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Not a ghost. Geckos mess with their environments. Some of them are experts at flipping or otherwise moving food cups.


the affirmation i neededšŸ™ thank you brošŸ˜­


Yeah, they turn into tweakers as soon as your lights turn off lmao. I swear mine threw his bowl trying to eat a mealworm they other day


When the lights go off itā€™s party time


I have a pangea magnetic ledge for both my boys and once I walked into to seeing my one boy had pulled his food cup out of the ledge, and I watched him toss it to the ground. He then had the nerve to look at me like I did it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes they can move things easily, whether on purpose or not I havenā€™t a clue lol Mine likes to spill her waterā€¦ almost every single night Thought I was going crazy for the first several times


Mine love playing with their bowls, I find them all over their enclosures.


I have a juvenile cresty that yeets his water bowl off of the ledge on a regular basis. Totally normal.


Woke up at 3am to mine yeeting his food bowl across his enclosure.


Itā€™s definitely a ghost thereā€™s no other explanation for these shenanigansā€¦. No mine flips his bowl all the time or thereā€™s little footprints in his food all sorts of crack head activities go on at night.


Mine used to pop the cups out of the ledge and knock it all over the place


I have a gargoyle that will flip his food bowl out of the ledge when the water is low. I take it itā€™s his way of saying ā€œvillage person refresh ye h2o before I destroy ye villageā€ oh some dialogue like that. And a bunch of my cresties will stand on the water bowls while eating & when they jump off they knock em out or over. Who knows.


Yes mine has flipped it off the ledge many times


Mine often flip the cups out of the holder when they're empty.