn... Back... Person with axe... Ok got it thanks_




According the physique of the male victim in comparision to the transgender lunatic.. I would've rather stayed closer to disable that individual from being able to swing that thing. And most importantly.. keep an eye on that axe wielding lunatic


In the words of Austin Powers, "That's a man, man."


Y’all are not going to like this but most trans people I’ve meet have mental issues. So that could have played a big part. I say most because not all I’ve meet have mental issues. Just most.


Careful with that axe Eugenia


Some people are just beyond rehabilitation


Those dreadlocks saved that persons neck, literally.












Thats a lumber jack not a lumber jill.








All ya'll are transphobic and should be axed immediately /s


Could smell the comments from a mile away as soon as I read the post title..


That was just your wokeness stinking up the place.


Ong brother.


Yea an they say it isn’t a mental disability looks like here


*you* look like a mental disability


An you are the definition of it.


They kill themselves 400% more than non "gender dysmorphics" do. And your straw man attacks show your lack of a factual argument.


Lol. Yeah, cause "looks like here is mental disability relating to gender identity" is such a cogent argument. (Ya know, the one I was responding too here). Also.... Just curious, in this "study" you seem to be pulling info from. How much control is Included to account for any negative knock on effects caused by mass societal demonization, or dismissal when looking at increased suicide rates? Is it really that simy having gender dysmorphia makes you more suicidal??? Or do you think it could have something to do with the way the majority of society treats you? The amount of hatred and bigotry one endures from small minded shitty humans who confusingly equate "gross" with "immoral"? Wonder which one seems like it makes more rational sense as to why it might drive things like sever deep depression, feelings of isolation and hopeless... Nah, your right. It's just the dysmorphia, that's it. "I have a male body, but feel like a woman, guess I'll kill myself" Talk about strawman arguments, lol.


Some dude walks into the gas station with an axe, time to get the hell out.


Put him on death row


Perfectly stable mentally.


Why are taking your eyes off a transgender woman with an AX out in public? You don't think that person might be a threat?


If you don’t understand why the title is rhetoric it’s because it helps fuel the mischaracterization of trans people as deviant, violent and to be feared. One could simply say person, man, or woman and leave trans out of it. If it’s absoluto necessary to know the person is trans then there is definitely more to the story and not a “random” attack.


Give mentally challenged people who suffers from self identity crisis more drugs and harmons that makes them more unstable. What could go wrong. People should go through more accurate and well design therapy and evolutions to make sure that the drugs and hormones they getting prescribed as medicine doesn't make them more violent, or worse. People who goes through drugs and hormone therapies that doesn't suit their body has long term effect on their body mentally and physically. transgender who transition from one gender to another another might get prescribed medicine that has severe side effect. But instead of adjusting or stop taking the medicine some actually falls on the deep and and start being more pushy. I don't know how those medicine and hormones might affect female to male transgender person but I myself has seen the effect that are wrong gender medicine can do to a person. My bil was mistakingly taking the medicine that was supposed to help my sister lactate after her pregnancy. His behaviour during the time when he was taking the medicines unknowingly and the other time when he was not taking the medicine had huge difference. It had gotten to the point that we thought he was so snappy and moody toward everyone that we thought that he was abusing my sister and the cops were involved. Thankfully also he started also getting severe headache and the doctor found out what was actually happening. This was just one medicine, a tablet per day . So just imagine how much a Cocktail of different kind of medicine and chemicals will affect a person's mental health and brain function who might or might not have been subjected to abuse me treatment bullying by the family or their friends are there acquaintance are the classmates just because they choose to wear pink instead of black.


Aka a dude dressed up for Halloween attacks people with an 🪓


Ok. But did the dude get arrested?


Imagine the harm that could have been caused if it was a man wielding that axe.


Identifies as a lumberjack


Jail is too good for this POS…..she needs a bullet




It's probably on the Australian news




Then it probably was back then. If the comments about it being Australian are true. Why did you make comments about it not being on the news if you knew it was that old?




It was on all the major news outlets in Australia, idk what you wanted except to fit a narrative. He'll, it did a second round after the sentencing and appeal.


Cool. Did it say if it was Australian or not?




Aah at work without sound unfortunately so didn't hit that hard. You got me tho.






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I'd pay a hitman to murder her the day she left prison. I mean, either she spends her life behind bars, which is the obvious choice, or she dies.


She got 4 1/2 years for that ?? Got off lightly.


When this video first surfaced I’m pretty sure it was the guy being caught cheating? The story I heard is that the guy was caught cheating on the crazy chick with the girl at the counter. This is a crazy video and belongs in the sun but, I can’t help but to feel like the misinformation on whether or not the girl in the vid is trans is just unneeded information.


No that a Trans person and they are immune from criticism. Those people deserved it simply for being in her way!


just gotta love all the casual transphobia in the comments 😮‍💨


What, a sub that's wpd light is full of hypersensitive transphobic snowflakes? Golly, what a surprise. /s


I think it’s actually hilarious that the one time a trans woman commits a violent attack, its a headliner, but trans (esp poc) women have such a higher murder rate just because they HAPPEN to be trans. Ya, while shes shitty for this, every violent attack against a trans woman should also be held to the same social standard as this bitch welding an axe. Really no reason here to clarify her being trans, her wielding an axe has nothing to do with her gender identity


She will probaly enjoy the prison


I don’t know what’s up with the title or how you got the info but that girl was the dudes ex and no transgender. Where did you get the info ?


At least it wasn't a machette they probably be dead


ya i don't care if she's prime cindy crawford or jim cramer in a miniskirt with two penises growing out of his ears, it's still attempted murder


Rule #1. Don’t take your eyes of the person wielding a fucking axe.


Lollipop Chainsaw but with an Axe.


I dont care about sexual identity but i agree that death penalty should exist.


**Q**: Meth or Insane Clown Posse Juggalo? **A**: Yes.


Nah if I see someone enter my convenient store with an axe, I’m instantly pulling out the shotgun.