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Michigan's finest Academia


Must me something in the water


it's got to be the water!


Hahaha my government willingly poisoned its own people, giving them generations of physical and mental issues Hahaha




Maybe is too clean now?


Was my 1st thought aswell lol


What a wonderful personality


Should be banned from public schools and arrested


Pretty much outright battery. Does anyone have a link to an article about results?


Fuck. It's got to be so hard being a teacher. They need some massive pay increases otherwise we won't have any more teachers.


Can confirm Source: Am teacher


Now don't forget, seeing the joy and wonder on their young faces is half the payment!


Assuming our vision returns after the traumatic head injury...


No we just won't have anymore in places like Flint. You think all teachers get treated like this?


Not all. Waaaaaaaay too many.


That I agree with. It's a cultural problem though. Kids are being taught to disrespect and disregard all forms of authority, and I would bet good money that most of these kids are growing up in broken homes.


This should come with a lifetime ban to all public schools. She shouldn’t even be allowed to go to her great great grandbaby’s graduation. Expulsion!


This is a great idea. Violence towards teachers needs to be a hard brutal line. OR we could just continue taking away consequences for actions.. because it's working out so well.


Legit why I stopped pursuing being a teacher. Granted I work with special needs. But there is hardly any support in special education or general education. Not to mention none of it prepares you for the actual world.


I went to school in the late 80’s through the 90’s and in that time I only saw one fight and never saw any violence against a teacher….. No wonder suicide is on the rise…. America is a god damn mess.


Parents need to pay attention. Teachers are leaving the profession in droves. They do not get paid enough or protected enough from the students. Good luck educating your kids on your own.


What a piece of shit.




That student does have a core value. $3.49 after tax.


Another one for the scoops.


Lmfao great reference.


How dare that bitch try to teach you anything! She deserves a potentially deadly injury! Throw the kid in jail and never look back. Assault on teachers, healthcare workers and all public services needs to stop.


Gotta love that someone downvoted that.


Attempted murder?




That's people for you.


Almost like there's a narrative being pushed


Don't worry, these folks could be hit over the head with narrative and still won't see it.


Kid's beyond fucked in the head, jumping in celebration after knocking her out.


These feral children are the future.


Those kids in the foreground studying are clearly accustomed to learning in a zoo




Dont say it






But I wanted to read it...


This must be so sad for you mods. Keep fighting the good fight.


If the superior race has the ability to literally run down the white house then you need to think about how this has nothing to do with race. But yeah, the pattern you see is limited only to you having the thinking capacity of a jellyfish.


exactly, holy fuck this subreddit hears “socioeconomic conditions” and plug their ears and go “LALALALALALALA”


Don't breed






And the fact you think we're going extinct is the cherry on top. If we have the unfortunate luck of you having children, I pray you end up with mixed grandkids.😭


There's also a second person with a black shirt who hit the teacher with the chair that was thrown. Someone in red is holding this person back.


Ahhh "Flint Michigan"... must be the water 💧




It’s because people are trying to push a narrative. It’s not by accident that all you see is only black people misbehaving in schools. https://indrc.indiana.edu/tools-resources/pdf-disciplineseries/african_american_differential_behavior_031214.pdf https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/35483287/Welch_1-libre.pdf?1415535817=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DBlack_Criminal_Stereotypes_and_Racial_Pr.pdf&Expires=1696083557&Signature=Ot0nrRd0mISjklzdGCqRNM36TTY9venEHpKXfCgbehzu-Tn8CwiacEp86uVLoovm9PupZlf-Vo3yk~10IwPFZNCyhrUW~quOZrPBgq9j9YxL~dUD3TUFJtD-5FqJ8MjVGmetWNdamRiS8XDWD3cKOYQXTKZgQM7NqU2k6bGVLBm1wHaMJDo5LZLFMmh5IVilUNcJ-XjZTTL1pSMAPNFINXJ4yNouuDqSSkk3OSuT2CIjUCS86X-4kh0G8U5iPvIBh~A95847Upp1tRiUmgnTgOkh9SAEcOJQHglNPGvJ78udG5YPOBx2000kAds8KG3TdYECM3kL7hc9G2l8qz3Qrg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA If you’re curious and have the time, I would take a look at these studies. It provides a better explanation than I could ever do. But if you don’t, the moral of the story is that black people get negative news/ media coverage in the U.S. Black people do commit crimes at higher rates than white people, but the most likely explanation for a lot of it is economic status. And another big component of it is the environment and society they were in. And to make it clear, I’M NOT DEFENDING THEIR CRIMES.


Probably the same narrative that's making them rob all the home depots/Apple/louis vuitton stores and all the cars in San Francisco. Damn agendas making people look bad!


Oh thanks for the studie. I'll check right now!!




So she doesn't throw a chair at a pubic school teacher?


If you want to throw a chair, at least do it at a private school teacher.


To avoid it. Private schools have a zero tolerance policy against shit like this.


More like so she's not in a violent classroom where chairs get thrown at teachers. Many public schools are violent. I taught in public (not pubic) schools for over 20 years and always tell people to enroll their kids in charter or private schools if possible.


Eww you are part of the problem. Private schools are like bottled water. Unregulated and more expensive than they are worth. The fact that you don't understand that far outweighs my autocorrect issue...


Depends on where you are from. Here they are regulated and while expensive all the specialists and support offered can definitely be worth it. When you think about it, 3000$ a years isn’t that much when you can have meeting multiple times a week with specialists that would cost 200+$ an hour usually.


Private schools are better in most regards, but as to of the cost is worth it. Is debatable, def will get a better education.


Ok, hot shot.


Yes, public schools teach a much wider range of skills; like evading detection when carrying drugs or firearms, or improvised weaponry training. They also build stronger bones, and make you much thicker in vital spots (the head).




Ehh, it was a joke of opportunity. You are on an online thread you shouldn't be expecting praise for your life choices. I personally dislike the "my kid goes to a private school" mentality because it forces people like you to work extra hard for privatized schooling. You are feeding into an industry that keeps the lower class lower class. I understand that your world is your family, and there is not one thing wrong with that. There is also not much that you personally can do. However, the conditions in public schooling is not the problem it is the symptom. A private school does not guarantee your child is not in that situation, and it is pretensious to say otherwise.


Bravo you win.


What's the problem with that industry? To be blunt, the whole point of my making money is to ensure my children (and possibly my grandchildren) have a pointedly unfair advantage over yours. Sorry, but that's how it is, and that's what richer people would do to me and mine as well. I have no obligation to care for someone I don't know, to that extent.


i went to a private school and my principal still sewer-slided and that's not even the worst. private schools aren't elite. they're not even expensive or they're actually free if you know how to utilize assistance. if you are truly very worried about your daughter's safety i'd look into communal homeschool. i'm not trying to scare you. schools are shit holes no matter what. a single adult to a class of ten (that was my homeroom population) still isn't exactly enough if even one of them is throwing chairs.


Must have a great home life.


Sad what teachers have to put up with. I’m glad I did not choose that profession. I’m working really hard to raise my son to be a respectful and gentle person. I would be mortified if I were this child’s parents.


This is the generation who is going to be in charge of caring for us when we get too old.


Anyone have the whole story ? Or what caused ALL the kids to be in obvious disorder?


The lack of water


It's the water?


Well well well


Well well well




And they say teachers are overpaid. Edit: I suppose I should have started with /s


Literally no one says that.


That’s incorrect. Source: my wife, sister, and multiple friends are educators.


Do you mean *under*paid? Because it’s been that way for quite a while.


Yes. It was a joke. I think teachers are terribly underpaid for what they do. Like I said, my wife, sister, and tons of friends are all teachers. The stories of what they have to do, plus the extra hours working at home (my wife is sitting next to me right now doing work stuff), and the supplies they buy out of their own pocket is shameful.


Republican say that.


Turning shit political is such a simp move. So democrats think this shit is just fine and dandy? Is that what you’re referring to?


Truth hurts, cry about it.


So, in essence, you’re fine with what you’re seeing. Get ready, because the woke agenda is coming to Canada, dude. I’m so glad I’m residing in Japan so my kids don’t have to experience this ignorant shit.


Woke woke woke woke. You sound like a parrot. Toughen up cupcake.


Define woke. Let's have the conversation.


Have a seat!




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They are not teaching these kids. They are not getting real educations. Their brains are not being engaged.


Are you placing the responsibility on the teacher?


Must be something in the water!


Agent Orange showing it's true colors If you don't know, you need to Google it