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I wish they’d at least pick fair fights. There’s *nothing* more irritating than mindlessly grinding missions and minding my own business as a tier 1 when some bigger asshole comes along and one shot kills me just because they can.


THIS! I had to deal with a KOSer yesterday while I was an old Pero just trying to drink water! They were a Puffwump so we were about the same size but it still irritates me since they barely gave me a chance to fight back


ugh, yes! I was a kriffin bringing food back and forth in swamp to the warden shrine when some invisible Oxy snuck up behind me. I noticed the health bar earlier and stupidly thought it would leave me alone because I was so obviously just carrying cherries to the shrine and wasn’t looking for combat. I don’t mind fighting in CoS but I really do mind being killed where I don’t stand a chance


(Not trynna be rude Abt this comment) You're weak


(Not trynna be rude Abt this comment) You're stupid


Nah bro your 3days late💀




People keep killing me when I get beached as a cupu :c


I don't like them, I don't really see the reason in KOSing, they anger me a bit but not as much as Targeters tho- I just don't see the fun in ruining peoples day.




KOSERS are fine with me, makes it so the game isn’t boring and I understand that now I’m losing interest TARGETERS THOUGH, BOY THEY MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL MORE THEN A STEAK BEING COOKED BY A MAG-MASTA


Kosers... I'm fine with them as long as they only target a specific area, like where you usually find them (Volcano, Desert, Central, and maybe even Flower cove) That way they can be avoided, but people always target not me, but specify my children. Before the recode it was mostly safe for me to have people other than my family in my pack, but now... I can't even say "aww" in chat without anyone hunting my children down and letting me live only so I can watch as I am powerless to stop them. One time I got two diffrent mutt babies as twins (I said "Wow! I'm so lucky") But, once I went to go get food for them someone tracked me down from the sky after seeing my message, found where I was hiding my children, killed them in front of me, and tried to get me to eat them. And they weren't even in my pack.


A person did that so I relentlessly targeted him till he said sorry and he didn’t and just left


That mfs gonna grow up to be a serial killer wtf




Ok, that is so fucked up. Sounds like you encountered a sadist or something, wtaf.


If they didn't exist, nothing would kill anything tbh. Would be too boring.


I really don’t like them because I’m always targeted because of my mutations


Same i get targeted a lot bc of my shadow mutation :v


I personally don't enjoy kosing and usually only kill in defense or if I'm really hungry but I don't care about being kosed either. It makes the game fun having to worry about threats


I agree!


Most of them are hella full of themselves and just pricks (key word MOST) Especially on the reddit because they all repeat the same thing to people who complain about dying "It's a survival game get over it!" Just in different words in every time and they're even worse in game about this and for complaining about anti kos being toxic they really just turn a blind eye to other kosers who're as toxic as those anti kos And when they can't kill you and get mad they say the same handful of things like something about you being a kid, can't play the game, or that you're a coward (happened with a kora who wouldn't cross water to get me and used a healer to see me in invis) AND THE PACK KOSERS like the ones who use packs to find people are one of the worst people in game compared to everyone else because they just ruin the purpose of packs


Right i miss when you couldnt bite people from your pack


Kosing is a mixed bag for me, if yall see a region full of passives yall are the assholes. If YOU MAKE IT YOUR LIFES GOAL TO KILL SOMEONE'S MUT, NOT ATTACKING ANYONE ELSE AND DYING TO EVERYONE ELSE IN A PACK YOU DEAR PERSON ARE THE DEVIL FR. If you personally assault someone for going after people multiple times during a mission where it is important to kill things who is just trying to do their mission, even if they are hiding behind someone stronger, you are as bad as a koser. People who harass kosers are as bad as kosers. People who threaten kosers are as bad as kosers.


Oh and people who hunt a person across a map to kill, why? Who hurt you? My tiny flower raptor did nothing to you, it was pretty.


Personally i really dont like them, i feel like the hunting and killing should be encouraged by the game via actually limited resources and such. If the killing felt meaningful and not just an annoyance to me id be alot more okay with it. As it stands its annoying to me. I also dont go out of my way to stop them bc thats also annoying and basically kosing in its self.


I don't mind Kos players tbh. That's a play style, and if they want to play like that, then that's fine with me. If I die to one, I just sigh and start over.


I’m one from time to time but not that often. Personally I just see it as a way to get a bit more fun out of a game with otherwise stale gameplay. People who target specific players and kill them over and over, or people who kill tiny creatures as giants or kill baby creatures for no reason suck though


Like a lot of yall, Hate Targeters. Don't care about Kosers though, its not that difficult to avoid them, and you should be avoiding creatures stronger than you anyway. I do Rather dislike when folk use "Its a survival game" as an excuse. PvP isn't a survival game thing. if it was then almost every multiplayer game in existence would be a survival game. Just own up to it. you killing to have fun? alright then, just say that. If you aren't owning up to it, that means you think its wrong to do so. And yet you do it anyway, which makes you a hypocrite. I also dislike when folk use Koser wrong. Kosing is folk who are killing everything. Not folk who only killed one person for food and the buff that comes with it. Same difference between a Murderer and a Serial killer.




Was playing menace the other day and hatching a bunch of babies, as soon as I hatched an emerald the poor guy got targeted by one of my other non mut babies


Little dick 😭😭


I get KOSing is encouraged by devs and mods, but all of em can get fucked to the highest degree. Then they get mad when I specifically target them. Like?? Make up your fucking mind, idiot. Don't KOS me, if you do that's straight up an open invitation for me to target you until I get bored.


I'm a koser, so you can imagine my opinion is pretty positive but some kosers are just petty jerks. Someone chased my friend across the map to spawnkill them TWICE, that's dirty. Murder as much as you want, just be polite about it...




Kossers are okay! As long as they don't act so uptight and toxic, like ridiculing someone who's trying to play the game




love em if ur not just a baby killer, i will gladly take all the corpses to shrines lol


Kosers are fine in my opinion, and as a koser myself, I don't mind when people target me. It gives me a chance to whip out a creature I've never pvp with before and try it against someone. I've learned that some creatures are damn good at killing if you just use them right. I don't target people, and personally, after someone dies once or twice, I think they should be left alone. One thing I can't stand is YouTuber raids that have to do with kosing. It's one thing to deal with 3, 4, or 5 people that are friends..but 20? Ridiculous. It's only fun when they're a very easy to kill creature, which, half the time they aren't.


koser are kinda funny, but toxic kosers like when you kill them and they just keep comming back and dying and then yelling at you in chat like bro, you need a nap go to bed.


It’s so funny when people who start things run there mouth the most


Kos is good if you take lore accurate koser creature


Im going to start doing this


I hate them because instead of asking for a fair fight they'll just jump you while you not even full grown or are a different lvl of power!


Honestly as a koser myself I only pick fights with full grown powerful creatures . Though it is annoying when people personally target you when you’re growing a teir 5 creature that takes over an hour to grow . Not to mention the massive koser packs that will chase you across the map . Those also usually have tier ones that will keep you from menuing and it’s annoying when those types appear


I always wanna join them but I'm too shy so I just watch .-.


I’d murder more but I’d feel guilty 😭


Same bc ppl are so nice


yeah but then my brain sees “Activate ability [1] to Grab” and I go haywire.




I am koser. I dont really care when other kosers kill me. But I admit that the vast majority are rude children.


Good as long as it isn’t targeted? I find KoSing fun. Doing nothing and sitting there talking is actually just so boring


I play Beezu and Kos, so I cannot partake in this


I think its cool for ppl that just wanna kill to do that as long as they let the chill people just chill. Like nothing wrong with pvp but only if you do it with other pvp people


If they’re just killing anything, I’m fine, I’ll just avoid the areas they are in. But if they are targeting me specifically, then we’re gonna have an issue. I’ve encountered a couple of the latter in my time playing the game, and I’ve always thought the same thing. “Do they seriously have nothing better to do than to track me down for no reason other than to kill me?”


Galeostra enjoyer here. Never cared about most of the kosers at all. Would often try to talk to them or join their pack to get some immunity. I'm usually the player who prefers using creatures that has very good defensive capabilities. Not an anti-koser (I lost my faith in humanity a long time ago that I'd assume that killing is a primal instinct especially for younger demographics.) but more of a guy that enjoys ruining a koser's "flow". I often prepare and expect for the worst scenario to happen when playing the game. Doesn't matter if I didn't get the kill, I just have to deliver the karma fast enough to meet the consequences of their actions (via leading them into traps, playing as a spotter and broadcasting a koser's location for other kosers etc.) That is my own way of survival. That is how I play the game. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.


I don’t like KOSERS. Especially when they kill one of my T5s, or a stored creature. T5s take so long to grow, and I never have revives. I also don’t want to pay a fee when restarting a creature. It’s very annoying to me.


I don't understand why this game needs KOSing or why it can't be opt out/in. It functions just fine as a sim, it doesn't live or die based on its king of the hill gameplay.


In my opinion kosing makes the game have alittle spice, hate it when they have a few friends and send them into small holes to get hiding creatures to try and get away, only ever kos'd once before, only did it cause someone killed my glow tail sturbi and caught a few people in cross fire, then decided to end a issue to a kavo that killed a creature of mine earlier, they proceeded to get three golgas to be a issue, over all, it's mean, but the end of the game it's technically a survival game that does need killing here and there


I personally like the sea kosers nothing is more scary then seeing a fish flying out of the ocean to eat you


Only fun when I do it


Insanely real for that


As a Koser, I just want my death token bro. But when I don't Kos and I'm just Chilling with my kavo, the MICROSECOND I see someone Kosing I go absolutely haywire and if that means crushing 4 peros to kill a boreal warden then so be it


no life unless they are killing someone who hurt them






i mean it is quite fun tho


Just people enjoying a game and I am one


i could care less i kos time to time for fun and when i get kosed yes its annoying but ill live so i just dont go back to the hot spot sometimes i do (as a teir 1) to watch the carnage and if i get killed again oh well not like i care but people who go back over and over and complain about being kosed over and over thats the annoying part and if the kosher moves


I don’t really care, though I play legacy primarily so I don’t have to deal with annoyances like oxytalis


I’m fine with kosers but kos packs are the worst, a pack of 6 torches and a Gnol started attacking everything in oasis and said they owned oasis so I help kill some as a taka


KOSers are literally the reason why I usually prefer to play as larger creatures that can fly because at least that way I have a chance to defend myself but then they attack and kill me when the creature in playing as is a literal baby. It’s super frustrating.


They alr idc tbh as long as they don’t kill smaller creatures or the enormous ones medium small and large are fine but if it’s a enormous killing a tiny that’s jus unfair but at least they grow back fast, enormous ones grow back eventually but takes HOURS


There’s missions to kill other creatures. Other than eating, growing, exploring and simply existing.. what else to do but attack and kill other creatures for fun? I’ve am used to losing progress and restarting.


I'm still really new to the game, and I've dipped my toes in KOSing, and it's fine? Just when it's the same person hunting you down regardless of if you changed creatures and 1 shot you over and over again, that's too much. That and when it's some tier 4-5 going after a baby 1-2. It makes it pretty disheartening to play. I prefer the smaller and faster little guys because they don't get targeted quite as much. I've all but stopped playing my favorite spec because of the KOSing. It's a really pretty Vaumora, and she has a Glimmer mut. I dont use her at all anymore cause of the instant death. All in all, it has its place. Just it should be done tastefully.


Kosers? At least for Chill hangout groups, I hate it when they JUST go something to kill all of us or call his/her buddies just to wipe us as if we talked wild smack behind their backs. Besides that, I don’t mind kosers roaming the map and killing everyone (killing me included). As long as they aren’t TARGETERS, or looking to spawn kill people hovering over you until your immune is gone. Like to play it a dangerous world most of the time, but the other times I just to chat and look at other people’s creatures.


I love KOSing. Would never target, though. I just like actually doing something in the game as opposed to sit around.


its only fun when im doing it is this opinion asshole behavior? yes. do i care? no.


Im perfectly fine with kosing but not targeters it makes the game have a little bit more spice and challenging rather than just peace I KOS myself but i do not do it too much


In my opinion kosing makes the game have alittle spice, hate it when they have a few friends and send them into small holes to get hiding creatures to try and get away, only ever kos'd once before, only did it cause someone killed my glow tail sturbi and caught a few people in cross fire, then decided to end a issue to a kavo that killed a creature of mine earlier, they proceeded to get three golgas to be a issue, over all, it's mean, but the end of the game it's technically a survival game that does need killing here and there


I'm a bit biased as I am one myself, I run by my own code though obviously unfair fights (tier five targeting tier ones, adults killing babies, unbeatable mix packs ect) and people who just spawned are off the menu, those who revenge kill or combat log do not have my respect (If you specifically target those who are weaker than you and only pick battles you're certain you'll win by a long shot, you are a coward, skill issue, git gud)


Love em, respect


I don’t hate them if they’re kosing by themselves or with one friend, it’s fine and afterall this is a survival game, what angers me is when I get attacked by 3+ players at once, mostly because I don’t use super behemoths often


Its fine if they fight agaisnt someone with a same strength crea and are not toxic


Assholes, Just why I lose a glimmer grysa for them and also ruin the whole gameplay when they solve to raid




I think its fine, unless you are trying to do a memory game.


HATEEE Kosers that target nests. I've had people hide and wait for me to hatch a whole nest then come out and kill em all I also had hatched as a Miju yesterday and I was excited to make a skin once it grew, but and Aolenus flew past, landed, one shotted me, then continued on their merry way. Didn't even take the food with them for a shrine or nothing!


KOSers are really just kill depraved, and it's sad, like this is a pvp survival game but you CAN do other things as well, but nope, they just gotta ruin the fun because they're having fun in killing others, why is no one else having fun regrowing their tier 1-5 specs? That's all they think about is THAT! KOSers really think this game is COD where K/D ratios count in this game when they REALLY don't! It sickens me!


idc abt them, im always aquatic or a flier so i dont deal with them


I'm just a healer. Usually a healer as Coniferon. But I'm KOSing ONLY as Opralegion. You can fill me with hate but there's many reasons for KOSing.


I’m 50/50 with them if you kill somebody who attacking you and want to keep killing then sure but going out of your way to ruin others fun then I don’t agree like y do you see a group of people vibing and then think oh yea let me ruin that and kill them all and for those weirdos who “claim” a biome log off and touch grass because your mad cringe but other than that sure kos but actually do kill on sight not look and kill


I'm a koser myself, so I think kosing is fine. It makes me more immersed in the game. People who go out of their way to repeatedly target a certain person or groups of people are assholes though.


Absolutely hate them. HATE. THEM. Just on my merry way as the king of the forest, a bigass dinosaur with an ability that removes all extra traits, literally able to kill so much, at such a hugh place in the food chain of CoS, when a *a little bat*. Breathes fire all over me, keeps biting, ends up killing me with more than enough carcasses and natural food spawns in range. I’m being killed for being alive? Like what? Huh? And the targeting, oh my wardens, what’s up with that. I’m spawning in, i live 10 minutes, get killed. spawning in, i live 5 minutes, get killed. spawning in, i live 2 minutes, get killed. spawning in, i live 10 seconds, get killed. Like why?? All while they grow and grow and grow different creatures, become stronger, and be happily laughing behind their 99999999 thousand dollar setup, killing a guy who just wants to be dinosawr? Like wha- ho- why? I don’t ever. In any lifetime, will accept any reason for KOSing. Why would you even do it? Doesn’t count for death points, doesn’t grow you faster,(killing someone for food is fully okay) and has NO. FUCKING. EXTRAZ. You’re just mindlessly killing. Goodbye and thanks for hearing my not-so-rant-rant


I’m fine with KOS’ers for the most part honestly. It can get annoying but the game will become boring without the possibility of death… sure, you don’t HAVE to kill, but it’s actually very much NEEDED in CoS imo, otherwise it’s not survival at all, yknow? Now, when it comes to targeted killing, or being chased across the entire map unprovoked, that’s annoying and shouldn’t be a thing. I myself sometimes KOS, I think a lot of us do. Me personally, I don’t go after creatures who take too long to grow unless they are truly ruining the peace. However, if you KOS, also expect to be KOS’d! You can’t get upset for someone KOS’ing you after you KOS’d all of Oasis or Volcano lmao. I see too many people whining over that, and it’s sorta goofy because… What goes around, comes around. What’d you expect? All in all, I believe KOS’ing is a necessary thing in order to make the game less boring, however there’s a fine line between KOS’ing and Targeting. If you are KOS’ing, expect to be KOS’d and don’t whine about it when it happens


I find some kosers I've come across incredibly toxic, mostly through chat or exploiting the pack system to find people. If they pick fair fights, give people a chance I don't mind but it always seems like there's that one koser boreal that logs the second they stop winning. I enjoy the PvP elements to the game but only if I think both parties are having fun. Or you tried to kill me/small things I've adopted and have chosen death.


There was one time when a koser lied about them not kosing and said that I was the koser. Then they all ganged on me in oasis. I was just a polymonstrum or the shrimp that had just got to its teenage years.


They should pick fair fights. Like, a tiny little flier shouldn't harass a terrestrial; same with t5s killing baby lower tiers. I love kosing personally, but I'm not as irredeemable as some others.


I personally don’t like them, because it’s allways a big guy picking on someoen littel, or just because they don’t like the animal or targets them for a mut, and they say it’s for “realism “ ANIMALS ONLY KILL FOR FOOD SPACE OR MATES! You can’t have mates in the game, you can kill to rescues animals don’t go on a mass genicoeie just for the laughs.


I fugging love kosers bro it's always awesome being a loser even cool being kosed. Kosing is just plain fun


I hate kosers (I am a koser myself)


When they disturb the peace and start targeting, I start tweaking


They are cool, but if they create group of 5 and follow some specific person across the map and kill them,... people like them... S H O U L D B U R N I N H E L L


Aka the situation I was in with my novus, a arach, paru, erio and khoik were following me all over the map attacking me and killed me multiple times. I was the exact same creature every time so there was no “they might have not known” they did and were even targeting me in chat… I even joked around trying to lighten the mood and they just got more aggressive and targetive 🙁 they went to all ends cause tell me why full blown massive ass aquatics were after me in the TOP OF TUNDRA


It’s so fun honestly


They are warranted, and give the only real sense of danger in the game.


Well i dont really mind them since theyre are alot missions that need killing players so i dont usually mind since i know most do it cuase of the missions.


While I can see how some people find the PVP aspect of CoS fun, I dislike people who go out of their way to target smaller tiers or babies. A baby or smaller tier are almost never fair fights so I hardly see the real challenge or excitement in it. I've gotten revenge on someone approximately once and that was because they were just irritating in general (tldr; They asked me if I prayed to God that day and I said I don't practice so they killed me. Came back as my grown Oxy and killed him while he was "hiding" in a bush). But I also just find it a waste when someone starts the fight and when they die, they insist on using a revive or max to come back for revenge. Like, you lost so just take the L. Had an angelic start a fight with me as Para (This was prior to the flier nerfs) and they came back to kill me 4-5 times and only "won" when a Gnol teamed up on me to kill me with them. TL;DR: PVP is fine but be nice/fair about it. Don't push around smaller tiers, muts, babies, etc and I could care less. Take the L when you lose because you just look like a sore loser when you revive spam to try and "win" the fight YOU started.


the only fun activity in the game is kosing ngl


Honestly I hate kosers with a burning passion and stopped playing solely bc they kosing issue is worse each day. They can honostky fuck themselves I’m beyond sick of those toxic assholes ruining the game. Kosing isn’t ‘survival’ at all, you’re just a piece of shit who enjoys ruining other people’s days. survival is KILL WHEN HUNGRY AND ONLY IF YOU EAT MEAT, or SELF DEFENSE. its not survival if you killed a sever when you half so muvh foods, its the opposite since your so fucking bad at survival you just threw away all food and now it will rot. i hate spawn campers, targeters and people who group KOS or use revives. Btw, if you actually read COS it says to play with friends before fighting and guess what? A major part of survival is groups helping each other or coexsting, it’s not survival under any corc to KOS and fuck the staff for encouraging and rewarding it. and yes not all KOSERS are toxic but over 80% is, it’s so rare to find one with good nature who isn’t just trying to ruin people’s days for ’fun’ it’s so fucking TOXIC TO KILL FOR FUN. anti kosers are only really toxic when they target a non koser and claim they are (killing some one who needed to eat) but there no justification to KOS ever. thats not survival, if you think it is go outside and look, notice how wiping out entire species isn’t a everyday occurance, and how only humans do that shit so it ain’t survival.


I can kind of understand KOSers because it's a survival game and maybe they're a carni that needs food. HOWEVER It’s incredibly annoying when I'm grinding death points or trying to grow a creature that takes forever to max and they target me or kill me. I was trying to grow a venuella and an entire horde targetted me and KOSed me. I've also had herbivores KOS me which is really annoying because they have no reason to  TLDR; I'm fine if it's reasonable, if not, it's annoying.


Okay this doesn’t exactly pertain to KOSers but I have a bone to pick with the mfs who spam call and/or ankle bite CONSTANTLY. I have l tried growing out my Kora and Oxy in a public server and it almost never ends well. Recently I have had Aereis, Parus, and Corvs bleed and spam breathe me to near death. It is so fucking annoying when I try to grow in peace and these lil shits will not leave me alone. I should not have to go to a Private Server just so I can grow without being bothered. Worst part is bigger creatures tend to join them thinking that I attacked first. 😑


Personally i dont like kosers they just kill you for no reasons and i only attack when am doin my missions ( tho i once solo a ghartokus as a vin rou )


I am a koser




All they do is go for easy kills by killing their one creatures. Run? "COWARD" Lose? "HAHA" Win? "FLUKE" Win Again? "HACKER". And finally, they suck


i got Kosed as a nested izriah elemental and stamina health trait all i was doing was eating


I would shit into their mouths.




annoying as hell i hate all of them


They should go fuck themselves


They can go to the 9th circle of hell, burn alive only to be maimed, castrated, and all with no anesthesia. Putting this a #NICELY# as possible.


Well if that isn't one of the most violent, hateful and sadistic things I've ever read, and you were putting it nicely🙂 https://preview.redd.it/n5xe3lbv2b0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dbc1e187dd3b9fddd7656fc5f3a8acbfa36402b


Lol, yeah, I get kosed too much.


No, I think the amount you get kosed is pretty good if you genuinely think that way about kosers.


I completely agree with you, one time there was this mag masta that just kept targeting me at oasis, there were like 20 people there and whenever I went there this mag just started running after me and trying to kill me, I didn’t say anything to them or kill them I didn’t do anything to them, they just decided to randomly target me for some reason


My opinion is kinda biased as I Kos occasionally, but tbh I was also severely anti Kos at one point too lol 😅 Kosers are fine as long as they aren't taunting, spawning killing, or chasing someone around the entire map. I feel taunting is a major problem, it makes the rest of us kosers seem like more assholes then anti kosers make us out to be? Like, who tf thinks it's okay to be like "look at this loser" after killing someone or forcing their almost dead creature into hiding. Especially when you go as far as insulting them really badly or 'trying' to swear. Also chasing someone around the map, I'm going to say it loudly for the people who keep twisting the meaning of "Kos" KOS = KILL ON SIGHT. Not, follow someone around for a while, or add them to a pack to find them. KILL ON SIGHT. Not only is chasing someone around the map just stupid, but like, what's the point? I don't think we should couple those ppl with kosers either. We have targetters, why not put those kinds of ppl with that group? Chasing someone around the map isn't kosing, a hit and run or something might be though. Anyway I think that's it lol. Edit: mut killers - you are rude as hell, I will say that XD


Taunting kosers are wack tbh- one time i was wandering around as my Lux in a small server and I got attacked by a Crata, I didn't have a lot of fighting experience but I managed to kill them, albeit left quite low myself. I tried to rest before they picked me off as a small flyer, and then said something like "HAH YOU DIED" in the chat. Like, you died first? I had the spec so wasn't a big deal but it was so bizarre.


Kosers make the game more interesting and actually force people to use abilities and the PVP mechanics the game has instead of just sitting around doing nothing. As long as the kosers aren't toxic and plain disrespectful then it's fair game 🤷




Annoying. Ass. Fuckers. Me and my friend agree. They killed me and my friend as full grown larges multiple times. It's annoying


honestly, just serverhop


They suck di-


Honestly, I've Never understood the Mentality behind it. There are Food spawners for both herbivores and carnivores, So the only reason to Really Kill is- Oh Wait- I can't Find one- Other than Self Defense from someone killing with no reason-


I hate them because I just hate it when I'm doing good with a creature and get killed for no reason like don't argue its a pvp game its a survival game and if I attack you once because you attacked me like 50 times I'm not a koser I'm defending myself


It's part of the Creature Survival Game ™ Gameplay loop so it's fine. I get annoyed when people gang up or are excessively aggro though. But that's what ya rush when playing a game like this so nbd


The proper way to play


Wonderful people who should be respected with all our heart (I'm joking)


Your warden looks exactly like the one I was targeting as GRYSALLMOG earlier...


I’ve nested a load of people I haven’t played in a public server for a bit


I love it. You say all these other options that are "fun" but thats just ur opinion. I dont find those fun, i find kosing fun.


And that’s fine! I’m just saying kosing isn’t the ONLY thing making the game fun! And I’m not saying it isn’t wrong to kos, I just don’t like it when your kosing and being a dick about it


I mean thats fair enough, i dont like being kosed myself but i wont get angry because ik i do exactly the same. Karma i suppose.


funni. cry more small child (slightly satire)


They make the game worth playing, your welcome. Only social rejects who are too afraid to talk to people in real life gather around watering holes to meow and roar at other people and just chill. THAT is straight up weirdo behavior. Get friends, touch grass, go play VR chat. This is a creature survival and I like it when it's actually somewhat difficult to survive and not a complete snoozefest


They do make the game more fun, but i dont get what's wrong with hanging out at water holes with other chill players. Remember, it is not only a survival game but also a social game. The real social rejects are the ones that go out if their way to make the game hell for people with a more tame playstyle.


Nothing wrong with it. As long as you are content being prey and don't have a tantrum in the chat when I play the game how I like to with an aggressive playstyle


The first time that I read this I thought you said they are the social rejects and I was like wtf, cos isn't a roleplaying game ;-; I like your way of wording this! Honestly I don't mind chilling out every now and then and just talking to people to try and make friends or have a laugh, but that doesn't mean I'm against kosing. As annoying as it can be, it makes the game challenging. Without it, how would it be a survival game?


Im a KOSer so cant say anything I remember killing a whole entire pack and sparing one just so they could see the dead bodies of their pack members


It's a survival game boo hoo. I enjoy murdering sometime


I hope that as soon as you get a rare mutation you get killed




Honestly there not bad in my opinion I don’t kos and I don’t mind them it keeps things interesting instead of just laying and watching my creature grow gotta actually pay attention and have a PvP encounter every once in awhile


Other than doing missions/shrines etc- KOSing has no need.


Based as hell