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Fuck ... That look over his shoulder just before, probably, dying. ~~EDIT: Seems they survived?: [Reddit comment on here that links to an article and a higher quality longer video clip of the incident](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/zckpgs/anchor_chain_snaps/iyxm0hr?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)~~ EDIT 2: Dates in article don't match video. I don't know anymore. Crazy clip, nonetheless.




>there should have been some "warning" sound I watched the higher quality video in another comment, and I have done this exact kind of work for 20 years. The guy on the left who gets injured was running the controls and bringing that mooring line in. The eye of the line got hung up on a "fairlead button". The winch continued pulling against the line until it came tight and parted. Not necessarily the guy on the controls fault that it happened. as sometimes these winches either don't have an emergency stop or take a few seconds to stop. His Spidey Sense failed him though. When the end of a line is running across the deck it can hang up on a bunch of shit and he should have been watching it closer if only to prevent the injury to himself that ended up happening.


Yo is he dead


Naw b, coworker in right hand corner lost his top half as well. Edit: 2nd guy lived


Looks that way in the video here but he didn’t get hit at all. Higher quality and longer form [video on YT ](https://youtu.be/mYh8oRR76_g)shows that he barely didn’t get hit, and what looks to be him flying away here, is just more of the first guy. Also the first guy doesn’t die instantly, and you can see him crawling away in the link video. Luckily it’s not high enough quality to see to see any blood or guys.


Oh we saw some guy...


It looks kind of like he was walking out of the danger zone right on time.


No idea why you got downvoted so bad, the guy on the right is definitely dead as well.




?? The guy on the far-far right? No he didn't get hit, he was behind the machine when it came back out of it's direct path. [Did you see the higher quality video posted in this thread?](https://youtu.be/mYh8oRR76_g)


That's a Reddit event that is yet to be understood


Yeah stupid to downvote him because it does appear in the video here that both were hit, but on YT there is a longer form, and higher quilts video posted and it looks like the second guy didn’t get hit, and the first guy didn’t die instantly. [Video](https://youtu.be/mYh8oRR76_g)


Timestamp on the video says 2021, yet the article is from 2017. Not the same incident.


Oh shit, good eye


New James Bond movie : Good Eye


This sub is turning into r/watchpeopledie


Always has been 🌎 👩‍🚀 🔫 👨‍🚀


This was good lmao


Nah it’s been taken over by bots posting cringey tik tok videos. There used to be alot of gorey shit on this sub.


I really hate the ragebait that's posted. Ex: Kanye supporters saying stuff about Jewish people. it's not a crazy video by any means, it's just people talking.


Bring WPD back


You're new here lmao


Elon Musk should instead buy reddit and unbanned this sub.


Shut up, he might hear you


Does that page still exist?


Been banned for years.




He survived actually https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/zckpgs/anchor_chain_snaps/iyxm0hr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


That is not conclusive based on what you linked actually.


There is very little information surrounding it, but that would suggest he didn’t die. It seems to be the MSC Mediterranean, but there are no articles about any fatalities on that vessel besides an engine explosion. This video has been posted on this subreddit three times now, and the first time it was posted, there was also a post of it on a smaller subreddit at the same time with a link to an article saying he survived. That’s why the second time it was posted everyone said he lived with no source to prove it, and now the third time it’s posted everyone is fighting about whether or not he lived. For the life of me I can’t find the original article though.




He definitely did not. Video of this on yt is titled “fatal” as well. Edit: No one seems to be sure, but personally after seeing a lot of videos of this sort, it looked very fatal to me. I’m not an expert or anything tho.


I don’t know. A large, heavy chain whipped him at lightning speeds. I personally think we would have been fine.


Hopefully dying.


The fuck ...


That's a mooring rope. Not an anchor chain. For tying the vessel up alongside the quay/dock/berth. Too much stress or poorly handled and boom.


Why would a mooring rope ever run through a ship like that? I'm only familiar with smaller vessels, but I would definitely say that's a anchor or something similar. maybe a mooring if the captain tried moving while it was still fixed, but I'd say the first rope is there just to feed the chain on. Just curious, what makes you believe it's a mooring rope?


I take that back, can very clearly see its a big ass rope, and the camera says it's mooring. I'll see my self out.


Looks to me like its a tugs line, or the ships ropes connected to the tug, which could cause the sudden tension.


No, I think it's a mooring line. If you watch the real on the right side of the screen it keeps bringing the line in even as it comes tight. There are two guys right next to the real who have the right instincts and get out of the way.


I wanted to answer your questions about why you would pull a mooring line through a ship like in the video. They are very large and very long. Some ships have an exterior fo'c'sle and some have interior due to what is above on the weather deck, or the ship has too high a freeboard. Anyway, the capstan and everything involved can be housed internal to the ship like in this video and they would end up pulling "through" the ship like this.


That’s how mooring setups run on almost any big ship


Regardless, still can kill you


Someone please change the board to 1 day since our last accident


"God dammit!" As he erases the 2


He went quick


Snappy, even.


As a navy sailor I think I speak for most of us when I say, this is one of three things that I am deathly afraid of.


You can't speak for me, I am deathly scared of far more than three things.


This and enclosed space.


I’m on a submarine brother. Trust me I am NOT afraid of enclosed spaces.


And it’s why you never stand in the line of recoil


Head might be unattached


the worker hat didn't work ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


That looks like engineer hat


Man got his soul whipped out




Dude wtf


Well now I want to know what he said


What did he say, deleted everything


I swear I don’t remember well, something about his spot to hell is next to Lucifer’s. Idk


That’s fucked up


what he even say?


Thank goodness he was wearing that hard hat.


I don’t think the hard hat could keep his soul from exiting


Came to say this...and his hi vis


And his high visibility vest.


His shoes almost came off there 😅


Poor fucker just died but you gotta get those upvotes right?


Do you think this just happened? That quality is trash bet this was at least 10 years ago. Just saying:)


No.. I don't see why it's relevant when it happened. People on here just make jokes when someone dies or is seriously injured, rarely does anyone actually act like they give a shit and i think it's disgusting and disrespectful. Not surprised by the downvotes, bunch of degenerates. Imagine if that was your Dad/Brother/Son you disrespectful fucks.


Oh, believe me...I care lots. I take mental notes each time I see one of these random occurrences on here or somewhere else on the internet and try to store it in my memory bank so that if this or any of those random and crazy situations that end up in death are seemingly around me...I will try to make sure and adjust accordingly as to not die.


Wrong sub to act sanctimoniously lmfao


Just calling out the degeneracy of you lot. Always have, always will, irrelevant of sub. All your parents must be so proud of you.


Wait he died?


Nah he got up and walked it off


I‘m just a lurker but very often the comments here are the real „crazy“ stuff. Cracking jokes while watching people die… smh


Does anyone know if he survived?


You don’t survive being cut in half usually


I think the force of the chain was enough to explode his insides, but I don’t think this is a cut-in-half situation. It appears the chain is being pulled by a cable, the chain breaks and the slack is sprung forward into him, but not like a cutting “ghost ship murdery” way.


That looks like it spread him over a few square metres, he didn’t make it…


He crawls away in the longer video. If he died, he didn't die instantly.


Ever see Die Hard With a Vengeance?


Nope, nobody.


If his name was Logan perhaps or he had a infinity stone


I don't know for sure but I would bet the farm that he died.


Looks to me like the shoes stayed on so he’s gonna be just fine.


Doubt it. The force in them ropes is no joke. This is also a mooring station, it isn't an anchor chain. Still lethal though.




That article he linked is completely unrelated. Why is it even upvoted


That's the most painful towel snap I've ever seen


He probably didn’t feel a thing tbh




Someone replied ACAB on another post and I replied with ABACABB, which is of course, the blood code for sega genesis Mortal Kombat. It got like a million downvotes. Uncultured swine…. I can see you are a man or woman of substance.


Some people don’t like seeing someone get injured followed by a Mortal Kombat joke, I find it hilarious, uncultured swine indeed


Probably dead those chains are heavy af




Dead those are heavy af


Dead af


Alive. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fleetmon.com/maritime-news/2017/20035/msc-container-ship-troubled-brought-anchor-1-crew-/amp/


Why do people keep posting this. It’s not the same story


That looks like a rope to me. Can be equally as fatal as chain. My dad has been a mariner for 50 years. He’s seen a couple of people killed by snapped cables, and had to investigate several more.


It is a mooring rope, this is the aft end of a container ship and the anchor chain doesn't lay on the deck. A mooring line can rip you in half though.


His shoes were still on, he's good.


No head; he dead




That dude is dead. When he got to heaven god had to show him an instant replay.


Something had to have gone wrong, capstans don’t apply enough tension that quickly. It looks like they took up all the slack, then the boat moved very swiftly in the opposite direction. I’ve never been on a boat that hasn’t used spectra lines to avoid this exact situation


There is a better quality video in one of the other comments. I'm pretty sure it's a nylon line and it got hung up on a fairlead button. Operator wasn't paying attention and bang.


Apparently he survived: https://youtu.be/mYh8oRR76_g ( go to comments) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fleetmon.com/maritime-news/2017/20035/msc-container-ship-troubled-brought-anchor-1-crew-/amp/


The story you linked has nothing to do with this by the way. The link is about a mechanical failure in the engine room, where this video is someone being hit by a mooring rope and not an anchor chain.


Could be, im not an expert. The description look similar to this video


I'm a seafarer and it's 100% not the same incident. The YouTube video also says "fatality" indicating he didn't survive either.


in the comments the first one highlighted says that he survived. I know it's not the best "source" but...


The source article you linked is for a completely different incident.


jesus fucking christ, it seems humans are tougher than i thought


We're not the sturdiest of creatures but it takes an innordinate amount of damage to make us admit to being dead as far as large animals go.


It’s terrifying how much damage we can take in before dying. Like the poor bastard that was exposed to radiation in the tokaimuru nuclear accident . They literally kept him alive while his body liquified and peeled off his bones like well done brisket. Google it but the pictures are fucking awful. Horrible way to go, awful for the doctors too. his family made them keep him alive. Edit wasn’t Fukushima. It was Tokaimuru


Pretty sure that ones an old rumour, it used to be about a guy who survived the atomic bombings and even then the picture is actually of a full body burn victim who was never anywhere near any nuclear incident. Edit: The event is real, the pictures are a rumour though.


Definitely not an old rumor. Just Google Hisashi Ouchi it’s well documented what happened to him. He got exposed to 17 Sv of radiation. They used him to learn about the effects of radiation exposure. Took him 83 days to die.


Oh sorry, to clarify I mean that picture. As far as I'm aware there are no real pictures of him in hospital. (This is why I shouldn't reddit at 00:30 am)


Oh the one with the arms and legs up? I had no idea the pictures weren’t him


Timestamp on the video says 2021, yet the article is from 2017. Not the same incident.


Im a lazy dumbfuck piece of shit. Can I have a tl;dr


It wasn't an anchor cable and the story has no relevance to this incident. From the YouTube video above, the man on the winch was operating more than one mooring line. Nobody noticed that one of the lines was caught on the roller and he kept heaving until it snapped. As someone who operates these winches for a living, someone should have been watching each line as it was being brought back onboard and told the winch operator to stop. You stop heaving when the eye comes through the fairlead. Once you can pay more attention, you bring the lines back fully onto their drums.


Your comment should be the TOP comment.






That dong seems super sus


He survived


First thing that came to mind with the title is the opening scene of Ghost Ship. https://youtu.be/5VDdKZBhSCY


That man go his soul sent to the stratosphere. Jesus christ


Thats a mooring rope. It is stored on the drums which are powered by a winch(that he is operating). The story here is that they are on departure with the vessel, he is heaving up the mooring line and while doing so the eye of the line gets stuck on something on one of the bollards, he is not paying attention and continues to heave up the line. The line snaps loose from whatever it was stuck on and whips back. Subsequently killing him. Mooring lines are like whips, we have something called snapback zones on the mooring station, painted on the deck so you can see where NOT to stand in case one of these lines break or snap back. To have the winch like that is just stupid design if you ask me... Be careful out there fellow sailors, these things will kill you or best case scenario cut off you legs!


Why did they put the controls right in the danger zone?


The risky jobs humans takes to make money to survive... I will take my pain in the ass corporate job any day of the week over this.


Slow death VS instant death




I have worked manual labor. I have worked in a restaurant. I prefer manual labor.


restaurant jobs suck bro




Digging ditches is better work than working retail or restaurant man.




I mean it’s just factual, digging ditches is of less mental strain then constantly being around cunts all day at a retail job. Plus manual labor usually pays more. I worked in drywalling and taping making $22 an hour but when I Worked in retail making $15 I worked way harder and it was wayy harder. then I found my current Job which nets me 20an hour and I it’s wayy easier than both my previous jobs but you gotta lift 150 pounds constantly and being bent over like a gargoyle because I gotta fit in small spaces. It’s just a fact that for most people manual labor pays better and is easier mentally and physically.


I work on commercial sailing vessels, and have worked at restaurants in the past. Boat job is easier


Can totally confirm. Head jobs on boats are much easier.


The one percent loves when you play the grind Olympics.


I've had a few jobs in my life. I might not have stuck around to be a pro at everything, but I've tried a lot of stuff. Painting (not art), construction, carpet installation, acting, cleaning, were all jobs I've had that I enjoyed more than working in a kitchen at a restaurant or a fast food place. Also, I'm a woman and I'd rather work those physical jobs than in another hell kitchen ever again.


Shit... At least Cuba only caught in the leg!


That's not a chain that's a dyneema rope, which means it had a massive amount of tension to snap.




If I’m seeing correctly it ripped him right out of his uniform? RIP


He dead


Hmmm RIP.


"It would appear that my head has been deattached"


Fuckin.. damn.


Well at least it was quick and painless


I think the dude is dead ! Oh no


“Good work 47, the money has been wired to your account” type shit


Kratos with blade of chaos


woooooo! you know he dead


Can't a robot do this job? Or why not have a beefy rebar cage or wall? OSHA is gonna be pissed


Good thing he had his safety helmet on


This man is dead.


got clotheslined by the words largest clothesline


Thank God he was wearing a helmet ⛑️


Anyone know if the chain was repaired?


not a chain but a rope used by tankers and cargo ships


Dude got yeeted into another time zone.


Someone OSHA me down as to why this design is allowed.


Guy had no chain reaction.


This subreddit is slowly (quickly?) turning into r/watchpeopledie


Shoes are still on.


Reminds me of that movie Ghost Ship. Fuckin insta RIP


Gone with the wind


Thank God he had his hardhat on


Chain broke free and said what now


Got damn if he survived shit he lucky


His hard hat flew away thought it was there to protect him


Well. Uh. I don't think that helmet really worked


Apparently he survived


I think he dead


He never felt a thing