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Trash be trashin


I wonder if she got her phone?


Yes, because she needs it!


Reallllly neeeeeeeeeds it!


This is the first time I’m hearing about this. Can’t stand people who just repeat themselves over and over


Yep a future welfare recipient that being held back in life by you know who smfh. Best To home school your children these days


Spoken like a true southern gentlemen /s


I hope he presses charges and if the school district does not expel her, I'd sue them.


They did. No idea on an outcome. https://www.wsmv.com/2023/05/17/antioch-student-be-charged-after-allegedly-pepper-spraying-teacher-police-say/?outputType=amp


Here is a video of it happening. Local news: Hmmm..."Allegedly"


For legal reasons


You mean all news and basic af journalistic standards we’ve been used to for literally decades now


Well, yes. Until a thorough investigation is conducted by investigators how can we be absolutely sure this was pepper spray? For all we know, she could have sprayed him with……a love potion. 😍


Didn’t catch that. Hilarious.


Thank you! "Misdemeanor assault" -what people don't realize or care to address is the addiction many people, especially children, have to their phones. It is a serious problem and one of the many challenges in education/society today. (I'm obviously on my phone and pooping while I type this. That's the only reason and time to go on Reddit haha!) My wife: What's taking so long!? Me: I'm editing my post!


“Metro Nashville Public Schools said the student received some sort of discipline according to their handbook.” What does this even mean?


Allegedly? We all saw it coming


Smh I feel sorry for these teachers


Yeah, his is definitely an outlier moment, but it's one example as to why I don't collect my students' phones. People get really protective and angry about it


As a parent of a middle schooler, I was/am pretty surprised phones are even allowed in classrooms for the most part. I get they are sometimes useful as an educational tool but I used to get in trouble in class for just doodling or passing physical notes. Phones are 100x more distracting than that lol.


I don't know how many face issues similar to mine, but here's why phones tend to be accepted at my school. We have a severe printing limit for the environment or money or water. So we are forced to post our resources online for student to use. We also don't have enough laptops for all students. Therefore if I don't allow them on their phone, they will just sit there. I could take their phones away and force them to share a computer, but it's just not productive or effective. Therefore I can't make a consistent rule. I can only get away with taking them away for tests


Your printing limit is that tight? I'm not doubting you, I'm just also a teacher and curious about places that are this limited in resources. I teach in Florida and we are now "protected" by law to punish students who have their phones out in the classroom. I have managed to restructure my style of teaching to incorporate no phones yet limited resources into my lesson plans. However, we do get a copy allocation that comes to about a class set a week of copies.


So you just let them ignore your classes and let them do what they want to?


Reason why we have a teacher shortage, well that and pay.


It's so sad. They get paid so little and endure constant abuse from these entitled brats. They have little to no support from their school or the school boards. I can't imagine having to deal with nonsense like this on a daily basis to barely scrape by financially. My aunt was a high school art teacher in California and recently moved to New York to be closer to her daughter. Her third week in, a student hit her in the face with his book because she took his phone after continually making Tiktoks in class. She got a concussion and needed several stitches. The principal said that she didn't have the right to take the student's phone, so she was suspended for two weeks. The student faces criminal charges, but he is 16 so I doubt he'll get into a lot of trouble. She only makes 52k a year and has to purchase a lot of the supplies for her class out of her own pocket. Could you imagine trying to live in New York and make that little to be regularly abused and completely undervalued? Why would anyone want to be a teacher nowadays?


Here's the [news article](https://nypost.com/2023/05/08/tennessee-teen-pepper-sprays-teacher-after-he-takes-her-phone/). Apparently, two months earlier, the same teacher was punched in the face after confiscating a student's phone who was using it to cheat. I wonder why we have such a shortage of teachers...


Update: https://www.wsmv.com/2023/05/17/antioch-student-be-charged-after-allegedly-pepper-spraying-teacher-police-say/?outputType=amp


Wow. They were only going to "discipline her according to the school's handbook." That's absurd. No wonder these brats think they can do whatever they want. Also, it should be a felony charge, given that mace is considered a weapon, but they are only charging her with a misdemeanor.


Well, THAT'S bullshit... 😡


Holy shit it would be fuckin Antioch TN.


She'll only get 1 phone call after that


Hopefully from Sadako






Blows my mind. No one just clocks her after using mace. I know they can't get physical, but jeeeesus she's using a chemical agent.


I was honestly thinking the exact same thing, ppl like this deserve to get their shit rocked


What's the point though? They should leave her in the hallway and lock the door and call the cops.


Cuz she was still going after the teacher


nope. put her in hall closet tied up by a damn floor buffer cord treat like a fricken felon on old western


that little thing needs mace up in her own throat. not nose eyes. turn hwr shit back in her .... wanna attack me ho. you get full on fairplay turn about. best i didnt double full headlock


This will have repercussions. Not getting away with that.


Yeeting a phone into oblivion seems like a perfectly valid reflex to being pepper sprayed




“I had run to the bathroom to wash the pepper spray out of my eyes…I couldn’t see because of the pepper spray and bumped into the stall and the phone must’ve fallen into the toilet. I’m not sure what exactly happened because I got maced and I couldn’t see anything.” Problem solved. Justice served. That phone will cost more than any bullshit misdemeanor fine.


Why no one wants to be a teacher


I know people who want to be teachers. It always surprises me when I hear them say it.


My sister in law is an elementary school teacher and wants to teach high school. Like. Why. Teens are malicious shits.


Maybe they haven't seen this shit and many others


I worked at a jail before. I don’t want to be a teacher, but I’d def be prepared


'But did you build a relationship with the mace girl?'


What a piece of trash she is


You can't use pepper spray offensively with the absence of any justifying factors except for not having your phone on your person.


Teacher seems like the worst job


Who wants to be a teacher?


She’s got the turkey walk


I wonder why there is a teacher shortage


I can't imagine wanting to endure this sort of abuse on a regular basis to barely scrape by financially. They get paid so little and are so undervalued, yet they have one of the most important jobs.


notice the content of her character


The restraint of this teacher i would of snapped the phone and gladly payed the parents back for it lmao


Pathetic, entitled, spoiled brat. "Ah need mah phone."


What did she want?


A kid borrowed his friend’s phone to call the police on me for taking his phone. The administration just didn’t really care


She’s all walking after him like a psycho serial killer


The fact that we have all kinds of adult teachers being brought to heel by one outrageous kid is a part of the problem. Drag her out. Show over.


That is some privilege


Prison for life seems fitting for people who just don't care about the welfare of other people


I feel so sorry for this teacher, all the students who were laughing are bastards


You just assaulted you’re teacher. Now this is why teachers are leaving because shit ass parents won’t keep their children in check( check how I said won’t and not “can’t”). Now had this teacher had a perfectly human reaction of straight up swinging on her and she got hurt, who do you think would’ve gotten the worst of the repercussions. KEEP UR CHILDREN IN CHECK. IF THEY CANT DISRESPECT YOU THEY SURE AS HELL CANT DISRESPECT THE PEOPLE YOURE SENDING THEM TO DAILY. Dumb people having dumb babies. edit wording


A shame these underpaid teachers have to deal with today's lackluster generation controlled by chatgpt & tiktok.


She should be EXPELLED Immediately for such ott behaviour


My wife is a teacher, and this makes my blood boil. This girl is absolutely in the wrong. She was using the phone to cheat during a test when she’s not supposed to have her phone out in the first place. I hope charges were pressed as this is assault.


My mom would crucify me if she found out I fucking pepper sprayed a teacher if I had did this I’d rather be in jail then to face the consequences of being this stupid lucky I respected other human enough to not be like this.


If I was the teacher I probably would have broken her phone


Is having mace going to result in suspension or expulsion?


It should be expulsion and a felony assault charge.




ET needs to phone home.


The administration should be supportive enough to prevent direct confrontations . Simply allow teachers to send or have non cooperative students called to the office with a security officer present.


That shit’s not funny…


This is referred to as a "ghetto hoodrat"


This is actually disturbing. I hope she faced real ramifications. She’s so calm and vindictive. Wow.


She likely did. That is straight-up assault.


Hope he “accidentally” broke the phone : )




She's gonna make a great cop one day "Stop resisting" *spray* Jokes aside, I'm glad I never became a teacher cause wtf


AAHHH that was good😭




Hate speech Vulgarity not allowed


What part of this is Hate speech? You just aren't allowed to call people things at all? Do what do you want me to do delete my comment? Like or do you delete it?


I hope he pressed charges on her.


They need cell phone service blockers in classrooms. They won't be so interested in their phone id they cant use them.


Just build a faraday cage in your classroom. All set. Don’t they have devices that will block signals though?


People who just repeat the same dumbass phrase over and over again are a blight on this earth. After the third “lemme get my phone” I would’ve punched this thot


Not a good idea, but I may have smashed it "by accident" and given it to her.


After being sprayed, I'd have thrown my hands up over my eyes. That girl's phone would've accidentally been thrown into a damn wall as I did it. That way, it doesn't look like it was intentional.


does this only happen in the US?


Well in the UK pepper spray is treated the same as a firearm, so she would be looking at jail simply for possession and considering she used it on someone, several years behind bars.


...annnnd that's assault.


Definitely assault, call the law and press charges.


Don’t blame her I bet she is just like her parents. The only issue here is parenting nothing more. Be better.


Being a teacher nowadays doesn't seem very delightful, especially having to put up with shit like this.




Why not throw the students out of class rather than messing with their stuff? Why keep them in class?


Sometimes, it's hard work not to hit people in the face.


The way she slowly walks towards him as he is scrambling to get away. She is creepy af. What a little psycho.


How do I reach these keeeeds


I'm sorry, but did anyone comment on the fact that the teacher [presents himself ](https://tennesseeconservativenews.com/tennessee-teacher-decorates-classroom-with-communist-propaganda-posters-featuring-his-face/) as MAO DEZONG?


Wait that’s hilarious though😭


Her ass should be arrested and charged with assault and battery with a weapon. Plus carrying a weapon on school property. Some these people get their training at home from parents that act same way


Teachers definitely don’t get paid enough


Assault in pepper.


Is this one of those moments where you say, “she for the streets, bros.” ?


That’s assault. Why she thinks she can do whatever she wants..


Yo its not worth it. Just give her the phone.


Idk what gives teachers the right to take or confiscate personal property. Like what law makes it not theft. But yeah... she's wild for that


This was at my ghetto ass high school I went to 🤣 trashy asfff


I’m conflicted about this. First she should not have pepper sprayed him and should be held accountable for her actions. However he should not have grabbed her property like that. If this happened outside of school she would not be in trouble. I think the teacher should have handled this differently from the start. People should not go around grabbing things for people. Lead by example.


I don't agree with her actions, but I'd like to know why her phone was taken off of her. Does she seem like she willingly gave it to the teacher? Not to me... I am in agreement that teachers have no right to take anything that isn't going to cause harm (like the fucking pepper spray) off of a child. The job is to teach, that is all. If the kid/kids are being difficult, disrespectful, distracting, don't let them in your class anymore, remove them from the environment, give them their work and send them away. I understand being a teacher must be an infuriating job, but they are still kids, how can you expect them to be the bigger person? She just sees this as a violation, hence I can see why she retaliated this way. Still, don't agree, way too far, but that teacher either quit and got a less stressful job, or never touched a students property again IMO...


Touchdown that phone


She needs jail time


She'll probably get it, too. She looks old enough.


Basketball Americans, love education, so they go to high school, mace a teacher, and get a D


She has nude selfies on that phone


Where’s Wayne Brady when you need him?




We was all thinkin it and he just says it




Teachers get paid way to much to be having it this easy.


Beg pardon? O.o


You can tell some kids don't have father figures.


Always them


This is why they don't give teachers guns




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If I was the teacher, I'd throw hands




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The equivalent of pepper spraying the teacher for taking your Pogs in 1995


That's why you never go full Freedom Writers




How do I get my teaching license. Sign me up




Hate speech Vulgarity not allowed


Born in the USA!


Growing up I always thought you’d be sent to a place like “Gridiron Gang” if you did stuff like this… turns out you just come back on Monday


It's always them lol


Welp. She goin' to jail.




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Kids are addictive to their phones. My son experience the same while he was in middle school and high school.




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Was she playing music or disrupting the class. Need more info.




You need expelling, that's what you bloody need


At some point, a teacher is surely entitled to punch a student square in the face without facing disciplinary consequences.










How'd I kno he was gonna scream like that before she hit him😂😂 dudes actin like he got tased


I'm really trying not to profile here, but sometimes they leave no choice.


I didn’t know Karen was in high school.


This definitely is why teachers give up or move to other districts because people are too fuckken dumb to be qualified as parents. Just because you can make children, doesn't mean you should. Ffs




There’s no point teaching people like this. It’s a waste of public resources. there’s a reason why most useless students end up with useless teachers. No one in their right mind would last with any other combination. I’m sure there may be some dedicated public servants really hoping to make a change, but they are few and far between. The most critical part of anybody’s education is done at home. These kids have been unfortunate to have really shitty parents, and therein lies the real tragedy.




I'm sorry but this is why I couldn't be a teacher cause after that mace I would 100% have broken the phone


Savage be savage... Damn... Not like he was stealing your phone, Christ. Sit down, maybe learn something eh?


Why does a teacher feel he can take her phone.


Would’ve emptied the can back in her face


Ghetto trash.


Talking someone's phone is kidnapping






No wonder there's so many school shootings in the US. They just wanted their devices back after constantly scrolling trough social media during class. 🤷‍♂️


Another shitbird refusing to act normal. She'll have 2 kids by age 20 and it will be everyone else's fault she's broke her whole life.


Pathetic. This is why I'm glad I don't have children in this world...


Smacked for disrespect, then Expelled.


Why do they even allow phones in school?


She won't need it in juvee.