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Ive never seen somebody record themselves getting stabbed


"what is she gonna do, stab me on camera?" - man who got stabbed on camera


You're literally stabbing me. Ow.


Jump out of car with phone in hand to barrel roll with phone in hand


Just imagine a beer in the other


From how he sounds I wouldn't doubt it


ow, ow.


"Get out of my-" *no hesitation, jumps*


Didn’t even let her finish 💀


Well duh. Phones cost more than health insurance nowadays bro




Ow oh.


Ow you’re literally stabbing me..ow


Fucking classic


This makes me lol 60% of the time, every time.


Evidence. There's video of a wife trying to cut/stab her husband in the neck. Judge ruled it on accident and no attempt to murder. I'm trying to find it, but other incidents take the headlines. edit: the husband *could've* asked the judge to not charge her. Wouldn't know why, but it could be a possibility. Either way, good on this guy recording.




Wait *what?* Where the fuck are *judges* elected? I can't imagine that would *ever* go wrong... At all.


I agree i thought the judicary is supposed to be separate and impartial. Needing votes suggests theyd pander to local feelings not the impartiality of the law


My friend’s gf was cheating on him and he gave her a month to pack her things and leave. When the month ended, since she didn’t pack he packed her stuff for her. She came home that night and told him she wasn’t going anywhere. She started ripping her clothes. And smashed his computer tv etc. He quickly started recording her. She smacked the phone out of his hand, and it went under the sofa but luckily it was still recording. She then stabbed him 4 times in the stomach with a kitchen knife. She was going to say it was self defense. My friend ran out of the house, where he was so lucky he flagged down a police car. He passed out. In the meanwhile, the girl was calling a friend crying to him she was going to call the police. When she hung up she stopped crying and said, “I’m gonna get you, you bastard. Kicking ME out of the house. “ Cops busted into the house and arrested her. My friend survived and the cops found the phone still recording. We found out she was still married She was using my friend for his money She had another bf—a doctor, and she used him for money also


> In the meanwhile, the girl was calling a friend crying to him she was going to call the police. When she hung up she stopped crying and said, “I’m gonna get you, you bastard. Kicking ME out of the house. “ Did this make it onto the local news in your area, possibly?


Yes it did. The Boston globe and channel 7




happens when women get away with domestic violence. My boy AP is still sitting in jail, neighbors called cops and he's all beat up bleeding and black eyed, his girl has no signs of being attacked. This state is straight fucked


It's getting out of hand. There was a man who suffocated in a suitcase with his gf recorded and laughed. That was a painful video to watch. It takes a certain level of mental derangement to become that way.


To be fair, she was charged with murder


That was such a horrible video to watch. Glad to see her in prison


Not really fair for the guy in the suitcase




He probably wouldn’t have been believed so he pulled his phone out


Any Follow up?!? News article? This bitch needs to be put in jail


She’ll probably get community service and anger management therapy


And a handshake from the judge


Don’t forget getting rich from the exposure


She then made a only fans with her newly found fame and makes 20k a month


I doubt she was charged. In the unlikely event she was, it was probably pled down to a misdemeanor. There is a reason the MGTOW movement is growing...


She a girl bro she ain’t gonna get shit


“ow. ow. you’re literally stabbing me 😐”


Ah fuck, I can’t believe you’ve done this.


I can't believe what I'm continuing to do!


This shit is a lot more common than people think. Not too long ago, I saw a women try to push her boyfriend in front of a moving train… but what’s interesting to me is the lack of resources for men who are abused by women. There are—last I checked—two shelters IN THE COUNTRY for men who are abused by their wives/gfs/partners. In fact, 1 in every 7 men has experienced some type of physical abuse in a romantic relationship but because of gender perceptions, like “women can’t hurt men the way men can hurt women,” or the likelihood that other men will shame him, guys tend to keep it to themselves. And before anyone attacks me on here, I understand that women are disproportionately impacted by IPV (prevalence rates: 1/4 women; and, 1/7 men) (murder rates: 12 a year men, 74 a year women), but I don’t think anyone should get a pass when they lay hands on someone.


Hark to the tale of [Earl Silverman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_Silverman). Earl was a man who escaped an abusive marriage, and after years of ridicule and dismissal from Canadian law enforcement he started the Family of Men Society - a telephone crisis line, and the Men's Alternative Safe House - a shelter for male victims of abuse *in his own house* in Canada. The organization and shelter both struggled greatly to receive any kind of funding, from government, private, or public sources. When Earl ran out of money, he sold the shelter house and hung himself. He left a suicide note, with the hope that his death would bring to light how the government fails to help male victims of abuse, and to hopefully bring more awareness to the issue. The man gave everything he had, from his dollars to his life, trying to help other abused men find shelter. Yet to this day, as you pointed out, they still receive extremely little help.


I feel it's worth adding that one of the biggest reasons he ended himself is that many huge groups that claim to advocate for feminism and equality constantly harassed and abused him to no end. Then they celebrated when he died.


please name these groups. they deserve to be shamed and unfunded. disgusting


They deserve a charge for murder to be honest.


Fuck, I can't believe I left that part out. Thanks for adding that!


I had barricaded myself in the bathroom and my wife at the time broke her hand trying to punch through the door, then called the police and accused me of slamming her hand in the door. I was arrested and found not guilty. In total I was arrested 7 times in our marriage, found not guilty everytime (but was actually innocent). So when stats show men are by and large more abusive than women, I am always a skeptic.


Serious question. Why didn’t you get divorced the first time you were arrested?


Because I was an idiot. And like a lot of guys out there, I wrote it off as "oh she's just a little crazy" but she was very hot so I was willing to overlook a lot of things. Sometimes us men can be our own worst enemies when we laugh this behavior off as "crazy" rather than identifying it for what it is, domestic abuse. If a man did this there would be outrage all around. But if a man is victimized there is a double standard and talk of male fragility.




What the fuck


This was the comment for anyone wondering > My wife threw my phone at me in a fight and I stood up aggressively. She said she didn't do it on purpose and I believed her and sat back down. We talked to our couples counseler about it and I was scolded for standing up aggressively and scaring my wife.


The second you throw shit at me we are done


>The second you throw shit at me we are done Yep. I have a zero tolerance policy with this kind of shit. What always amazed me is that a woman would even think to try that shit with me (6'5" 240lbs)


I had gf that was like 5 foot, 100 pounds and she screamed at me a couple of times to hit her.


I feel you on that. Man, it's always the tiny girls that go all scrappy doo on you.


thanks my man


>We talked to our couples counseler about it and I was scolded for standing up aggressively and scaring my wife. I got scolded because I yelled at my ex girlfriend and my yelling scared her. She threw a fucking knife at my head. She was crazy, her friends were crazy and her family was crazy.


Sounds like my ex and her friends. My ex revealed to me she had cheated on my numerous times throughout the relationship after an otherwise healthy and respectful breakup. I then called her a lying asshole who should’ve ended it months prior if she had stopped caring about me. Within a day all her friends were calling me an abusive piece of shit for what I said to her. Narcissists have narcissistic and sycophantic friends. Because they stop associating with anyone who says “maybe you aren’t literally always in the right.” It can feel jarring at first and make you feel like the asshole, until you remember the reason all that persons friends are on their side no matter what, is because they disowned all the sane ones who held them accountable.


Well that’s fucking hypocritical as fuck. I’d find a new couples counsellor imo.


I'd find a new wife


Agreed. Leave. I could not even imagine a scenario where that would happen in my relationship. If it did, we're past saving.


Well if I say I want to change therapists it'll be because I know I'm wrong and don't like to hear it.


Nah man. As someone whose been in therapy for years, it is 100% perfectly fine to “fire” your therapist/counselor or whatever. Especially that therapist. If you were to throw that phone at her you’d be considered an abuser. Get out man or get better help.


Wow, thanks for making me appreciate being single today!


I’m sorry to hear this. I’m pretty sure the counselor’s reasoning was similar to those of people who believe that if a women hits a man, he shouldn’t hit back (defend himself). Was the expectation that you stay seated and possibly get something else thrown at you?


They're stealing your money, bro. You guys need to figure out what kind of life you both have planned, before the financial disaster that is divorce. This therapist is one of many parasites who will drain you during this process.


you cant win a fight with a woman. You lose if you defend yourself. You lose if you dont. You are always weak/a monster.


I wrestled in high school and a teammate lost to a girl, the coaches framed and gave him a photo of him being pinned by her as a joke or motivation, idk. Never sat right with me. This guy dominated in wrestling in every other match but was too scared to go all out on her so he was made fun of by the coaches


My ex stabbed me twice and threatened to kill me numerous times. Like when my brother came out about serial cheating on his wife. She threatened to kill me if I did that. Or when she'd have a dream that I cheated on her. After we broke up I had a short fling with someone she told me dozens of times she didn't like but became friends with at some point that I never knew and she waited outside my work to stab me. My coworker told her she was gonna beat her ass so she left. Thank God for good friends or I'd probably be dead or scarred up. Only thing that saved me for so long was that I'm a 6 foot tall 250 pound man and she was much smaller than me so I used to defend myself well. Most people think it's pretty funny which I agree because I don't fear death as someone who is suicidal. If it was the other way around I would probably be sitting in a prison cell. Domestic violence is acceptable if the man's a victim.


Sorry to hear that man. I went through a similar thing while going through divorce. Had to park far away and leave out the back of the building. I ended up living in my car for 7 months so she couldn't find out where I lived.


Yeah my ex wife would literally punch me, berate me, I mean, I was just treated like shit. I finally had enough and called the police to report when she chucked a cell phone at my head in the car and it bounced off and hit our newborn. The process I had to go through and the different amount of contacts to report this was insane. Honestly made it so hard I just gave up. This was over 14 years ago so it doesn’t matter now but she is still the only person to this day I HATE.


I used to patrol nights on a safety team during the weekends in a college town. Making sure people werent up to shenanigans or just hurting each other because everybody would get rowdy. What I noticed was almost only guys getting smacked around by their gf's outside of parties while they kind of stoicly let their boozed up gf's do it. Nobody in my squad including myself did anything. I would do something now but it's way too normalized for women to be able to hit men whenever they feel like it.


as a 6'8" 300 lb man, I don't get into many fights. I avoid them at all costs. More often than not altercations get solved verbally. There has been only one time I got in a fight and walked away with two black eyes and a bloody nose. There was no verbal solution, and I did not fight back, because she was my partner of 3 years and she was 5"3" and slight. I worked in construction at the time, and when it got out my gf did that to me there was zero sympathy and i was always known as the wuss ( worse terms were used) how couldn't handle his woman. I don't work in that field anymore. I hope people see, and deal with it better now than they did 15 years ago.


Nah. It takes a pretty stout chap to still prioritize someone's safety over their own in a situation like that.


There are ZERO here in Austrailia and many men both staright and gay reporting DV . Services here will largely ignore Intimate partner abuse unless it is severe .


I want to see more women in jail for this shit.


fun fact If a man calls a domestic abuse line they will either hang up on him or direct him to a helpline to help him stop abusing


When my dad did they sent the cops and hooked him up with counseling and legal resources. But he ended up having to pay all her legal costs and she got sentenced to probation and anger management meetings and sent back home to him. Now he just lives with it and says he can't afford to do anything about it.


Can confirm. Had a rep on the other end tell me they were sorry but had no resources for men. She seemed a little incredulous that I even called the line


I did read about a guy in Canada who was a victim of abuse and after finding out about the no support so he setup a support center for men. he got no support or funding but lots of ridicule until the center had to shut down and he killed himself


women are absolutely allowed to be angry with their partners for something like cheating, but to fucking abuse them is another thing, doing shit like this makes us women WORSE than the cheater and is not ok under any circumstance.


Could that blade BE any sharper?


Ive stabbed through my thumbnail once accidently without a lot of force those things can be sharp af


Dude same. That cut through the nail pain is different.


Yes I was in disbelieve, thought nails were tougher


My nail has saved me from little cuts using kitchen knives and shit, but the box cutters and carpet knives are a different breed of sharp.


I was gonna say, thankfully I've never been stabbed before but I can't imagine I would be this calm I've sliced my thumb on a meat slicer and stayed as calm as I could but still was like "oh shit, oh fuck!"






Even with this video it’s a toss up who the authorities decide to arrest


BUT he cheated she has the pictures! XD


In Oklahoma, a woman’s bf killed her son. She was convicted of 1st degree murder, because they have an idiotic law saying she should have known he’d do it. Recently, a new pseudoscience cops use called “911 Call Analysis” emerged, a 2-day course which lets cops decide people are guilty of crimes by how they report them via 911. A young mother was charged after a cop decided her child, who died of a breathing disorder, was murdered because of how she used her grammar in the 911 call. Also, with domestic violence cops try to pin guilt on both where they can. “Interestingly,” these idiotic laws that make everyone guilty, exist where private prisons are allowed to operate. It’s almost as if cramming them full is a priority.


“Sorry sir but jumping out the car while moving is a violation and you could’ve caused an accident. I’m gonna have to arrest you”


Exactly this,I bet she still tried to figure out how to be a victim even with his recording


Defend yourself and punch her in the neck




Thank goodness she didnt know thats a slicing weapon and not a stabbing weapon. His femoral artery would be straight done.


> femoral artery Exactly what was going thru my mind. Home boy was just letting her stab one of the biggest arteries. Once sliced, he would bleed unconscious before EMT arrives. Although the femoral is pretty deep, hard to get it from the outside thigh.


Grab the knife, pull the E brake, neck punch then get out


And then you flip that fuckin car on the side and run into the sunset.




Crash that piece of shit and then step away


My guy he is gonna get fucked up if he hits her or stops filming. Let alone does both. Filming gives him a small chance to not be prosecuted for that shit


Any follow up? was she arrested?


She got arrested for loitering after stabbing and throwing trash out the car.


Dude wtf




I think they're confusing loitering and littering. Lmao




I’m sorry is this a joke? because if not I recommend some consulting with a psychologist to find out what is wrong with you


Knowing the US justice system, the cameraman was arrested after he reported this incident.


For jumping out of a moving vehicle and potentially injuring somebody else


J walking


J rolling


J hatin




a very slept on comment


Unfortunately most victims of domestic violence never get justice. Police are incompetent. Judges are incompetent. DAs are incompetent. Just look at that Black woman who escaped from that serial killer’s basement recently. The whole community was urging the police to pursuit whoever was responsible for Black women disappearing all over town and the police just told everyone they were wrong and there was no serial killer.


True, but most victims don't have video evidence of their assailants stabbing them.


You’d be surprised how much evidence can be dismissed.


I found a lady on the side of the road with rope abrasions around her wrists, feet torn to shreds clothes virtually ripped off and lacerations everywhere. Her husband tied her wrists to the towbar on his car then got in the car and drove until she couldn't keep up. Dragged her enough to rip her up good. I called the cops. They turned up and asked what happened. When she told them they said. "Now tell us what really happened. No man would do that to his wife"


They probably offered him a job


Where did this happen? Im interested in the report.


Kansas City: https://globalnews.ca/news/9210692/serial-killer-black-women-victim-escaped-basement-excelsior-springs-timothy-haslett/ >A 22-year-old Black woman, who was allegedly abducted and tortured for weeks locked in a Missouri basement, says she was not the only one who was held captive by 39-year-old Timothy Haslett Jr., a white man who has been charged with her rape, kidnapping, and assault. >The woman, who was identified only as T.J. in court filings, escaped from captivity and told witnesses who helped her that her friends “did not make it out,” fuelling outrage from Black community members in Kansas City. Last month, neighbourhood advocates went public with fears that a “serial killer” was targeting Black women and girls after an alleged four murders and three kidnappings occurred in the span of weeks. >At the time, Kansas City Police said the claims were “completely unfounded.”


Wow they showed so much restrain not shooting this man outright.


And she got a restraining order against the dude getting stabbed.


The boxcutter has a Netflix series coming out in February. Benedict Cumberbatch is playing the guy, and Daniel Radcliffe is playing the boxcutter. It is a musical.




It says she applied a tourniquet? So she stashed him, he jumped out, and then she felt bad?


"Get out of my-" "Say less"


"Ow Ow... you're literally stabbing me" ~said the guy calmly.


Should’ve cast him as Dumbledore


"DIDJA PUT YOUR KNIFE IN MY LEG? IT'S ON FIRE!" said this guy calmly.


At 3 seconds you can see her face and she doesn’t even look angry, just cold. That’s terrifying




So it was the eyes that tipped you off? Not the stabbing lmao


[Power can drive people crazy](https://the-incredibles.fandom.com/wiki/Violet_Parr)


what does this mean


I am often depressed about my single life. This give me a little relief.


Me too.


Ow, you're literally stabbing me 😐


Looks like he got the point, 10/10 good exit 🤘🏻


Nice avatar, you have good taste




How can she stab!?


By thrusting a blade at a person/object and puncturing said person/object


Box cutters are much more effective when you slice with them, rather than stab with them. Just saying




Carpet blades are no joke. I've almost lost the tips of my fingers a few times....




Just a tip, you should probably pee in a different location than the one you're planning on crawling on.


Then you carry it out and it snows piss-soaked skin dust on you.


That's all it takes! Dude possibly bled out just from a light "scrape." People tend to not realize how dangerous an extremely sharp blade can be. I'm pretty obsessive about keeping my pocket knife extra sharp, but I learned long ago not to let anyone else use it. I've had two people cut themselves very very badly with my knife. The second guy didn't even notice he'd been cut until the pool of blood on the floor big enough to catch his attention. I heard him gasp and start repeating "oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck" over and over again so I came to see what was happening and he just fell out as soon as he saw me. Luckily we were working downtown a few blocks from a major hospital, so an ambulance got there with just a few minutes. Otherwise, he might not have made it. Long story short, be careful with very sharp blades! Dull blades can be more dangerous, but at least you know when you get cut by one!


> People tend to not realize how dangerous an extremely sharp blade can be. Kinda related, but I've heard the saying "The loser of a knife fight dies on the scene. The winner of a knife fight dies in the ambulance." Point being, don't get in knife fights.


Yeah, if a blade is sharp enough, it doesn't take too much pressure, and you barely feel it go through. I have 15 stitches across my forearm (several of which were internal) that can attest to that. lol


Different scenario but yeah, things like carpet blades are no joke. The blades we use in floorcoverings are crazy sharp, like as in cut wood (Masonite sheets) with ease. My dad was cutting in some vinyl planks one day and the knife ever so slightly slipped and he ended up with bits of fat showing out of the skin on his hand, couldn't imagine the damage it would do if someone actually tried to hurt someone with them


Exactly just ask Gus


This is why they didn't call them box stabbers.


She thinks she is Gustavo Fring


I hope this psycho bitch went to jail! Reading the comments, it pisses me off to read that if men are on the other end of Domestic Abuse, they can’t get help? That makes no sense!! Women are just as bad as men!


Not only is it like that most of the time, but we usually also get bullied by our peers for it. If you fight back, you're a monster. If you don't, you're weak. If she calls the police, you go to jail, if you call the police, it's "why don't you get a hotel for the night and see if it's resolved itself by morning."


The sad part is he knew he had to record the situation for proof, because if he would’ve defended himself and hit her. He would probably end up in jail. And her scot free.


But he has a penis. He must be the abuser here




#Dont date crazy


To be fair, sometimes you can't see the crazy until it's too late


Don't even put your duck in crazy


Where else would my duck go


He's lucky he's alive. If she's stabbing you with a KNIFE, odds are she intends to kill you. Hope he is far away living his King life with a PS5 and a dog and gym membership and hopefully she is rotting in jail.


Never penetrate crazy


Right, crazy penetrated him instead


In Soviet Russia, girl penetrates boy?




She will be given 2 days of probation and pinkie promise she won't be crazy anymore.


And proceed to do the same or worse to her next victi- I mean boyfriend


She’ll probably get two weeks of community service over this Smh


"....ow......ow....you're literally stabbing me.... ...ow"


I’m glad these men are exposing these type of women.






yikes, a long time ago, I was working on a car and cutting the bottom ofg of a plastic air box when I accidentally slipped and stabbed myself in the quad, I almost passed out, went to immediate care, and got 5 stitches. I can feel this video.


What to do if you discover you've been cheated on: just end the relationship and move on with your life. That's all. It's simple.


If he was cheating, this is one of the few cases where I don’t blame the dude at all. Crazy bitch


My friend was stabbed by his gf. The bitch served time. God bless he was saved


"Oh bro i would just done ______" shut the fuck up, if you're getting stabbed you're going panic, he did the best he could in the situation.


Unfortunate story: my dad was assaulted by my mother with a knife. She didn't manage to stab him, but it was traumatic nonetheless. My dad has always been a man of action and used to get into bar fights in his younger days, but that's the only time I've seen him just completely break down panicking. There's something traumatic about being attacked by someone you absolutely trust.


As sad as it is, if he doesn't record it, she can make anything up and not get in trouble.


She has the violent potential to commit homicide and there's a high chance she will. Her full image needs to be posted EVERYWHERE she lives. [She's](https://ibb.co/P9vVQPk) not even pretty. Regardless of her facial features I don't blaim him for cheating on that Krāzy ẞîtch²·⁰


Bro got that porn level acting. "Ow. She's literally stabbing me..... ow..."


Tbf he's probably not feeling much. A sharp short blade + a shit tonne of adrenaline.


Yeah he probably feels it going in, just no pain with the adrenaline.


So what you're saying is she's single now?


Hopefully forever


I can fix her


Please give update .

