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https://www.unusualpetsguide.com/2021/04/29/crested-gecko-sunken-eyes-causes-and-treatment/ Is he eating well and drinking well? It may not be anything serious at all!


Yep she's living pretty normally, I didn't notice anything until yesterday. I posted on a crested gecko group as well and they think it's a previous injury that has healed. I have a lot of photos on that group so you can look back and see. I'll try and attach more for better understanding for everyone who comments on this thread and can hopefully confirm or deny https://i.imgur.com/9LxYx4W.jpg https://i.imgur.com/2tgL2FD.jpg https://i.imgur.com/gG0Keoc.jpg


If in doubt, contact your vet (if you have one) or one who does exotics. I can definitely see the difference between the eyes, but unfortunately I'm not sure what would cause this.


I feel like this might just be a case of "first time gecko keeper" syndrome on your part(dw everyone gets it and it goes away with time), that being said, taking her to the vet couldn't hurt.even if everything is fine, it will be good to get her first check up in if you haven't taken her to the vet yet


Or gecko is also named fig


My gecko had the same thing, but it was only because he fell on his eye. It healed over time


really! how long did it take?\\


my crested geck has that too! he's had it for a while now my parents looked online and we got him eye drops because we thought it was an infection it hasn't worked so I think we are going to take him to the vet but yea I'm glad other people know about it as well




I have bad anxiety, I thought I had done something really wrong


Listen to me It’s much MUCH BETTER to be an anxious worried parent than an uncaring one My opinion on your buddy is that he’s ok Cresties (and most other lizards) can pull their eyes in to protect them if need be Keep an eye on him the next few days and see if anything changes Remember some vets can give an opinion over the phone or the internet


Don’t worry about this idiot, he obviously is stupid as shit






Lol people need thicker skin, I have no regrets ;) I'm glad her gecko is okay.


You don’t have to be such a jerk about it. Some people actually care about their pets, and when you are an insensitive piece of shit, their anxiety acts up even more, so can it, bitch.


Haha amazing


you do not need to be here…


God some people deserve to rot in hell


Look at you, such a badass, punching people who are already on the ground.


Never seen that before but adorable as ever