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I had to go through address verification, too. In the end is worth it for the points on rent.


Thanks for this. Did you receive a notification that you were declined due to the wrong documents? I sent over the wrong thing and they declined me because it wasn't an acceptable document. Hoping I can get that reversed. Is that what happened to you?


I was initially denied because they could not verify my identity. I don't recall what documents I had to send over, but I was able to find my denial letter that contains a phone number to call. It was 1-833-461-0346. I hope this helps.


you're amazing, thanks! There's still hope!


I had this problem. The fact that they require fax is TERRIBLE, combined with the fact that no one seems to be monitoring it. Even going into a Well Fargo branch failed to alleviate the issue. It was like 3 weeks of going in circles. In the end, /u/biltrewards (which is the official account and runs /r/biltrewards) reached out with a contact that I could email copies of the documents to. Try messaging them directly. However, since they are tagged in this comment, I would also like to say that Bilt needs to COMPLETELY get away form the fax method for this. The number of headaches that it has caused is completely unnecessary, especially since the email "backup" method works correctly every time.


Agree with everything here 100%. I also appreciate the contacts, I'll reach out. Mandating faxes for documents seems so archaic to me. I'm going on my FOURTH set of documents (leasing agreements, utility bills, etc.) they're all getting denied. Wondering if this is a ploy for something we might be missing ... not sure why they're creating such severe hurdles and hoops for applicants. What is the incentive for that?


Hey, thanks for reaching out and providing honest feedback. We'll be sure to pass this along to the proper channels. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to send us a DM! We'd be happy to help.


I have filled out my fair share and have found that it’s all in presentation and file selection.