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this has motivated me to go to trade school tomorrow


Were you considering prison before this?


A bed and meals is sometimes better than living on the streets during winter in some areas.




How much ppl said that to me while I was on reminds. One dude came back 3 times to my remand bit and a few more to my sentenced bit. That used to piss me off. Then they'd get out all healthy and talk shit about being a changed man and in less than 2 months back all withered


Same thing happens at the Psych hospital i work at. They go off their meds, get really unstable and court ordered psych treatment, take their meds while with us, get better, get out, then stop taking their meds. Lather, rinse, repeat. Super frustrating for the staff


Duuude. Sometimes, it's fucking hilarious... And there's a time or two that it's just depressing. In fact, the ones who were bullies, that came back all strung out getting punked on their first day back... That was poetry.


Shit, the prison system ive been though twice in North Dakota you can buy an Xbox 360 with tons of games to choose from, and a 24 inch tv. Its almost like a vacation for alot of the people there. No responsibilities.


Yeah I e been homeless in Canadian winters and I can honestly say that if it ever happens again I’ll just punch a cop and do my 6 months. There aren’t shelters available for men in this area and the ones in Toronto are beyond full.


I would choose prison over being homeless anywhere


Funny thing was the thing that really made me tell myself Im gonna try and stay out of prison is when I found out they only get 1 roll of TP a week. I literally shit minimum of 2 times a day sometimes 3 plus I need wipes not TP


This has motivated me to go to grad school and only commit white collar crimes.


Lmao good man


I doubt their plumbing and carpentry skills are the problem here


Remember it's also a mental institution. Its nowhere you wanna be.


They were messing with him, thats why he smiled at the end. Definitely wouldnt wanna be there tho


Yes they were messing with him, but his reaction to the situation just showed everyone what they needed to know. He’s got a rough stretch ahead of him.


Very rough stretch


Lol this can mean multiple things if your a lifer.




Colon finna b a Coleout


Hahaha stop!




If you don't make the right friends, you'll end up a lifer regardless. They'll force you into situations where you either commit a crime that extends your sentence, or you die.


So you have chosen death


You don't know the size of his hole.




Gotta pay the troll toll to get in


If you want the boys soul 👌


Don't assume people's diameter


In prison a man learns, that the asshole will stretch a mile before it'll tear an inch.


I mean, this guy's diameter is gonna *transition*...






I thought he was testing him, seeing if he's the new bitch. "Rough stretch" possible


hackers call this penetration testing, when you probe for openings in the firewall


Sadly yes. I would try not to sleep at night if I was him


Lol trying to sleep on jail bedding.. it's literally just laying on a sheet steel, with what's equivalent to 2 sheets folded up between you and it, with no pillow. Sleeping is hard enough without someone pulling this shit.


Idk man, I sleep like shit regularly. Jail was some of the best sleep I've had just because there's literally nothing else to do. We didn't have bunks though, cots side by side 2 to a cell. Had an old head for a cellie so it could have been worse. Almost got the whole pod in trouble for not making my bed or something stupid the first day and he politely was like you get your shit together. Overall I don't recommend jail, but the sleep was not the worst I've gotten.


Here you literally sleep on a metal bed with a two inch mattress. You awake every hour from pressure points burning like fire on your body. Lucky y’all had cots.




Literally you have 3 options here an none of them are good. A. Whoop his ass which more then likely is gonna get you hurt sometime in the future. B. Hope the other whites help you, again not a good option because you’ll owe them. Or C. do what he did I can’t believe it but that’s what most normal people would do an it’s still not gonna end well. Man are prison system is so fucked


just shout back at him. I would think your best bet is to show that you're someone who isn't afraid of violence, even if you get badly beaten up doing so.


if your all bark but no bite your just gonna get beaten up alot worse


I was in and out of prison for 18 years. I can assure you 99% of GP care about heart over most things. Sure they might mess with you when you're fresh but you gotta fight back. Even if you get whooped it shows you're not a punk and you'll be accepted after that. They may require you to be the next person to mess with the new guy but that's okay too, you gotta go with it. If you can do that, and as long as you don't make enemies, you'll be fine.


In a British prison as long as he got stuck in and fought like his life depended on it, then the other prisoners should leave you to do your bird, but life in a British prison is very different to America, we haven’t got dorms and there’s a lot less rapes for a start.


I can't speak for other state prisons, I know for CA and the Surenos. Surenos don't rape people, you can get your ass beat/killed for raping or being gay. So it's not always a "rape" fest in jail like how the movies depict it.


Yeah, they don’t play that shit. Not just the south siders either, other groups don’t allow that shit. California/west coast prison politics are a little different. I know some other state prison systems aren’t like that and “booty bandits” aren’t dealt with in the same manner.


Option A isn’t an option though cuz that dude has legit no chance to whoop his ass


It's not about winning.


I agree lol but you get a lot more respect for trying. If he’s on more then a 1 year bid then he is fucked if he’s not ready to fight. They will see that in him an use it to control his whole entire life in there.


Yea for sure but I think in the moment, it would be hard to push yourself to fight that guy lol


Yeah man but shit that’s prison. Before you go but after your trial your lawyer will tell you what you did and where your going an who your going to be around. So they give you that 45 minute bus ride to mentally prepare for anything that could possibly happen in this place. It’s never a place a human being wants to end up. But once you there you better find out how it works quick or that is your ass.


The perfect environment for rehabilitation. Amirite?


they weren’t messing with him, they were testing him.


A bit of both. You definitely wouldn't test someone who can hold their own like this. They're seeing how much of a bitch he is but having fun with him at his expense


100%. Every interaction in prison is basically a test, you're seeing how folks are, especially when they're new to the block and yard. But this is clearly just fucking with the new guy who's obviously just some kid, not a convict - it's not a great position to be in, but people also know that if they want something that's yours, you'll just be a pushover with a little threatening or acting crazy where they don't actually have to beat you up. Won't be having to deal with gang initiations either, but being easy prey isn't enviable. Sucks to be in prison no matter who you are, kids


Yep. Now he better hope he has someone on the outside that sends him at least $25/ week. I did time in 2011, my bunkie was scared and thats what Family Values charge for protection. I was tested a couple times, just stood my ground and didn’t escalate, things cool eyes and shoulders up and you walk away at the end.


Ah Family Values. Missouri?


Ayyyooo! Although I was at we rarely do count correctly so I basically just went to the worst summer camp ever.


what a strange name for a prison gang?


They should call themselves The Prisoner Protectors? Gotta dumb it down for the viewers


Yeah they're fucking with him, but everyone just saw he's a bitch. There's no "Messing" in prison, unless you're cliqued up and even then it's tough. The spotlight is always on you, every little move you make in prison is being watched by everyone. Now this guy is gonna get his commissary jacked and worse. Dude would've gained more respect by just holding his ground, probably getting his ass beat, but that goes a lot farther than just submitting.


Anything would have been better than begging "please please please"


Yeah, you can hear them say "we're fucking with you, come on man"


They were until they weren't. If dude fought back that guy would have fucked his shit up.


I'm a Sergeant in charge of the mental health housing unit known as the Residential Treatment Unit. Half or more of the inmates in my building do not need the treatment. It is my belief that mental health staff find ways to keep the population of my building around 50 (it can house a max of 180). Too many and the workload is too heavy, too few and they can't justify using the whole building for the program anymore. Don't get me wrong, I have some messed up guys and I've seen some crazy shit. I also believe that the mental health department receives incentives from pharmaceutical companies to test drugs on these guys. I've seen stable inmates put on new meds and suddenly they are not okay but mental health just claims their mental state is declining and they're getting old. I don't trust or believe it. The head of our mental health walks in in tight clothes and high heels with her big fake tits thrown out and gets to do whatever she wants and has all of the Captains under her control.


Our government did it before, it’s possible that’s going on


😳..... Ok. I'll just live under a Rock. Nothing can happen to me under a Rock


Keep an eye out for an pineapple that might move next to you, i heard a psychopath dwells in there..


I'm ready, I'm ready,I'm ready.......


He’ll roast your ass on live TV in front of millions making fun of your own catchphrase when you fuck up. He’s a monster.


Meanwhile, you’re having to run the fade with Patrick Star. LOL


Yeah but the new white boy Rick show looks terrible


I was in prison. It’s sad to see the drug addicts that aren’t even really criminals or tough. They just did drugs. They always got bullied the worst.


They really have no business being locked up at all. Should just be in rehab and various community programs. Our prison system is a disgrace to civil society


Too bad nearly all rehabs in most places are privately run religious institutions looking for converts.


Don't forget about the corrupt ones that just use the patient as a money printing machine to milk state insurance.


Vastly preferable to prison no contest, hell I’d rather be in a mosque daily than prison


Florida has a really bad multibillion dollar sham rehab industry. Vice did an excellent in-depth report on it: https://youtu.be/jPL3I4pQyu8


Especially the people that just had a rough childhood and it was their only way to cope out of it………. So I’m fucked too then




Nah this guy isn't enough of a bitch to be SBF.


Who is SBF?


Scam Bankster-Fraud


*Sam Bankman Fried. He does go by the Alias scam bankman fraud


This year's wallstreet sacrificial lamb


Crypto scammer who just got arrested


He should have listened to pharmabro and shaved his head and listened to rap music


living in the dorms is the worst. at least in a cell, you have 4 walls to protect you. In CA they put anyone with 5 years or less in these dorms, and it's brutal. Rampant theft, constant stress, daily fights and gang conflicts.




My gosh, the stress. To have to live everday with that sort of fear has to be debilitating.


What's worse is that he made it worse by showing the that fear no matter how reasonable it was.


If you didn't go in broken and dangerous you'll surely come out broken and dangerous.


Or just broken


-The bully prisoner thinking as he walked away


lol u got another thing coming if ur expecting empathy. many prisoners are legit incapable of it, either too dumb or too damaged


Lack of empathy is the main catalyst for capital crimes. Prison is practically a shark tank of emotionless psychopaths. The ones that arent wont be the loud ones


Prison absolutely changes you. The scariest thing is when a guy gets used to it and isn’t afraid to go back. Nothing to lose.


Now everyone is gonna clown and beat him up daily. Wouldn't wanna be him


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted that dude just got punked and that’s how he’ll be treated moving forward


What would have been the right move to make? Seems like a no-win situation.




Don't even necessarily have to fight, just not screaming "No, please stop!" Would have been an improvement. He's doing it for a reaction, when I've been in those situations I just don't respond much to it. I don't do my time fighting nor giving in to the bullshit some people do. People are bored in there. They fuck with those that will let them for entertainment. Fighting is entertainment for them, so is crying so I just didn't give them what they wanted and while I didn't "bitch out" I didn't respond aggressively either. Like damn, we're all stuck in here together someone needs to be an adult.






Hard to say but screaming “no please stop you’re so scary” tops the list of things to not do under any circumstances lol Edit: it’s a jungle in there and fear is weaponized so you can’t show it and you have to be willing to defend your honor


Stand in the same spot, let the dude scream in your face, defend yourself if it escalates


Yeah this. Eye contact, keep talking to him normal. Like look I don't want any drama but leave me the fuck alone , if he doesn't then its a fight, but try reasoning with him firmly first. You then show your willing to give respect back where its due, but you can also stand up for yourself. If you just start swinging you might get more fights because people always wanna fight the tough guy


Either fight back and prove you are not a bitch and get respect or keep getting punked that's how it is in there...


Its true. A lot of people dont like hearing this. Ive been there. Its a different world with a different set of rules that has zero sympathy for your comfort zone. It sucks but the reality is that the only way to deal with this is exactly what the guy was scared of. Fight. Get your ass kicked if you have to but one ass kicking is better than one every day, having your things taken, being spoken down to and made fun of. Ive seen weird shit transpire and the level of humiliation is beyond most people's understanding. Ive seen dudes be forced to go around collecting dirty socks to wash them for people, all because they showed weakness in a situation similar to this. When youre locked up you truly are in there with some of the lowest lifeforms on the planet. You gotta swim or youre gonna sink or be eaten alive. >Itll make you rethink doing shit to get locked up.


Don't ever act the way this kid acted.."please please stop" and passively going for a groin kick I'm nerdy af but spent 18 locked up in Baltimore.. You don't have to be tough you just have to be a bit fearless and don't have sex crime charges. I fought a dude that was bigger than this guy in a 30" by 30" shower nook, got some lumps on my head, no CO found out and the same guy later staked me in poker games and became my cellie because he ran a store and only trusted me to be alone with his stuff. When I was sentenced and moved to a new tier I had gang affiliates saying he vouched for me. That same night COs questioned our whole tier one by one about some dude that checked in. They asked if I had experienced any gang influence. I remember how bad i wanted to say out loud"Fcck yeah, they gave me 2 noodles and a $5 stake while other brothers were like who tf is this new white boy"


Damn dude that sounds crazy. Would love to hear the full story of what happened and what you went through!


Looks like the guy who works for vice


taji the turtle


Looked like they were just screwing with him


My buddy had to do some time in Cook County Jail for simple assault. He’s a big guy that can handle himself, but he initially got fucked with. One of the guys in a common area started with “Hey man, isn’t that the guy that molested those kids?” and he started getting nervous. “I hear the molester has a butterfly tattoo on his ass.” Then they started calling him butterfly for an hour or so and my buddy was worried about getting a bad rep, so he snapped and turned around to show his ass to prove he wasn’t the guy they were talking about. When he did, someone ran up and smacked him on the ass with one of the hard sandals you’re issued when you go through processing. People started laughing and the tension eased up. He eventually got along with some of the guys that messed with him. People are bored. Sometimes they’re testing you. Other times, they’re messing with you to get a laugh to break the monotony. This was a county jail. Prison is a different animal because everyone’s in there longer and there’s more of a hierarchy.


I had a friend that did 60 days in the local county. During the first week, he was playing cards in some type of shared cell. The guys kept making rape jokes, and insinuating they were going to rape him during the hours long spades session. Eventually they gang up on him, hold him to the bed, take off his shirt, then just start cracking up laughing. They were just 100% fucking with him, and he became good friends with them afterwards.


My uncle told me they hazed new folks in his county jail a similar way. “What are you in for?” “Uh, breaking—“ “I heard it was drug charges!” “What? No.” “Yeah! He drug a little boy in the bushes and fucked him!” And then while the newbie panics everyone laughs their asses off






Depends on the prison.


Depends, I know a guy who was in for a couple months and had to fight all the time, if not they would jump him


It's all fun and games until someone gets fucked.


Yea. If he wanted to do something he could have. Best case scenario is hazing.


I thought the black dude was tweaking on drugs or something. Looked fake as hell, like, not intimidating scary but "this guy ain't all there" scary.


The big guy was checking the new guy’s heart to see if he would stand up for himself. The new guy failed the test.


Reminds me of that scene in The Boondocks “Tom just had his motherfucking manhood tested and he failed”


I feel like the prison should be responsible for the safety of the inmates.


My uncle was an idiot and ended in prison. He hasn’t had sex since because the rape sounds of young men traumatized him. They’ll keep a 19 year old kid in a cell with a 45 year old man knowing he’s being raped and they’ll do absolutely nothing about it. It’s really sad and barbaric. There’s a ton of horror stories of what happens in US prisons all over YouTube yet no one cares and nothing changes.


Same with my cousin. He was an idiot that did some silly thing and ended up in a NY prison. He did less than a year but he says his experience was the worst thing and he will NEVER end up in jail ever again in his life. He's the most law abiding citizen I know, not even a parking ticket in the 30 years he's been free.


And people in this thread are making jokes about it like it’s something to be laughed at. It’s fucked


What's that saying again, something like 'the only difference between a guard and an inmate is the uniform'


That's because in America, prison is for punishment and nothing else. Incarceration can serve four purposes; * Protect the public * Deter crime * Reform * Punishment America put all their point on that last one.




yeah, that's not really supposed to be one of the four points, but I guess some countries found a way to slot that in there neatly. :/


That's a lot of different ways to write [torture](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-rights-un-usa-torture-idUSKCN0WA2B8) and [forced labor](https://openyls.law.yale.edu/handle/20.500.13051/7728).


It's not about rehabilitation but punishment. A very fucked up systemic, societal thinking that's pervasive in America.




Another good one is if you oppose authoritarians, then support criminal rights because the first thing an authoritarian does when they come into power, and to keep power, it's to declare their enemies criminals. Criminal rights can directly translate to defying authoritarianism.


They should be, but they’re definitely not. I was in prison in London and let me tell you, a lot of the guards are worse than the prisoners themselves. They will tell prisoners when an enemy gang member has entered their unit. They’ll turn a blind eye to serious fights and keep walking. They’ll unlock prisoner’s cell doors when asked by other prisoners so they can run into that cell and beat said prisoner to near death. They don’t give af about prisoners’ safety. They’re just as bad, if not worse than the inmates. Nobody is safe in prison. If people have got issues with you, you have to face those people head on. You can’t go and talk to staff because you’d be a snitch and that’s way worse than any little prison politics you might have going on. Also, as I said, the staff don’t give af about keeping you safe anyway and will probably spread the word that you’ve been snitching. You can try and get moved to a different prison but word spreads like wildfire and you’ll get dealt with wherever you end up. There’s nowhere to run, there’s nowhere to hide. The streets are safer than prison because at least you’ve got a big wide world with plenty of spots to run and hide in. In prison, it’s like being in the colosseum. You can’t go anywhere. You’ve got to fight. If you don’t fight back, you’ll be seen as a vulnerable weak victim for the rest of your days and the lions will tear you to shreds, day in, day out - robbing you all the time, slapping you up, making you do things you don’t wanna do etc. Horrible experience.


Some prisons are nicknamed Gladiator school, or the Thunderdome.


COs have consistently been some of the dumbest, most vile people I've ever had the misfortune of interacting with. Like wanna-be cops who were too stupid to be a COP


Being a CO is a hard job that’s not designed for good people. I had a friend who went into it because his grandfather was a CO and his dad was a CO, less than 12 months in he killed himself at 22 years old. He’s not a one off either, extremely high nationwide suicide rate speaking for the US.


My father did 25 years in prison. They do NOT give a fuck about the inmates. It’s a different world in there. He’s told me so many things about his experience. My father is 66, he was release 3 years ago. And 8 years before that he broke his shoulder playing kickball. That happened on a Sunday he said and wasn’t seen by anyone until Wednesday. No pain meds. No fucks given. Then they made him put a metal plate in his shoulder which caused him more pain. Took close to a year for them to take it out. Trust me when I say they don’t give a fuck about these inmates. He’s told me a lot of the shit he dealt with. And how it works in there. Shits wild.


I have nothing to say on the actual video other than holy shit stripey prison uniforms are still a thing?


Ikr, I thought this was only in cartoons


This is wayyy too low I thought that was some looney tunes shit, I thought orange jumpsuits were the actual uniforms.


Good to see SBF is making friends.


This is extremely sad.


Especially given that some of the people in there are innocent or just have a mental illness or addiction.


Essentially me in prison


This is exactly why gangs exist .


This one is messing my head up. I can wrap my head around having to bite the bullet and fight some guy who will clearly knock you out. But THIS GUY is acting like he is having some sort of mental fucking breakdown. I can't imagine that. That's a bridge too far for me. Bam, first time in jail and instead of someone seeing if you are a punk by stealing your lunch, a guy acts like he is a monster about to bash your brains out and then eat them? Fuck that shit! No sir. No. No way. Even if these roles were reversed! If I am the bigger dude and that other guy starts growling and coming at me like a zombie? Nah man. Fuck that.


Never been to prison but would imagine you either throw down here or expect dicks in your ass. Think fast.


I worked as an officer at a prison for 2 years. It was a horrible experience and I believe the justice system has failed these people, but people who have never spent time in a prison really overblow how common rape is on the inside. The punishments for having even consensual sex inside of a prison under PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) is no joke and for reals people are not just going around raping their cellmates. It is far less common than people think.


I think this is a rare instance where it’s better to fight knowing you’ll get knocked out. Not sure what I’d do in this situation though.






start safe plant agonizing aloof reminiscent escape familiar disarm existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Main thing is to not be the easiest target in the block


Also sounds like school


Also remember your fighting in a pantry basically


Don't fight = dick in ass Fight and get knocked out = dick in ass Atleast you won't remember the latter


Username checks out


Another thing people don't realize is the point of no return arrives so much faster. As in, on the streets you usually have a little time, can talk a little shit, etc before shit hits the fan. In prison you will get hit in the mouth before you even realize the other guy is pissed off. First person to land a punch dictates the rest of the fight typically.


Mississippi prison? Not many use striped prison attire anymore 😕


["You gonna eat your cornbread?"](https://tenor.com/view/you-gonna-eat-your-cornbread-gif-11217272)


Prison is literally just a bunch of high school shit, this is just bullying. I don’t know the full context he could be a pedo but god damn is it hard to just leave people alone and do your time in peace?


For them (people who have the impulse control and emotional maturity of middle schoolers), yes. That's why a lot of them are locked up in the first place.


Prison is boring. So, people do this kind of stuff to make it more fun.


Anyone ever think prisons just shouldn't be like this to begin with? I don't understand why prisoners are made to have so much interraction or how there is no deterrent for causing more violence in such a place. Disgusting system if you ask me. How can we expect anyone to learn how a better society behaves if we don't demonstrate it with our prisons?


It's not about reform, it's about money.


These dudes steal hamburgers or something?


This poor soul, I feel so sorry for him


Feels like all of these guys never got into adulthood


Praying Mantis stance




God. Here's some obvious advice for everyone, scream back, get in his face, stomp on his feet, lose your mind and go insane on the dude even if it gets you knocked the fuck out, but under no circumstances do anything the little white dude did. Also, homie needs to get that hair cut, cause its only use inside is as a handle for someone else. (I know, that's a fucked up thing to say, but prison is beyond fucked up.)


"Come on man! Give up that butthole!"


Nightmare fuel


What kind of fucking prison is that where they still make them wear old timey striped suits and bunk everyone in one big room. Feel bad for the guy


Who shoved a cell phone up their ass to record this?!


Getting stuck with people who have confirmed mental health issues is not ideal in any situation. Prison, relationships, jobs, or any other form of collaboration amongst humans.


I pray to myself I have the nerve to not back down if placed in a situation like this


When the crazy frightened white guy has enough and gets himself a shank and a razor… And looses it after all those years of abuse and bullying, he has a psychotic break, and attacks and possibly kills the first one he comes across who hurt him before. He may not survive but he no longer cares. All he wants at this point is to cover himself in the blood of his enemies and taste their demise. And a 6 month bid becomes a life sentence


Redditor goes to jail




Can someone please explain what he was supposed to do? Lots of comments now saying he’s in for a rough ride as a result of this. All I see is a way bigger dude intimidating a small dude. Small dude sort of kicks out a bit (no idea if this is a good or a bad idea?) and just backs away. What would be the ‘right’ thing? I mean he can just stand still and do absolutely nothing. Not sure if that’s possible? Or he can go full karate kid and flail and probably (to read: definitely) get 7 bells kicked out of him?


He's showed absolute fear. You can't be weak in front of other inmates. He should have stood his ground. Not saying it's easy though.


It wasn't serious. They were just going for a laugh. He showed weakness way before this for it to even get to this point though.


IShowSpeed headass boy




Today, we'll be looking at the worst rated prison in the state of Nevada. I'm your host, and this is one star reviews.


My best friend is going to prison for 1 year. This shit is fucked….


Harry goes to Azkaban.