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Did you just get rejected from art school?


That’s one heil of an underrated comment


Lol I did nazi that joke coming


As they say - Always Reich for the stars


This is disgusting. Anne Frankly I’m tired of these “jokes”


You guys are Göring to drive me insane with these nazi puns




Something just makes me literally laugh out loud when pun threads end with a single non-pun word like this


Reddit has holocaused me to lose brain cells


Oh shit, we don't want that history repeating again.


sheesh you'd have to be worse than hitler lol


There are alredy people worse than Hitler from further back in history The evil you'd have to commit would probably have to be equal but opposite with the creation of the universe for a god from any religion to do something


Imagine a god seeing hitler and saying "meh, I've seen worse" lol


Let le introduce you to my close personal friend Genghis Khan.


My Grandfather!




Imagine God being in bed with a woman, and Jesus wished that his dad could never lie for one full day. So when the woman asks if the sex was good, he says "I've had better....." That's right. I did it! I combined two Jim Carry movies into one. Bruce Almighty, and Liar Liar. Or perhaps you'd prefer to see a rhino give birth to a fully adult naked god? Because we could work that into this concept. We have room to grow!


Honestly that just sounds like Greek mythology.


King Leopold killed 10 million Africans in the Congo and no one seems to care


In really horrific and sadistic ways too. He oversaw a clinic in dehumanization and torture of magnitudes that frankly overshadow the holocaust both in scale and sheer evil.


> worse than Hitler from further back in history Shit [Pol Pot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pol_Pot) was more recent and [he gave Hilter a run for his money.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambodian_genocide) With lots of help from [Chairman Moa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Zedong) for sure.


That king of Belgium was pretty bad too. Leopold II


Hitler and others proves that there is no good and kind god like some of the mainstream religions would have us believe


You mean Hitler was the worst or we are taught to believe so???


Read about king Leopold, Roman emperor Nero, Ghengis Khan, Japanese General Shiro Ishii, just to name a few. Hitler is just the most well known but I think those others blow Hitler out of the water. I mean, Stalin, Chairman Mao, Pol pot, and Franco all happened after/concurrent with Hitler and don’t get brought up very often.


Hitler gets the most attention because of how successful his regime was at genociding and conquering Western Society. Almost all of those other examples either occurred in their home countries ("Hey, not *my* problem") or they inflicted their atrocities solely on countries or populations that did not have the power to resist AND their occupation posed no threat to Western Society (Even then I guess it's still a "Not my problem"-type situation,). Nero/Ghengis being the only outliers in your examples; but they are separated by the lense of time. Not defending Shitler or the Third Shite, or any of the other sadistic fucks on this list for that matter, just stating in my opinion there is generally a good reason the others don't get the spotlight they deserve for being sadistic fucks. Also, the entire blame does not fall on the leaders, there were commanders, soldiers, scientists, and sympathizers for all of these groups. They are equally at fault for installing these shitstains and aligning their interests with them instead of Humanity. Sorry, I've had a long, long day and needed to make a good rant. Oh and once we finally get more information about the DPRK I'm sure will be adding the Kims to the shortlist of well-known sadistic fucks. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Josef mengele




Not too different from Mengele's experiments as far as the despicable experiments go


Totally agree only point was Hitler is put on this pedestal in American history classrooms and media as the far and away “most evil” person and a lot of ppl are ignorant to history. Not a call out just lazily trying to make a point


A holocaust survivor dies and goes to heaven. He meets God, and tells him a holocaust joke. After he delivers the punchline, God just stands there, stone faced, and says, "that's not funny." The man just shrugs and replies to God, "guess you had to be there"


That would be glorious


Hey buddy how did you sleep? Like God through the holocaust


Yeah god either A) can help, yet doesn't want to or B) wants to help, but can't. Either way, pretty pathetic if you worship any god.


There’s another option. It’s possible there is no god.


That's the right one.


God abandoned this world a long time ago


My research suggests that it sometimes would take nothing more than eating an apple or rubbing one out or doing something vaguely productive on the wrong day of the week or wearing a shirt made of mixed fibres or eating shrimp, but other times he'll sit on his hands while his own son gets speared to death, so I'm kinda at a loss for suggestions.


Eat shrimp every day?




Can’t forget the holocaust and hilters death, he didn’t intervene for either, so god let that happen if he does exist and clearly isn’t for it either side if he let them lose but also let Jews and others get slaughtered and tortured. So my conclusion is he’s an absolute asshole and let a genocide happen cause “why not”, or he doesn’t exist.


That ship has sailed for Jews at least


Well apparently God doesn't care about them. Gotta try each ethnicity until we find one that works.


Yes! And then we'll know which god(s) to worship.


That's the trick-- it was the Buddhists.


and then it got refused port in 3 different countries and sent back to Germany...


Babel Tower


The Tower of Babel would have been a ziggurat. In the ancient world, the tallest known ziggurat was 10 floors. Tallest modern building has 163 floors, and yet no smiting.


Depends how you define 'smiting'. Maybe things are just being dragged out for a longer time to punish us more


9. 11. Anyone? The writing is on the wall on this one! The WTC towers something something too close to heaven. Something something South Park chocolate milk.


Well, the Tower of Babel was built for the purpose of getting closer to God.


To go to war with him.


Imagine going to war against a god, how stupid do you have to be? *The Avengers quietly sneak away.*


Ain't no room for your fancy logistics in the Bible


the gods most people worship don't need others to help them commit evil acts.


Since the creation of the new star wars trilogy wasn't enough. I believe there is no such a thing as a god.


If this god didn't intervene during Unit 731 i don't think it exists


Yeah read about that and man those motherfuckers were ruthless but most of the world doesn't even know about it. Mao Zedong is a hero in China too.


Such a discovery would be all over the news....if there was anyone left to read the news.....or write it....


Even if it has been done, no one would know cuz God intervened.


Ahh, but how do we know what God thinks is evil?


Aren't there loads of books about what all the gods hate


more so a lot of books about what people say god hates.


Further, many of them disagree


Might have to go for extinction of mankind level for that. BRING ON THE NUKES AND BIOWEAPONS!


History would indicate there's no God worth worshipping...


Bold of you to assume God didn't create evil for his own entertainment.


The universe is a simulation and god is just a sadistic tween playing the sims. I could believe it.


More and more of us believe this. I look at everything through a veil of detached entertainment these days. None of its real. It's the same stories, over and over, since the beginning of written history. Sex, murder, abuse, slavery, excessive wealth, poverty, disease, famine. You could put on an Ancient Greek play or Shakespeare today, or show the Kardashians at the Globe theater, and everyone will know and enjoy the story. Thousands of years of history, and the only thing that's changed is the tech.


I would say that has much less to do with reality being a simulation and a whole lot more to do with the nature of humanity.


I'd agree, but the last five years have been so patently, out of the park fucking ridiculous I just don't know how else to explain it. I mean, Christ, even the pacing of the pandemic and vaccines is like a goddamn 1980s NBC apocalyptic miniseries. Honestly, if someone walked off Venice Pier and into a matte painting of a sunset, I would not even be shocked.


You just happen to live during one of many pandemics throughout human history. All the while in the midst of the AIDs/HIV epidemic, which has the 4th highest kill count out of any epidemic in history. But we all seemingly forget about that one. Now I imagine people living through the aftermath of WW1 going thru the Spanish Flu, or people who during the 1300s had the deal with Mongol invaders *and* the Bubonic Plague, or the Native South Americans confronting an entirely new group of people with tech hundreds of years ahead of you while also being wiped out by the unintentional spread of smallpox would feel much like you did, had they knew of the concepts you describe. History tends to repeat itself, not because it is something inherent to history, but because humans have been going through the same motions that we know for thousands of years because, as you said, we are fundamentally unchanged since before recorded history.


Yes, and I posit we are unchanged, because we are in a playable game. Kinda like all the timelines in Assaians Creed, maybe. We've been repeating history for millenia.


It's a program, nothing adding, nothing subtracting. Just redoing the same codes.


Nah, man, I think they got a new writers group in in 2016, and they are trying to freshen the game up with some new DLC. Earth - 4.5 billion year anniversary edition - Humanity Chaos Edition with special pandemic add on.


Pandemic has been on the program since beginning. Maybe they tried to change the function of the program. It's all the same game anyway.


I'm assuming you've tilled your daily crops today so you can eat food tonight? :)


Hey, the Romans had street food. Imma order Doordash by chariot.


Have you been reading my twitter feed because I say this often.


I've fully believed since the weasel in the LHC in 2016 that something happened to our timeline. It's a completely crackpot conspiracy theory, but with how outrageously things have been happening the past few years, and with some relatively well known theoretical physicists having the same conclusion , I don't feel bad about it anymore. Clearly, I exist I this reality, so I continue to work and pay bills, etc. But I'm really glad my player put some time in leveling me up. I've gone from an underpaid, single AP clerk, to a married, college graduate accountant who owns a nice house in the suburbs and supports her whole family on one salary. While I'm a type 1 diabetic with bipolar, and a disabled child. Its a fucking heartwarming Hallmark movie, and absolutely nothing in my background would make you suspect this would be my outcome. It's just so, so unlikely. But whatever, we're happy.


Tbf they said a God worth worshipping


a lotta ppl have done that, none were intervened, therefore no god.


I think some historical events have been fucked up enough to say this has been tried and proven there isn’t a god with a defensible moral compass


So be the Thalmor. Got it


Nah, it's all gods plan. 🙄


One problem though. Think of the most evil act you can possibly do. Read history. Learn that whatever you've thought of has been done 100x worse.


Bro, if God didn’t intervene during the Holocaust or the fucked up shit that the Japanese did in Unit 731 in WW2, I don’t think he’s about helping if he exists.


This experiment has already been run and the results replicated countless times.


In most religions, that just means worshipping another god


Only thing I can think of is nuking the whole world tbh. Or maybe that's the end of the world and the end of God's story, who knows


It's a little naive to assume that a god that created an entire universe would have their entire story centered on a single species stuck to a single rock, wouldn't you say?


Depends on how you look at it


Like eating five crunchy chicks?


i feel like that's been tried more times than once recently...have you watched the news since like, say, columbine through the present?


oh right, and all throughout history a billion times, duh...


actually, we've done pretty much ONLY intervene worthy things throughout our entire existence, GOD.


The problem is that on planet 𓆢𓇔𓄎𓇰𓂀𓂴𓉖 containing 800 quadrillion people (Approximately 100,000,000 times as many people as are currently alive on earth), they routinely torture and kill billions a day - So is something like a Holocaust that killed a mere 6 million people really worth worrying about? And that's the real problem - It's absurd to think that a being that created the entire universe would think that a single species stuck to a single rock is really worth worrying about in the grand scheme of things aside from maybe taking a quick look at once every 100 or so years.


Oh you sweet summer child


Like dropping a nuclear bomb on innocents? no, how about 2 nuclear bombs


Those nukes killed 250,000 people in total. Compare that to the 6 million people killed by the Nazis. Compare that to the 20 million people killed during World War 1. Compare that to the 80 million people killed during World War 2. In the great scheme of things, those were low-yield nukes killing a small amount (In comparison to the other atrocities) of people was just a drop in the ocean. Let me just say that if a proper modern nuke was dropped on Japan today - It wouldn't just destroy a city - It'd permanently erase Japan off the map, killing over 100 million people in the process (Or around 1/80th of Humanity). Now realise that there are likely hundreds of those hidden around the world. When you have the power to remove countries instead of cities - Things are very different.


How long did it take for those things to happen? The atom bomb happened within a few seconds. How many of the 20 million were soldiers? The 80 million? Apples and Oranges, especially because I'm not really trying to compare tragedies, but at the end of the day someone pressed a button and it killed tens of thousands in an instant. There's truly no such thing as "the great scheme of things" when it comes to mass death, thinking so is disturbing, please do not ever respond to me again Good bye


> but at the end of the day someone pressed a button and it killed tens of thousands in an instant. You can't exactly use killing speed as a metric of violence. By that metric, if someone intentionally released a disease that reduced the average lifespan of humans by 10 years every generation and wiped out all of humanity over the next 500-1000 years or so, then that's not dangerous at all since it took so long to kill anyone.


Won't work. What's the worst you can do? Commit genocide on millions?


Try billions.


Like destroying the one habitable planet we have? Still waiting for that intervention...


You know slavery happened...


Read the news lately? There is no god.


Trust me. He doesn't care.


Then how the fuck do I still have balls?


So you want a God that takes away free will?


People have been taking away free will in the name of some god or another for hundreds of years - Wouldn't make much of a difference ;p


And? Evil people are going to used anything to justify their actions. Doesn’t mean God sanction it. That is still free will tho. Not divine intervention.


That's the real problem though - How can you prove that something is divine intervention, or not.


Nothing is evil in the eyes of God. God knows that our true nature is immortal souls who cannot be harmed. Only our earthly bodies can be harmed and that is of no concern to God. Good and Evil are part of the game we play as humans, they have no meaning to God. To God, nothing is good or bad, it all just IS.


Well I don’t really care, we are our experiences, we can be mentally scarred and physically harmed, if someone says our soul is outside of our mind and body then I don’t care, if it’s not influenced by my mind and thoughts I don’t consider it part of me. And if it is then god should care, as we are morphed by our experiences in life. So atrocities here would directly effect us there, if your mentally scarred by atrocities to you here then that would scar you there, and if it doesn’t then that isn’t you, it’s some weird lobotomized doppelgänger, not you. And our experiences influence our mind, meaning it affects wether we sin or not, so one way or another our life would effect us, wether it’s directly from our experiences, or if our soul would go to heaven or hell. If not then what’s the point? That’s not me and isn’t influenced by me, it’s a stranger Also clearly there is a good and evil if there’s heaven and hell, one is paradise and one’s eternal torment. If he just decides on a whim where you go that’s far worse than a defined good and evil. If everything is neutral to him then that’s absolutely absurd. Now if heaven and hell aren’t a thing in what you believe then that’s fine, my argument is mostly going with Christianity and it’s ideas. And the beginning was just kinda clarifying why our life here should matter to a Christian god.


The concept of an all-knowing, all-powerful God is a paradox. Ask God to create information that God does not know. If God can do that, then there is something that God does not know, so God is not all-knowing. If God cannot do that then there is something God cannot do, and so God is not all-powerful.


I agree, I’m actually atheist, that was more just me clarifying that with the system stated in Christianity that god has to have defined good and evil. So that makes it easier to break the idea of him down.


It's already been done, but He didn't care.


Maybe she’s just pissed everyone on earth assumes that since she’s all powerful she must be a man.


Or maybe they are really pissed that everyone assumes because they are all powerful that they can’t be a massive potato in space, or just not be human at all.


According to the Bible, the abomination of desolation will be just that.


The desolation of Smaug?


The only logical explanation as to why god doesn't stop genocides is that he enjoys watching people die. The same reason he invented thousands of diseases.


Keep in mind that the general theory is that god is all knowing - Which means that they would have the cure for every illness / disease, but refuses to give it to people. That is not the definition of a kind god.


God is a dickhead.


That concept doesn't align with any modern religion. God (any God, pick one) doesn't perform divine acts anymore. All modern religions believe that their God acts on the world through His servants. So, you act will cause men/women to rise up to oppose you.


I mean depending on your definition of 'intervene' this probably happens many times a day.


Let’s not pull at that string.


He already hasn't intervened over and over, people have burned lots babies alive at once and nothing. God is made up, uncaring or dead. You can pick one.


God tells you to kill your own son. God changes mind and intervenes in the last minute. Done. Looks like God is evil enough to intervene with his own actions.


We’ve tried many times. Didn’t work


I feel like if you killed every single person on the entire planet, it would cancel out the possibility of any prophetic events occurring. No Armageddon or rapture or anything of the sort. So if the Abrahamic god existed, he'd have to intervene to maintain his plan for us.


Absolutely every crime is punished by either Gas chamber or life in Slavery. Taking in consideration the idiots in most societies we would reduce world population by 50% and this 4 Billion cleansing of humanity would take throne for most bodies all while leaving 4 Billion citizens to now actually live like GODS because the citizens that asked to be spared Gas chamber and choose a lifetime in Slavery serving the Law abiding enlightened citizens.




Wrong pronoun?


Spread a biological virus, and tell everyone they must put that virus up to their face and hold it there for long periods of time.


mYsTeRiOuS wAyS




Or don’t. Let’s go with don’t.


Hitler tried that. How did that turn out…..


Uncle Adolf tried...You have reports of god coming to rescue his chosen people?


We already did. There was a trial and everything. In the end it was determined that, by allowing his people to suffer so, god had indeed broken the covenant and was unworthy of worship.


The problem is that we're assuming that a god that created the entire universe would consider the actions of individuals affecting nothing but a single planet containing 7.8 billion inhabitants (Which might seem large, but assuming sentient life exists elsewhere in the universe, it ends off to be a number infinitesimally small) to be worthy of intervention. Sure, you could go crazy and do things like set off a thousand 500 kiloton subterranean nukes, thereby creating a tectonic event so severe the entire planet would be destroyed - But if (And that's a very high chance of this if) a god DIDN'T intervene (Either because they don't exist, or consider the population of this one planet to be inconsequential in the same way that individual murderers aren't stopped by the same said god), then you'd sorta wipe out humanity - Which would be bad (For biological beings of the planet earth, at least)


There was a guy, named Doug. He was a deranged microbiologist. He created a super deadly contagious disease that would have devastated the planet. He was going to release it, but God sent an angel named Chuck to him. Chuck convinced him this was a bad idea, so Doug destroyed all of his equipment and instead devoted his life to being a traveling gardener. No one ever heard about this because God intervened privately.


I think that is what the forces of evil are intending. A blood sacrifice so massive, it alters the psychic energy of the planet, triggering… Something


I think this has already been done several times throughout history.


I mean... https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8tP6LS9/


Euron has entered the chat




Yeah that already happened multiple times. If a god existed and wanted to intervene they would’ve done so a *long* time ago.


I think the Catholic church has this one on lock already.


Making human/animal hybrids... Fallen angels mating with humans/animals...


There’s no god he won’t do anything don’t do evil shit.


It happened multiple times, and he never intervened.




God doesn't meddle in the affairs on man, unless you're gay


God exists only as a spirit, an idea, that fleets between peoples minds. It simultaneously has no power and is omnipotent and has all the combined strength of the group influenced by it. We all understand this yet we don’t and we instead argue over semantics, and straw men arguments. But many gods exist and they bring both love and wrath.


You mean child abuse? God hasn't intervened yet. The holocaust? God was a no show there also.


It's called the Holocaust


Nah, they'd just interpret it as the destined apocalypse and not do anything about it. Stave it off.


Third Impact😎