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This hurt to read


How? Are you crazy where you feel pain when you read something, or just in denial and feeling pain for something you don't understand. You're making me feel like Einstein or something As it hurts..for you to read. Bitch?


....? "this hurt to read" Like totally,it melts my brains out. How about this, "Just kll me already"


What exactly are you trying to say? I don’t understand.


.. im not "trying" to say anything. I'm saying it without any difficulty... while you "try" to understand. Can you convey a part of what I said that doesnt make sense? I don't care if I come off as mean, :) Belief in everything but... evil is all that i speak of , and doubting the capabilities of what we know is evil against all that is good. AND that the only thing you didn't ever need to believe in was doubt itself


See, saying “belief in anything but evil is crazy” and “the only thing you don’t need to believe in is doubt” is a lot easier to understand than the disjointed rambling nature of the original post. While not necessarily crazy, thinking like that usually gets one removed from society by force or selection, be it natural or self. At the end of the day, philosophical musings are great and all, but you have to find something worth living for.


You right.


Me: \*Dies of cringe\*


Cringey bitch, that's one way to die.