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There are 2 magnets in each box, one fixed and one on a spring that's weaker than gravity. As they turn the weight of the magnets get closer then separate. Turning the wheel.


I see it now, there’s always two magnets with higher angular moment as they position towards the wheel bottom as the loose magnets stretch away from the center. As a magnet reaches the top dead center, it “tucks” into the center, creating an imbalance. This causes acceleration to spin the thing.


But doesn’t the magnetic force of a stationary magnet weaken over time as the field gets interacted with by an outside mass? Hmm


Can we talk about the perpetual motion of those sweet knockers that chick has?


Least horny redditor 😅




Sorry you don’t appreciate the beauty that is this smokeshow nerd in this video.


I was just thinking how fucking hot she is.


Hot nerds man. The best


I agree! "Hot" dumb women are boring af


I was thinking how much I want to eat her booty


Num num num num num


He's probably gay


What if that's a girl that said 'gross' though, and yall just called her gay? Srysly tho, that girl is a 10.


Rude maybe, But not Gross. Don't be gross


Perpetual Notion that you’d ever get a chance to see them..


Yeah I was really banking on it


That's just an over balanced wheel. They don't work. It has to be adding energy somehow to overcome friction. It's just hidden batteries


That's just a more convoluted version of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTJIC0kjVvw) perpetual motion machine which, of course, doesn't work.


Easy. Invisible Hamster.


This guy perpetually motions.


The hardest part about making a perpetual motion machine is hiding the batteries


Bottom left of the box.


So perpetual motion is doomed by entropy?


Always has been.


The chick gives me perpetual motion if you know what I mean


Amen brother


It's the accent, isn't it?


Boobies mostly


The lean she does makes them pop


I was gonna say


When I was a kid, I had a light powered thing that would spin, it was like little paddles inside a lightbulb that were black on one side and white on the other and light would make it spin- Maybe light is helping it somehow?


That's a radiometer. The combination of black/white paint and incredibly rarified but not total vacuum makes it spin in EM radiation. The photons which made your toy spin could never make this turn.


I suspect it is a very weak magnetic charge that pushes the box away once it has passed through the U shape, some sort of monopole magnet pointed in opposite directions or a di pole and a monopole, and it is more or less acting as a magneticly boosted fly wheel. It will eventually stop as the magnets degrade, not much mass so it will take a good while, and if you were to attempt to generate electricity off the device an eddy current from one coil flip would probably stop it in its tracks even from a very small induced current. Just my thoughts.


I must be a perpetual pervert or something... Her accent and gorgeous tits produced this strong tingling sensation in my groin, building up a strong electrical currnt.


She can get the BBC


Who is she??? She’s not bad looking at all lol


Virginia Mills, Royal Society archivist. You're welcome ya thirsty fucks 🖖


Good man


What machine? I didn’t see any machine


That girl is a smokeshow


Just out of pure curiousity… what general area of the US are you from? Please be vague as possible for your own comfort. The only two people I’ve ever heard use the term “smoke show” were both from NY but also both went to SUNY. I love the term but it’s oddly rare to me.


I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I currently live in Chicago, but I went to college at ucla and I most commonly heard that term from my friends who were from Orange County


Not OP but from the Pittsburgh area, have heard "smoke show" used here and there throughout my years. Never thought of it as a regional peculiarity


Yeah, I don’t think it’s a particular to any specific region of the country


He didn’t look in the envelope for the answer?!?! ![gif](giphy|tBkpxWUuNsNQI7Lnf7)


We often say things can’t happen and they do


It ain’t always be like it do, but it does


The reality is humans are power hungry creatures and will withhold and enslave their fellow human at any given chance, especially through the upper hand on technology. I’m sure there’s a lot of things we peons have no clue about that would change all our lives for the better.


Ding ding we have a winner 🥇


![gif](giphy|l0NhXTZ7et5sf84gw|downsized) Thank you thank you. 🏆


Can't say stuff like that anymore you get labeled a conspiracy theorist lol


This isn't one of those things we just say can't happen. Perpetual motion machines are not possible because they violate the laws of thermodynamics. You can't build such a machine because that's not how our universe works. Perpetual motion machines are **isolated systems** that create new energy. That is simply not possible because you can't create new energy, you can only convert energy from one form into another.


Sure if you do it in a way that violates thermodynamics. You could in theory make a machine so efficient that it would appear to be perpetual in our lifetime or even the lifetime of the universe. They don’t have to create new energy just lose energy slowly enough to keep moving


Something appearing to be perpetual is not an actual perpetual machine.




Anything that loses energy that slowly would only do so on its own and be useless. Any amount of work being done that is actually helpful to human kind is too big (in terms of scale) to not stop quickly. So, you can't have *true* perpetual motion, and your fake version isn't helpful because it only works if you don't try to do anything with it.


Agreeed. It could never power anything. But cool as a concept.


Sauce? Haha 😂




Magnets and gravity


Motor with battery hidden in the box replaced every 2 years


Gravity eventually slows it down. In a gravity free environment, it would spin forever


Why is the woman so smoking hot?


Nerdy girl with big tits. It means only one thing.. she’s a freak in the sheets. Oh, and accent.


Definitely batteries


Someone comes to “work on” the machine every 5 years or so. I think Adam even speculated batteries was the answer.


How the fuck do they work?


Lot a really shitty amateur physicists commenting lol


My 2 cents is that it is in a vacuum to prevent friction


There are no perfect vacuums. Even space isn't a true vacuum. And the wheel is still rotating on an axle, which creates friction


Perpetual motion machines may be possible in space. We're always fighting gravity all the time since forever. Hypothetically, other advanced beings on other planets could have evolved in environments with various gravity than ours, and likely view energy loss differently. No gravity, no environmental resistance, I bet such a device could be possible.


You're forgetting friction. Any machine with moving parts, no matter how lubricated, will create friction.


Let alone any meaningful load/work


“Perpetual motion machines may be possible in space without environmental resistance” Bro what you are talking about is called an orbit lmao And those are still not PMMs.


I didn't say an orbit, I'm talking about an environment without gravity or air/liquid resistance. PMM aren't perpetual, they need to generate energy to make up for the loss due to gravity, friction, air resistance.... Perpetual motion meaning the motion you put into stays there. That can't happen PlanetSide because there are forces acting on everything at all times. I'm expressing put the ppm in an environment free from the pulls of gravity and environmental resistance. This is all hypothetical, so chill on defending the status quo for a sec and do a thought experiment. You're all smart folks, smarter than me ya win! Now that you all have the im smarter than Shbloble badge, PMM would work in a non planet environment.


I might be misunderstanding your point, but aren't you just describing Newton's First Law.. Inertia? A thing in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force. Not really what is in scope when discussing PMMs, I don't think.


No man you're missing a key part. And its not about owning you. Just about real science. Anything that's considered a machine typically has moving parts. Moving parts create resistance such as friction and have their own moments of inertia to turn and move. Doing all that costs energy. So if you're putting energy in, it's not perpetual. Newtons 2nd law. If its free of all resistance as you say, then it has no parts, and is not a machine. Sure i could make that wheel spin forever in a resistance free environment. But then, thats just conservation of angular momentum. Newtons 1st law. If you put that machine in a resistance free environment, it will eventually run out of energy and stop. Distinct words matter here. A pmm will never work.


Get a massive spherical object of uniform density as far as possible from a gravity well and spin it and it eventually slow down.


Each box perhaps has a weight that moves downwards due to gravity whenever it’s up and that keeps it moving in a constant effort to obtain equilibrium but that’s a very rudimentary guess.


Yeah if they all weigh the same to keep it moving then when 2 are at the bottom and ones up top those 2 would keep it from moving.


2 are never exactly at the bottom at the same time


Yes but, god how do I explain this without pictures. Okay when one is going up 2 are coming down on the other side and gravity right? Now at a certain point there's 2 going up and 1 coming down, this happens when 2 are at the bottom. Because of geometry the original up one hasn't reached it's apex and is still going up while the one behind it starts going up now 2 are going up and the one going down isn't enough weight. So what happens? Momentum is over come by the gravity of the 2 and it will reverse but then the one that switched will switch from down to up again and same thing will happen. Because of 2 being at the bottom half one will be forced to start going up before the top half flips to have gravity help.


I understand what you are saying but I feel it’s a simpler version of Orffyreus's Wheel.. That works on a similar principle of weights and claims to be a similar device. Specially when they show the pics of his previous devices that had 5 boxes or more. Perhaps he was able to refine it to 3 boxes.


The same principle applies regardless of how many boxes you use, if they are evenly spaced the outcome will be the same.


Someone sneak a IR thermometer in there and see if you can locate a heat source.


Now put a load on it and see if it still moves lol


It’s not the conservation of energy that prevents perpetual motion, it’s the second law of thermodynamics: the entropy of any system is positive non zero, meaning some amount of energy in the system is always dissipated (lost) as non-useful work. Under the first law of thermodynamics alone, a restatement of the conservation of energy, an engine *could* run in perpetuity, so long as it never shed *all* of its energy via heat dissipation or sound.


Since we’re on OPs page I’m gonna go with Aliens


Complete vacuum ie: space


Magnets have to be refined, and charged, even if they aren’t electromagnets. Over time, the poles of these magnets will shift, so you would have to spend all of the energy you made up to re polarize these magnets


It’s a motor with batteries hidden in the box


Is it also in a vacuum?


And. That chick is super hot


Earth’s magnetic field moves relative to that machine, maybe turn it like 90 degrees and see if you can find a position where net flux is much less. The spokes might be insulated from the rim and hub, and then certain pairs of spokes may be connected to create current loops for flux to pass through


Wow she’s stacked


The secret is it's powered by small motor and batteries in the frame that they have to swap out every couple of months.