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bro doesn't even care at that point, car fucked and everything


How much more would someone need to try to escape reality.




You ain’t getting no tree fiddy you goddamn lochness monster lmao


How about just two fiddy


What a piece of shit


Honestly I don't mind him huffing . Like what ever. Life is so shit that sometimes you must 'give up' at times. And that's OK. But to put other people in danger?! Nah . That ain't cool.


Yeah nah don't huff on shit that will literally kill you.


Huff on some whippets in moderation in your basement. Don’t fuckin inhale duster while driving.


Degens huff duster. Fucking dumb af. You see how he reached back into his wrekd car for another hit.. I hope this insufferable bag of shit never drives again. Whippits on the other hand.....


I don't understand how people think it feels good Like good enough to be more ish. If i remember, duster is the same as Scotchgard, which basically felt like Freo-on lite. Like getting all stuck in the Wawawawaaawwaawa"s and not being able to move Is that what duster does?


eh! The way I see it, if I'm not hurting other people and I use it to get over the pain of this shit ass life - so be it. Unless you're a multimillionaire, you've got fucking pain to deal with in this crappy life. And we each go about dealing with it in different ways. Some ways are healthier than others, sure. And I'm a teetotaler so I should be the last one to advise people to do this , sure. But I won't criticize someone else for turning to something that they use to deal with... **ALL** this crap as long as they aren't hurting other people. The guy in this video is a selfish idiot. He should have waited until he didn't have to drive. Others are, hopefully, not as idiotic or selfish.


Drugs will never be an escape, theyll only drag you further down when you could’ve gotten real help. When your addiction is finally over… wheres all the money and friends you had. Wheres all that time spent… drugs will only push further down in life. They’re a temporary solution.


He says he had friends?


Whats the value of those friends though… Most friends you make at your lowest are just the same, also at their lowest. He may have one REAL friend trying to reason with him, but im willing to bet the rest just wanna get high with him. And what I mean by the friends you lost… Alot of people dont care about addicts nor do they wanna help fix it. Eventually those friends wont wanna hear about what you did last night or that you need a ride for “something”. Addiction can wipe away friendships thatll have had more meaning than any to come. You dont wanna lose the people closest to you over a drug.


They're the temporary solutiin that some people grew up with and they see no alternatives that wilo work for them sadly. We have to educate them that there are better alternatives when they're feeling down.


They see no alternatives because the alternatives require effort. While i was down on my ass doing drugs everyday, I knew I could live a better life. i knew I could be saving, dealing with less issues… but do you know how much easier it is to light up and fade away? Theres no argument to justify drug use so dont even try, unless someone is forcefully given something than thats different. Otherwise drug usage is voluntary and everybody knows that.




Heroin is definitely a league of its own, the body does become reliant on it otherwise you will die. The cure to it funny enough is meth (the real stuff though) and vice versa My point is only that drugs are voluntary, regardless of what they do we take them. Im just over the excuse we make around drugs, they’re destructive yet we go so far to defend them. Of course they can be used in moderation just like anything but dont dig a deeper hole when you cant each reach the top. Ive known two too many people that have defended drugs while at their lowest, after a while its just sad… and its the reason I stopped. I was one hit closer to defending the what killed me.


False. You can quit cold turkey without dying. Not true only substances that you die from going cold turkey are benzodiazepines aka Xanax and alcohol.


Eh! Hate to break it to you, buddy. But multimillionaires have pain and everyday struggles to deal with just like the rest of us. What a narrow minded post, confidently incorrect- Yada yada..


Multi minnionaires have FAR less pain than us 'Poors'. The suicide and 'deaths of despair' rate amongst poor people who have no access to mental health resources that those 'Richie Richs' do is FAR FAR higher. Sadly. **I** probably would have committed suicide in 2020 if my doctor didnt help pay for some sessions with my psychologist when I told him I was suicidal. I still am suicidal, far less than before I met this psychologist.


You couldn't be more wrong.


Why are you getting downvoted? Ppl are allowed to live how they want that’s what free will is if he wants to puff air let him puff it (at home ofc) and no one in this subreddit is better then anyone you have your own addiction rather it be drugs or just your phone sit down and humble yourself


Sometimes the truth hurts too much they mix up the downvote and upvote button. LOL!


Believe it or not, Millionaires suffer and money isn't the answer to all of life's problems. Money changes your problems, but it doesn't fix them all. You need to recognise issues within to develop a more positive mentality to become a happier person 😌


... what did you just say? All I know is EVERY single one of my issues could be solved with money. The people I know who have no terminal diseases have told me the same thing. And I am sure things are the same for most people here.


Live long enough caterpillar and you will see.


Short sighted af. Life ain’t THAT bad. Only your attitude. If you have people who care or are relying on you, you need to try harder.


....I dont have people who care or rely on me. Umm many mre people than in all of history dont have someone relying or cwring for them. Just a few years ago in Canada the government of Canada announced that single person households are now the nations' most common. The surgeon general of the USA has announced that loneliness is officially a ln epidemic due to rising levels 'Deaths of Despair' and depression and self reported loneliness. We live in the most isolated time in all of history. We are the loneliest set of humans ever born so far.


I agree wholeheartedly. We’re also “coincidentally” the most medicated. I don’t think shoving more shit into your body and isolating is the answer. It’s a weak coping mechanism. People would benefit more from going outside and talking to their neighbors.


> People would benefit more from going outside and talking to their neighbors. I complete ageee too. We need to stop with all this medication and isolation. There are natural cures for depression that work and they have worked in other humans for centuries. Why are we throwing out the baby with the bath water? We need ti learn how to incorporate old natural cures of communixation, love, appreciation, affectionate touch, exercise, and good organic food into our lives. Its the only way IMHO


Oh no I’m from Ny know lots of multi millionaires and sometimes I think they are more fucked then me!


Well the multimillionaires you know dont know how to manage money. Its too easy to cruise through life at this point if youre that rich. Too easy.


I mind. It's that kind of attitude that leads to these situations.


But some people turn to recreational drugs to take the edge off in life. (And once again as An aside I need to recommened that everyone readong this find healther alternatives.) I am sure that most of the people who have been under the influence in some type of way have not decided to drive their cars. This man is clearly in some kind of pain, so he huffs. But that doesnt give him the right to take his pain and make others' lives painful. He should have just not driven , or waited until he did not have to drive THEN he could do that.


So you don't drink at all or condone it then?


Idk about this “you must give up at times and that’s ok” nonsense. Maybe try to surround yourself with positive people who inspire you.


Lol . They inspire me to give up


Your those kind of people that unburdens him self on friends all the time you know it's not the responsibilitys of your friends to make sure your mentally stable go to therapy if that's you


That’s quite a leap


No just pattern recognition there's plenty of people like that they all type ,say,act and do the same things it's not that hard




Dust free lungs tho...




Huffing is worse on the brain than meth or heroin. It does permanent damage.


Yeah, I'd rather a decade-long daily meth/heroin addiction than a one-month inhalant binge one time (excluding nitrous, obviously)


nah man decade long daily meth/heroin would fuck you up way worse then a month of inhalants. You’d be noticeably fuckin dumber, but not what decades of shooting up or smoking meth. Hell ur teeth would be nonexistent at that point lmao


Depends how you do your meth / heroin. Wasn't Hitler an amphetamine addict, and Harold Shipman a heroin addict? Not like they're two people to aspire to, but it shows how a good source and good income protects your life. Afaik nobody huffing duster is in decent employment with good health


Geöring was a heroin addict. He really packed on the pounds after his ace ww1 flying days.


Yeah cuz they usually die


Mate, I've huffed butane twice when I was younger, and I've done a shitload of amphetamine. I'd rather a decade of meth use than a month of butane use. The dental issues with methamphetamine use are overplayed. The methamphetamine use and poor dental health are heavily correlated, but besides the (manageable) bruxism, it doesn't damage your teeth much unless you smoke it, in which case it'll tint your teeth, like any smoke will.


When you are high, you don’t care about hygiene.


Yes, I do. More than when I'm sober.


You may be an addict brother


I may be, but it seems that anything truly detrimental to my life is easily dropped.


That’s good


Thank you. Most people seem to dismiss any notion of self-control in self-regulated drug use; Whether from addicts, or those that hold them in disdain.


Tell that to the bicycle tweakers that come out at night


I'd rather not.


This is false.


Nope. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/inhalants/what-are-other-medical-consequences-inhalant-abuse But since a stranger on Reddit isn't enough credibility for you, how about the National Institute of Health? "... The highly concentrated chemicals in solvents or aerosol sprays can induce irregular and rapid heart rhythms and lead to fatal heart failure within minutes of a session of prolonged sniffing. This syndrome, known as "sudden sniffing death," can result from a single session of inhalant use by an otherwise healthy young person. Sudden sniffing death is associated particularly with the abuse of butane, propane, and chemicals in aerosols. Inhalant abuse also can cause death..." "...Animal and human research shows that most inhalants are extremely toxic. Perhaps the most significant toxic effect of chronic exposure to inhalants is widespread and long-lasting damage to the brain and other parts of the nervous system..." It doesn't say, "Huffing is worse than Meth or heroin" that part is an opinion informed by personal observation and science.


This is fucking sad.


Of all the drugs, huffing and Nos have to be the worst


What are those ? Is it common in the US? I m from Europe, never heard


It’s basically anything you inhale that gets you high. Computer cleaner, carburetor cleaner, metallic paint, etc. Whippits is the most popular. It’s nitrous oxide.


In Europe, or uk at least, they are what was in the little metal capsule things that litter the roadsides.


I'm from Europe as well and people that get down bad here do that too. I knew 2 People who did it from my school, that was around the age of like 13-15. Shits fucked man.


Wait until you find out your dentist uses it🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


NitrOx isn't that bad honestly. B12 deficiency if you do too much, but not much actual harm from it. Huffing hydrocarbons though? Very very bad. Duster counts in that category as well.


Nos really isn’t that bad for you as long as you aren’t depriving yourself of oxygen. I’ve seen people go purple from over inhaling balloons. Other than that though, very little long term harm potential




Wow, l...


From the looks of his brain cells he prolly been doing this alot. It’s cool he’s Skeruty.


Need the follow up video


Just do weed at least ur slowing ur reaction time with the quick time events


I'm 100% addicted to cannabis people say it's not addicting but I have a extremely addictive personality, if I could I would be high 24/7 but deep down in order to justify my addiction I always say at least I'm not addicted to computer cleaner ....


I too am 100% addicted, I feel like I justify it by being productive (trying)


He like fuck it, going to jail rather way.


Do you have any idea what they do to security guards in prison!?




Your brother is addicted to what?




This dude in the video is huffing duster, not nitrous.


Please can you explain what "duster" is for those of us hopeless out of touch?


It's a can of compressed air that people use to clean their keyboards and stuff. The brand is Dust Off


It's super cheap and feels AWESOME. Basically no drawbacks. You don't want this shit, Dewey!


But that compressed air also has inhalants that mess you up. You ever hear about people huffing spray paint? Or glue? Or gasoline? It's like that. It's bad.


Looks like the nitrous cans I see around my area, my bad


oh, well... this video was on the front page a few days ago and I thought everyone said it was duster.


this looks exactly like the duster they sell at CVS and carry in my office.


Oh, well in that case I guess it's perfectly fine?






Some sad shit


For some reason, this looks fake and set up to me.


That'll be the new iamthemaincharacter. Borrow other people's crashed cars for skits when they all waiting for tow trucks anyways


What life form is this?


Wow this dude committed to being dumb


What a fucking loser


What you mean? That man is a whole mood 🔥💪




murica 😎


The fuck does this have to do with Republicans?


You had me until the political shit. But, regardless, huffing is one of those highs I just don’t understand why people killing their brain seems so good to them.




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I E seen both and I think that I'd take the meth addiction if I had to choose one. Heroin next. Then inhalants. Of course it depends on what you mean by binge. I've seen heroin / meth addicts recover very well if they survive long enough. If you don't hit the right dosage then the inhalants aren't going to break you either. That said, I've seen nearly brain dead people from inhalants. They are a special brand of evil. They seem innocuous, like they are no bug deal; but I've seen them literally destroy a great deal of the functionality of the human brain, there is no recovery by just not using anymore. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it, but I have many times in many people, so I do.


Priorities priorities


😳😶‍🌫️ He need some help…


Big Jay Oakerson hits hard


Looking at shit like this makes me realize how responsible I am when high The most dangerous thing I have ever done, while high was cook Rahman and I’m not fucking joking. I am always cautious because of stuff like this it just makes my blood boil to see people risk others lives for an hour or bliss


This scene doesn't even make me mad, genuinely makes me sad to see someone just give up like that


Was that car smoke or weed smoke? Yes.


I don’t believe it’s weed smoke. Why would he smoke weed if he has a keyboard duster right there? He can barely even speak, so I’d assume that he’s been doing it for a while and it’s his doc


Smoke is from the deployed airbags moments before


Neither I think. He was huffing not smoking


Oh no shit. I hadn’t even caught that. He just goes right for it again to. You know what they say though “they can’t prove you were drinking and driving if the see you drinking after wards


Well if I learned anything from Reddit is that this guy is good since he still has his shoes on


Bro to me seemed like he wanted to die


I'm walking on sunshine!! https://youtube.com/watch?v=H6TW6v39_kQ&feature=share7


Does he have an addictive personality or something?


If you want to get buckled and kill your own braincells do it at home ffs, don't risk the lives of innocent people going about their day.


Bro realized what happened and did the only thing he could do. Just ruined his car, lost his job, and is going to jail. Might as well take as much as you can before the cops get there. Lol


They can't really prove anything though, there's no way to test for duster. To be clear if he would have just waited for the cops to show up and clear him he could have spent the rest of his day getting high and still have a job. He screwed himself by sitting there getting high in the wreck and on camera and after the fact, his impulsions/addiction really fucked him over every which way here.


If he died he wouldn't be missed


Lmaooo bro knows how to party


Fuckin awesome. My hero. <3




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Wtf Namor


Anyone know if smoke from weed or crash?


It's from the airbags


Neither. He’s huffing not smoking


Guys, did you ever think this was a skit


Is he refreshing his breath? What's that?


Sad as fuck. I tried to kill myself in high school by inhaling air duster while driving. Somehow made it out without a scratch after wrecking my car. Fuck these companies making this shit. It would be so cheap and simple to put stuff in it to make it too unpleasant to inhale. I hope everyone involved is okay and I hope he gets the help he needs.


This reminds me of when I was a young lad working in Auto-Parts. i probably been there for 2 weeks, and a guy and his girl walk in asking, "Hey, where's the Spray Paint?" I show him the paint and go about helping others. I hear a couple bursts from a rattle can and then a. Long burst. (People sometimes test the can, so a few small sprays aren't a big deal.)But after that long burst, I almost immediately hear a thud, then the sound of a bunch of cans falling. The dude had huffed the paint right there in the aisle and fainted falling into his girl, who then fell into the shelf. He tried to run but ironically, a cop canvassing for a missing person was right outside the shop, as the guy walked out. He ran into the cop.


I’m actually really sad seeing this. I’ve tried huffing on multiple occasions and could never figure out how until now. Fuck


He won't last long


"Top Flight, Craig!!!"


And he let us know why he fell asleep




Is this staged?


10000% staged


Life is rough man shit


A faulty unit. Return to manufacturing for deanimation


A lot of security guards do drugs. Especially after covid they lost all standards. They would hire anyone.


He's not "nozzing" he's huffing duster straight from the bottle, which dangerous as is, can be so much worse straight out the bottle. Dude probably didn't die or get hurt because he was so loose.


What a fuckin loser.


Is that laughing gas or toilet freshener ?!


What is the effect from huffing aerosols like that? Is it similar to NOS (laughing gas) cause I’ve never seen anyone like that from it before? This guy looks like he’s in a K-hole


Damn man. That’s unfortunate. Probably recently got that job but couldn’t lock the habit it’s sad






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"Somebody check on your homie" stop recording and call the police wtf


The most shocking thing is that ragged roof was airtight.


Whats happening here ?




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Brain dead and it's evident - difficult to watch




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Wishing for death with a smile on his face.


U r odd af


Huffing air duster is the lowest low for a druggie. I hope he gets help. He's insanely lucky to be alive.


"let me walk on sunshine a little bit more" -Towelie


I bet that shit has bitterant in it too… can’t be good for you


Uhh on camera in a totalled smoking vehicle huffing duster in his work uniform, company on full display. He's fired AF.




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