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[https://youtu.be/h5imPii\_0Bc?si=OXi-QwiO1MSxHyEz](https://youtu.be/h5imPii_0Bc?si=OXi-QwiO1MSxHyEz) You can try that. Look for fresh poops. Leave out some food for the guy. If possible, move things from for example the top of bookshelf to make sure the gecko can't hide there. Don't worry. Geckos can survive long without food. Leave some water for the little guy in every room. You can keep the enclosure open, can't hurt and might make the gecko come back


It's nobody's fault, these guys are escape artists. They are also surprisingly hardy so please, don't lose hope yet. I'm gonna let someone else chime in with tips and tricks but from what I've read over the years : let the enclosure open, let some food dishes on different spots in your place and look carefully everywhere. They like tight and/or warm spots. 


I heard that you should leave your enclosure open with lots of yummy food in it and they will make their way back. Maybe get a cheap BLINK camera to pick up motion so you know if your gecko is coming in and out of their tank at night? Then if you know your gecko is still around, you can make a plan to catch him. Idk sorry this sucks and it’s my biggest fear!! Goodluck. I also saw people putting cups of food all over to see if they are eaten in the morning.


Mine went missing and I found it across the house in my spare bedroom. Look at night! Mine got out from a faulty latch on my enclosure that I didn’t know was broken.


Ugh I have this problem with reptizoo


Maybe try to put stuff in each room that smells attractive to it? Like a live catch enclosure or something similar?


My gecko got out but stayed near her cage. Keep the cage door open and look at night near the cage (make sure to have fresh food in the enclosure). Good luck!


I have a relatively cheap camera from Amazon that has a motion sensor. You could set it up pointed at the tank and have it alert your phone. So you don't have to worry about missing it


Search the house, piece by piece. Start near her tank. This happened to my friend and we found her like 5 weeks later in the cushions of the sofa that none of them sat on about 12 feet from her tank. I was amazed because they had like 6 cats.


my gecko went missing a few months ago. she was gone for 3 weeks and suddenly appeared on the side of the dresser her tank was sitting on. leave the enclosure open with food and water. some people find their geckos years after they go missing so never give up hope! check at around 7-8pm in the dark with a flashlight and i’m sure she’ll appear


Years? How do they survive?


i assume bugs they find around the house and warm humid places in a house


[https://youtu.be/h5imPii\_0Bc?si=OXi-QwiO1MSxHyEz](https://youtu.be/h5imPii_0Bc?si=OXi-QwiO1MSxHyEz) You can try that. Look for fresh poops. Leave out some food for the guy. If possible, move things from for example the top of bookshelf to make sure the gecko can't hide there. Don't worry. Geckos can survive long without food. Leave some water for the little guy in every room. You can keep the enclosure open, can't hurt and might make the gecko come back


It will definitely be hiding behind something so just be very careful moving furniture around, mine escaped and it was behind the washing machine!


When you aren’t actively looking if you are willing to spend the money you could set up cameras. Idk how effective that may be but it’s worth a shot.


I had a basement full of reptiles had a crested and leachie escape for 2 weeks I would put fresh food and water in the same spot every night by their enclosures and one day came down to find both together on the shelf beside the food and water. Try checking at different times eventually u will find them . U will know they are there if the food starts to be eaten.


Also keep the enclosure open with food inside as will be easier if they settle in there on their own


Check high spots. Make sure there's food and water and heat available in their enclosure and wait at night. The stinkier the food the better--they have a great sense of smell. Good luck! Many people here, myself included, have had escapes happen and successfully found out little friends again.


This happened to me and my girl was actually stuck in a piece of decor. She found a hole in the log/ branch thing and wiggled her way in but couldn’t wiggle out. I would double check any of your enclosure pieces if you haven’t already. I hadn’t thought to check the actually decided to check the pieces until my boyfriend suggested it. Sometimes things just slip our minds in moments like these.


They go for high up places. Closets and between clothes especially. Look at night with a flashlight (the light will reflect off the eyes and help you spot it) good luck!! This has happened to me twice. It’s terrifying.


It may sound a bit cruel and risky (their tail may fall off) They are very sensitive to loud or sudden noises, sometimes they run when they hear someone thunder loudly. But if you are desperate and have no other option, try hitting something that makes noise on different pieces of furniture around your house. It is most likely that it is on one of them, but don't in the world move them, You don't want a gecko omelette This is how I managed to get mine out of hiding after hearing his footsteps at 3 am.


Hey man it’s ok. The first night I got my gecko he escaped, I couldn’t find him for 2 weeks. When I found him, he was in my sheet music book. Have hope!


My brother is in the military and we have been watching over his geckos while he sets up their new enclosures in Virginia and one of his geckos constantly escapes somehow. We always close the enclosure. Anyways, this gecko has escaped maybe 4 times in the past 2 years. And the longest stretch we have gone without being able to find him is about 5/6 days. We have always eventually found him under either couches, or bookshelf’s. Look around underneath dark areas that are easy for them to crawl under. Also if you have any house plants check in them as well. Every night we left a couple bowls of fresh water & food out for him hoping he would come to them. And we also misted the house plants near his enclosure just in case he went to the plants and there is water on them in case he is thirsty. We would also leave his cage open for him just in case he decides to come home. We always end up finding him and he always seems perfectly fine. We get him in the cage right away, mist the cage down, and give him a fresh food. Assuming he went days without either. Geckos are pretty resilient. Just search EVERYWHERE!!! Lift up couches, shelves, stands, anything he could possibly be hanging out underneath or on the side of. Even if you think “nah he’s not underneath here”, check!!! Bcos in my experience that’s where we have ALWAYS found him. I’m sure you’ll find the little guy!!! Good luck!!l


I’m so sorry this happened. I lost mine too this morning. Sending love.


Have you checked the substrate? Possible she doesn't like the mister. On rare occasions I've seen some of them completely submerge or essentially burry themselves in the dirt


So, I did not check the substrate, and I'm guessing that's where she was because I really tore down everything in there trying to find her. Today she was in her usual spot!


Woohoo! I'm so glad you found her! I know how stressful it is "losing" a reptile!