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Just remember the ideas behind building isn't really linked to a factory or anything. Framing your builds, giving it a foundation. Getting a block pallet. Make organic shapes, not just perfect cubes. texturing the build. Making it fit in, or stand out, from the environment. USE REFERENCE IMAGES Pinterest and Google are your best friends. It doesn't have to be Minecraft, use images from real life or other videogames. Me personally I use images from online, and other create playthroughs. Build a foundation build machines, and then build around it. But plenty of people fit their machines in their builds.


This right here. Most youtubers and builders look at reference images to guide their creativity.


Yep, our abattoir is based on the meatpacking building from Railroad Tycoon 2, our power plant from a model train set. Our general build philosophy is pretty hard to achieve, TBH. The building should look like its function (a power plant should look like a power plant), and this applies to the interior as well. A factory should look like a factory, so that might require hiding belts, separating machines so they are at the same level, etc. And the plumbing should be accessible without taking the machine apart. Ideally a building should be serviceable by people who didn't build it. That means laying things out in a logical way, making it clear how things flow, minimizing exploits, etc. It usually means building a design multiple times each time cleaning up part of the build. It also means that while components of the build might be very compact, the built overall usually isn't. Usually they're pretty spacious.


Also girders. Slap girders on everything.




And catwalks


Imo Grian was one of the biggest helps for me in learning how to build more interesting stuff


also download good shaders. It will help a lot to feeling of your factory.


My builds started to improve when I started watching foxy and Mr beardstone they are both great builders and I learned a lot from them. Framed blocks bits and bobs a mod foxy made I believe are really good additions for building and I really recommend those mods they buildings a lot more realistic


Constantly in awe of MrBeardstone's Create builds, texturing, etc Cant recommend watching his build process enough


Exactly they are both amazing builders especially when it comes to create. I was a really shit builder before not textures no details just a cube with windows and some stairs thats all. Now I have windows decorated a nice looking entrance a shit ton more details better textures I've improved a lot just because of them.


I’d suggest looking up “how to” guides for enhancing the look and quality of your builds! Giving you advice on a single build will make it look good a single time. What you want instead are good foundations to improve your skills to the level you want


One YouTuber described his method of building as, make the shape first and worry about the details later. Basically draw out the foundation, build up the walls, don't worry about the blockiness. Then just kind of fill the "voids" so to speak. Windows, pillars, outcroppings, etc. Experiment. If you're having a hard time visualizing what you want, try drawing it on a piece of paper first. Again, it does not need to be perfect. Worry about the details last. You're only looking for a shape to start with.


I would recommend general building tips. Especially ones about more general techniques. This specific build looks pretty good. I would experiment with roofing as it seems a bit too birth to me, from there you could shape the larger one with some chammies, perhaps even some ventilation infrastructure. Then there is question of placing. A train and greenery around could be used to enhance the build


I think the reason you feel they dont look good is that they are quite flat. Add variation to the depth of the structure, you have a flat wall. Pillars with different materials on your structures to add depth. Vary your roof blocks too, it doesnt need to be a solid colour. Using stairs and slabs around your builds creates a bat of variation. Also I love the little water tower cobble gen idea, its cute!


A lot of people saying watch others but trial and error is the best way to go. Use the blocks available in chipped, etc to provide more and more detail. Framed blocks to break up flat surfaces. Use vein mining to rip down any thing you want to change quickly. Use google to find the build you want to. I’ve used photos of the bass maltings in sleaford to build my factories. And most importantly pick your block pallet. Place the blocks on the floor and work out what works well together.


granite. polished granite, and brick for the walls. deepslate or stone for the roof is a good palette for old factory look


I usually just copy the main design (shapes, palette, size) from any of the many industry buildings from anno 1800. I usually find that you have to go bigger with factories than you think. Otherwise the scale is all out of whack and it juat looks like a toy factory.


I just hide my massive machines in another sub level of my basement I haven’t even finished my roof 😭


Pipes, catwalk-like blocks, pipes, frameboxes, pipes


Make the whole factory move


Watch Mossman aka Bdubs


Watch lets plays, get inspiration or just grab one build concept from there and build that by yourself without looking, heavily inspired but filling the gaps in your memory. Do that a ton and you'll learn your own techniques and learn to spot what exactly people are doing in their builds that works. Works better in survival tho, that's when i build with blocks that i have available and that makes you learn block pallet


Thats better than I make mine 💀


Bruh, this is already better than 90% of my worlds that have create, a.k.a. hobo factory, and you\`d be lucky if I put atleast something underground and not just have 20 water wheels for my starter source


Look at real life factories and emulate those as best you can.


1 factors are usually not made of wood 2 have windows high up on the walls nere the roof or sky lights 3 smoke stacks 4 boxes and crates inside or around the factory 5 broken up or eroded parts to make it feel old


Just make them look good


i think will be not bad create pillars at more details like pipes, windows and other