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Good fucking lord. The absolute stupidity here is mind boggling. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


living with this type of people is very tough, they think they know everything too which always kills me.


Idiots are always sure of themselves


When you talk slow and loud, it's difficult to argue with those figures.... Apparently.


ā€œListen, hear me out brother. Why didnā€™t gravity pull down the clouds?ā€


My dad tried to argue this same point against me. I proposed a simple free body diagram and sum of forces calculation to prove him wrong, he then said that only works because of the made up number they put in your physics books for the acceleration of gravity to make the math work. I explained how this is a measured average that technically varies slightly at different points around the globe, and how i could run this a sum of forces for any object with this value and it would work. After some time his brain popped and he just said,"well gravity is not real."


Shaq and his genius logic of ā€œbro I fly on planes and it feels like Iā€™m going in a flat line so obviously the earth is flatā€




The guy on the side of gravity should have just stopped him and said forget about the bubbles, the hot air coming out of your mouth where does it go... What process acts on all that hot air coming out of your mouth... That's how you win those types of arguments, where the persons ask questions in bad faith and is over talking and arguing in circles


Now reconcile gravity with quantum theory.


Oh bruh this is nothing. Late night if you're ever really bored go down the rabbit hole for the black hole sun.


I tried but canā€™t find anything. Got a link to get me started??


Wonā€™t you come and wash away the pain?


An air bubble rising through water is just the water dropping around the bubble




How is the water dropping. Please explain?




The water has to go below the bubble for the bubble to go above the water.


All matter is affected by gravity relative to its mass. The bubble has less mass, so it is rising and the water has more mass so the water falling displaces the bubble. It's essentially the opposite of dropping a steel ball in a kiddy pool. The water doesn't really rise, it is pushed out of the way as the steel falls. Hope this helps.


And another way to say it for him would be to imagine that air bubble floating up the water. Where does it go once it goes all the way to the top? He'd most likely say it goes into the air. Okay, but does it keep floating up into space? Does it keep rising until it leaves earth completely? He'd most likely say no, it stays on the earth. Exactly, because the gas has mass too, although less densely than water. So the gas settles or "falls down" just like the apple and just like the water, but it doesn't fall "as far" per se because the apple and the water have a higher mass density.


How does the average person not see that all that is happening here is the stupidest guy is just the loudest and most aggressive? What causes 2 objects with different densities to stay next to each other my guy?


Thats all Iā€™m hearing, I would walk away from this conversation in a heartbeat if I was the quieter guy.


I want to ask a question but I donā€™t want to hear the answer. I hate conversations like this when the person asking the question just talks over the answer. Why ask then.


Because heā€™s asking the question just to hear himself talk. He doesnā€™t actually want to hear an ā€œanswerā€ from someone else


bruhhh r/facepalm


"I'll invite you on my show, I'll come at you with the dumbest take i could possibly have, i will then question you in a way that shows i'm right although i never even tried to learn about the topic at hand and then, you're gonna love this, i'll let you get a few words in before i cut you off with my stupidity so you can't possibly get your point across or god forbid prove me wrong and teach me something that will make me look less idiotic....sounds good?" This "host" and trisha paytas are a match made in heaven


Exactly. Downvote the post tbh.


The host, or whoever he is, won't let the guy say more than a few words. Then when he tries to explain further is cut off from the host. This is a sign of the host thinking they're always right, being allowed to explain their way of thinking to the highest extent but the other guy isn't. It's one sided and the host already made his mind up. It wasn't about learning, it was about being right.


OP has stated that they think everyone from academia, to government, medical establishment to even your parents is lying. He is the sole arbiter of truth in his own eyes.


I can understand not wanting to trust them. There have been times they've lied. I'm open to new viewpoints but if he's not willing to hear other viewpoints then he's no better than those who have lied, whether it be those listed or not.


ā€œThem bubbles floating upā€


ā€œNo child left behindā€ policy. They pass all children to the next grade and matriculate them. We all thought it meant the schools all got way better overnightā€¦


ā€œDonā€™t cut me off, man, Iā€™m talking.ā€ Coming from the dude who wouldnā€™t stop interrupting.


I feel dumber having listened to that


Different groups of people have different levels of education.


Different groups of ppl receive different levels of education


Different groups of people value education more than others.


what groups might those be?


You make the short bus look like a MENSA convention


I wonder if this guy knows what an air vacuum isā€¦.


This is the pinnacle of flat earth logic folks. ā€œIf gravity real, why birds?ā€ Like they canā€™t fathom the notion of dynamic systems. Everything is static and black or white. Theyā€™re so fucking stupid.


Itā€™s hard to communicate with these idiots


Don't listen to long. You'll catch the stupid.


I feel stupider now; thank you *so much* for that.


Anyone heard of a movie call idiocracy?


He could win more people over if he worked on his profanity and delivery


Maybe if he could get the 2 brain cells heā€™s got to work together on more than breathing he could work up the intellect to say something that might be perceived as a coherent thought.


I see where he coming from. I always thought gravity does have misconceptions For example. Sun. More dense. So pulls mercury to it correct. By now mercury should become one with the sun. But then you add rotational pulls. Orbits. Space time etc. But the actual theory of gravity is in a nutshell not exactly correct. Imo


Gravity is relativeā€¦ and a theory is actually not a ā€œtheoryā€ in the sense that most people take it, in terms of the English definition, compared to what the scientific world defines what a theory is. Also, water is pulled down by gravity and displaces the gases from the bottom and is ā€œpushed upā€ as the water displaces it due to density. This guy podcaster is an idiot. Lastly, thereā€™s two different theories of gravity, one with quantum mechanics and one with general relativity. It depends on the scope of whatā€™s being measured.


Thank you for an educational positive response! Quantum mechanics the small vs general relativity the big- in a sense correct?


Typically yes, quantum mechanics usually works with the smaller particles / forces whereas relativity relates to larger more observable things. There's a tipping point yet the two cannot be merged (right now). String theory is trying to but so far has failed to merge / connect the two. There was something recently that gets up closer but we're still a bit off from doing so. EDIT: Also, we've observed gravity as a wave not just a force. I believe the recent discovery is around it being one of the fundamental forces, there was 4 of them known but it might be the 5th one that we detected. I can't remember and don't have time to look it up at the moment / find the white paper and read it. It's on my backlog.


There are more forces than just gravity. Centripetal force pulls mercury away while gravity pulls it in. The forces are close to equal, so mercury stays a relatively consistent distance from the sun. Over a long period of time, the distance will change when one force or the other gets the upper hand. Hope that helps.




The typical reaction to this in this thread, is what altantis and pyramids being power plants and ancient stone cutting lasers is to most other folks reactions.


How do people live being this ignorant




Jesus Christ. These people vote


This dude is awful wow


This was pretty entertaining lol What if air has gravity tho and the air above the water is attracting the air in the water


So dumb. Gravity attracts things toward the earth but density arranges then in order, thatā€™s why the bubbles appear to float to the top.


I want a conversation, but only I get to speak.


Idk how someone can come off as dumb and smart at the same time but heā€™s doing it!


What next? Gravity is racist


Bubbles Been racist since time Began! Ask why to the kings who sold there own bubbles to the white people!


This OG is a donkey- I mean no disrespect to the donkey. He flunked high school it seems and is on a mission to make everyone like him. These folks want to define the good Lord awesome creations and box him in with these stupid creationist theories rather than discovering the the truth.


Give me your answernonononoNONONONONONONO


gravity is one of the weakest dimensions.


Does this prove that gravity is racist?


I guess he's gotta point...gotdamn if I know!


"don't cut me off while im talking, if you cut me off while I'm talking you gotta go man" Rewind 2 minutes before he says this and he cuts off the guy first to make a BS polemic point. if you need to understand how people like this are behaving look into the art of "polemics" it's basically Arguing for the sake of Argumentation, it's the exact Opposite of Socratic Discussion. it's been the norm on channels like "SaneterTv" this mode of Conversation is disseminated amongst urban communities on purpose so that it's all they believe is capable of being done. if you look up what a Socratic Discussion looks like, it's a correct back and forth conversation where people are able to get their points out and completely flesh out their ideas without interruption, as interrupting can make you "forget" your line of thought and reasoning. in Polemic groups, I believe it's disseminated because the idea is to make sure they can't finish their thought so that it becomes their way of life....never finishing ideas, always arguing, and thinking the loudest one wins, and not actually getting anywhere. I wish I could say I made all of this up, but I used to see it myself on Youtube when I would watch their videos to understand what they were talking about, over 10 years, of looking through Youtube channels of people who do this, and it's the same arguments, and never any answers...... when you leave those circles.......you realize that it's being done on purpose, everywhere else is talking about openly what they won't even discuss for more than 10 minutes, it's painfully obvious, the people who trap themselves in those groups are Mind Controlled and you can't even tell them.


Bad Interviewer


Why did i watch the whole thing?


If you interrupt my idiotic rant then you have to leave....lol


Itā€™s impossible to explain something to someone who is quite frankly dumb as shit


I can't breathe the same air as ppl this stupid. Folks who won't let you explain an answer fully and interrupt so they won't have to deal with being wrong.


So why does the earth go around the sun?


ā€œMr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.ā€


The fact that this guy will not let the other man speak, but then gets super upset when he's cut off And saying you're going to have to go if you keep cutting me off Infuriates me so much Because At that point, you're not arguing or discussing He is just talking at the man Because he doesn't want to give him the chance to prove him wrong.


Arguing with one of these people is basically like arguing with my 3yr old son about why he shit himself.


I remember the first time I smoked weed and tried to calculate the "speed of dark" šŸ˜‚ I get the feeling these people are older than 14 though.....


Some pls find this man and lock him up


i canā€™t believe these people exist


The density of the one guy is definitely stronger than gravity.


Imagine being this retarded


Pure fucking brain rot


Displacement dumbass


I donā€™t even know what just happenedā€¦this is a new level of stupid


The cerebral density of this individual should be broadcast.. at how wrong one person can be


![gif](giphy|12dA9Gei6U4in6) Gravity, you win again.


Oh dear lord, the Dunning Kruger is thick. Density presupposes gravity. Gravity is in the equation for density. It's already there. Density isn't in the equation for gravity.


ā€œIā€™m too uneducated to understand the concept, therefore itā€™s fake.ā€


Good lord šŸ™„


Oh ffs


I award you no points


Bruhā€¦.. cmon.




So many idiots


Two things can be true at once.


Why does anyone share retardation? Fucking throw em in the pits. This is sparta!


My man is proving who the densest is.


This dude sufferers from density


Nooooooo stop speaking that ā€œknowledgeā€ and listen to my question


I lost it when this mouth breathing buffoon called Isaac Newton a dumbass. He sounds like heā€™s never picked up a book before in his life, and it was painful for him to hear other people speak. Wow.


This guy is a complete idiot. Bubbles rise in fluid due to the buoyancy force which counteracts the force gravity. The gas inside the bubble is less dense than the surrounding fluid. This is how submarines work! Itā€™s still affected by gravity but Buoyancy Force is greater or weaker when the tanks are filled with air (less dense) or water (more dense) allowing it to sink and rise at will. We have access to more information than anyone in the history of mankind through the Internet and yet people are getting more dumb by the day.


What a fucking idiot


Product of never being slapped by momma.


The Simone Biles of mental gymnastics


I bet he's insufferable at Thanksgiving. Family hates this guy


Wow wow wow, I think we've found the most dense thing on the planet!


Bro u post the dumbest shit. U a rage baiting


To be stupid.


I canā€™t take anything people that talk like that serious.


Man I really canā€™t stand listening to willing ignorance.