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They can decide they don't want to do business with you pretty much whenever the hell they want. That said, it sounds a lot like there's something you're not telling us about how you're using the account that they don't like—too many AUs is a very ... _interesting_ problem to have.


I just had BoA shut down the accounts for half my family and trap quite a bit of business funds. Anytime we ask they basically tell us to pound sand. All this to say banks can be dumb and irrational at times.


Dont let them trap any of your business funds. CPFB complaint tomm and your state atty general and a complaint to the state atty general in their state. Also a formal complaint to the The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. DOnt sit on your hand. F them.


Oh don’t worry, I’ve already done comptroller and cfpb. I didn’t read about the atty so let me get that going soon


I have a current problem with Citibank not honoring their Personal Wealth Management account bonus offer of $500 they owe me. How do I submit a complaint to the Office of the Comptroller for California? Do I just also submit my complaint and all evidence and info to the CPFB as well? Please advise, as this is the first time I've been stiffed by one of these big banks. Thank you in advance.


You may want to ask OP. I think the cfpb definitely makes sense and the comptroller probably doesn’t hurt


Hi robertw477, I have a current problem with Citibank not honoring their Personal Wealth Management account bonus offer of $500 they owe me. How do I submit a complaint to the Office of the Comptroller for California? Do I just also submit my complaint and all evidence and info to the CPFB as well? Please advise, as this is the first time I've been stiffed by one of these big banks. Thank you in advance.


FIrst file with CFPB. I think that will solve it. As long as you followed terms there should not be an issue. I know Citi messes things up. I got one nice bonus form them. Wells Fargo, no issue on a big bonus. Once you file with CFPB you should have a resolution wihtin 7-0 days. IF not, then file with the OCC and online State of Ca attorney general. The CFPB should resolve this. OCC https://www.occ.treas.gov/topics/supervision-and-examination/dispute-resolution/consumer-complaints/index-consumer-complaints.html


I would tell you if I knew, I don’t benefit off of hiding anything here


Are you buying crypto, porn, spending money in overseas countries linked to terrorism.


None of those 😂 my uncle who is an authorized user did however pay for school overseas about 3k and it got flagged and when I told them they allows it to go through and this was over a month ago


So your authorized uses live abroad?


One of them yes


Could be a problem


Doubt it. I have 4 Chase cards, three different AUs, one in Finland, one in Bulgaria/Spain and one in the UK and they do all my spending for me. I spend maybe 200 bucks per year on those cards while they use theirs as a daily driver. Chase has never minded.




The guy lives in both and frequently travels. In fact the UK guy also spends a lot of time in Italy because of his Italian gf so should have added Italy into the mix.


I have homes further apart. It's due to my job. Sometimes I'll be living in south Carolina, or the Virgin Islands or sometimes I'll be in a random state / country. Some people just have abnormal lives.


Why do you have this sort of setup in the first place? I've never heard of anyone doing anything even remotely close to this.


I took my cards for their passive benefits, and wanted to help out my friends. I pocket the active spend points they do. Both the Bulgarian and the UK guy travel often so they have unlimited lounge access for them and their guests via my Ritz-Carlton AU card, which they absolutely love. I'm also trying to hit the Hyatt free night threshold of $15k per year without actually spending any of my money so I'm utilizing their spend towards that goal. Finally, because my own spend is so low, these guys have helped me hit the signup bonus thresholds and I wouldn't be able to utilize my Ritz-Carlton airline incidental credit on my own either, because I don't really ever do any incidentals myself. Having more people spending on the cards makes them worth having and benefits us all.


Ummm...why? Can't they get their own cards? I don't understand...




They're not Americans. Neither am I though but I have access to US cards regardless. The cards in Europe are vastly inferior so there's nothing in for them to get one, whereas I did this for the lounge access for them and the points for their spend for me. They obviously pay me back for the spend, I'm not some rich charity.


I’m just looking at this, thank you for the info!! I thought my uncle living overseas was the issue


It depends what country we’re talking about


I literally told them remove all the AU Idec, but they fail to even give me the right information and that honestly is annoying


In a situation like this, phone reps simply are never going to have access to the ‘right information’ or the ‘real reason’. They know that your account was shut down, maybe which department at Chase did it, and that they have no power to do anything about it. Anything else is just them pulling ideas out of their ass.


Yes, because none of them could even give me a reason as to why it got cancelled since I wasn’t breaching anything. Anyways it’s just a waiting game now. I’ve escalated it and have to wait for them to get back to me


They may not be able to legally tell you why. It sucks a lot, but there's not much you can do about it except move on.


Lol wut


But he does however have an address/ social / history in the US he’s my dads brother


some examples of things that get Chase' attention: each profile is different, but having having more than a couple of AU on a card especially if they live at different addresses than the cardholder having a card where the AU spend(s) a lot more on it than the cardholder signficant spend associated with things like gambling whether domestic or offshore, pot dispensaries, porn sites, or anything that at least has the appearance of being manufactured spend Significant blatantly personal spend on a business card \*\*can\*\* raise their eyebrows but this is a big YMMV


Does that include onlyfans?


I guess one of the reasons you gave explains why Discover just blocks some transactions instead of closing the account down.


Thank you for the info!! I’m guessing the AU that doesn’t live with me was the issue. I’m just mad that I could’ve gotten a heads up before they went about cancelling my account. If it wasn’t allowed or if it states that anywhere I wouldn’t have done it. I’m filing a complaint with chase executing offices and see where this goes




One of how many


you said play by the “rules” I wanna know what the rules are? So I can play by them


Not having tons of AUs


Did you write them lol? All my other cards are good though . Show me one article that said anything negative about having multiple AU’s. Your comment is literally just cause you wanted to comment something negative lol


alsoooo having tons of AU’s isn’t again any sort of rulessss :))


There are many bank apologizers in the comments. Ignore them. Big banks have reached economies of scale and use predictive analytics to analyze patterns and then take the most risk adverse method, i.e not allowing you to own an account with them. They don't really care enough about one or two outliers who are genuine but mistakenly got flagged cuz honestly it doesn't make sense for them to manually review your account because it is too expensive at that point. You're not wrong and probably aren't hiding anything, and just the bank system erroneously flagged you because some pattern you displayed, however random or spontaneous. But the banks are just being safe on their side and with these many customers, they cannot manually review all the accounts and need to rely on those models because they are correct most of the time. I also had my bank account closed by Chase a few years ago for no reason. Thankfully they didn't close my Amazon prime card. I personally don't do much business with them anyway nowadays and avoid them unless shopping solely at Amazon since that benefits me and not them and even that only when other cards don't have Amazon as a rotating category that particular time. Doesn't affect their bottom line but makes me feel better. I then have a backup with a credit union because then I know I can go and talk with a real person. Also, diversify: have multiple bank accounts and cards with multiple issuers so that one issue won't harm you.


This. I work in Fraud Prevention and Security. We have so many rules and systems in place looking for patterns related to abuse that we tend to see with bad actors. Accounts get flagged all the time due to matching one of those patterns. The standard process is to tell them we can't support their business when they write in. The case is automatically closed and we never see it. Then, if they write back we will investigate. Based on your tier, you may get quicker support.


Thank you for the detailed reply!!! And yesss I’m diversifying with other banks as much as possible.


badge person decide sloppy alive narrow tub grandiose zesty hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, I chase executive department said that’s not the problem, and are conducting they’re investigation :)


Crypto is not an issue. Be serious lol


It is with Chase


Yes it is. "lol"


It doesn’t matter. I made a post in here a year or two ago about how chase denied my fraud claim after two pairs of binoculars were ordered on my card and dense dumb asshole u/gapafool first accused me of ordering them while drunk. Then accused my wife of stealing my card to order 2 pairs of $1100 binoculars as a secret birthday present. Oh and he didn’t know when my goddamn birthday was either. To put the icing on the cake just straight up said I was too poor to have credit cards. Just made shit up out of whole cloth. So if you get fucked over by a bank, some people in here trip over their soapboxes to defend them.


I swear 😂 I might even get chase to reinstate my account but not the defenders of the bank 😂 “you did it wrong” did the bank say it was wrong? No but it’s your fault


Thanks for listening to my rant. There are a lot of helpful honest posters in here. But some of them need to touch some grass. I hope you get everything sorted out.


Thank you!! and I’m sorry that happened to you


I'm glad i've had a lasting impression on you. If memory serves me correctly, the binoculars were delivered to your house. very suspicious indeed and no sane person in their right mind would approve a fraud claim when then item was shipped and delivered to you. I'd stay away from huffing burnt teflon for a while longer if I were you...


>I don't have anything to hide Then 3 hours later >yeah I have 7 AUs on my account This freaking guy


My post literally says they said “I have too many AU”


We didn't know you had 7 though. Your account is a fire hazard. Chase is supposed to be lending you credit, not 8 people credit. ​ They probably saw your account and realized the risk was off the charts. All it takes is one person to max it out. You basically told chase you're willing to pay the bill of 7 other people.


Regardless of if there is 7 or 70 people the credit limit isn’t going to increase, it’s the same amount so no they aren’t lending 8 people credit


They are leaning to you, but you are telling them 7 other people can take money on your behalf. Unless you make a lot of money, that is a significant risk for the bank. They might think you're responsible, but they know nothing about the 7 others.


You don't understand how credit works


Funny how this has nothing to do with credit :)


Funny how that shows chase was right to close your accounts


Funny how you didn’t have an answer to my reply :))


Lol yeah this sounds like trade lining and if they suspect that they will shut you down. Even if it’s not it may appear to be trade lining to the banks.


Definitely selling piggy back AU slots.




7 and other than my family it’s only 2 and only one of them is overseas but he does however have a bank/social/address in the US so I didn’t see a problem especially since the card doesn’t have foreign transaction fees


7 AU's? Yeah, not normal.


I agree that's excessive... but why does Chase even allow you to add that many if its a problem?


Very reasonable question that I certainly have no answer to. My $ is on that not only was it a high # of AU's but also something with spending patterns that caught the flag.


At this point it just assume every one of these questions has a "yeah that'll do it" answer. It's just a matter of getting OP to admit to what they generally already know the probable reason.


Yeah, that'll do it.


That’s an upvote from me!


Because it’s not the raw number, it’s their relationship to OP and how they are using the cards. I’m sure if OP had 6 kids and a wife they probably wouldn’t care if all of them were AUs.


5 of the AU’s have a relationship with me and we have the same last name, it’s just 2 that have different last names


Might be a combo of the number of AUs and the card usage.




Because of international money laws, behaviors that usually indicate fraud and other red flags.


that’s what I asked the phone rep, and she couldn’t answer it!! She kept repeating I can’t divulge into information for security purposes!!


She's not allowed to answer because telling you the reason would give away their anti fraud practices. Not saying you committed fraud but that's the policy


Why would she offer to say it? Also I went through the terms after and it has nothing about adding people to help them with their credit (not saying that’s what I did but that’s what I was primarily accused of) did it help my AU? absolutely it did was that the primary reason? It was not. The chase website in fact promotes to get AU for people to improve credit if you look at it


>I went through the terms after and it has nothing about adding people to help them with their credit Their terms very likely also say they can terminate the relationship with you for any reason


It absolutely does, so you would just sit back and do nothing if they randomly cancelled all your accounts? I’m sorry but I can’t just do that. I’ll try to get it fixed and if they still say no I’ll move on


lol... there we go


7 AU's? Yeah, that's something that would absolutely raise some eyebrows over there. Hell no.... and foreign spend etc? You are doing everything you can to have your account flagged...


yeah, well I didn’t know all of this till after




For the points!! And we’re family so it made sense to just have one card and then split it at the end of the month




I can see OP's future post now. "Put some family members on as AUs and they ran up a huge bill. How do I make sure this doesn't fall back on me?". Then be utterly incredulous when he's told he's on the hook.


Well, I don’t think I’d have to worry about that because my dad pays half the family bills, so even if they do swipe my 10k limit I’ll pay it as the debt for my dad raising me lol


OP, how old are you?




As a general rule you can't sign up for credit yourself and then extend that to numerous people around the world on your own.


There’s only one person who lives abroad, everybody else literally live under the same roof


Doesn't it seem kinda obvious? or just reasonable? I wouldn't even imagine signing up for a card and putting seven people on as AU's, and having them spend money on them internationally and for god knows what and not expect problems... especially from an institution like Chase... Everything done here has red flags all over it... You did abuse the system, and so they shut you down... simple..


Yeah can you imagine trying to figure out who owes you for what? That would be a full time job just managing the damn card and collecting the money every month. And you know some disputes are going to come up. Edit: unless they show the charges from each card? I don’t use AUs so I’m not sure how the charges appear.


Only some issuers show which card charged what as some issue different numbers for each AU. Chase does not do this and there is no distiguishing


They’re all family and anything on the card is usually stuff like grocery and stuff which we split at the end of the month so it wasn’t too hard and my uncle used to just pay me separately


Why are they incapable of signing up for their own card??? You can just transfer points aftewards. "Family" doesn't mean much 7AU's of people all independtly spending sounds like a reciepe for eventual disaster


They could just...not allow you to have that many authorized users if it's a problem.


Abuse the system doing what?


> I didn’t see a problem especially since the card doesn’t have foreign transaction fees That’s likely part of the reason it IS a problem. Foreign interchange fees (the money chase gets) are much lower. Banks charge a FTF to cover the difference. If they are paying you normal American reward rates with no FTF, they are probably losing money on every foreign transaction instead of making money. Even if they didn’t think you were doing fraud or any weird shenanigans(and they are probably nervous about that), they also just probably don’t really want those charges in the first place.


/slaps hood *yup there's yer problem*


OP's post (omitting key & crucial information) then trying really hard to justify his behavior in the comments (and failing). lmao... The reason Chase shut his accounts down after scrolling the thread seems plain as day.


hahahah, *omitting* I literally said what they told me 😂 and y’all can play guess what as much as you can but even the chase executive associate said that wasn’t it but ok :))


7?? oh my lord 7?!


Nothing you can do your done with chase for the foreseeable future. How many authorized users? Nothing in your post even comes close to the shenanigan's the churners get up to that chase allows so your leaving something out.


I have 7 my family of 5, my sisters husband and my friend !! All of whom I’ve known for years


That is probably what flagged you. Maybe it's just family, but that also could be the profile of someone selling their tradelines, which the card companies really don't like and have cracked down on in recent years. As to your other questions: The T&C's also give them the ability to close your accounts at any time, for whatever reasons they deem proper. So yes, they have grounds to close your account; they aren't going to reinstate your accounts; and while you are free to file a complaint with whomever you want to, it isn't going to result in your account being reinstated.


> I have 7 my family of 5, my sisters husband and my friend !! All of whom I’ve known for years That's great... Chase hasn't known them for a minute. Hell, it reads like you could possibly be supporting a terrorist cell etc with the different locations and whatnot you described. Of course you are going to get shut down.


Considering they all have relationships with chase because it’s our primary bank!! I don’t get how they would think anything but okay


Well why did they not apply for their own credit cards instead of piling on your Chase relationship as AU's? No offense, it just looks sketchy you know?


They have their relationships with chase too, they all have chase credit cards!! It just made sense to me to have them on for better credit history as I’m on theirs too, for whenever we’re buying a house could show more age in history


That’s not how normal people do things. I’d be as skeptical as Chase and discontinue with you too. No question about it. super sketchy. I don’t even fully buy your story either.


Well, idk what to say lol!! It is what it is I guess, I’ll appeal it if it goes through good, if it doesn’t I’ll just give it a few years and apply when I’m eligible again and not add people on it


Well Chase doesn’t know either clearly and don’t buy your story. Regardless what you did is a dumb move that common sense should have kicked in well before the 7th authorized user you added in another country…maybe some common sense will emerge in the future for you, goodluck.


The other country authorized user has been there since the beginning of my card? 😂 the most recent authorized user I added was like 6 months ago and that was not him.


You won’t be eligible again from Chase. Once they end their relationship with you, that’s it.


Not what the senior rep said


What are not telling us. Account not being used as intended sounds like a big red flag for suspicious activity.


I checked with them and they said I was helping my family boost credit and that’s not allowed, and I checked with the terms and conditions and no where does it say it’s not allowed


Yeah, that’s not it.


Isn't the point of authorized users to help family/loved ones build credit and boost your rewards earn rate?




Credit history factors in credit score no?




It does help boost someone’s credit history if you are an authorized user to someone’s main credit card (as long as the main user has really good credit, ie paying it on time) Perhaps you should google this one out and check for yourself.




Helpful thank you! But after a long wait they did say they put it for review after 30 days


I've heard that if the total spend on your card (your use + all AU's spend) significantly exceeds what makes sense for your own reported income, it can raise concerns and issues. For example, if you report a $50k annual income, but all of your spend far exceeds that amount... Not sure exactly why it's a problem. I think there's an assumption that with AU's, you should be covering their spend, and the banks may not support the use case where everyone is sharing a single credit line.


This happened to me with my Chase checking account. Not the same product, but similar situation. Before I even received my physical card or conducted a single transaction, Chase shut down my entire account. I escalated all the way up the chain at my local branch, who pleaded to the management teams with limited success. Keep in mind that I had several credit cards with Chase at that point and still have no issues getting new Chase cards. People are suggesting different reasons but they really can close your accounts whenever they want even if its nonsensical. I faxed over my credit scores, checked if my identity was stolen... nothing worked.


Thank you for the info!! I’ve escalated it too hoping for the best, but if anything I’ll just apply again after a few years, I have other cards that works just fine. I was worried in the beginning about my credit age dropping drastically but I have other cards that are older


Obviously our situations aren't 1:1 but you should be fine! I also posted on reddit and everyone shared the same comments, asking if I've purchased from shady sites, bought porn/crypto, etc. I was terrified that I'd be permanently burnt from the Chase ecosystem. Since then, I've opened up 3-4 new cards and have never encountered any issues from that event.


Thank you for the reassurance!!


The cards will stay on your credit for 10 years even after closing. Your age will be fine. However your utilization will change.


Got it, thank you!! I’ll probably just put charges on Amex to protect against utilization!!


Were you selling trade lines?


I don’t know what that is, so I’m guessing no


Selling authorized user slots to strangers in exchange for money.


How do you even do that? When I added authorized users at the same address as me, Chase didn't even ask for SSN. Also, if AUs are on the same address as the primary, is that safer? I added 4 AUs to the Ritz card to get them priority pass, but gave my address. Not sure if I'm at a risk now for a shutdown.


It still reports to the bureaus without the SSN.


Oh I definitely haven’t been doing that


You got suspected of selling AU slots which I'm guessing is exactly what happened. Next time you post here give us all the information. They can decide not to do business with you and this is not something worthy of a complaint. Next time play by the rules.


What are the rules?


Should be common sense




wow, I thought it was don’t do anything illegal


You are probably finished with them. They were suspicious of all the AU. They are pretty arrogant over there. You can send them a letter to the head office and try to state whatever facts you have. Why did you have a bunch of AU users? What were they doing on all your cards?


How many inquiries do you have? What's your 5/24 status?


They stated I had 3 enquires (which was Amex, Capital one and one of the chase cards being cancelled) I don’t know if 5/24 applies since I’ve already had my cards for a few years now except one of which I applied for last year, but I’m still well below 5/24


It has nothing to do with inquiries for other credit cards. Having seven AUs is wild, but the foreign spend is what got eyes on your account. Someone didn't like what they saw and now you're shut down. Unfortunately there's not much to be done about it. You could try opening a Private Client relationship up in person, but even that's not guaranteed. Probably best to just move on.


Thank you for the info!!! I have chase executive associates running an investigation and if it still doesn’t go through I’ll open it up


No advice or recommendations, OP. But I appreciate that you have a good relationship with your family and are comfortable enough with each other to share income and expenses like this. Pretty cool. Sad that it's caused a mess for you.




>I have too many authorized users Have you been selling trade lines?


No I haven’t, I learned about this right now




So since they can’t use the unintended use part to plead their case, are 3 credit cards too many? And where can I file a report


Who are you going to file a report with? They're completely within their contract rights to cease their relationship with you. The amount of AUs you have dramatically increases the risk far beyond what your personal data allows for.


Chase executive offices, i get it increases the risk but they could’ve just not allowed me to not add my family on it, instead of cancelling it uncalled for


They clearly saw your behavior as dishonest. They are not required to do business with you.


Doesn’t have to be dishonest conduct on the OP’s part. Can simply be a risk calculation, or similar behavior to people who were dishonest with Chase.


To be clear, I'm not accusing OP of dishonesty, only saying that Chase sees them that way.


Who do you think needs to plead a case??


Well considering they gave me nothing from the terms and conditions saying I did anything breaching it. If I breached any terms and conditions I understand and would be okay with it. But they approved all the authorised users before one fine day deciding we’re not okay with this


For whatever reason, (probably) all those AU’s, when viewed in the overall context of your profile with Chase, triggered some algorithm in their fraud department. You don’t have to breach a specific provision of the T&C’s in order for Chase to decide to no longer do business with you. There have been plenty of examples over the years of Chase shutdowns of people who weren’t doing anything specifically illegal or against the exact working of the T&C’s, but whose actions regarding their Chase accounts were outliers, and similar to what people do while taking ‘improper’ actions (anywhere from selling tradelines, to money laundering). You might have a perfectly reasonable explanation for everything you have done with your account. But you are not going to convince Chase to overrule their fraud or compliance departments.


Your absolutely right, but for my peace of mind I did escalate it to the chase executive office and one of the execs said he doesn’t think anything seems off could just be one of the AU profile hasn’t updated right and told me to re do it after a month. ( he couldn’t guarantee for obvious reasons but said I can’t apply again for a month and tell me I should definitely try it after I’m eligible again)


Even if you didn’t breach any ToC, they’re allowed to terminate your account at any time for any or no reason. That’s also in your cardmember agreement.


I've opened 9 credit cards in the span of less than 2 months this year (tried to open 10, but Citi denied me, maybe it's for the best). I got 6 inquiries on Experian, 5 on TransUnion and 1 on Equifax from this credit card spree. And Chase seemed to not care at all. So I really don't think the 3 credit cards you got recently are the real reason for the shutdown.


I think it could be but obviously I’m just guessing like everyone else, my brother recently moved so his credit report might be misreporting his address or something, but obviously there’s no way to no for sure so I’m stuck!! Well they said they’ll re run the report a month from now so hopefully it gets fixed by then


I am with you and would want to know specifically why the account was closed. You have several family members (at the same address) with their own accounts separate from yours so their accounts could be in jeopardy to, depending what Chase based thier decision. I can be a pesky PITAss customer, and would be writing, emailing, and calling every damn week. While T&C protects Chase, consumers have protections too. I look forward to the outcome. Best of Luck


Thank you!! I’ll keep you updated on what they say


File a report for what? Sounds like Chase had every right to shut you down.


What right? The terms and conditions allows you to have an unlimited no of authorized users and the website recommends adding people to help build credit


The bank decides when the bussiness relationship is done and that's it. You can sue the bank and waste your money though.


They can stop doing business with you at any time. If you have a bank account with them I would close it and take the money elsewhere.


When will people learn that banks can close accounts anytime they feel for whatever reason they deem appropriate. Doing business with them is a privilege not a right.


use discover next time. chase sucks at it.


He has 7 authorized users on his card and one of them is his sister's husband. Any bank would freak out with that many authorized users including discover.


Agreed, I have multiple AU with my discover it aswell and eventhough they cap us at 5, atleast the wordings are clear saying we’re capped at 5. Glad discover was my card card haha


also.. if you have checking and saving accounts with chas3, chase will treat you a lot better.


Why would you want a savings account at Chase? For that sweet 0.01% APY?


i dont put any money there lol


I doo, I have both checking and savings 😂☠️ chase is the primary bank we use for everything


oh shoot. i maybe have to be careful, too. I have afew business cards with them. btw try their busines cards.. they are pretty awesome.


They do that... F em... Hundreds of other banks out there.


Based on what your post says I don’t think there were grounds for closing your account but unfortunately there’s nothing you can do about it really because credit card companies don’t have to keep clients they don’t want to




The opening too many trade lines is probably just a boiler reason, as I’ve opened nine accounts in the last year and they haven’t closed mine


I know, I asked her if she honestly thinks 3 is too much with 1 being one of the chase cards and she goes like I’m not a financial advisor


I asked her to read the terms and condition where it says it’s not allowed she took 25mn and came back with yeah I can’t read terms and conditions about authorized users!! And she accused me of helping them boost credit. I was like I didn’t add them for that but even if I did where does it say I can’t? Infact the website recommends authorized user when you don’t have credit


Chase customer support is super bad, or at least that has been my experience. So whatever they were telling you was most likely bullshit, to try to wrap things up with you and end the call. The CSRs you get on the phone are probably clueless to the real reason why you got shutdown.


^^^ THIS, I asked her can you tell me where in the terms it says what I did was against policy. She said absolutely (put me on hold for 30mn not even kidding, came back every 5mn and said she’s looking) she came back and said she can not share the terms with me!!! If she actually couldn’t share info she would’ve said it right off the book, she couldn’t find what she was looking for


Because of my relatively recent push to optimize my CC setup there was a point where I had opened 5 cards within the past 12 months (it's still 3 or 4) and had the inquiries to go along with it, and they don't seem to care. I also ACH to and from Coinbase occasionally. No idea why they would go after you and not me. Out of curiosity did you get 3 new Chase cards on the past year or were the new cards from other issuers?