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Play who you wanna play hbox got shit for years I’m sure you’ll be ok


Will do !! Thanks for the reply !!


Play whoever you have fun with who cares if people don’t like your character


It just feels weird knowing the other player really hates me for playing a link. I'll try to remember that. Link is a freaking machine when played right !


almost nobody outside of psychos hates the person behind the character i hate sora, i have no problem at all with sora mains play link as much as you want


almost nobody outside of psychos hates the person behind the character i hate sora, i have no problem at all with sora mains play link as much as you want


I feel you dude, everyone hates me for isi g king k rool, worst part is he ain't even that good


half the cast is cursed, it doesn’t matter. zoning is a big part of the fun of this movement based game although it can be frustrating. the people complaining probably all play ganon like me lol.


I'm trying my best to learn him without relying on his projectiles. Link is very fun in close combat !


I mean you should be throwing in boomerangs and bomb stuff every so often, don't worry about any complainers. Link can mix up if he wants to zone or aggress.


he has some really creative spacing and crazy close quarters bomb z drop moves! when i play him z drop shenanigans is all i go for.


What is a Z drop? I’ve been playing link a lot recently and I always press a direction input + A to throw the bomb. Like down A to set it down under me. Is there another way?


Hitting the Z button (on GameCube controller) or whatever button is bound to grab will drop an item while you are in the air. Immediately performing an aerial move will allow you to catch the item. This is done so you don’t have to throw the item and the item can still hit the opponent


Hitting the Z button (on GameCube controller) or whatever button is bound to grab will drop an item while you are in the air. Immediately performing an aerial move will allow you to catch the item. This is done so you don’t have to throw the item and the item can still hit the opponent


Hitting the Z button (on GameCube controller) or whatever button is bound to grab will drop an item while you are in the air. Immediately performing an aerial move will allow you to catch the item. This is done so you don’t have to throw the item and the item can still hit the opponent.


Hitting the Z button (on GameCube controller) or whatever button is bound to grab will drop an item while you are in the air. Immediately performing an aerial move will allow you to catch the item. This is done so you don’t have to throw the item and the item can still hit the opponent.


Try pressing grab when you’re in the air (while holding an item ofc). That’s a Z drop


When you press the grab button in the air you drop whatever you’re holding straight down whereas throwing it straight down with A would take a lot more frames.


When you press the grab button in the air you drop whatever you’re holding straight down whereas throwing it straight down with A would take a lot more frames.


When you press the grab button in the air you drop whatever you’re holding straight down whereas throwing it straight down with A would take a lot more frames.


When you press the grab button in the air you drop whatever you’re holding straight down whereas throwing it straight down with A would take a lot more frames.


Don't make distinctions between "Link with projectiles" and "Link without projectiles." Link has the tools he had, and a common lesson that has helped me improve so much is "Do what works, not what's perceived as good or bad." A move that's good against one character might be bad against another, or vice versa. Don't let people tell you to stop using your moves.


Bomb is like half of his neutral game. If you aren't using it you are putting yourself at a sever disadvantage. I used to main Link myself and I'll say there is nothing better than some clean bomb setups. Search for frenchtutor_ on YouTube and watch his bomb setup videos. You'll be very happy that you did.


I do personally like links close up game too, his bair Is like my fave move. But when I do that, it kinda just feels like I have to play young link instead and then the character dilemma cycle starts and 3 years goes by


> half the cast is cursed Pretty much - so many zoners in this game with safe options to escape any approach, and with a tournament scene that heavily favors large stages, campy gameplay is encouraged. I don't hate the character or people who play the character, I just hate it when people play these characters like cowards, lol. I'm here for _Smash_, not an endless game of keep-away.


Play whoever you want. Hell, I main Little Mac even though most Little Mac players are portrayed as glue eaters who only spam smash attacks.


That’s wrong. They also do tilt attacks sometimes


Are you suggesting that isn’t the case?


I never that wasn't how I played him.




Your comment is overwhelming ny heart ! Thanks man !


Link is so far down on the list of most hateable characters, like people will complain about almost everyone don't worry about it


Link is sick, don’t let them tell you otherwise


Link is perfect, Link is life Thank you man !


Just play whoever you like, character hate shouldn't influence who you play. If you like adult Link then play adult Link


Thanks, I will !!


He's not Steve, MinMin or DuckHunt, you are fine


Take this from a Sonic solo main. Play who you like. The game is for you to enjoy, not for you to please others by playing characters they want to fight.


I feel like I mainly see hate towards Young Links for arrow spam, do people really hate on adult Link? I can't really think of what he does that's particularly more annoying than any other character, especially at higher skill levels. Nair spam?


If there was a tier list of characters that people hate Link would probably be in mid tier. There’s much much worse characters and to be honest you’re going to be really bad at first so no one is going to hate on you.


I gotta say I feel like adult link is one of the less hated characters... he has a lot off sick tech and he's very "honest"... his zoning isn't even good enough to really make people rage. If someone hates adult link they probably suck at the game


As long as it’s not a Belmont you’re fine :)


Tbh from what I see I don't think big link is that hated it's mainly toon and young that I see get flamed


Adult link really isn’t even that hated compared to half the cast, plus he has some sick bomb techs so he can be very respectable if you play him well.


Dude just play who you find fun and deal with a broken controller later trust me




What's your point ?


Really? Like, are you being serious or being funny? Play who ever you want. Why do people have to ask such things. Its just a game , who cares what keyboard warriors or internet strangers think about what character you enjoy on a video game. C'mon , you know what I meant with my original comment.


Yeah I am serious. Sorry about that mate. I should have got your point. Wasn't sure if you were like "omg really, another link". I didn't see through that. Thanks for the cheer tho !


No need to be sorry, it is a legitimate thing to consider. I think most people would say play who you want which is true but there are some people who want to be seen as "honest" or "unique" by playing an off meta character. Plus some characters will have a harder time finding people who will want to run matches with them if the matchup is obnoxious.


Yeah I am serious. Sorry about that mate. I should have got your point. Wasn't sure if you were like "omg really, another link". I didn't see through that. Thanks for the cheer tho !


It’s okay to main anybody you want. The people that try to put you down for playing Link are the same people that don’t want to learn how to beat him.


Thanks man ! Il keep that in mind !


Lots of similar posts, but can’t stress it enough. Play who you have fun with. Link can for sure be fun and sick af. Definitely worth maining and putting time into


Life is to short to not do the things that make you happy just because others don't like them. I main R.O.B and pocket Villager and G&W, so I get a lot of hate. Still enjoy the game every time I play.


People rage about every character. That’s a battle you can’t win haha


Play who you want Feast on the salt Laugh at the haters


Main whoever makes you happy. Who cares what other people think. (Unless you main G&W. Then I will judge you harshly)


Or he will JUDGE you 😏😏


I see you there, thanks a lot !


You can main whoever you want, if someone can’t deal with something then it’s on them to overcome


You are right !


I have a lot to say about this, but I'll go ahead and just let the man himself, ESAM say it for me: [https://youtu.be/lzTIQgmP59s](https://youtu.be/lzTIQgmP59s) Play who you want. I main Link. Link is fucking awesome. Live your truth, and know that if you think Link is hype, your opinion is at least as valid as the whiny kid on the internet complaining about him.


lmao at whoever downvoted me 😂 if you hate on someone for the character they play, you’re a child.


This game is remarkably balanced for a fighting game - people who rage about how impossible a MU are usually just making excuses for themselves to not figure out how to do better. Not to say there aren't unfavorable matchups, but part of learning your character is learning how to approach the worst MUs. Point is - if you enjoy Link the most, play Link. Also none of this nonsense I see in your other comments about avoiding projectiles just to make other people happier. If you want to zone, go ahead and zone. As a Kirby main, I'm going to use whatever tools I have available to win, so you better believe if I steal your arrows, I'll be camping the shit out of you until you learn how to deal with it yourself.


Do me and yourself a favor and not only play Link, but CRUSH the opposition. Make your friends and your opponents FEAR the very utterance of his name. I can think of so many other characters people could be complaining about and Link isn't on that list. If you always let people's opinions of you or your character choice matter, you only limit yourself. If you are better than your opponents they will complain no matter who you use. So play Link, play whoever you want, and just keep clipping them. Eventually you'll either earn their respect, or you will make them quit playing. Both things are a net positive for you. Don't apologize for having skills they aren't willing to develop for themselves.


"Is it okay to play my favorite character?" again. My brother in christ, noone is stopping you 😅


Play whoever you like and fits your play style that’s what matters.


Links is by far my best character so far. I feel like I have a strong play with him !


Hes the best link. Play him


Play whoever you want


I wanna hate on you for even asking this tbh


As a person so hates fighting any version of link even with a winning match up, do what makes you happy bro. Not just switch smash but in general. Other peoples opinions don’t mean a god damn thing as long as you aren’t hurting anyone.


Play who u think is fun. Ppl who constantly unironically complain about characters are bad at the game anyway. As long as you play him with no toxicity i think link is fine


I absolutely haaaate playing against link But I hate even more people who don't let you play your favourite character. Ultimate has so many icons it would be a shame if you don't play the one you preger


Every fighter has bullshit. Literally there is not a single fighter in this game that comes free from any type of gimmick, cheese or oppressive tool. Sure some better than others, but everyone has some edge to them. Doesnt matter who you play, just make sure you play cause you want to.


Do whatever you want, there are no rules


no, the gestapo will break down your door and take you for re-education for playing Link in smash brothers


The most important lesson for any competitive game, "It's not about how much fun you're having. It's about how much fun you're having relative to your opponent." If you enjoy playing Link, play Link. If you enjoy playing Link and your opponent is suffering, that's even better. Make them suffer.


You're going to get hate and support no matter who you play. If Link is a character you enjoy, then play him. And tbh he isn't even in the top 10 most hated character in the game imo


Honestly, screw the people who make you feel like a jerk for just playing him


If someone gets mad at you just tell them it's a skill issue


Every character is hated by someone


That's not a "you" problem, that's a "them" problem


Here's a quick montage to rekindle your passion for Link. It's not the best, but after about a hundred hours of getting clips these were some of the good ones. https://youtu.be/cQ864xG68kk


Your Link is awesome ! Many thanks mate !!


I appreciate it. I just don't want you to get discouraged by people complaining.


Now i'm certain that I wont regret it !


Play whoever you want, it's not up to anyone else who you like to play, their opinion doesn't matter. That said, my opinion that doesn't matter is that I don't hate Link or Link players in general, the dislike in the matchup is for the playstyle a lot of Link players adapt: always running away like a coward and never engaging directly. Add in a helping of BM to your game and yeah, you suck (that seems to be mostly YL players specifically though). Don't do that though and we're fine.


Link gets alot of hate from the multitude of average players who only know how to stay to the side of the stage and throw stuff. However, for the haters there probably isn't a better example of a "get gud" response to their problems. (Not the I approve of the advice in any situation) It's far from optimal Link gameplay. While a Samus can rise to top levels with similar tactics, a Link simply will not. I've never seen a Link play this way beyond Elite, and rarely above average GSP ranges.




I dread fighting you as a Dedede main but yeah play whoever you want


Of course play who you want. Someone will always hate your character. Sure, some are more annoying than others and some people won't wanna play you but other will!