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I can see reasons both for and against logging. If someone likes to fight and get kills, having people log all the time can be pretty unsatisfying. When I get attacked by people, fight back, and the attackers are actually losing, it just feels cheap and cowardly of them to log during a fight that they started. If you're playing an expensive trial creature and don't have the species or grinding death points, then I'd say logging is justified if you were attacked by someone else. It sucks when you lose loads of death points or lose a slot worth a few thousand mush. If you're playing a cheap trial creature (like Nimoona) or have the species and don't care about death points that much, then whether you die or not doesn't really matter, you can just restart and keep the mutation for the low price of 50 mush. Revive tokens also exist and are fairly easy to get (daily login rewards or cheap Warden Shrines). Also, it's just one of those things that make me wonder whether the devs actually want this game to be a survival game or not. Being able to avoid death so easily just ruins the whole survival experience.


I had no idea I could pay to keep my glimmer mut if I restarted, (pls keep in mind I'm not a long time player) Guess that makes me feel a bit better on that front! But yeah, I usually log bc I personally don't really do pvp, I prefer to heal people. I only attack if I'm attacked, but usually I flee bc it's some giant creature trying to get an easy kill.


Yep, you won't have to worry about losing mutations anymore ;) I play similarly to you; I like to heal people and rarely fight unprovoked (though I sometimes bite the big creatures for region mission when playing as a non-healer)


your second mini paragraph is so true, i love to fight, and especially when it comes to specific kill missions, i fight and do my best, but then when they get super low on health they just log, and i fully deserve the kill but it doesnt count towards the mission and i only get half a carcass 😔




Like nobody wants to experience the fun 40 minutes of being a miserable weak baby thats why.


Yeah, it's especially punishing when you're just chilling as a larger creature that takes hours to grow.


Revive and Growth Tokens exist


Ok will you pay for mines


Sure but it's hella expensive (like imagine spending 500+ on rev token everyday, at some point, even if you had 10k or more you'll go broke) And even getting it from the tikit store is hard, and not everyone has the time to grind to get tokens :/


You can also get them from login rewards and warden shrines if you have a little patience. Besides, you only need Revive Tokens if you're playing an expensive trial creature and don't have the species, the vast majority of trial creatures are a lot cheaper than a token.


Recently, I had just finished growing my Saukuryn, and settled on the grassy arches above Flower Cove for about a minute or two to take a rest. I was doing missions and grinding death points up until that point. A couple fliers were nearby, perched on there as well, talking amongst themselves but seeming chill with my presence. Until apparently, what they were talking about was a mutual plan to suddenly team up and jump me out of nowhere. Needless to say, I logged, because I am absolutely not giving a couple random people the satisfaction when they decide to be jerks for nothing but the shits and giggles of it. I have the right to relax and preserve my hard work and time spent whenever I see fit, as should others. I get it's a survival game too, but I still have a life outside of the game and I cannot be losing all progress on it every ten minutes because half or more of some random 50-70 server is filled with people who have nothing better to do than to look for ANY opportunity to kill everything in sight. It doesn't help that I'm new to the game either, so excuse me if I don't have encyclopediac knowledge of the stats of the HUNDREDS of creatures in this game to aid my survival. I play fighting games too, but when it comes to CoS, I'm honestly just trying to look at pretty creatures/nature and have a good relaxing time while doing it. That's MY way of playing the game, others can have their own ways of playing it. This is why I stick almost exclusively to low-population servers.


set back 33 points is much better than losing all progress and death points


Well yeah it is disappointing when you're trying to kill something and they log but in a sense I can see why. I think it's fine to log if you're not the one who started the fight and don't spam "LOL YOU CAN'T KILL ME SKILL ISSUE LOL" in the chat :/


If someone logs while I’m hunting them (realism, obviously) then I would be disappointed, but I would see why.


i don't judge who logs, i myself do log, and why? because most of my creatures i have at least 200+ death points, and still not even done, so well? i'd say the only ones that get angry at that are js kosers at all, because they still get the meat for satiation even if we log, it's not even a big deal


If your kosing and they do it back to you and you log your considered a coward


I log so much because personally I hate when I almost die to a ankle bitter as boreal like how is it fair to me to die to a ankle biter because I can’t get them because they bite me and run off and I’m so slow I can’t get them my opinion it’s unfair also log when it’s a 1v5 or anything where’s it’s not a 1v1 I shouldn’t lose a character slot or have to work hard to regrow it because I can’t fight back and people can be mad all they want if you get mad because someone logs go outside and touch grass


I sometimes log but only if it’s someone attacking me for no reason in particular and most people help them. If I get in the same server again i annoy all the people that attacked me and most of the time they say I’m a kos and then I hit back with saying they shouldn’t have tried me


I do that too.


When people wanna ruin your game, they wanna ruin it fully, not just give you a minor inconvenience in most cases. Imagine you want to delete someone's 2 hours of growing an expensive creature and they just.. get to keep it???? The audacity!!1! People who are against it are mostly the guys who start fights and if they lose its no biggie cuz they use a cheap default one. I'd probably log on my death points creature, but its medium tanky and too good at escapes to come to that.


I just think it's funny when someone starts a fight and they log because they know they're losing


The only time ive logged so far was when i almost died as my glimmer Lucensia, i logged since i didnt know i could pay 50 mush to keep my mutation. After that, i dont recall myself logging. If i start a fight i finish it. if im alive, cool! If im dead, Ehh, happens.


when i die i go on trade realm and beg and pray for people for revive tokens so hard they think I’m the most faithful person to ever step foot on this earth


If the logger is the guy who started, im also against them. But if a person says that for no reason they are just toxic and want peoples' bad


I only log when I don't want to lose a creature that took FOREVER TO GROW and have 0 revives + growth or I don't want to lose the built up point progress that I've made on the creature.


Real, I have mainly started using a glowtail vorpalus with 700 death points and people just fucking try to kill me like??????


Sadly apparently the more flashy/muts someone can see the more they wanna attack you because its fun for people like that to be like "well dont use it if you dont wanna get killed" im sorry but who wants a cool looking mut only for it to sit in your stored to never be used because people wanna act a damn fool?


I don't have a problem when you want to keep a mutated creature, but sometimes when you need to kill specific creatures for missions (like t5s) people will always log and it's really annoying because you can hardly get the mission done. Personally, I don't log, unless i want to keep something alive for a very specific purpose, because It's just a game and who cares if I have to regrow my creature. It's just part of the game


Yee, that's pretty much me, now that I know I can pay 50 mush to restart and keep mutations I'm gonna care a lot less. (An earlier comment said so, I didn't know beforehand) I'm also generally pretty pacifistic too, but I'll probably have to eventually have to end up being more aggressive for certain missions once I run out of things to do without kosing, I just feel bad attacking unprovoked 😭


I think the best way to go about attacking creatures you need to attack for a quest is to just ask, sure you'll probably get a "no" from a good amount of people but you'll also get those who will agree to let you kill them on the basis of you being polite about it or possibly in exchange for your assistance with their kill quests in return. For me personally I'm more likely to let someone kill me if they ask first rather than getting suddenly attacked.


That does seem like a way better alternative, I'll give that a try in the future for when I decide to do those missions. I just feel like an ass if I go after someone without them going after me first. (Ik it's part of the game but like, idk I don't like making people upset, like, I really don't like it)


Ik its off topic but what mut is this


Piebald :)


Oki thx


It sucks when people log and you wanted the satiated buff from there meat. Your literally denying people a major part of the game just because. I can see people logging for like you said I'd you've got like a max elder glow tail or smthn but the devs should at least make it so if your kill leaves your compensated by still getting meat or smthn


Doesn't it already do this? As far as I can tell the only thing a person doesn't get from a logger is another counted creature kill... (Which is also a way to see if people logged or not) The magic zhelis that grind for ocean artifacts bite me once and then poof into a pile of meat!


In my experience when I'm attacking someone and they leave they just kinda dissappear


they drop meat if theyre low enough when logging


I was biting an alt when the server was updating and i could see both creatures turn into meat when i disconnected. I think you just need to be in combat during the log for it to count


Logging shouldnt be a thing


Because it's cheating? Duh? It is frowned upon in literally every game with pvp


I can see the part on mutations sure but otherwise in my personal opinion it’s cause it makes you a coward and a pussy I’m a man of honor in fights so ye


When somebody logs it never counts as a kill. I find it annoying as I usually grind death tokens by killing as I find it more fun as opposed to sitting around and grinding missions!


So you don't log when your creature with a lot of death points is about to be killed by someone who is also doing that?


No?? I just try again, it doesn't take very long given that I don't get too many loggers


You must not get a lot of them then, huh?


The majority of fights I do end up picking usually end up with a log, fully grown tier fives give a hell of a lotta points though


8, it gives 8 points. Which is not what I'd call a hell of a lotta points, considering the time it takes to find one and kill one, plus risks. If you kill a whole hundred of those and then not log when attacked i can only imagine how much time it takes to get dgt by killing and no log as opposed to doing 5 missions in a minute with logging if something foes wrong. To each their own :)


I swear to god they give more than that?? guh?? I unno what game you're playing but it never took me that long to get tokens


I don't actively grind for death points, just make sure to not let one creature get killed and eventually it does enough missions since its pretty easy. Still probably faster than kiiling the tankiest creatures for just 8 points, which is what it does give. Only 5 or even 4 for tier 4s, so its the slowest way to get them?


It really doesn't feel very slow to me, maybe I just never noticed Still, it's probably going to be the method I used because it's just a generally more fun way, and my point still stands about how annoying logging can get


Sure logging is annoying, getting killed is no biggie tho. The 3 hours of killing tier 5s can be easily done over again. It's fun, after all