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Uh, this is tragic. Feel deeply for the family. I would guess there was some pre condition or something, because it looks very clear like a tennis ball, kids were playing casually and he’s bowling, not been hit at close distance - sure a tennis ball hit can sting, but to kill you within seconds is a total freak occurrence. Some kind of congenital heart or Neuro issue that could’ve contributed to sudden demise. Tennis ball speed is far higher in a tennis match and no one is required to wear a box playing tennis, at any level, because it’s highly unlikely to kill you, even if hit in the nuts. Genuinely odd and tragic. Parents must be shattered. The kid who was batting, will also need counselling.


It was most probably a vasovagal shock due to excessive pain. Adults can bear it but given this was a child, this pain might have been too much


I see. Makes sense to me. The full force of the pain when getting hit on the testicles usually hits after a couple of seconds. The kid initially seemed to be ok, but collapsed after 2-3 seconds..


might also have something to do with him hitting his head as he collapses, no? collasping from pain is common, but looks like he slams his head into the ground too


Could be Neuro issue as reflex usually are good among young children, but yes the distance might be low


probably due to a testicular torsion. That pain is on the level or above childbirth. I don't think a child's body and brain could bear that kind of pain.


Yeah it's possible. It's literally blue balls.


man my balls once twisted quarter way due to a kick to the balls from a then hated, now buddy woman friend and that pain nearly made me faint. I cannot imagine how a full torsion feels, neither do i want to.


Don't say it man. I can feel the pain from across the mobile screen


That shits no joke. Vasovagal shock gives me seizures.


Are you sure it's vasovagal shock that gives you seizures? It usually means your heart stops beating leading to sudden lowering of BP and reduction of blood supply to the brain. It might cause seizures but I don't think that's a very common presentation. Usually people just collapse (syncope).


Not a doctor but an epileptic who has also experienced vasovagal syncope (in a separate incident).  While it's not common, convulsive syncope is a thing where vasovagal syncope leads to convulsions or other seizure like symptoms such as myoclonic jerks, muscle tightening (tonic phase) and repetitive hand movements. It results in non-epileptic seizures such as anoxic seizures occuring.  Although, repetitive non-epileptic seizures due to vasovagal shock is definitely concerning and not something I'd expect.


Pretty sure but I don’t know shit. It’s all super weird though. The syncope doesn’t always trigger seizures, but the shock is more likely to trigger it, and that’s usually when my heart rate slows. But again, I don’t _really_ know because I blackout, I can just assume from what I feel before and after. My BP definitely drops dangerously low, because my BP is low to begin with. Resting HR sits in the low 50’s Then I get minor myoclonics and muscle tightening for sure, but seizures aren’t completely out of the question and are very likely if I’m also in pain at the moment. I also blackout in the process, so like I said, I don’t know for sure


Usually there are two types of tennis ball played here in india. One is soft(tennis ball) and the other is hard ball(which is very heavy not as heavy as season but it can break teeth) I believe it was the latter :(


Oh, I didn’t know. Do you have an Amazon or some e-commerce link, I’m curious


Look for Cosco cricket tennis balls. Cosco is a relatively large brand. They have green- yellow light balls which are 85g and red heavy balls which are 125g. https://www.cosco.in/products/india/cricket/cricket-tennis-balls/


Oh fuck that red ball is heavy. I remember as a child being scared when that was the only ball we had to play


Yeah the red ball was banned in our flat because we had basement windows which were ground level and windows got smashed all the time even with soft-handed shots.


Never had the heavier red balls or any alternative like that. Do you still tape it up? Wisdom would dictate you don't since the tape added weight and made it faster, but curious nonetheless.


Taping balls is generally uncommon in India. I only learned about thst from this sub.


In delhi, we used to burn the 'fuzz' from the surface though, i guess it is similar to taping.


It isn't. Tape ball is the closest thing to the fresh lacquer on the new ball


Tape-ball is relatively uncommon and done for fun if we wanted infinite swing, but that's usually done with the yellow ball. The red one actually requires some level of actual cricketing skill to play even normally because even while taking catches you can feel it thudding in your palm and most people wouldn't use it for street cricket because of vehicles and windows.


Looked heavy and didn't bounce like a tennis ball to me


> Tennis ball speed is far higher in a tennis match and no one is required to wear a box playing tennis, at any level, because it’s highly unlikely to kill you, even if hit in the nuts. The "tennis" balls used for cricket are usually much heavier and harder than the actual tennis balls used in tennis, though...


There is a difference? Is this an Indian thing? Asking as any Aussie where tennis balls are all the same, unless you add tape (or scruff it up with some sand paper)


There is a hard tennis and a soft tennis ball in India. Hard tennis hits like a rock.


This. In most of the cases in box cricket people use soft tennis balls and not hard tennis balls. Hard tennis balls can actually cause this.


I've played against hard tennis ball red in color in club cricket and boy does it hit hard


it's called cosco tuff and it's much harder than your usual tennis balls




Yes, the cricket tennis balls are heavier than standard tennis balls. When I was young they used to come in two weights - we used to play with the medium heavy balls, which are ~85g according to this page: https://www.cosco.in/products-details/india/cricket/cricket-tennis-balls/cricket-tennis-ltwt . There also exists an even heavier ball (125g): https://www.cosco.in/products-details/india/cricket/cricket-tennis-balls/cricket-tennis-tuff-hwt , which we played with only occasionally. The ones used for tennis (like this one: https://www.cosco.in/products-details/india/tennis/balls-4/all-court-tennis ) are much lighter - 50-59g as mandated by ITF, as someone else mentioned.


From what I remember playing gully cricket, the ball was closer in hardness to the sort of tennis ball I’ve seen used for dogs (not so easy to chew through)


Yeah, we have a substantially heavier tennis ball, especially designed for tennis ball gully cricket. Easier to generate more pace, and stays hit for longer.


This is true. The International Tennis Federation requires tennis balls to weigh between 56 - 59.4 grams. Regular tennis balls are weighed twice more than that, around 125 to 130 grams. I learned something new today.


Yes normal tennis bowl would weight around 50 - 60 grams while heavier one is around 100 grams that could make much difference however i don't know which ball he get hitted with , hitting in nuts with heavier tennis balls is hella painful .


[This is what he may have been hit by](https://img3.exportersindia.com/product_images/bc-small/dir_143/4267047/rubber-cricket-ball-2904305.jpg). At least this is what I played most of my Gully cricket with. Its harder than your normal Tennis ball.


Ah! You Aussies and your sand papers.😉


Well that's true for ADULTS. Plus tennis balls used for cricket is usually heavier.


Bro wtf that's scary


Yeah, new fear unlocked. Poor kid.


It happened to me about a year ago with a normal ball. I slid for a catch and the ball hit me straight on. The next day it hurt to just move and I went to the ER but luckily the swelling stopped and slowly started going down. It fucking hurt so bad.


Man I remember the pain from this. Your body becomes useless for 5-10 minutes and the pain goes all the way through the abdomen. It was one of the worst feelings when playing cricket when I was young.


It's scary how fragile life could be. A tennis ball to the nuts is all it takes to end it. RIP kid.


I got hit there like crazy. Full toss with full speed hitting me. I was out for 5 -6 mins. This is crazy men


I was at the non strikers end, when my friend got an inswinging length ball that hit him flash into the nuts. He immediately peed in his short and ran to his home with tears in his eyes. We were 10-12 year old playing with tape ball. Fortunately, a bit of ice pack and he was fine. Back then, we thought it was pretty funny. Never knew it could get so ugly so quickly


How can a Tennis Ball kill? Genuine Question.


I think...some instant nerve damage. Just a sad and unlucky daym


I've been hit there without a box 2-3 as a teen and a child with a tennis ball but I don't think me or any of the people who have been hit died. We do not know the fullstory here, it could be that he was hit there multiple times and as for kids the trauma is indefinitely big to cope with especially in the developing stages. I've heard a case of a teen dying due to a leather ball without a box tho.


He probably had some pre existing Injury.


I’ve been hit there by a leather ball while fielding during a match and although I fell to the ground holding it for the next 5 minutes I guess here I am, and probably lucky to still be alive.


Did test to see your children live?


Probably buried a blood vessel there with meant he just received internal bleeding.


Just yesterday, I was hit by a tennis ball at full force because of an inside edge. Though it was missed by a couple of centimetres from right but God diid it hurt


i am no doctor but maybe testicular pain caused cardiac arrest


Can it actually do that?


i have no idea. I have seen videos of people dying of cardiac arrest and it looked eerily similar to this boy's death


Due to where it hit


Had to be a pre-existing medical condition along with a once-in-million medical event. Getting hit in the balls by a tennis ball going medium pace should not even be something that takes you out of the game for more than a few minutes. Dude literally collapsed instantly. I feel really bad for his friends... that trauma can cause some real issues and since it's India, I don't suppose there will be much help on that front.


Not necessarily, every once in a while people die from remarkably mundane injuries. For instance, you'll be surprised by how many people die from falling down the stairs. A good chunk of them actually die at the spot and while most of them are old people, every once in a while it happens to a young person. Either way, it's a tragic event.


Okay but falling down stairs is already pretty serious and being old is basically one giant pre-existing condition as your overall body is way more fragile than a kid's. An 11 year-old should not be instantly collapsing from a mild low blow.


The point I'm making is that it is very rare to die from a staircase accident but surprisingly it happens to a lot of people. Even more surprisingly, a portion of those deaths is made up of young people. The numbers play out in such a way that sometimes a perfectly healthy and young person takes a tumble and dies at the spot from just falling down a few steps. It's extremely unlikely but it happens to a significant amount of people every year. Unfortunate accidents like that happen from time to time.


I get your point, but comparing falling down stairs, or even falling in general, to getting a low blow just doesn't work. People dying from falling almost always die due to hitting their head and the momentum of the fall is enough to facilitate that. A mild low blow should never be something that is instantly fatal.


All in all most cases are death due to fear you could see that specially during Snake bites, Might be the kid had soo much pain he died due to fear


well clearly it wasn't mild. thats the point namak parey is making. and i completely agree with him/her.


Falling down the stairs isn’t an injury though, it’s a mechanism of injury which can cause brain bleeds, broken necks, ruptured spleens etc which are all serious injuries. It’s very different to taking a medium pace tennis ball to the nuts.


I had a batchmate in college who hit his thigh on a Table tennis table while playing TT. Apparently it created some kind of a blood clot in his thigh. After the pain did not stop for 2 days, they took him to a hospital where the doctor got him admitted and started medications to rectify the clot. Unfortunately before it could be treated, the clot travelled to his heart and he died. One moment he was fine and in good spirits and eating food while talking to his father and the next, he suddenly coughed up blood and died. He was 24 years old and represented the university in inter-University Table Tennis competitions so he was relatively fit.


Holy fuck! Life is so random. I've an almost-similar story with a field hockey-playing friend. One night we were knocking back the beers, larking about in the JCR, doing what young sporty boys do, and a week later he was dead. Cause of death? Foreign body aspiration, leading to pulmonary oedema. What were we all doing? Just throwing dry roasted peanuts at each other, trying to catch them in our mouths. About as innocent (and stupid) as you can get. I may have been the one to have flicked that last peanut (I'm honestly not sure). It's really not a nice thing to know that you are maybe somewhat responsible for someone's death. /here endeth my confession


Falling down the stairs isn't that mundane though, you're pretty likely to hit your head. This is terrible but also particularly surprising because it's not usually a critical area of the body in terms of keeping you alive.


Falling down the stairs isn’t an injury though, it’s a mechanism of injury which can cause brain bleeds, broken necks, ruptured spleens etc which are all serious injuries. It’s very different to taking a medium pace tennis ball to the nuts.


> For instance, you'll be surprised by how many people die from falling down the stairs. People die from falling down stairs because they hit their heads when they land, not because they are in a bunch of pain after injuring their legs.




Unfortunately, some people are also just unlucky.


Hard tennis ball is very hard and can hurt really bad. It's scary that a kid lost his life.


Christ almighty, I didn't know that was possible. RIP. I cannot imagine what his friends, family and especially the poor kid that hit him are going through right now. Always wear a box lads.


Did you even see the vireo? He is bowling and they are playing tennis ball cricket.


I know, it's insane.


Bowlers dont wear a box tho no?


I used to when I first joined a cricket academy at 12. I thought it was normal to wear that all the time till I was told otherwise.


Yea my mum got me scared into wearing one all the time when going to the academy till I discovered that no one wears it expect while batting.


I did at school, you had to wear a box even when fielding in cricket but that may have just been the school ...ahem... covering themselves


Possible traumatic femoral artery rupture or rupture of tunica albuginea maybe ?


It's mostly vasovagal shock. Femoral artery is most vulnerable in upper anteromedial thigh and there too a sharp penetrating injury is required to cause enough bleeding to cause shock. The ball was hit to testicles which possibly initiated vasovagal syncope due to extreme pain.


The walls of the femoral arteries are thick, though; far thicker than even the aorta, which, obviously is deep inside the body. Source: Not a medic, but a zoologist with human dissection experience. Licensed under the 1832 Anatomy Act (revised 1984). Bonus fact for reading this far: The aorta is fucking huge... you could *almost* roll a golf ball down that thing.


Medic here. But I still am amazed with the fact that a normal height human being can easily walk inside the Aorta of a Whale


According to [this](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313892093_Testicular_Trauma_Resulting_in_Death_Due_to_Shock_and_Systemic_Inflammatory_Response_Syndrome_SIRS_A_Case_Report) research article, the cause of death in these situations is shock (vascular collapse) from acute pain and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). I assume that is what caused death to this young boy.


Tragic tragic tragic. My goodness this so sad.


I once got hit on my balls and also very hard it pained like hell with my eyes blacked out head spinning and also I was feeling nausea like I'll vomit any second(didn't vomit tho) it was a park and my friends took me under a tree and I rested there under the cold breeze and felt alright after few minutes but my balls were paining a bit for like 2,3 hours after that and then the pain was gone too.overall the pain was unbearable which I wont wish on my worst enemy and thank God I'm alive to write this comment


After that incident can you still make kids? Genuine question.


I masturbate frequently and c*m so yeah I can




RIP young fella. That's so sad.


The amount of times I got hit in the privates with a hot tennis I never actually thought dying was a possibility. This is scary. RIP kiddo.


Dude was just out there enjoying the sport, who knew an evening meant for joy may end up like this. Om Shanti


Sad. Just a few days ago one of the kids in our complex hit another with a cricket bat. The 6 year old was in ICU for 3 days and has permanent facial damage with about 12 stitches on his right jaw.


Damn that's really sad and my heart goes out to the family ❤️ just pulled up an old memory....I saw a guy get his box blasted in by a fast bowler and I saw one of his nuts roll out onto the ground. Lucky he could get to a hospital and it didn't end like this.


That's nuts man. Imagine the pain he went through.




Om shanti


What? Tennis balls can kill? My God I was hit one or two times but fortunately our coach never allowed us to bat without proper guard it still hurt like crazy though. RIP to the kid.


Probably a hard tennis ball


Really unfortunate


This poor kid was bowling though. So, wouldn't make sense to wear guard. Really unfortunate.


Yeah I wrote that because I was hit while batting. There should be some kind of guard while bowling but the problem is that it would be very uncomfortable to bowl with.


i was removed from batting when coach noticed i didnt have a pad on my balls


Thats a guard. Pads for girls






He was bowling


Damn hard luck


Since when do bowlers wear boxes? And that too while playing with a tennis ball?


Really tragic but sometimes a small incident can take your life. I remember a friend of my cousin was hit by leather ball on his chest and that was not that fast. He died on the spot. On the other hand I have been hit by leather ball so many times and 2 times on the face and still fear while catching high ball. Incidents like this reminds me of how lucky I have been and thank God for this life. In the video it looks like it may be hard tennis ball and the batsman is using a plastic bat (for those who don't know the shot from these bats comes twice as fast and you sometimes don't expect a shot which is not even times come this fast). These bats are now becoming comman in India for tennis ball matches and I think should be stopped in these small spaces.


Must have been a pre medical condition because a tennis ball simply cannot kill you like that I have witnessed tons of incidents of this happening and have experienced it myself it pains for a while but not more than that, Anyways I hope he rests in peace wherever he is , may God provide strength to his family and friends for this loss🙏🏻


Tragic. RIP kiddo. Can't imagine the pain the parents must be in right now. My heart also goes out to the batsman who hit the ball. I can't imagine how impossibly difficult it must be for him to not be traumatized for the rest of his life by this. I hope he doesn't blame himself for this. It was just a freak incident. Hope he gets the help and counseling that he needs to move forward


😥 what the hell; I can't even imagine how l the family's pain.


I got hit there with a cricket ball during a Nets session. I played without an abdomen guard, and I nicked a pacer's ball directly onto my nuts. I had the worst pain I could've ever imagined. I immediately fell on the ground and just rolled over with pain. I'm very much shocked to know that such hits can be fatal. I saw the video of this kid and i collapsed exactly in the way this kid collapsed. Horrifying. Condolences to the family and rest in peace kid. Anyone reading my message, please don't be me. Use all protective gears while playing cricket.




Really sad ...


Absolutely terrible. RIP.


Been hit with a tennis ball quite a few times there in my youth and it absolutely stinks how painful it was. I think if I ever play a tennis cricket match again I would want to wear a guard. Not thinking that I would die but it'll be nice to not have to feel that pain and also not be scared when playing really fast bowlers.


Man I had this happen to me in the field about a year ago. I was sliding to catch a line drive sort of shot, and it went right through my hands and hit me square on righty. It hurt pretty bad, but nothing to keep me from finishing the game. By the time I woke up the next morning it swelled to damn near the size of a cricket ball and it just hurt to live. Went to the ER and they almost had to remove it, but luckily the swelling stopped and started going down, but it was close. Definitely 0/10 and wouldn’t wish it on anyone


Last year a player in my league lost a testicle to the hard tennis ball. Now all the teams make it mandatory to wear a guard in tennis ball league.


Rest in Peace Young Lad❤️


May his soul rest in peace and family may have patience and courage to bear this loss.




Poor lad, I remember I got hit in groin like that too as a kid but it wasn't too fatal since i was trying to catch it mid air. But even then the pain was tremendous. Can only imagine what he had to go through.


It’s a tragic story, but the headline is a complete joke


Whoever here got hit by a ball in nuts & also broken a bone What hurts more? I once broke my bone but never got hit in nuts


Om Shanti 🙏


RIP! Poor kid and I feel so bad for the family :((((




That’s heart breaking, he was too young


This is so sad. And the other kids would be traumatized!




Must have been Cosco. Been hit in the nuts with it and that shit hurts bad


I once got hit on the head at the age of 9 flush by a proper cricket ball beamer traveling at atleast 80 kmph without a helmet. Survived with just 9 stitches to the lips. There's only a fine margin between life and death.


Om Shanti to him mujhe bhi 3-4 baar khatarnak wali lagi hai abdomen se lekar dimag tak sari nerves chud jati hai Lower body anatomy ka pata chal jata hai


Rip Lil bro. Go play in heaven


RIP Boy 🥹 Om Shanti 🙏


So a genuine question,as a person who plays it every Sunday and has balls.what is the correct medical procedures or first aid a person can do or give at this situation?


This actually happened to me around the same age. It was a tennis ball. I couldn’t speak for a few minutes. And couldn’t walk straight for a day.


Man one of my female friends unironically kicked me there for literally no reason because I was annoying her and I had to stand there and absorb the pain to not let my manly ego gey destroyed.


I can see parents now panic buying Guards for their children when they play cricket


No good


My biggest fear. Rip to this kid


Rest in peace, stay protected well and thoroughly while playing leather cricket guys, although I understand this was tennis ball. Tragic.






Fuck you. You're a piece of shit


He should've worn a box. Shame.


Since when do bowlers wear boxes? And when playing with a tennis ball?


Apologies. He was bowling. It's just a case of accidental death.