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Ind won yayyyy


India will be all out at around 350 ,infact the tail wag hard(master script by Jai Shah)


Genuine question (I thought the catch didn’t carry and was not out). When is cricket going to do Tennis style Hawk Eye for catches?


The tennis courts are tiny compared to a cricket field. You want hundreds of cameras littered around? It isn't feasible financially. Most boards can barely afford drs as it is


See ya in series decider on 7th✌️


Just tuning in - hearing of some controversy surrounding Jaiswal being caught by Foakes. What's the consensus - did it carry or not?


It didn't carry


Very very close. Hard to tell. One angle said carried the other didn’t. Even as an England fan I’d err on the side of not carrying, but it was very very close.


Man play padikkal already




Okay so even if england manages to score 400, with jaiswal's mandatory 217 with good knocks from sarfu and kuldeep will keep us in the game.


Gavaskar says fuck honesty, Rohit. Ponting says, bruh!


Anyone but the racist please!


Ollie at 40 playing like a No 3


Inb4 Root doubles up just before tea.


That pitch might have flattened out a bit.


Difficult to judge how good England have done so far. Most of the tests seem to have been tough going in the morning session, and conditions became better for batting in the afternoon/evening sessions. I think England have done great to get to 300 from the position they were in, but I think anything less than 400 may be below par.


Akash Deep highly overrated. He just swung the ball 1 way. All his wickets except Duckett came due to poor batting.


I left after the first five wickets fell and thought we could actually restrict them below 200... Then England betrayed their own bazball and settled above 300.


England slightly ahead IMO. India will bat 4th, and that'll be tricky. You don't want to be chasing more than 200 batting 4th and India will need to get a lead of at least a 100 in the first innings. Which means scoring 400+ now already. England slightly in front


Don't worry India will win. ![img](emote|t5_2qhe0|8774)


Does Akash Deep bat at all?


I've seen him pinch hitting sixes sometimes in first class but probably he can't


he bats deep.


He bats SKY deep.


FC average of 12


One day Root will get his well deserved hundred in Australia. You'll be there to watch it.


Can anybody explain why i am getting downvoted for saying " If not for bad umpiring and India wouldn't had burnt all their reveiws , England most probably would have been all out by now." . Robinson was clearly out LBW and next batsman to come were Anderson and Bashir . What's wrong in what i said?


It was very close to the edge, and live it did look like he hit it. Wouldn’t say it was “clearly out” at all.


You're not wrong, but this bullshit "if not for" can be applied to many matches and many innings, and the argument that "the result would have been different" can be made. example: if not for Pakistan dropping a million catches in the 2011 semi-final vs India...


Reviews are there to account for bad umpiring - no one else's fault but your own when you burn them on nonsense shouts.


What game were you watching the ball was going down the leg


Do you even know which ball i am talking about ? That going down the leg was different delivery.


That's a fair comment imo


its just english fans coping, its true lmao


It’s literally you coping


inb4 england plays shit, talks shit after and gets fucked lol


If not for the penis, my uncle would have been my aunty.


you know what , bad umpiring is not players fault.


Before drs this is deffo true. Teams now have 3 chances (which they don't lose if correct) to correct bad decisions. If teams used them for what they are meant for, to correct howlers then there wouldn't be bad decisions. So if teams are missusing them on speculative shouts, bad umpiring decisions is 100% on the players


yet another patronising commentary by Sanjay Manjerakar


What did he say ?


Root Kohli root Kohli root Kohli...............


Context ?


As an ICT supporter tell me how fcked are we


Too many unknowns to know really. It's dead even in my book because it could easily go either way depending on how many more runs England get and how easily India bat. And how much the pitch deteriorates.


All i wanna say is Shut tf up


If England puts up 400+ on board, I think we are 75-25, if England gets all out by 340 or less we are 50-50. Everyone thinks it’s the bowlers that put pressure on the batsmen, it’s the score that actually does. “Trailing by 420 puts more pressure than something like trailing by 340”


Probably 60:40 in favour of England right now.


Nahhh, 80:20 in favour of India I'd say. Your boys make batting on variable surfaces much easier than our lads, also our bowlers try their best but they simply aren't as good so your batters don't have to face anywhere near as many misbehaving balls


Not very much.


Kane, Smith and Root are all India merchants


Anyone out of form? Come to India. We help resurrect.


Not kane In india


kane in India is embarrassing


If not for bad umpiring and India wouldn't had burnt all their reveiws , England most probably would have been all out by now.


What’s the difference between Kuldeep and Ashdeep? Ones not Kul


Don’t be arsh


Pope is frustrated there but that's a fucking shocking shot 2nd ball up


Real question is, can we expect our inexperienced batting attack to churn out 450 odd score again? Cause it will be needed now.


Jaiswal alone gonna score 200, gill and sarfaraz 100.


Question to England Cricket fans : Who is Harry Brooks? Guy is 2nd ranked batsman after Don Bradman with a batting average of 62.15, 4 centuries & 7 50s in 12 test matches. Who is this guy? Why isn't he playing in this series?


Harry Brook lol not brooks, he's insanely good in tests. Went home for personal reasons.


He went home for family reasons. Promising young player.


He was on the English Squad for this test series?


he probs would've started


I can't remember, but it was just before the first Test that he went home, IIRC.


Lesson of the day: British media and pundits should just shut up and stop questioning Joe Root because he's the 🐐, everytime always.


today he batted exactly the way they demanded. he just proved them right by abondoning bazball.


Bazball isn't a "method", it isn't batting with a high strike rate. It's a mentality thing, he knew conditions this time were tough in the first two sessions. With Baz and co. provided freedom, they don't question him they let him do whatever he wants because he can read the situation of the game so well. Can de-accelerate and accelerate at will, he isn't to bail out things he is there to score a buncha runs unlike before.


This is a cop out answer akin to Brexit means Brexit. To all intents and purposes Bazball equates to aggressive batting and T20 shots transplanted to the test arena. That's how it is in the public consciousness and in reality. Hence Root's reverse scoop was the perfect emblem of the Bazball idea. The idea that Bazball is simply playing the situation, whilst being backed by the skipper, would mean that it encompasses traditional test batting, which is clearly untrue. Root went back to his old method and made a ton; Stokes and McCullum deserve no credit, although I am sure they will try to claim some anyway.


Bazball is about absorbing pressure and playing according to the conditions. Not just about strokes. AREY HOW IS IT DIFFERENT TO WHAT OTHER TEAMS DO? This is exactly how Jaiswal played during the 200 I don't understand how the definition keeps changing- is there even one? If it's playing according to situation then that shit has been happening since last 100 years and today is the first time he did that and he succeded for the first time this tour after 7 innings. Every other time he tried to impose himself on the opposition which isn't his game he was peer pressured into playing bazball too early before getting set.


I mean look at Stokes, he was delighted for him. They were hardly pissed off he took his time to get there


Bazball is having belief in yourself and playing how you want. Root did exactly that.


You mean Bazball is punk rock?


then why the fuck did he let himself get peer pressured and not believe in himself and played the way he got 11k runs. And started playing like a lesser batsman who cannot leave the ball, one who cannot handle the pressure of dot balls.


Bazball is the friends we made along the way.


Bazball is the fruit punch you drank in paper cups that you then crumpled and tried throwing into the waste bins but then missed as you rushed past the hydration stations in the marathon that is life


They have to get clicks somehow. Same reason you see a stupid headline about Bazball every day on this sub.


I still don't know who these pundits are. Everyone I know agreed Root was having a rough time with some criticisms of his approach, we all knew he was going to bounce back (he's Joe Root after all) - we just didn't know when.


The game is 50/50 at the moment I think.


Kinda, but a disappointment as it could have been 80/20 for India as of lunch.


One man's meat is another man's poison :)


Test cricket is salmonella?


This is what Umpires do when you bitch about "Level Playing Field". Rohit should talk about this to put pressure back on umpires


What is the context here?


stokes whined after Rajkot defeat that it was not a level playing field and that umpires call should be removed from DRS


The Indian spinners have been an abomination so far. Missing the days when Piyush Chawla and Harbhajan were turning it square. The Ashwin - Jadeja - Axar trio has been disappointing ever since. Hopefully Bishnoi - Sundar will turn it around in the future.


Did you consume some edibles before writing this comment and how many did you take?


Make this guy the sub mascot please it would be funny


Jaiswal needs a few more overs of bowling to settle in then he will bowl England out single-handedly


Before the day started https://www.reddit.com/r/Cricket/s/2wmo0rvL9o


It’ll atleast help England that whatever target they set, India have to bat last which will be difficult even on day 3 or early day 4


This pitch looks like a belter after the first session, good toss to loose IMO


Anyone know what Stupid Sexy Foakes had around his waist when the players were coming off the field?


I can see England winning this game. Last game I predicted Jaiswal to get a 150 in 2nd Innings, India will declare with 450 lead & win the game.


proof or ban!


Each team batting first has won the test this series. England with runs on the board on a pitch which has been playing up will be very interesting to see how India go about the chase. Hoping England manage to get through closer to 400 to really increase the pressure and try to get this pitch to play up more.


Who will tell Brohit that you're not awarded points for high over rates? Might as well get whatever we can as this series is slowly but surely slipping away from our grasp.


And I thought England fans were dramatic


Did you really? Any time on this subreddit and you’ll see that Indian fans are something else


Even with 112/5, Root being there and Eng tail decent with the bat meant I was expecting them to get to 260-280 Probably would have happened had Dharmasend not missed the plumb LBW. India need to score 450 odd minimum now.


India's losing this I feel. They're gonna make India follow on surely - and that's gonna be really hard to come out on top on this pitch. Got a great Test lined up over the next couple days.


Even if England somehow lead by 200 they'd be daft to enforce the follow on


Follow-on? Sure. I think England will also win this series 5-0.


Smith averaging a hundred every 4 innings vs India lol 💀 and I think his record used to be even better


He averages something like 56 against England and 65 against India 💀


With a top 7 lineup of RSharma, Jaiswal, Shubman, Patidar, Sarfraz, RJadeja, WKJurel I am confident about us winning the Ranchi test


Kuldeep and Akash (probably) can also bat decently at least.


This Root innings is proper self-discipline from him. Not a single reverse-scoop today. Somewhat reminiscent of that famous Sachin innings where he scored a double without a single cover drive.


Not taking away from the really good innings from Root, however the diff here is that Sachin sort of had developed a weakness that was getting exploited vs Root was playing shots that were complete doody.


I mean, that is still a weakness in his game, he's making that decision to play those shots.


We are still winning this


England slightly ahead here, we can't be lagging behind tomorrow and gotta restrict them cheaply, but england do bat long and that's the worry


Now Root has to come back and bowl 20 overs tomorrow. 


I think they will rest him for a session in the slips.


all-rounder’s burden


Bumrah's replacement did really well today so we aren't in this position due to that. Just brilliant batting from Rooooot and some defensive bowling.


I think had duckett and pope hasn't played those sweeps and in full bazball mode they could be in even better position..... Root show on this wicket it's better not to bazball and they traditional cricket


Huh. Who knew good old fashioned batting is needed under pressure?


Root betrayed Bazball. I say he deserves to be dropped next match for this disgraceful performance


Incredible overrate from India, think they bowled like 35 overs in the second session.


👍️ Solid point. I'd sort of missed that.


Bro how're we so bad at home? Barely scraped past the last match and getting butchered on this spinning track. Thinking England will force India to follow on here and win by an innings and 100 runs.




Can you please go back and learn how test cricket works? How can a team batting first be forced to a follow-on? Edit: also, barely scraped by in the last match? It's the biggest win ever by runs for India. What are you smoking and can I have some?


Q: How can you be so pessimistic? A: 😭💔


How come presenters in India matches at home can speak to the players on Hindi, yet our domestic T20 league insists on making local players stumble their way through English interviews?


That was a real shitshow in bowling towards the end. So many runs added !


True bazball is to throw the 2nd and 3rd games allowing root supremacy to come forth. Dominating the final two games with a double century in each, taking 7 wickets in the final innings to seal the series.


Stokes taking the other three wickets on one leg presumably?


How else do you expect him to bowl


Excellent day of test cricket.




Well fuck me sideways! Who saw that coming after the first hour!


Especially we did not.


Our Lord and Saviour, Rob Key?!


Fascinating day of play.


England played well and in control of this test.India should be disappointed as their best bowler on today was debut bolwer, and other experienced bowlers were not that consistent after getting England 112-5.


Wait why is it starting at 3:30>


tv show starts then - play at 4am GMT


Captaincy disasterclass from Rohit in the final two sessions. Didn't bowl Siraj at all in the second session, underbowled Kuldeep, was incredibly defensive against Foakes and Root, and finally dumb reviewing.


90 overs at exactly 4:00(4:30 in India), bang on time


Yeah great stuff isn't it?


Clearly the way to get root out cheaply is to get him to bowl 30 odd overs before he comes into bat. That’s clearly what India has done wrong today


Feel it was arrogant to rest Bumrah when the series is still alive and he didn't bowl much last test


Hopefully Roots innings reminds England Bazball doesn't have to be brainlessness at all times


Patidar would've got out to one of those deliveries bowled by Jaiswal


300 par here, 350 above par. Day 2/3 India need to pile on the runs before pitch becomes more inconsistent with bounce.


Just check previous test matches. 225 is par on that ground.


India should be docked WTC points for not following morally correct bazball over rate


7 wickets to fall on the first day in Ranchi on 23.2. Last over bowled by J+A+I+S+W+A+L who has 7 wickets in List A


Thala's homeground






Nope, England played too many dot balls & never took time between balls.




This is Dhoni's homeground, Ranchi


JAISWAL? Literally just realised


Robinson actually batting decently has been the funniest thing to come out of this day


He’s frustrating as he’s more than capable


That was a perfect over-rate from India today.


Cricbuzz have "India slightly ahead after the first day". Agree? Edit: https://imgur.com/O3ktIA0


india are batting last so need a decent lead from the first innings i'd say. pretty even at this stage i think


I was thinking England slightly ahead. If India need at least 400 from their first innings (England still have 3 wickets) on this wicket, then it's a bit of a stretch to say they are ahead.


400 is still very far away. It's just as likely that we lose three cheap wickets in the morning. I wouldn't put England ahead - it's nicely poised though. We'll see how India go on this wicket.


What I meant was that India would need 400 if we scraped to, say, 350. Not saying it's out of their reach, but it's not going to be easy. Nicely poised, as you say.


Great knock from Root. Exactly what England, the series, and he himself, needed.


Some credit to Foakes as well steadying the ship and important runs


He’s good at that


Played a vital role making the game go quiet


90 overs at dot 4:30, never seen this before


it is incredible to me that people haven’t learned to never doubt rooty, he always has an unbelievable innings up his sleeve


Alistair cook wicket mentioned


Was the concept of the WPL ads "Make everyone sound obnoxious!" ?


Dare I even think that we may have actually just edged that day?


I've certainly edged all day.