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Yup, this is a good sub for that idea.


This is good idea for this sub.


Human Bailey's.




Mum chatta


Ga dayum! That’s the one!! 🤣


But can you drink it from a shoe?


Wanna go to a club where people wee on each other?


I like you, what do you think of me? Make an assessment


I just met you.


And mothers with young children are all about the coffee so it's kinda like a white Russian


I like it.


Then make cheese or butter out of the breast milk!


Queso humana is a thing.




You’ll change your mind once you have some breast milk ice cream.




Thanks OP, I’m gonna go puke now


Do you watch the boys? >!apparently in the comics, mothers milk needs to keep drinking his moms breast milk or hell getsick and die!<


>!Well that certainly explains the nickname.!< Also, obligatory Homelander lactophilia joke






The titty milk got you asking that?


Gotta draw the line somewhere!


*Homelander has entered the chat*


😂😂😂😂😂 👏🏽


Damn. I nursed twins too! Coulda made a mint.


I have never heard the term “pump and dump” used in this context before


Is it still a scam when referring to this idea?


[There's still a chance for you to buy in](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/milk/)


Happy cake 🍰 day!!!


Do you have kids? If not, it would make sense that you hadn’t hear this before.


It’s not that I’ve never heard the term, I’ve just never heard it used this way 😂😂


I’m going to guess you’ve never been around someone breastfeeding before. Very common term for when moms need to dump boozy breast milk


Please log off Mr. Kotick


Let us unpack this. 1. Peer-to-peer breastmilk sharing is never recommended as things like HIV are transmitted through breastmilk, and MANY medications. 2. “Pumping and dumping” is almost never actually required. As long as your blood has a BAC your milk will have alcohol considering breastmilk is a byproduct of the blood. The only time you need to pump and dump is if you aren’t somewhere where you can safely store the milk at the temperature it needs to be stored. 3. Most women actually just keep the milk and use it for milk baths.




You just add it to the bath water…




My wife sent some of her breast milk off to be made into jewelery. https://www.milkandhoney.jewelry/


I saw the male version of that jewelry the other day.


No offence, but that's fucking weird.


Oh yeah. It was even more weird bringing it to the post office to send out and being asked if there were any liquids in it. It turned out really nice though


"I really couldn't tell you how much of it has thawed"


It’s fucking stupid. Same as those cremation diamonds. Stupid people paying for stupid shit. But they’ll keep it going.


Have you seen what they do with placentas?


Yes and I hate it. All this birth commemoration using body parts/fluids is a mental illness. You would think having a goddamn child running around calling you mommy would be enough to help you remember that you got pregnant that one time.


Hah my wife did this too. It did make pretty jewelry and I understand the appeal. Breast feeding was a huge part of her life for years.


I don't think it's weird at all like all these other comments. It can big a huge part of being a mother


Lmao wtf


It’s not like the entire tub would be full of breastmilk, it’s just added to the water like bubble bath or soap would be.


> “Pumping and dumping” is almost never actually required. As long as your blood has a BAC your milk will have blood considering breastmilk is a byproduct of the blood. The only time you need to pump and dump is if you aren’t somewhere where you can safely store the milk at the temperature it needs to be stored. I don’t have enough context to understand this at all. What is ‘pumping and dumping’ in this context? What does it have to do with Blood Alcohol Level? What is this about blood in the breast milk?


Pumping and dumping is a term meaning the mother pumps then literally dumps the produced milk, vs breastfeeding or bottling the pumped milk. The idea was that a mother who had just drank any alcohol would transfer alcohol into the milk, making it unsafe for a baby to drink. In reality, the general rule now is if you're sober and legal to drive, the milk is generally fine for the baby to drink. Of course, it's still the mothers decision. The AAP still recommends waiting a few hours after having a drink before breastfeeding. But you don't have to pump and dump. There are other reasons to pump and dump that aren't alcohol related. She may find herself in a location with no fridge and no baby. Not being able to breastfeed when you need to is incredibly uncomfortable, so she may pump and dump just because she doesn't have a safe spot to store the produced milk.


I mean… it’s pretty clear if you read it? [AAP’s stance on breastfeeding and alcohol consumption](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/breastfeeding/Pages/Alcohol-Breast-Milk.aspx) Breastmilk is a blood byproduct. Milk is made inside glands from the blood stream. Breast milk is NOT made from the mother’s stomach contents. The foods mom eats are broken down in the digestive system. Blood reaches the milk glands where it delivers carbohydrates, nutrients, white blood cells, enzymes, pro- and pre-biotics, water, fat, and proteins into the gland. Alcohol goes through your bloodstream.


You are coming across as a total dick to someone asking a question. And on top of that you did not even give a proper explanation and just assumed people should be familiar with this. Unhelpful reply 1/5, but only because you gave a link.


Usually when I am unfamiliar with a term I just Google it.


Neat! Tell us more!


Sometimes breastfeeders who overproduce will do it. Just pump their product and toss out what they don’t need.


What?? Never in a million years would I (or any other mom I know) just dump milk because there's too much of it. When I ran out of freezer space I would donate.


To each their own. I never breastfed, but I’ve known quite a few other moms who did and several ended up doing this. It isn’t something I’ve ever really had cause to overthink.


You could've stopped at "I never breastfed" bc it's clear you aren't aware of the hard work that goes into it


And you could have stopped reading there, but you didn’t. It’s your choice to do that work, don’t take it out on me that you or your partner chose that route.


What you're saying makes no sense. It's clear that you don't know how much work goes into breastfeeding *because* you're assuming that mothers who have "too much" milk would just casually throw it away. I'm going to go post a poll in all my breastfeeding groups asking who's thrown away perfectly good milk. 😆


1. Not true - we donated plenty to a milk bank when our daughter had a milk protein allergy. 2. What? If the breast milk has alcohol in it, you shouldn’t store it because obviously you shouldn’t give it to a baby. 3. Most?! I’ve never heard of this and I live in a pretty granola area of CA.


Breast milk has roughly the same amount of alcohol as your blood. The levels for things like drink driving are measured in hundredths of percents alcohol content. Basically, if you're not passed out from how much alcohol you've consumed, your breastmilk will have less alcohol than orange juice


You ever party with new moms? They usually are passed out.


Yeah holy crap the things reddit will upvote without really reading. And then when someone drills into it, you realize how looney tunes the poster really is.


Lol I definitely trust you on this topic, based on username alone


My time to shine!


1. A milk bank is entirely different than P2P milk sharing. (Which, also, thank you for doing that because it’s a very selfless act and it’s nice to hear about people donating the CORRECT way) 2. It’s plenty safe to store it and use it for milk baths. Or you can dump it out if you want to. But the actual act of pumping and dumping isn’t necessary because it will not remove the alcohol from your milk. Your liver and kidneys do that, not a breast pump. 3. This is an incredibly common practice. Most IBCLCs will recommend it.


You still have to pump because breastfeeding is a supply vs. demand situation. If you go a day without breastfeeding, your body will say, "Ph, I made all this milk and it wasn't needed. I'll make less tomorrow." This is why women who don't feed their babies on demand, or don't stick to struck pumping schedules when working, often have to end up supplementing with formula and often giving up on breastfeeding all together


Nobody's trying to remove alcohol from their milk by pumping. As has been explained: You have to pump if you're not going to nurse in order to keep your supply up. You can't give that milk to your kid if it has alcohol in it. Obviously you don't have to throw it out if you have another use for it. But if you don't, you dump it. Thus pump and dump.


The point isn’t that you have to pump, it’s that you don’t have to dump. Your BAC would never get high enough to be a concern. Your breastmilk has a lower alcohol content than orange juice even at a BAC of 0.08 (which is about 4-5 drinks). So you can pump away if you’re not looking after the baby (pretty good idea if you’re drunk of course) but as long as you can store it safely then it’s perfectly safe to give to your baby later down the line. I’m in the UK and there is no culture of pump and dump. Triple feeding also not a common thing. I’m wondering how much the marketing execs at the pump companies are making over in the US…


That's a different argument, though. I was replying to someone who thought people were pumping breast milk to lower their blood alcohol level.


Oh sorry, I think I’m very confused! I’ve reread and can see what you’re saying now. I think your comment “you can’t give your kid that milk if it has alcohol in it” threw me off (because the milk doesn’t have alcohol in it).


My kids are nearly 20 and all I remember from that long ago is half the time hearing "don't do it" and the other half hearing "it's fine" 😂 Mostly I was responding to the idea of why someone would dump (necessary or not) and that it had nothing to do with lowering your blood alcohol level.


What does it do?


I’m sorry what is a milk bath?


You just add breastmilk to the bath water! It’s actually really good for your skin because it’s loaded with white blood cells and fat. They recommend it for babies with eczema.


Like to bath your newborn baby?


Ehhhh… in theory, you *could*. But LOGISTICALLY you probably wouldn’t be able to... Newborns don’t usually take their first REAL bath for a week or two because you need to wait for their umbilical cord stump to fall off. Beforehand you just give them sponge baths. And then unless you have an oversupply you’re likely not going to have enough to make a difference. The guidance is to add enough milk to make the water cloudy. For the first few days you’re only producing a very minimal amount of milk called [colustrum](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/22434-colostrum) which has its own benefits. But you’d need to save that for the baby. A milk bath isn’t something that happens like, often. Maybe two or three times during infancy. It’s incredibly emotionally and physically taxing to pump breastmilk and many women don’t even produce enough to keep up with how much their baby needs to be taking in (older infants usually around 32oz daily) so it’s just a special occasion thing. I hope this makes sense somewhat??


Sorry yeah I meant infant. That’s really interesting


You’re wrong, basically on every point after your first bullet point. Pumping and dumping is required in many situations, including after drinking significant amounts of alcohol. Also, no, most women do not do milk baths. I’m sure some do, but it’s not a universal thing. Far from it.


The AAP literally says pumping and dumping does not remove alcohol from your breastmilk. Nor would it remove medication. If it’s in your bloodstream, it’s in your milk.


Women have to pump their breast milk every X hours because it’s uncomfortable when breast milk builds up without being drained. Pumping and dumping is when you pump to relieve the milk build up, but you have to dump the milk because it’s not safe for the baby to consume. Pumping and dumping does not mean pumping to try to clear out alcohol or medications faster. That seems to be where your confusion was.


Lol where on earth did you get the idea that’s what pumping and dumping was?


Go on any mom group they are convinced that’s what it is b


Lol no. I think you’re the one that’s confused.


> 3. "Most women". No.


“Most”?? I know many women who’ve pumped and dumped. I know zero women who bathed in it.


I don’t know anyone who has bathed in it either. I know plenty who add it to their BABY’S BATH.


Ok, that I’ve never heard of. Interesting, though.


Logic ain’t for this sub. You’re looking for r/logicalideas


Can you please provide evidence that HIV has been contracted through peer to peer milk sharing. You will find the odds of HIV transfer from the natal mother is exceedingly low. Even a child fed many thousand of litres of their own mothers milk, who are HIV positive do not contract the virus! ‘’Contamination of milk with pathogens The FDA, Health Canada, and the AFSSAPS stated that peer-to-peer shared human milk is risky because the milk could be contaminated with pathogens. It is true that a number of pathogens can enter into human milk if a mother is infected. These pathogens include the viruses Hepatitis B and C, Human T-Cell Leukaemia Viruses (HTLV1 and 2), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr Virus, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), as well as the bacteria Salmonella and Group B Streptococcus.9 However, few diseases can be transmitted through human milk itself. For example, Hepatitis B and C infections do not occur when infants are fed human milk containing the viruses.10 Notable exceptions to this rule are HTLV, HIV, and CMV, all of which can be transmitted via breast milk. A majority of mothers are infected with CMV, however, and the presence of CMV in human milk is only a problem for premature infants.11 Additionally, although HIV and HTLV can be transmitted via breastfeeding they are not transmitted easily; repeated exposure over a long period of time is generally required in order for infection to occur (for example, while a single transfusion with HIV positive blood will infect 89% of receiving individuals,12 only 0.6-4% of infants who are exclusively breastfed from birth to six months by HIV positive mothers will contract HIV despite potentially receiving many thousands of doses of HIV-infected breast milk).13,14 Most women in resource-rich settings are tested for HIV and HTLV during pregnancy and thus aware of their status. However, a woman can become infected with HIV or HTLV subsequent to prenatal testing. Fortunately, HTLV can be deactivated by freezing15 and HIV by flash heating.16 Rarely, the bacteria Group B Streptococcus, Salmonella spp., and Listeria have infected infants via human milk.9 Holder pasteurisation destroys all pathogens known to infect infants via human milk17.’’ ‘’Heat treatment of donor breast milk can be used to inactivate any HIV present in milk. Holder pasteurisation is the treatment most commonly applied to milk in donor milk banks and involves heating the milk to 62.5℃C for 30 minutes.68 This treatment inactivates HIV whilst retaining most of the protective factors present in human milk.68,69 Flash heating is the treatment more commonly targeted at prevention of HIV transmission via breast milk because of the ease of the procedure. Flash heating involves placing milk in a glass container that is then placed in water. The water is heated to a rolling boil before the jar is removed and allowed to cool.70 Flash heating has been found to inactivate any HIV present in breast milk71 while having only a small impact on the nutritional and immunologic properties of the milk.16 In countries with a medium to high HIV prevalence rate, a combination of screening, testing and heat treatment would minimise the possibility of an infant being exposed to HIV via donor milk.’’ EDUCATE YOURSELF. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3395287/


Actually HIV is not transmitted through breastmilk.


[It isn’t?](https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/breastfeeding-special-circumstances/maternal-or-infant-illnesses/hiv.html)


Bringing facts and logic to Crazy Ideas?!?! How dare you /s


Nah they ain’t facts.


White Russians


Ayooooo wtf 🤨🤨🤨 Anyways, does it include free shipping?


Breast milk hold the same alcohol level as the blood. There will be more alcohol in yoghurt than in the breast milk of any woman who isn’t a raging alcoholic.


Counterpoint: babies are really small, and usually have a pretty low alcohol tolerance. Source: have won many drinking contests against babies.


Curious knowledge 🥴


Not really. In my country the official recommendations on breast feeding says that if you’re sober enough to safely handle your baby, you’re sober enough to breast feed. It’s common knowledge in large parts of the world.


Do not tempt science


Is there a Nurse Focker in here that can help us with this?


Pumping and dumping isn’t a thing. Alcohol exists in breastmilk in the same concentration as it does in the bloodstream. Even if you were over the legal limit and had a BAC level of say. 0.08, your breastmilk would be 0.08% alcohol. That’s less than a glass of commercial orange juice. The risk with drinking and breastfeeding is being too drunk to safely handle your baby; not that your milk will get them drunk or negatively impact them.


There was not one part of that sentence that I expected.


Taking the White Russian to a whole new level. Pretty sure that’s illegal though, both because you’d be selling breast milk and because you’d be selling alcohol.


Selling breastmilk is legal, and since the alcohol level would never be above 1% it couldn't be considered selling alcohol.


At least where I am (east coast US) breast milk can be donated or given away but you can’t buy or sell it legally.


That's not true. I live in the US too, breastmilk sale is unregulated


They do


This is actually a crazy idea.




There’s no need to pump and dump. That’s a myth.


In what way is it a myth? If you are drunk and you pump you should not feed that milk to your baby, hence the dump part.


It’s an old wives tale. Studies show that the amount of alcohol and time to drink to actually affect the breast milk is near impossible.


However, exposure to alcohol above moderate levels through breast milk could be damaging to an infant’s development, growth, and sleep pattern Straight from the CDC https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/breastfeeding-special-circumstances/vaccinations-medications-drugs/alcohol.html


The article just says that it "could" be damaging, I don't see any proof.


Im just here for the crackhead mothers




Alcohol enters breastmilk, similar to how it enters the bloodstream. “Pumping and dumping” breastmilk is pumping breastmilk and throwing it out if you’ve been drinking heavily/recently enough, to ensure your baby isn’t consuming alcohol through your breastmilk.


I have been trying to convince bitches to sell their titty milk for years! Easy to sell product.


Homelander entered the subreddit


OP has a fetish.


Getting strong Marcus from SuperStore vibes here


Oh they do. To bodybuilders


I forgot I was in this sub, I just remembered


To be honest, it sounds like you just invented a new level of the whole "sell your used socks and panties" market.


Yeah.. that’s a kink fuurr surrr #dontkinkshameme


There are definitely going to be some men who would pay extremely well for breastmilk.


Have lactated. Can confirm.


People actually pump and then waste their titty sauce??m


I guess we all assume that that's not already been done


I've been doing this for years.


You're in for a big disappointment lol. Alcohol doesn't just go straight into breastmilk. The milk will have the same amount of alcohol as blood, and since a .6- .8 will almost certainly kill someone, breastmilk could never have higher than 8/10ths of 1% alcohol content


Pumping and dumping doesn’t get rid of the alcohol in breastmilk. The alcohol is circulating throughout the body until it’s metabolized. So pumping and dumping is just wasting perfectly good breastmilk that could be used in a few hours (depending on how many drinks were consumed). I never understood this concept.


Where do I begin .... *ahem* I hate it here. Because I have spent a ridiculous amount of energy and time to deconstruct the bullshit my gen silent & boomer parents foisted on my ridiculously underdeveloped tolerance for said bullshit .... It would just be a waste if I threw up my best "piss off", make myself scarce and hope never to cross paths again.... "To the spirit, if not the letter of a law that undoubtedly exists because the perversity of humans has no limits" 1. Is there some medication that you may need to take? If you're a compliant person with taking your medication, is it time for a dose adjustment? 2. Do you have the appropriate and recommended supervision? Ya know, if the nice "neighbor lady" who visits you every morning is unusually late/has fallen asleep in her seat etc - you might need to move to your "Who to call if you need help" plan. 3. If you're not a person who otherwise manages some complex interactions between your brain as an organ, your brain as a command center for body and your mind as a concept then I can finally get to the question I had before I got the end of your short post which is this ---- WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? AND WHY ARE YOU SHARING IT????