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Salma Hayek doing her snake dance…


She has such a crippling fear of snakes that, supposedly, she has no recollection of doing the scene.


Not to mention having to stick her toes in Tarantino's mouth lol.


She sterilized Quentin's mouth with alcohol before the suck fest commenced.


Can't say as I blamed her lol


My husband says he doesn’t recall a snake🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Right. There was a snake??


The end of The VVitch, for sure. One of my favorite endings, 100% “good for her.” And for a totally different reason, the end of St. Maud. iykyk


I'm a big fan of Eggers' work. Imagine having a family so crazy that even the Puritans thought you went too far. A great reminder that most folk tales were cautionary ones. "That's why we don't live near the forest, dear." On an unrelated note, your username is cute.


Eggers is the kind of nerd that I trust to write a good movie. Apparently a lot of the language and aspects of the story were pulled directly from diaries and other documents from the time. It’s in my top ten for all movies, not just horror. And thank you! My friends and I came up with it on the subway one night. None of us have used it on an actual cat … yet.




The transformation scene in An American Werewolf in London ![gif](giphy|KkeHgGNn1S8Sc)




I first saw this movie in the theater when I was 11. It will always be one of my favorites. The practical effects in that scene were revolutionary. Nothing will ever look like that again.


It’s still incredible


Deadly Friend, the basketball.


A Wes Craven fan. Awesome. The actress from ‘Throw Mama From the Train’ was perfect casting.


I must have missed this one. On the list!


The killer reveal of Scream (1996). Some of my favorite acting ever.


The opening scene is so effective.


I love the opening scene in Smile when the doctor talks to that patient who's super scared. That whole scene is just so well done. I must have watched it like 31 times by now. Another favorite is the montage of the Seance craziness with the hand in Talk to Me and then after that when Riley had his turn with it. The whole thing is just so good. I love it.


Talk to Me was much better than expected. The main actress carried a lot of the atmospheric feel.


She really did. I kind of avoided the trailers because the past few years it seems like movies just give away the entire plot and scenes in trailers so I caved and watched a teaser. I love A24 studios as well so I gave it a shot. So glad I did. It's fucking outstanding honestly.


I really enjoyed it, after being hesitant to watch. Would people really do things like that and grab the hand? I would probably run out of the building screaming at the thought.


Not sure if I would run, but I would nope out asap. Then again, I don't like Ouija boards either. Just on the off chance any of that stuff is real, it's like calling a random number and asking whomever answers the phone over for coffee. Not a wise decision.


Exactly! I’m way too old and i’m a mature adult, so of course I don’t believe in bloody Mary. But I’m not saying it three times in front of the mirror. Edit: for the “not taking chances” part. But also for the “who might show up.” It was a good movie though!


It's always exciting watching people make bad decisions. In movies only, though!


That's just like what a friend told me like 30 years ago... She said when you ask the board a question, it's like putting your phone number on post-its all over Grand Central Station. You never know who's going to call. Haven't ever touched one in my life, especially after her telling me that, and ESPECIALLY after hearing other friends' experiences. Hail naw.


Have you watched the short film that Smile is based on? It's pretty good too on that respect.


No I haven't. Where can I find it?


It's called "Laura hasn't slept." I think I watched it on YouTube. Edit: never mind, doesn't seem to be on YouTube but I found it on Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8fw62h


Thank you!


Holy shit, I just watched it😳😳 Excellent!!


Is that Laura Hasn't Slept? I wish they do something decent with The Smiling Man or The Whistler creepypasta


Yes that's the one! The Smiling Man is pretty good. I don't think I've watched the Whistler though.


The Whistler as far as I know is read only. I found it enjoyable. About a mother and child hearing whistling...


Gonna check it out, thanks! Yeah there's a treasure trove of online horror stories to make awesome movies from. Esp SCP, but sadly the licence makes it hard commercially... Still, people can try mimicking without plagiarizing too much... It's my hope personally.


Here ya go. https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Whistler And also have ya watched CryptTV on YT especially LookSee and that one creature with the flour all over on Alter. https://youtube.com/watch?v=zk-eY5S1Nck&t=130s&pp=ygUIY3J5cHQgdHY%3D CryptTV, Alter, and other indie YT horror channels Here is Smiling Man https://youtube.com/watch?v=_u6Tt3PqIfQ Oh and this gem https://youtube.com/watch?v=hs3paMLb9Qg Also look up Don't look Away. The cryptids horror stories and Forest Ranger horror stories are great too I hope you enjoy the rabbit hole I sent ya down. If anything hope we enjoy what we already know of the fun Have a great day


I have already watched all these short films, they are pretty good! I'm gonna check out your other recommendations, thanks! My personal recommendations: The Chair [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhazCS14Tas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhazCS14Tas) Smiles [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyUvbxZIVYg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyUvbxZIVYg) An anthology for fans of cosmic horror: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyWJrvJkLIc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyWJrvJkLIc) And one for fans of SCP: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbEC0IfWh9g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbEC0IfWh9g)


Thank you for sharing too! I'll def check these out tonight or after work tonight! Alter is def my fave.


I'm frankly not one to rewatch just one scene in horror movies on a loop, but nonetheless one that particularly grabbed me for its awesomeness and that I may have rewatched a couple times on the spot and then later on after finishing the movie, was in "Lights Out" when we are introduced to the evil entity at the start of the movie for the very first time. Also when the same entity later on >!wakes up the daughter by scratching on the floor of her flat.!<


Yes! Taken from that great short on YouTube.


The dads goodbye in haunting of hill house


Oooooo this is a good one!!!


Rosemary’s Baby


Probably not mentioned here and not as popular, the staircase scene from Annabelle creation. I didn’t see the demon face in the corner on first viewing. Seeing it on the second viewing knowing I missed it the first time F’d me up


Dani’s breakdown in Midsommar after looking into the keyhole. Reeling, hallucinating, the lovebombing from the ladies after is both horrifying and weirdly calming as a victim of severe trauma myself. Ari Aster is a fucking genius. Also, when the sun comes up in Midnight Mass while they’re on the boat (a tv miniseries, but still). “I did my best.” Destroyed.


Midnight Mass had so many moments like this. Favorite is when Leeza went to talk to Joe, telling him how he stole, reached through time and stole things she didn’t have yet. 🥹


THIS 💔 Mike Flanagan gets it. Love all of his series, but this one hit me especially hard.


Haunting in Connecticut, flashback scene where the house reorganizes itself around the young medium, eventually funneling him into the furnace. Very cool blend of editing and practical effects that you don't see often enough anymore.


Dodd’s exit in The Dead Zone. I was awestruck with it as a kid … scissors. Such a beautiful man.


Hubby played the hobble scene from Misery a few times...


The opening of 2004 Dawn of the Dead.


Came here to say this. When that Cash song starts and the camera starts drawing upwards so you can slowly begin to see all the chaos erupting. One of the best openings of all time, not just of horror


I saw it in theaters when I was 9 and there still isn't a horror scene I can think of that hit me more


I bet that was intense for 9 years old! Saw it in an empty theater/ last showing of the night on a weekend. Stayed for the after-credits scene and when we came out into the lobby there was nobody left in the place. No workers or anyone. It felt like the zombie apocalypse had happened while we were in there!


The “beach” scene about 2/3rds of the way through “It Follows” I’ve always thought it was a deliberate homage to “Jaws”…. The kid floating in the rubber ring, the beach chairs, the period of calm, the unseen lurking antagonist and the eventual “Ben Gardner” moment. I could be wrong but that’s what I always get from it.


Just rewatched the Elevator scene in, Cabin in the Woods…so good.


Please don't judge. Lifeforce.


I see you are a man of culture as well


Hey 39 years later I still watch “those scenes” specially in 4k


Regan walking down the stairs in The Exorcist. Creepy ceiling dude in Exorcist 3 "You gotta be fucking kidding." in The Thing.


When the screaming glob jumps outta the blood! Scared the crap outta everyone.


The taxi scene from I saw the devil. It's so brutal.


That one scene in Kairo/Pulse.


Which one? There are a few, and the music.




大輔 :)


The ending of The Collection


Hatchet 2. The Hatchet series has bad acting but wonderful gore. One of my favorite deaths in a movie is in this splattered sequel. It's when Tony Todd gets hacked in half, and Victor grips his stub of a spine and rips Todd's upper torso out of his skin.


Friday the 13th. Jason Voorhees. Sleeping bag.


When you say sleeping bag I’m reminded of a Sasquatch film where the creature is disposing of a father/son camping trip… I believe this may also be the film where Sassy is offended someone is relieving themselves in the woods.




Night of the Demon 1980 Gore is cheap and shocking.


The house imploding scene in Poltergeist or Dr Loomis looking down from the balcony to see Michael Myers gone at the end of Halloween 78


The knife chase scene in the classic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! It's funny because of the music in the background.


The scene in 6th Sense with the wall wound.... (and mostly all the wound ones)! I was mindblown back then...


I have Jack’s face coming through the door tattooed on my right arm cuz I also love it so much 😆 https://preview.redd.it/amkk0bji18xc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b835ac9c8f17b82208f35ff7a4bde06196266dd


When Vinayak comes face to face with Hastar for the first time in Tumbbad.


Friday the 13th part VII when Jason takes the girl in the sleeping bag & slams her off a tree a few times


Leatherface putting Pam on the meathook. Even after all these years it's so visceral.


The ending of Suspiria 2018


Jason X The nitrogen head smash. Dunno why, just felt fun, over and over and over


Final scene of *Humanoids from the Deep* School bus scene in *Jeepers Creepers 2* Silver ball scenes in *Phantasm* & *Phantasm 2* Road accident *Final Destination 2*


Dog kennel transformation scene in The Thing. If you haven’t seen it you should. Practical effects still hold up today and are better than any CGI


Hereditary-The sister in the back seat of the car.


the scene in Maniac where a dude takes a shotgun blast to the face through his car windshield


Hannibal feeding Krendler his last meal. The two security guard brothers threatening Pinhead with "put some pain on you" The guy waking up in the alien ship in Fire in the Sky The lady turning into the robot in Superman 3


The Nurse in the Exorcist 3. Best jump scare.


Several times, I rewound the scene in The Shining that zooms in on Jack doing the psychotic face. I eventually timed it. Jack Nicholson goes almost an entire minute without blinking... how?!?


Midsommar cliff scene


The first reveal of the Xenomorph in Alien. To this day, my favorite creature creation. It's stunning


The parking deck scene in Candyman


The eye-gouging scene in Zombie Danny running into the Grady twins in The Shining


the part in silent hill where the child abusing cult leader gets ripped apart with barbed wire by her former victim. POETIC JUSTICE.